BTL Electronics | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
BTL Electronics | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Changes between TOFHIR2X and TOFHIR2B | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Digital test-pulse and first laser tests with T2TB on CCv1 | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
First experimental results with the version TOFHIR2X of the front-end ASIC of the MTD/BTL detector in the CMS experiment | Oral presentation in international conference |
Report from RUproto2 testing | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Results with the TOFHIR2X version of the front-end ASIC of the CMS Barrel Timing Layer | Oral presentation in international conference |
SEE in lpGBT: consequences for BTL | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Status of T2TBX and FEv2X testing | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TOFHIR2 status and plan | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Update on TOFHIR testing at LIP | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |