Working at LIP / Practical Info
Travelling and Acquisitions
airplanemode_active Travelling
If you are going to travel please pay attention to the following steps:
- Make your request online through the appropriate platform “MISSÕES”. You can find it here. [Detailed instructions]
- After you generate “Processo de Viagem”, the PI will receive an e-mail in order to give his/her approval.
- Email your “processo de viagem” number to the responsible person in the Secretariat to whom you may ask for assistance in budgeting and acquisition of transport and lodgement.
- You are entitled to daily allowances for national and international missions (see details here).
- Other elegible expenses are conference fee; commuting travels – bus/metro/if nothing else available, táxi.
- Non-elegible expenses:
- expenses with no documents or without LIP’s taxpayer number;
- parking tickets;
- hotels over 3 stars and first class tickets.
If you are not sure of the elegibility of a specific expense ask before-hand to the Secretariat or Accounting Team.
- expenses with no documents or without LIP’s taxpayer number;
- If you plan to purchase directly any travel expenses, please confirm first with the Secretariat.
- Once the "processo de viagem" is “Autorizado” by your PI, you can no longer edit it. For further information contact the Secretariat.
- Check with the Secretariat, for flight or other means of transport (train or car) and lodgement acquisition.
To make the workflow swifter, be careful to provide the following information:
- The home institution of the mission, in case it’s not too obvious (if it’s not CERN, for e.g). [Field: Observações]
- Specify the task of the project. [Field: Objectivo]
- In case your mission takes part in national territory, specify the hours of departure and arrival. [Field:Observações]
- If you are presenting posters or other materials in conferences, please make sure you have the appropriate funding logos (search here).
- Deliver all the documents for reimbursement to the Secretariat.
- Deliver them timely.
- Valid documents for reimbursement should contain the following data:
- Name, LIP taxpayer number (NIF):
501694650 and the address (node depending). - Outside UE countries and Switzerland (NIF is not an obligatory requirement) please try to fit in the NIF along with the name and address of the company.
- Name and taxpayer number of the service supplier (whenever it’s possible).
- Your name.
- Name, LIP taxpayer number (NIF):
Please note:
- Hotel: only lodging up to 3 stars can be reimbursed. If you paid the hotel, bring back the invoice with your name and the LIP's name and taxpayer number. If you paid with debit/credit card deliver the payment ticket receipt.
- Travels: airplane, bring back boarding ticket; Deliver receipts from bus, metro, train, etc. Deliver any taxi receipt with LIP’s taxpayer number.
- In case you have used a taxi, specify the places of departure and arrival in the invoice/receipt delivered.
- Conferences: bring back the fee receipt and presence certificate (also mandatory). Note that these are usually 2 different documents.
- LIP cannot reimburse documents which do not comply to fiscal and projects funding rules.
- Please, make sure to follow the rules of publicity in the materials of communication. Funding agencies have the right to cancel payments if the rules are not followed.
local_grocery_store Aquisições/Acquisitions
monetization_on Travelling Allowances Table
- LIP cannot reimburse documents which do not comply to fiscal and projects funding rules.
- Please, make sure to follow the rules of publicity in the materials of communication. Funding agencies have the right to cancel payments if the rules are not followed.
LHC experiments and phenomenology