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Funded Projects / details

Tomógrafo PET humano de alta sensibilidade e baixo custo: testes de viabilidade

Code POCI/SAU-OBS/61642/2004

Beneficiary Entity

LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas

Project summary


Support under


Region of Intervention




Total eligible cost

€ 47,160.00

EU financial support

€ 0.00

Funding LIP

€ 0.00

National public financial support

€ 0.00









Efficiency of RPC detectors for whole-body human TOF-PETArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Positron Range Effects on the Spatial Resolution of RPC-PETInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
RPC-PET: status and perspectivesArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Sensitivity assessment of wide axial FOV PET systems via Monte Carlo simulations of NEMA–like measurementsArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Very high position resolution gamma imaging with Resistive Plate ChambersArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published


Efficiency of RPC detectors for whole-body human TOF-PETOral presentation in international conference
High resolution PET with Resistive Plate ChambersOral presentation in international conference
Positron Emission Tomography with timing Resistive Plate Chambers: status and perspectivesSeminar
Positron Range Effects on the Spatial Resolution of RPC-PETPoster presentation in international conference
RPC-PET: a new technology for human and animal PETOral presentation in national or international meeting
RPC-PET: a new technology for human and animal PETOral presentation in international conference
RPC-PET: a new technology for human and animal PETOral presentation in international conference
RPC-PET: a new technology for human and animal PETOral presentation in national or international meeting
RPC-PET: status and perspectivesOral presentation in international conference
Sensitivity assessment of wide axial FOV PET systems via Monte Carlo simulations of NEMA–like measurementsPoster presentation in international conference
TOF-PET com detectores gasososSeminar


Workshop sobre Reconstrução de Imagem em PETWorkshop (obsolete)2007-02-08 / 2007-02-08


Desenvolvimento de um protótipo RPC-PET
Medida da resolução temporal de um detector gasoso RPC destinado a TOF-PET
Simulação da biodistribuição, aniquilação e escape de fotões PET no corpo humano


Alberto Blanco Castro
Américo Manuel de Almeida Pereira
Antero José Pena Afonso de Abrunhosa
Armando José Ponce de Leão Policarpo
Carlos Manuel Bolota Alexandre Correia
Custódio Francisco de Melo Loureiro
Filomena Maria da Costa Clemêncio
João Carlos Sousa Rodrigues Silva
João José Pedroso Lima
Jorge Miguel Tavares Couceiro de Sousa
José M. A. Pinhão
Luís Alberto Vieira Lopes
Nuno David de Sousa Chichorro da Fonseca Ferreira
Nuno Miguel Vasconcelos Costa Carolino
Paulo Jorge Ribeiro da Fonte
Rui Ferreira Marques