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Working at LIP / Practical Info

General and Practical Info for New Members

Welcome to LIP.

Here you find a comprehensive set of information meant to help you through the several steps you have to take when arriving at LIP and in Portugal.

Exploring the rest of the intranet you will also find information on LIP’s organisation and workings, as well as resources that will help you in your day-to-day work and life.

The goal is to make you feel part of the institution as quickly as possible and to create a friendly, healthy and efficient working environment.

Some important steps:

  1. You need to register as a new member.
    Fill in the form and get the confirmation of the principal investigator (PI).
  2. Check-in with Secretariat (Human Resources) and verify what documents are needed (identity card, passport).
  3. Contact the research group leader and find which room-office has been assigned to you.
  4. Check-in with the Computing/IT services, to create your e-mail account and setup your working area (IT Information for new users).

Find other LIP colleagues contacts here.

If you have a Contract

  • Scholarship
  • Contract

After register, check the insurances you are entitled to. For more details, please go here.

For IRS withholding tax purposes, you need to fill in and print the form “Declaração”. Deliver it already signed to the Secretariat (HR).

For foreign citizens, please check if you have been registered at Social Security Services, where you’ll get your social security number (NISS).

According to the value of your salary, you may be entitled to a monthly transport allowance between home ↔ workplace. Check with the Accounting Team if you are covered.

After six months of contract new employees are eligible to have two days per month corresponding to the previous 6 months. More info here


If you have a Scholarship

  • Scholarship
  • Contract

After register, check the insurances you are entitled to. For more details, please go here.

In case you have been awarded a LIP scholarship, please don’t forget to:


Coming from abroad?

If you have a foreign diploma you’ll need to get “Foreign Certificates Recognition” . Visit the following links from DGES site for more information:


European countries

After 3 months you need to get a residence card by requesting a certificate “Registo Cidadão Europeu”.
You can ask for this certificate in any LOJA LISBOA or Câmara Municipal de Lisboa (Entrecampos).

Non-European countries

To renew Residence Permit or extend your period of permanence: Please contact the Secretariat for updated information.

Useful Addresses

Lojas de Cidadão
Several services are available. Check which services are available and what are the opening hours. 

Odivelas Parque, Loja 2048, Estrada de Paiã, Casal do Troca, 2675-626 ODIVELAS
Working days: das 08:30h às 19:30h Sábados: das 09:30h às 15:00h

Rua Abranches Ferrão, 10 | 1600-001 Lisboa
Working days: das 08:30h às 19:30h; Sábados: das 09:30h às 15:00h.

Avenida Santo Condestável - Centro Comercial Pingo Doce Bela Vista Loja 34 | 1950-392 Lisboa
Working days: das 09:00h às 19:00h; Sábados: das 09:00h às 13:00h.

Study in Lisbon Lounge
This is a recent helpdesk especially designed for International Students and Researchers Services.

Praça Carlos Fabião 3, Escritório 3
GPS coordinates: 38.745985, -9.152591

(i) very close to LIP, across Av. Forças Armadas. It has several services (SEF; Registo Cidadão Europeu; etc. Check the timetable for each service in the website)

Segurança Social Direta
Online helpdesk for social security matters.


how_to_reg Register at LIP