AmBe analysis for water-phase alpha-n analysis validation | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
AmBe Statistical Analysis | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Analysis of the July 2018 Internal+External Laserball Scans | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Analysis of the June/July 2018 Internal&External Laserball Scans | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Anti-neutrinos in scintillator - overview | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Antineutrino analysis summary | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
BiPo214 Tagging Efficiency in the 0nuBB ROI | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Discussion on DP Calibration Systems | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
DUNE laser calibration requirements | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
DUNE: Probing the origin of matter with neutrino oscillations | Seminar |
Extended Water Analysis Report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Final tests with the New Optics Parameters | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
First look at LS data | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
First look at scintillator data | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Goals and other notes for water analyses | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Introduction to Calibration session | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Ionization laser alternative designs update | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Ionization laser system: ideas to improve coverage for end-wall periscopes | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Ionization laser: end-wall alternatives | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Laser coverage calculations | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Laser coverage of field cage | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Laser scope reduction proposal | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Laser system overview (focus on ionization system) | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Laserball Orientation Analysis | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Likelihood Analysis for Signal Extraction of the 7Be Solar Neutrinos | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
LS background summary | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
LS phase background summary | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Materials needed for testing | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Measurement of Te130 Two-Neutrino Double Beta Decay Half-Life with the SNO+ Experiment | Oral presentation in advanced training events |
Measurement of Te130 Two-Neutrino Double Beta Decay Half-life with the SNO+ Experiment | Oral presentation in advanced training events |
Neutrons and non-Argon materials | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Neutrons in water - towards the paper | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
O que os neutrinos nos podem dizer sobre o Universo | Outreach seminar |
O que os neutrinos nos podem dizer sobre o Universo | Outreach seminar |
O que os neutrinos nos podem dizer sobre o Universo | Outreach seminar |
Optics Constants from the Int+Ext Laserball Scans | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Optics Workshop Introduction | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Preliminary Analysis of the Laserball External Scan | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Reactor status and to-do list | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Run Selection tools update | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Spatial Constraints for Calibration HW | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Summary of partial fill workshop | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Summary of the Analysis of the July2018 Internal+External Laserball Scans | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Summary of Water Analysis and Backgrounds | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Technical Design Report Status | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Tests on the Acrylic Attenuation | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
The Optical Calibration of SNO+ with the Laserball | Seminar |
Understanding the Universe with Neutrinos and Astroparticles | Oral presentation in advanced training events |
URM #5 update | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Water calibrations and optics | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Water-phase alpha-n analysis | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Water-phase reactor antineutrino analysis | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |