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Funded Projects / details

Jets as quark gluon plasma probes

Code CERN/FIS-PAR/0022/2017

Beneficiary Entity

LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas

Project summary


Support under


Region of Intervention




Total eligible cost

€ 30,000.00

EU financial support

€ 0.00

Funding LIP

€ 0.00

National public financial support

€ 0.00









From prompt to direct J/psi production: new insights on the chi(c1) and chi(c2) polarizations and feed-down contributions from a global-fit analysis of mid-rapidity LHC dataArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Models with extended Higgs sectors at future e(+)e(-) collidersArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
New physics searches with heavy-ion collisions at the LHCArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
NRQCD colour-octet expansion vs. LHC quarkonium production: signs of a hierarchy puzzle?Article in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Overview of jet quenching and energy loss in heavy-ion collisions International Conference Proceedingspublished
Probing the time structure of the quark-gluon plasma with top quarksArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Recent progress on the understanding of the medium-induced jet evolution and energy loss in pQCDInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
Sensitivity of jet substructure to jet-induced medium responseArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
The Large Hadron-Electron Collider at the HL-LHCArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Unveiling the yoctosecond structure of the QGP with top quarksInternational Conference Proceedingspublished


Dynamics of quarks and gluons in a hot and dense mediumSeminar
Heavy-Ions PhenomenologyPresentation in national conference
Jet quenching and background effects on jet substructureOral presentation in international conference
Jets in QCD matter: Monte Carlo approaches (Plenary)Oral presentation in international conference
Overview of jet quenching and energy loss in heavy-ion collisions (invited)Oral presentation in international conference
Probing the time structure of the QGP (invited)Oral presentation in international conference
Unveiling the yoctosecond structure of the QGP with top quarksOral presentation in international conference


New observables and techniques for the study of jets in hadron collisions
Searching for jet quenching in small systems
Study of a New Resolution Method in the Hybrid Strong/Weak Coupling model
Topic modelling for jets


Bruno Miguel Tavares Lopes da Silva
Filipa Cavaco Reis Peres
João Lourenço Henriques Barata
João Nuno Ramalho Gonçalves Pires
João Pedro de Arruda Gonçalves
José Guilherme Teixeira de Almeida Milhano
Korinna Christine Zapp
Liliana Marisa Cunha Apolinário