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Funded Projects / details

Física em LHC

Code POCI/FP/63420/2005

Beneficiary Entity

LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas

Project summary


Support under


Region of Intervention




Total eligible cost

€ 36,000.00

EU financial support

€ 0.00

Funding LIP

€ 0.00

National public financial support

€ 0.00









CHARGE AND CP SYMMETRY BREAKING IN TWO HIGGS DOUBLET MODELSArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)accepted
CHARGE BREAKING BOUNDS IN THE ZEE MODELArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)accepted
Contributions from dimension six strong flavor changing operators to top anti-top, top plus gauge boson, and top plus Higgs boson production at the LHCArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)accepted
Flavour changing strong interaction effects on top quark physics at the LHCArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)accepted
LHC sensitivity to top properties beyond the SMInternational Conference Proceedingssubmitted
Probing anomalous Wtb couplings in top pair decaysArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)submitted
Strong flavour changing effective operator contributions to single top quark production (10)Article in international journal (with direct contribution from team)accepted


CERN- Forward-Backward asymmetry in top quark decaysOral presentation in collaboration meeting
CERN- Preliminary Results on FCNC top decaysOral presentation in collaboration meeting
CERN- Preliminary results on single top FCNC decaysOral presentation in collaboration meeting
CERN- Search for FCNC top quark decaysOral presentation in collaboration meeting
CERN- Study of ATLAS sensitivity to FCNC top decaysOral presentation in collaboration meeting
CERN- Study of FB Asymmetries in top decaysOral presentation in collaboration meeting
CERN- Study of the sensitivity of ATLAS to single top FCNC decaysOral presentation in collaboration meeting
CERN- Study of the sensitivity to the Forward-Backward Asymmetry in top decaysOral presentation in collaboration meeting
CERN-Asymmetries in quark top decaysOral presentation in collaboration meeting
CERN-Study of ATLAS sensitivity to FCNC top decaysOral presentation in collaboration meeting
CERN-Study of the Atlas sensitivity to angular asymmetries in top quarkOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Contributions from dimension five and six effective operators to flavour changing top physicsOral presentation in international conference
Contributions from flavour changing effective operators to the physics of the top quark at LHCOral presentation in international conference
Determining top couplingsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Física do quark top na experiência ATLASPresentation in national conference
IST-O quark top em ATLASSeminar
Status report on the top FCNC studies at the LHCOral presentation in international conference
Studies of top quark decay asymmetriesOral presentation in international conference
Study of ATLAS sensitivity to FCNC decays in single top eventsPoster presentation in international conference
Study of ATLAS sensitivity to FCNC top decaysOral presentation in international conference
Study of ATLAS sensitivity to FCNC top quark decaysPoster presentation in international conference
Study of top anomalous couplings and FCNC with the ATLAS detectorOral presentation in international conference
Top asymmetries studiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Top physics at the LHC: testing SM in ttbar and single top productionOral presentation in international conference
Top properties beyond the SMOral presentation in international conference
TREE-LEVEL VACUUM STABILITY IN MULTI HIGGS MODELSOral presentation in international conference
Wtb Anomalous Top Quark CouplingsOral presentation in international conference


TOP2006-International Workshop on Top Quark PhysicsWorkshop (obsolete)2006-01-12 / 2006-01-15


Amélia Arminda Teixeira Maio
António Joaquim Onofre de Abreu Ribeiro Gonçalves
Augusto M. C. A. Barroso
Filipe Manuel Almeida Veloso
João Afonso Ribeiro Ferreira Bastos
João Carlos Lopes Carvalho
João Carlos Sousa Rodrigues Silva
Nuno Filipe da Silva Fernandes de Castro
Orlando Olavo Aragão Aleixo Neves de Oliveira
Pedro Miguel Martins Ferreira
Renato Batista Guedes Júnior
Rui Alberto Serra Ribeiro dos Santos