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Information for New Users

LIP IT General Info

how_to_reg Registering new persons and/or user accounts at LIP

  • Applies to everybody:
    LIP staff, students, external collaborators, etc
  • Computing user accounts are only provided to LIP registered persons
  • Registration form or just go to the menu
    APPLICATIONS > ​New user registration
    • the form is meant to be filled by the new user
    • initial request to access IT resources/services can be performed in the registration form
    • initial registration of one notebook can also be performed in the registration form
  • Once registered further changes or requests to access further LIP IT services must be performed via e-mail: ​ helpdesk

storage LIP database of members, projects and scientific activities

  • Once a person is registered its profile can be consulted through the LIP Database
  • The LIP Database is available at:
    APPLICATIONS > ​ LIP Database
LIP Database

gavel Acceptable use Policy

security Security considerations

  • NEVER access the LIP services that require login from: systems that are not yours, systems or networks that are not trustable, systems or networks that are suspected of compromise
  • NEVER share your password or login credentials with other persons even if they are also LIP members (including LIP IT staff)
  • The LIP users are frequently targeted by attackers trying to steal LIP usernames and passwords
    • The LIP IT personnel will NEVER ask you for your passwords
    • Frequently these attempts appear as mail messages such as warnings of exceeded quota, or messages asking you to login with your username and password to renew your mail account, extend your quota, etc.
    • NEVER trust these messages, do not click on any link contained in them.
    • LIP does not send messages asking to update, renew, extend, increase your mail or Linux accounts.
    • LIP does not send exceeded quota messages or similar asking you to login on a given link.
    • In case of doubt ALWAYS contact ​ helpdesk

security Security considerations

  • NEVER access the LIP services that require login from: systems that are not yours, systems or networks that are not trustable, systems or networks that are suspected of compromise.
  • NEVER share your password or login credentials with other persons even if they are also LIP members (including LIP IT staff).
  • The LIP users are frequently targeted by attackers trying to steal LIP usernames and passwords
    • The LIP IT personnel will NEVER ask you for your passwords
    • Frequently these attempts appear as mail messages such as warnings of exceeded quota, or messages asking you to login with your username and password to renew your mail account, extend your quota, etc.
    • NEVER trust these messages, do not click on any link contained in them.
    • LIP does not send messages asking to update, renew, extend, increase your mail or Linux accounts.
    • LIP does not send exceeded quota messages or similar asking you to login on a given link.
    • In case of doubt ALWAYS contact ​helpdesk


LIP IT Shared Services

  • Network connection
    • Eduroam accounts
    • Wireless at 3Is
    • Ethernet Network at 3Is
    • Remote access to LIP-Lisbon
  • Computing
    • Computing farm
    • Cloud IaaS
  • Web - sites, apps & platforms
    • Personal web pages at LIP-Lisbon
    • Agenda (Indico)
  • Wiki
  • Mailing lists
  • Digital certificates X.509
  • Git
  • Printers at 3Is
  • Scanners at 3Is
  • Meeting rooms at 3Is
  • Mail at LIP-Lisbon
  • Data backups at LIP-Lisbon
  • Events support at LIP-Lisbon


  • queue_play_next Computing farm
    • Two computing services are currently available via SSH: – main computing service based on CentOS 7 – legacy computing service based on CentOS 6

      info_outline From the above login nodes you can access a batch computing farm, to which you can submit computing jobs.

  • cloud Cloud IaaS
    Through the cloud virtual machines can be made available for very specific applications
    (e.g. non-computing services such as web services, web pages, databases, etc)

The usage of these services is brokered through the LIP IT services.
All access and support requests are managed by LIP via​ helpdesk
More information


LIP has two main web sites:
Indico - events management platform
Manage events and meetings through this platform. - You can ask for the creation of new branches for projects, etc ask ​ helpdesk

Personal web pages at LIP-Lisbon
LIP supports personal web pages that are available at ​
  • To populate these pages create a directory named public_html under your Linux home directory and place in this directory the web files such as index.html and others;
  • these files will be transferred to ​
  • The personal web pages are only for content related to LIP working matters.
    Only static web content is supported



The LIP Public wiki (e.g. wiki for LIP users) is available at ​
You can request the creation of wiki areas for specific projects.
There you can also find information related to the LIP IT services and other practical information

brightness_auto Videoconference

LIP recommends the Colibri ZOOM service from FCCN
  • Click the button “Entrar”;
  • select “Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas” and login
    with your LIP username and password (the same user and password used to access Linux machines)

wifi Eduroam accounts

If you already have an eduroam account issued by any organization you can use it
LIP can also issue eduroam accounts to its members, please contact ​ helpdesk
Notice that LIP can only issue eduroam accounts to its own members (LIP contracted personnel, LIP researchers, students with PhD grants)

email Mailing lists

LIP operates a mailman system to manage mailing lists
New mailing lists can be created by contacting ​ helpdesk
  • The mailing lists once created must be populated and managed by the users themselves
  • NEVER send mail messages to a considerable number of addresses directly from your mail account as this can trigger the anti SPAM counter-measures at the receiving side; instead send your messages to a mailman mailing list; mailman shapes the delivery of the messages in a way that ensures that counter-measures are not triggered.

brightness_auto Digital certificates X.509

The Géant TCS pan-European service currently contracted enables LIP and other scientific and academic organizations to obtain digital X.509 certificates
Server digital certificates for specific machines and services under the domain
send a request with the fully qualified hostname to ​ helpdesk
Personnel digital certificates can be requested at
for grid (LHC / WLCG) choose certificate profile “GÉANT IGTF-MICS Personal”
for other uses (such as accessing the LIP purchases portal) choose certificate profile “GÉANT Personal Certificate”


LIP-Lisbon (3Is) IT INFO

IT support at LIP-Lisbon

Only via e-mail:helpdesk​ trouble tickets system (RT)

  • identify yourself with name and username
    send the request preferably from the LIP e-mail account
    provide detailed information about the issue

IT offices floor number 2:
  • 217 (central systems),
  • 215 (desktops, backups, web, network)
More information: see the "COMPUTING/IT" section



wifi Wireless at 3Is

As Três Mensageiras do Universo: Luz, Partículas, e Ondas Gravitacionais
Sessão pública online

LIP does not have a private wireless network, please use the eduroam wireless network instead

Eduroam wireless network

The eduroam wireless access points in the building are not managed by LIP, they belong to the University of Lisbon and are managed by the university IT services.
Existing eduroam credentials issued by LIP or any other organization should work as usual
Guests from other organizations that do not have eduroam accounts can ask for a guest account that has limited lifespan and scope limited to LIP-Lisbon premises; for Guest accounts contact ​ helpdesk​, the request must be performed by a member of the LIP staff that assumes responsibility for the usage


Remote access to LIP-Lisbon

When outside of the LIP network you can login via ssh to or to access your home directory and also to jump to other systems inside of the LIP network such as your desktop computer.
You can also use lnlip0[1-2] when logging in from eduroam, or when using the Guest network as these networks have limited access.
Since home directories are shared between desktops and the lnlip0[1-2] systems, any files transferred to lnlip0[1-2] will be also visible in the desktops.
The lnlip0[1-2] systems can only be used to transfer files and to jump to other internal systems, the use of lnlip0[1-2] to perform any type of computations is forbidden; computations should be performed using the computing farm, desktops or portable computers.


Ethernet Network at 3Is

To register ethernet devices (portable computers, desktops) contact: ​ helpdesk
- preferably send the message from your LIP e-mail account or from an account registered in your LIP database personal profile.

provide your identification:
name and username
provide the equipment type:
portable computer, desktop, etc
provide the equipment details:
Ethernet MAC address

Wall sockets are assigned to specific physical networks, do not mix them.

Guest Brown label:
can be used without registration (available at library room, meeting rooms)
Desktops Green label:
for registered desktops/workstations
Laptops Orange label:
for registered portable computers
Telephones Blue label:
  • the blue labeled wall sockets are only for the telephones
  • the telephones are managed by the university not by LIP
  • these sockets cannot be used to directly connect computers
  • however the telephones themselves have an ethernet cable attached that can be used to connect portable devices to the LIP Laptop network (same as an Orange network socket), these cables have limited network access.

info_outline Please note:

DO NOT connect devices to the ethernet network without being registered (exception is the Guest network).

DO NOT connect network switches and hubs to the network without authorization.

email Mail at LIP-Lisbon

LIP provides a web interface to access the mail service at:
info_outline Please note:

The SPAM filtering is enabled by default.

Configuring a mail agent
(your own desktop, notebook, smartphone, tablet)

  • Reading/Receiving e-mail
    IMAP Server:
    IMAP Port : 993
    Security: SSL

    NOTE: username and password are the same used to access the LIP Linux systems

  • Sending e-mail
    SMTP Server:
    SMTP Port: 587
    Security: STARTTLS/TLS

    NOTE: username and password are the same used to access the LIP Linux systems

printer Printers at 3Is

There are printers in each floor at the end of the left wing corridor.

info_outline Please note:

The printing service is only available when connected through LIP Ethernet network (does not work on eduroam)

Direct access to the printers is not supported, printing goes through the central CUPS print servers
In case of printing problem including toner or jam please contact ​ helpdesk

See COMPUTING/IT > Printers

Scanners at 3Is

  • HP color scanner
    (public Windows PC - support room - Floor number 3, room 312)
  • The photocopier of the administrative services
    (Floor 3 room 317)
  • can scan on black and white and send the scanned document via e-mail

Meeting rooms at 3Is

Two meeting rooms are available:
  • floor number 3 room 311 (seminar room)
  • floor number 4 room 407 (library)
The rooms must be booked in advance via the web:
APPLICATIONS > Room Reservation
For assistance and information regarding the IT equipment in the meetings rooms please contact well in advance helpdesk

Home directories at LIP-Lisbon

LIP provides shared Linux home directories that is visible in the desktops and login systems
When you login on the above systems your current working directory points to your shared home directory
The space of the home directories is limited and should be used mainly for documents, source code and small files; most groups have directory trees for larger files either at LIP or at NCG (for more details see further ahead in this document).

Personal web pages at LIP-Lisbon

To populate these pages create a directory named public_html under your Linux home directory and place in this directory the web files such as index.html and others; these files will be transferred to ​
The personal web pages are only for content related to LIP working matters
Only static web content is supported

Data backups at LIP-Lisbon

Data backups of the Linux home directories are performed every day overnight.
For data recovery or backup of other filesystems contact ​helpdesk
info_outline Please note:

For the backups to run normally you should be careful about file and directories names. File and directories naming best practices:

  • All file names are case sensitive. So filename vivek.txt Vivek.txt VIVEK.txt all are three different files.
  • You can use upper and lowercase letters, numbers, “.” (dot), and “_” (underscore) symbols.
  • You can use other special characters such as blank space, but they are hard to use and it is better to avoid them.
  • In short, filenames may contain any character except / (root directory), which is reserved as the separator between files and directories in a pathname. You cannot use the null character (so pay attention to your scripts when you generate files/dirs in your code).
  • No need to use . (dot) in a filename. Some times dot improves readability of filenames. And you can use dot based filename extension to identify file.

Events support at LIP-Lisbon

Technical and administrative support to the organization of events is limited, the conditions are available at ​here
To request support fill in the description E-Form (New Event Support Request)