Michele Gallinaro
Researcher ( LIP Lisboa )
Email: michele.gallinaro@cern.ch
- 2006-present: Researcher, LIP Lisbon
- 2012-present: Invited Professor, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon
- 2010-2019: Adjunct Faculty/Guest Investigator, The Rockefeller University
- 1999-2006: Research Associate, The Rockefeller University
- 1997-1998: PostDoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania
- Habilitation, Full Professor, Italy (2019)
- Habilitation, Associate Professor, Italy (2014)
- Ph.D. University of Rome (1996)
- Laurea, University of Rome (1990)
2006-present CMS experiment: pp collisions at 7, 8 and 13 TeV
- Standard Model: Vector Boson Scattering, Exclusive processes (ttbar, tautau)
- Higgs boson: observation (2012), HH production
- Beyond the standard model (BSM): Dark matter, charged Higgs, Higgs pairs
- Timing detectors: Precision Proton Spectrometer, MIP Timing Layer
- Top quark: cross section, mass, taus, heavy flavor content
- Photon identification and inclusive cross section
1992-2012 CDF experiment:proton-antiproton collisions at 1.8 TeV and 1.96 TeV
- Preshower, Electromagnetic calorimeter, Plug calorimeter, Forward detectors
- Charged Higgs search
- Observation of the top quark with electrons, muons, taus
1988-1991 SLD experiment: e^+e^- collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 90 GeV