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Investigando as interações entre o bosão de Higgs e o W com ATLAS Open Data | Poster presentation in national conference |
Como ver particulas invisiveis | Outreach seminar |
EFT studies in the top quark sector (and beyond) | Oral presentation in international conference |
Física Experimental de Partículas com o detector ATLAS | Student presentation in advanced training event |
(pequenos) Big Bangs no LHC | Outreach seminar |
(pequenos) Big Bangs no LHC | Outreach seminar |
(pequenos) Big Bangs no LHC | Outreach seminar |
15ª International Masterclasses in Particle Physics | Outreach seminar |
15ª International Masterclasses in Particle Physics | Outreach seminar |
15ª International Masterclasses in Particle Physics | Outreach seminar |
2-particle correlations in pp with rejection of jet particles - Comments | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
90 Segundos de Ciência | Outreach seminar |
A Física de Partículas: de que é que somos feitos? | Outreach seminar |
A origem do Universo e o CERN da questão | Outreach seminar |
A procura de Partículas no CERN | Outreach seminar |
Accelerating the TopoCluster Algorithm | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Accelerating the TopoCluster Algorithm | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Action items from pre-approval | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
AFP central exclusive production dijet trigger | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
AFP central exclusive production dijet trigger | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
AFP Trigger Efficiency | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
AFP trigger for dijet central exclusive production | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
AFP trigger for dijet central exclusive production | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
AFP trigger for dijet central exclusive production | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
AFP trigger for dijet central exclusive production | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Alternative way to search for ttH production with H->bb at the HL-LHC | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Analysis strategy update | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Analysis Update | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Angular observables as a probe of the Spin/CP structure of the HWW vertex | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Anomaly detection in Collider searches | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Anomaly detection in the Mono Top Channel | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Anomaly detection in the Mono Top Channel | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Application of modern computing architectures for jet reconstruction (first online experiences) | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Assessing impact of systematics in CP and STXS analyses | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
ATLAS Open Data | Outreach seminar |
ATLAS public engagement: The CERN Open Days experience | Poster presentation in international conference |
ATLAS results in fully-hadronic diboson final states | Seminar |
ATLAS Status Report | Oral presentation in national or international meeting |
ATLAS: Higgs and Heavy Ion Physics | Oral presentation in national or international meeting |
ATLAS: Introduction to LIP-ATLAS activities | Oral presentation in national or international meeting |
ATLAS: Top precision measurements and searches for exotic particles at ATLAS | Oral presentation in national or international meeting |
B-jet triggers in Run3 | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Bad HV | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
BDTG Optimization - Production signal region | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
BDTG training studies @ Production signal region | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
BDTG training studies @ Production signal region | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Bjet trigger | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Bjet triggers | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Bjet triggers in the Pb+Pb 2018 run | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Boosted Higgs boson reconstruction in WH associated production | Student presentation in advanced training event |
Boosted Higgs boson reconstruction in WH associated production | Student presentation in advanced training event |
Bosão de Higgs: uma janela para o desconhecida | Outreach seminar |
Bug fix in dilepton ttb normalization | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Bug fix in dilepton ttb normalization | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Bug fix in ttb fractions systematic uncertainty | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Bug fix in ttb fractions systematic uncertainty | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Bug fix in ttb fractions systematic uncertainty | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Bug fix in ttb fractions systematic uncertainty | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
C-tag EV0 pull investigations | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
C-tag EV0 pull investigations | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
C-tagging for ttH(bb) legacy analysis | Oral presentation in national or international meeting |
Caminho do Z | Outreach seminar |
Collective dynamics of heavy ion collisions in ATLAS | Poster presentation in international conference |
Collective dynamics of heavy ion collisions in ATLAS | Poster presentation in international conference |
Combined Calibration Run-2 | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Combining PC and CC streams | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Como estudar as partículas? Aceleradores, detectores e actividade experimental: o bosão Z (e o bosão de Higgs) | Outreach seminar |
Como vemos as partículas? Actividade experimental: o bosão Z (e o Higgs) | Outreach seminar |
Comparing decorrelation schemes for 4FS vs 5FS systematic in ttbb Sherpa pseudo dataset | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Comparing decorrelation schemes for 4FS vs 5FS systematic in ttbb Sherpa pseudo dataset | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Computing Software OTP Review | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Constraining CP of the top-Higgs coupling | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Control and signal regions implementation | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
CP odd analysis status report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
CP-odd ttH(bb) analysis in the l+jets channel | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
CxAOD 33 validation - boosted reconstruction (32-15 vs. 33-00 w/ EMTopo, MV2c10, 201810 timestamp) | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
CxAOD 33 validation - boosted reconstruction (32-15 vs. 33-00 w/ EMTopo, MV2c10, 201810 timestamp) | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
CxAOD 33 validation - boosted reconstruction (32-15 vs. 33-01 w/ EMTopo, MV2c10, 201810 timestamp) | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
CxAOD 33 validation - boosted reconstruction (32-15 vs. 33-01 w/ PFlow + different taggers) | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
D/CxAOD validation | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Data Quality Report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Data Quality Report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Data Quality Report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Data Quality Report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Data Quality Report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Data Quality Report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Data Quality Report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Data Science in High Energy Physics | Oral presentation in international conference |
DCS for M-week 1 | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
DCS Machine replacement | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
DCS Machine replacement | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
DCS of ATLAS Roman Pots Upgrade for Run 3 | Poster presentation in national or international meeting |
DCS On-Call Report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
DCS On-Call Report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
De que são feitas as coisas? | Outreach seminar |
Decorrelating ttb NLO generator and PS systematics between tt+1b/2b | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Decorrelating ttb NLO generator and PS systematics between tt+1b/2b | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Deep Learning as a tool for Generic searches at Colliders | Oral presentation in national or international meeting |
Deep Learning for the Classification of Quenched Jets | Oral presentation in international conference |
Deep Neural Networks applications in experimental physics data analysis | Student presentation in advanced training event |
Detecção de anomalias como teste de novos fenómenos de física nos dados da experiência ATLAS do CERN | Student presentation in advanced training event |
Detector Control System for TileCal Phase II | Poster presentation in national or international meeting |
Detectores e Aceleradores | Outreach seminar |
Determination of the Higgs CP properties in hadron colliders | Poster presentation in national or international meeting |
Dijet AFP trigger chain | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Dijet AFP trigger chain | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Dijet APF trigger chain - validation plots for AFP track reconstruction | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Dijet APF trigger chain - validation plots for AFP track reconstruction | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Dimuon L1Track emulation | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Dimuon L1Track emulation | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Dimuon L1Track emulation | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
DQ reports | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
DQ reports | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
DQ reports | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Effect of modelling systematics on yields and 5FS pseudo data tests | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
EFT combination status | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Emulation of HLT_muX triggers | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Event selection studies in the 1L channel & 1L fit input validation | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
FCNC and EFT interpretations at LHC | Oral presentation in international conference |
Final BDTG training studies @ Production signal region | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Final report of HTT Qualification Task | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
First attemp at adding more bins in lepton+jets CP regions | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
First look at Higgs-tagging efficiency in 1L channel | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Física de Partículas: a ponte entre o infinitamente grande e o infinitamente pequeno | Outreach seminar |
Física de Partículas: ¿de qué estamos hechos? | Outreach seminar |
Física do quark top e do bosão de Higgs (Top quark and Higgs Boson Physics) | Student presentation in advanced training event |
Física do quark top e do bosão de Higgs (Top quark and Higgs Boson Physics) | Student presentation in advanced training event |
Fit results with validation regions | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Fit studies - Background only with control and signal regions | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Fitting different discriminant variables | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Fitting different discriminant variables | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Fitting Higgs pT with full systematics | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Full Event Distances | Oral presentation in national or international meeting |
Further comparisons between STXS and CP analyses strategies | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Further investigations on CP vs STXS differences | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Getting the public closer to the experimental facilities: How Virtual Reality helps HEP experiments engage public interest | Oral presentation in international conference |
Global EFT efforts: fits and related systematics | Oral presentation in international conference |
GNN application to the Higgs ML Kaggle Dataset | Oral presentation in advanced training events |
Hands on Particle and Light For Life (Workshop IDPASC/LIP) | Oral presentation in advanced training events |
Hands-On Higgs | Oral presentation in advanced training events |
HDBS WG Status Report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Heavy Ions Results from ATLAS in Run 2 of LHC | Seminar |
Heavy Ions with the ATLAS Experiment | Seminar |
Higgs and beyond the Standard Model searches at the LHC | Oral presentation in advanced training events |
Higgs Physics 1 | Oral presentation in advanced training events |
Higgs Physics 3 | Oral presentation in advanced training events |
Higgs-tagging efficiency studies in 1 lepton | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
High Level Trigger Jets | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Highlights from the EPS Conference | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
HLT CEP Trigger Status | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
HLT CEP Trigger Status | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
HLT CEP Trigger Status | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
HLT EMTopo vs. HLT EMPFlow (A second comparison) | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
HLT EMTopo vs. HLT PFlow (A comparison) | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
HLT EMTopo vs. HLT PFlow (A first comparison) | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
How to do a PhD | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
How to do a PhD | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
HQT 3l EB request | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
HQT 3l EB request | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
HQT 3l EB request | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
HQT 3l EB request | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
HTT dimuon triggers | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
HTT dimuon triggers | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Hunting for new physics with dibosons at the LHC | Seminar |
Introduction from Run Coordinator | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Introduction to C++ | Oral presentation in advanced training events |
Introduction to Higgs Physics at the LHC | Seminar |
Introduction to Higgs Physics at the LHC | Oral presentation in advanced training events |
Investigations c-tagging for ttH(bb) legacy | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Investigations c-tagging for ttH(bb) legacy | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Investigations of pulls in background-only fit | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Investigations of pulls in background-only fit | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Jet Measurements in Heavy Ion Collisions with the ATLAS Experiment | Oral presentation in international conference |
Jet Measurements in Heavy Ion Collisions with the ATLAS Experiment | Oral presentation in international conference |
Jet trigger signature for Run-3 | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Job Options - Signal generation | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Job Options - Signal generation | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
L1Track performance studies | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
L1Track performance studies (Plot approval) | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Laser Calibration for 2017 Data Reprocessing | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Laser Calibration for 2017 Data Reprocessing | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Laser Calibration for 2017 Data Reprocessing | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Laser Calibration for 2017 Data Reprocessing | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Laser calibration for the reprocessing | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Laser calibration for the reprocessing | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Laser calibration for the reprocessing | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Laser calibration for the reprocessing | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Laser II calibration | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Laser II Calibration | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Lepton channels comparison | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Lepton channels comparison | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
LHC - Past highlights and the next decade | Oral presentation in advanced training events |
LIP contribution to ttH(bb) legacy analysis | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
LIP contribution to ttH(bb) legacy analysis | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
LIP Status | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
LIP Status | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
LIP Status | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
LIP Status | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
LIP Status | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
LIP Status | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
LIP team and current work | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
LIP's Contributions to HTT | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
LIP/Valencia Expression of Interest: Searches with Anomaly Detection in Monotop/hadronic final states | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Looking at injecting SM pulls in CP analysis | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Machine Learning at Colliders | Seminar |
Machine Learning in Collider Physics | Seminar |
Machine Learning in Particle Physics | Seminar |
Machine Learning in the Search for New Physics Phenomena at the LHC | Poster presentation in national or international meeting |
Machine Learning Methods to measure the quantum numbers of the Higgs interaction to W bosons | Student presentation in advanced training event |
Machine Learning na Física de Altas Energias | Presentation in national conference |
Measurement of the associated production of a Higgs boson decaying to b-quarks with a top quark pair in pp collision at sqrt(s)=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Measurement of the azimuthal anisotropy of charged particle production in Xe+Xe collisions at $sqrt{s_{mathrm{NN}}}$=5.44 TeV with the ATLAS detector | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Measurement of the azimuthal anisotropy of charged particle production in Xe+Xe collisions at $sqrt{s_{mathrm{NN}}}$=5.44 TeV with the ATLAS detector | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Measurements of Higgs boson production using decays to b-quarks with the ATLAS detector | Oral presentation in international conference |
Measuring CP in STXS analysis regions | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Meeting Chair | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Menu on-call shift report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Menu on-call shift report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Methods for Anomaly Detection in Collider Searches | Oral presentation in national or international meeting |
Monte Carlo validation | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
More on Xbb calibration on ttbar events | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Muon code review | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Muon code review | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Muon code review and documentation | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Muon code review and documentation | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Neutrino pz reconstruction and dYWH definitions | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
New physics searches @ LHC | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
New results on the modification of jet structure in Heavy Ion collisions | Oral presentation in international conference |
New results on the modification of jet structure in Heavy Ion collisions (multiexperiment) | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
News from the Hadronic Calibration Workshop | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Novel flavour-changing neutral currents in the top quark sector | Poster presentation in international conference |
Novos ingredientes do Universo | Outreach seminar |
Novos ingredientes do Universo | Outreach seminar |
O Universo e a Física de Partículas - actividade experimental: o bosão Z (e o Higgs) | Outreach seminar |
O Universo e a Física de Partículas | Outreach seminar |
O Universo e a Física de Partículas | Outreach seminar |
O Vazio e o Bosao de Higgs | Outreach seminar |
O Vazio e o Bosao de Higgs | Outreach seminar |
Operation and Performance of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter | Oral presentation in international conference |
Opposite-sign Multilepton | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Opposite-sign Multilepton - Milestone meeting | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Optics Ageing Studies: Dose Maps Update | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Optics Ageing Studies: Dose Maps Update | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Optics Ageing Studies: Dose Maps Update | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Optics Aging Study | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Optics Aging Study | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Optics Aging Study | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Optics Robustness | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Optics Robustness | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Optics Robustness | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Optics robustness at the sub-cell level | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Os desafios da Física de Partículas | Outreach seminar |
Overview of Heavy Ions from the ATLAS Experiment | Oral presentation in international conference |
Overview of Higgs Physics Results from ATLAS | Oral presentation in international conference |
Palestra “À Caça das Partículas | Outreach seminar |
Palestra “À Caça das Partículas | Outreach seminar |
Para alem do Bosao de Higgs | Outreach seminar |
Partículas elementares e forças fundamentais: o LHC | Outreach seminar |
Partículas elementares e forças fundamentais: o LHC | Outreach seminar |
Past and Future Challenges for Distributed Computing at the ATLAS Experiment on the Iberian Peninsula | Oral presentation in international conference |
Performance of bjet reconstruction in pp@5TeV | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Performance of bjet reconstruction in pp@5TeV | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
PFlow and PLV comparison with Data and all MC samples | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Physics at the limit: The ATLAS Experiment at the LHC | Seminar |
Physics with the ATLAS Forward Detectors | Oral presentation in national or international meeting |
PMT linearity studies | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
PMT linearity study | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
PMT linearity study | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Portuguese team VH(bb) analysis interest | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
PP OSML VLQ meeting with EB | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Probing the CP nature of the Higgs coupling to top quarks with the ATLAS experiment | Poster presentation in national or international meeting |
Probing the CP nature of the top-Higgs coupling in ATLAS | Oral presentation in advanced training events |
Probing the SM (and beyond) with Forward Proton Tagging at ATLAS | Seminar |
Probing the SM (and more) with Forward Proton Tagging @ ATLAS | Seminar |
Probing the Standard Model and Beyond at the LHC | Oral presentation in advanced training events |
Probing the Standard Model and Beyond at the LHC | Oral presentation in advanced training events |
Pruning studies and first look at the new ntuples | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Pseudodata injecting SM pulls | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Pseudodata injecting STXS analysis pulls | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Public Plots: Combined Calibration Run-2 | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Public plots: Laser Systematic Uncertainties | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Public Plots: Optics Ageing Study | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Public Plots: Optics Ageing Study | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Public Plots: Optics Ageing Study | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Public Plots: Optics Ageing Study | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Public Plots: Optics Ageing Study | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Public Plots: Optics Ageing Study | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Public Plots: Survey of the TileCal linearity using Laser Calibration System | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Public Plots: Systematic Uncertainties on Laser Calibration of ATLAS TileCal | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Pythia and Herwig studies @ Production and Decay | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Radiation Damage to Scintillators and Fibres: LIP Status and Plans | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Radiation hardness of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter optical components | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Radiation hardness of the atlas tile calorimeter optical components | Poster presentation in international conference |
Rare event detection in High Energy Physics | Oral presentation in national or international meeting |
Release 22: objects and analysis updates | Oral presentation in national or international meeting |
Report for TileCal activities during M3 | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Report for TileCal activities during M4 | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Results from the Higgs Searches at the LHC | Seminar |
Review of LAr Fwd Data Prep and Analysis OTPs | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Reweighted 5FS pseudo data tests | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Reweighted ttb subcomponents 5FS pseudo data tests | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
ROOT Tutorial | Oral presentation in advanced training events |
Search for a CP-odd top quark Yukawa coupling with the ATLAS experiment | Oral presentation in advanced training events |
Search for a heavy Higgs boson decaying into a Z boson and another heavy Higgs boson in the llbb and llWW final states in pp collisions at sqrt(13) TeV with the ATLAS detector | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Search for CP-odd ttH production in the H -> bb decay channel | Poster presentation in national or international meeting |
Search for CP-odd ttH production in the H->bb decay channel | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Search for CP-odd ttH production in the H->bb decay channel | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Search for CP-odd ttH production in the H->bb decay channel with ATLAS | Student presentation in advanced training event |
Search for CP-odd ttH production in the H->bb decay channel with ATLAS | Poster presentation in national or international meeting |
Search for FCNC interactions at the LHC | Oral presentation in national or international meeting |
Search for FCNC tqZ couplings at 13 TeV | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Search for Flavour Changing Neutral Currents interactions in the tZq vertex with the ATLAS Experiment at 13 TeV | Poster presentation in national or international meeting |
Search for Flavour Changing Neutral Currents interactions in the tZq vertex with the ATLAS Experiment at 13 TeV | Poster presentation in national or international meeting |
Search for flavour-changing neutral currents tZq interactions in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV collected with the ATLAS detector | Poster presentation in national or international meeting |
Search for flavour-changing neutral currents tZq interactions in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV collected with the ATLAS detector | Oral presentation in advanced training events |
Search for heavy fermions with the ATLAS experiment | Oral presentation in advanced training events |
Search for new interactions on the top quark sector | Oral presentation in advanced training events |
Search for new interactions on the top quark sector | Oral presentation in advanced training events |
Search for tZq FCNC couplings at 13 TeV with 139/fb | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Search for tZq FCNC couplings at 13 TeV with 139/fb - Editorial Board Request | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Search for tZq FCNC couplings at 13 TeV with 139/fb - Pre-approval request | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Search for vector-like quarks at the LHC | Seminar |
Search for vector-like quarks with the ATLAS Experiment | Poster presentation in national or international meeting |
Search for vector-like quarks with the ATLAS Experiment | Oral presentation in advanced training events |
Sensitivity of the ATLAS experiment to anomalous interactions between the Higgs and W bosons | Poster presentation in national conference |
Sensitivity to anomalous HWW couplings at ATLAS | Poster presentation in national or international meeting |
Sensitivity to HWW anomalous couplings at ATLAS | Poster presentation in national or international meeting |
Sherpa systematic - checking different binnings | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Sherpa systematic - checking different binnings | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Signal and control regions | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Signal generation | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Signal generation | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Signal region production optimization | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Signal regions implementation | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Slim ntuples | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Status of LOMAC/LIP infrastructure | Oral presentation in national or international meeting |
Status of the ttH(bb) leptonic CP-odd/even analysis | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Studies of the CP properties of the Higgs boson at the ATLAS experiment | Oral presentation in international conference |
Study of the Spin/CP properties of the Higgs coupling to W bosons with ATLAS at the LHC | Oral presentation in advanced training events |
Systematic Errors on Laser Calibration of ATLAS TileCal | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Systematic Errors on Laser Calibration of ATLAS TileCal | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Systematic Errors on Laser Calibration of ATLAS TileCal | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Systematic Errors on Laser Calibration of ATLAS TileCal | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Systematic Uncertainties on Laser Calibration of ATLAS TileCal | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Systematic Uncertainties on Laser Calibration of ATLAS TileCal | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Test splitting tH | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Testing different decorrelation schemes for ttb 4FS vs 5FS, NLO generator and PS systematics | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Testing different decorrelation schemes for ttb 4FS vs 5FS, NLO generator and PS systematics | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Testing ttb Sherpa NLO generator systematic | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Testing ttb Sherpa NLO generator systematic | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
The ATLAS Hardware Track Trigger: from fast simulation to physics performance | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
The European Frontier of Particle Physics | Presentation in national conference |
The Higgs boson Decays to b- quarks and more... | Oral presentation in advanced training events |
The Higgs boson: what do we know about it? | Seminar |
Tile Calorimeter DCS | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Tile Calorimeter DCS | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Tile Calorimeter DCS | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Tile Calorimeter DCS | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Tile Calorimeter DCS | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Tile Calorimeter DCS | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Tile Calorimeter DCS | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Tile Calorimeter DCS - LS2 | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Tile Calorimeter: Past | Seminar |
Tile Calorimeter: Past, Present and Bridges to Future | Seminar |
Tile-Mu HL-LHC Studies | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Tile-Mu HL-LHC Studies Plans | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal - Discussion on M4 preparation | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal DCS on-call expert training | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal M3 Daily Meeting | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal M3 Daily Meeting | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal M3 Daily Meeting | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal M3 Daily Meeting | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal M4 Daily Meeting | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal M4 Daily Meeting | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal M4 Daily Meeting | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal M4 Daily Meeting | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal Operations, Calibration, Performance and Upgrades | Oral presentation in national or international meeting |
TileCal Optics Robustness | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal Optics Robustness | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal Optics Robustness | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal Optics Robustness | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal Optics Robustness | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal PMT Linearity Study using Data 2016-2019 | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal RC report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal RC report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal RC report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal RC report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal RC report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal RC report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal RC report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal RC report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal RC report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal RC report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal RC report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal RC report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal RC report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal Status Report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal Week Computing | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TMDB | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TMDB | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TMDB | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TMDB | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TMDB | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TMDB | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TMDB | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TMDB | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TMDB | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TMDB | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TMDB | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TMDB software update for RUN3 | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TMDB status | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TMDB status | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TMDB to L1Muon trigger simulation inputs | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Top Physics | Oral presentation in advanced training events |
Top-quark physics | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
tqZ FCNC: PFlow and PLV comparison | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
ttb generator systematic based on aMC@NLO sample - bootstrapping studies | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
ttb generator systematic based on aMC@NLO sample - bootstrapping studies | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
ttb generator systematic based on Sherpa 2.2.1 sample | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
ttb generator systematic based on Sherpa 2.2.1 sample | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
ttb generator systematic based on Sherpa 2.2.1 sample - bootstrapping studies | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
ttb generator systematic based on Sherpa 2.2.1 sample - bootstrapping studies | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
ttb generator systematic based on Sherpa 2.2.1 sample - bootstrapping studies | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
ttb generator systematic based on Sherpa 2.2.1 sample - bootstrapping studies | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
ttb generator systematic based on Sherpa 2.2.1 sample - bootstrapping studies | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
ttb generator systematic based on Sherpa 2.2.1 sample - bootstrapping studies | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
ttc PS pull investigation | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
ttc PS pull investigation | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
ttH(bb) actions items from Higgs unblinding approval request | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
ttH(bb) CP action items | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
ttH(bb) CP action items | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
ttH(bb) CP analysis status | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
ttH(bb) CP analysis status | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
ttH(bb) CP-odd analysis action items | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
ttH(bb) CP-odd analysis update | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
ttH(bb) CP-odd analysis update | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
ttH(bb) CP-odd analysis update | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
ttH(bb) status report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
ttH(bb) STXS and CP analyses joint report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
ttH(bb) STXS validation regions | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
ttHbb analysis towards paper publication | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Tutorial LHC Open Data | Outreach seminar |
Tutorial LHC Open Data | Oral presentation in advanced training events |
tZ FCNC search with 2015-2016 data set and beyond | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Uncertainties on the Laser Calibration of ATLAS TileCal | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Update from LIP | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Update on 5FS pseudo data tests | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Update on 5FS ttb weighted pseudo data tests | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Update on dY-cut study in 1L | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Update on Higgs selection efficiency and first rejection plots | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Update on Statistical Analysis | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Update on W+jets studies, ttH(bb) weekly | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Update to new baseline | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Update to new baseline | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Updates on lepton+jets ttH(bb) CP | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter High Voltage System | Poster presentation in international conference |
Validation | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Validation regions for production case | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
VLQLimits framework | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
What is the nature of our universe? What it is made of? | Outreach seminar |
WLS Fibers for Gap-Crack | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
WLS fibres for MBTS | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Working in a large scientific collaboration | Outreach seminar |
WSMaker for VHbb boosted | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
WSMaker for VHbb boosted and very preliminary fit results | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |