Accurate timing of gamma photons with high-rate Resistive Plate Chambers | Poster presentation in international conference |
An analytical description of rate effects in timing RPCs | Oral presentation in international conference |
Ceramic high-rate timing RPCs | Oral presentation in international conference |
Desenvolvimento de câmaras de placas resistivas para física nuclear de altas energias e imagiologia de radioisótopos | Presentation in national conference |
Electrically Shielded Timing RPCs for HADES | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
HADES experiment: Di-lepton spectroscopy in p+p (2.2 GeV) and C+C (1 and 2 A GeV) collisions | Oral presentation in international conference |
High resolution PET with Resistive Plate Chambers | Oral presentation in international conference |
High-rate ceramic timing RPCs | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
New high-rate RPC technologies and applications of RPCs to other fields | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
On the deterministic and stochastic solutions of Space Charge models and their impact on high resolution timing | Oral presentation in international conference |
RIGEL: an Rpc-like sIgnals GEnerator for Laboratory testing | Oral presentation in international conference |
RPC status | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
RPC Status report (detector/FE/DAQ) | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
RPC: Beam and cosmic test results | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
RPC: Construction status, summary and general outlook | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
RPC: K detection and wall design | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Spatial resolution of a small animal RPC-PET prototype | Oral presentation in international conference |
TOF-PET com detectores gasosos | Seminar |
Very high position resolution gamma imaging with Resistive Plate Chambers | Oral presentation in international conference |
Very high rate timing RPCs for CBM TOF | Oral presentation in national or international meeting |
Very high rate timing RPCs for CBM TOF | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |