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Funded Projects / details

Collaboration in the ATLAS experiment

Code CERN/FIS-PAR/0008/2017

Beneficiary Entity

LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas

Project summary


Support under

Reforçar a investigação, o desenvolvimento tecnológico e a inovação

Region of Intervention




Total eligible cost

€ 313,000.00

EU financial support

€ 0.00

Funding LIP

€ 0.00

National public financial support

€ 0.00









Performance of the ATLAS Trigger System in 2015Article in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Combination of the Searches for Pair-Produced Vectorlike Partners of the Third-Generation Quarks at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS DetectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Computing shifts to monitor ATLAS distributed computing infrastructure and operationsInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
Constraints on mediator-based dark matter and scalar dark energy models using sqrt(s) = 13 TeV pp collision data collected by the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Control System For ATLAS TileCal HVRemote BoardsInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
CP tests of Higgs couplings in tth semileptonic events at the LHCArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Detector Control System for the AFP detector in ATLAS experiment at CERNInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
Evidence for the H to bb decay with the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Jets in heavy ion collisions with the ATLAS detectorInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
Measurement of jet p(T) correlations in Pb+Pb and pp collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Measurement of the ttbarZ and ttbarW cross sections in proton-proton collisions at sqrt s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)submitted
Measurement of the W polarization in tt events from pp collisions at sqrt(s)=8 TeV in the lepton+jets channel with ATLASArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Multi-Threaded Algorithms for GPGPU in the ATLAS High Level TriggerInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
Observation of H -> b(b)over-bar decays and V H production with the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Observation of Higgs boson production in association with a top quark pair at the LHC with the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Operation and performance of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter in Run 1Article in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Optics robustness of the ATLAS Tile CalorimeterInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
Probing the CP nature of the Higgs coupling in ttH events at the LHCInternational Conference Proceedingsaccepted
Probing the CP nature of the Higgs coupling in tth events at the LHCInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
Probing the CP nature of the Higgs coupling in tth events at the LHCArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Recent highlights in top quark and Higgs boson physics from the LHCInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
Search for charged Higgs bosons decaying into top and bottom quarks at $sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Search for flavour-changing neutral current top-quark decays t -> qZ in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Search for large missing transverse momentum in association with one top-quark in proton-proton collisions at $sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Search for pair and single production of vectorlike quarks in final states with at least one Z boson decaying into a pair of electrons or muons in pp collision data collected with the ATLAS detector at root s=13 TeVArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Search for pair production of heavy vector-like quarks decaying into high-(PT) W bosons and top quarks in the lepton-plus-jets final state in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson decaying to b-quark pairs with the ATLAS detector at the LHCArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Search for the standard model Higgs boson produced in association with top quarks and decaying into a b(b)overbar pair in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Study of ttH production with H?bb at the HL-LHCArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)submitted
The AFP Detector Control SystemInternational Conference Proceedingsaccepted
The High Voltage distribution system of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter and its performance during data takingArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Triggering on hadronic signatures in the ATLAS experimentInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
Triggering on hadronic signatures in the ATLAS experiment - Developments for 2017 and 2018International Conference Proceedingspublished


High Voltage power supplies, regulation and distributionOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Original studies on the Tile fiber rad hardness from the current perspectiveOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ttH(bb) Pseudo data fits in l+jetsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
4.6 HVPSOral presentation in collaboration meeting
A experiência ATLASOutreach seminar
A Experiencia ATLASOutreach seminar
A experiência ATLAS do CERNOutreach seminar
A Fisica de ParticulasOutreach seminar
A Física de Partículas e o CERNOutreach seminar
A Física do CERNOutreach seminar
A Fisica Experimental de ParticulasOutreach seminar
A Nova Fisica e o Bosao de HiggsSeminar
À procura de matéria escura no LHCOutreach seminar
accelerating scienceOutreach seminar
accelerating scienceOutreach seminar
Acelerar a CienciaOutreach seminar
Acelerar a CienciaOutreach seminar
Adding support for heavy ion events in b-tagging codeOral presentation in collaboration meeting
AFP + jet trigger statusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
AFP near and far stations: edge definitionOral presentation in collaboration meeting
AFP near and far stations: edge definitionOral presentation in collaboration meeting
AFP near and far stations: edge definitionOral presentation in collaboration meeting
AFP Trigger StatusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
AFP Trigger StatusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
AFP Trigger StatusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
AFP Trigger StatusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
AFP Vacuum, Cooling and Movement system - updatesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Analysis of heavy-flavour jets in HIOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Application of modern computing architectures for jet reconstruction (first online experiences)Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Applying b-tagging algorithms to heavy ion eventsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Applying b-tagging algorithms to heavy ion eventsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ATLAS Forward Proton: Status and PlansOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ATLAS Forward Proton: Status and PlansOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ATLAS Forward Proton: Status and PlansOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ATLAS Forward Proton: Status and PlansOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ATLAS heavy-ion studies at LIPPoster presentation in national conference
ATLAS OverviewPresentation in national conference
ATLAS OverviewOral presentation in national or international meeting
ATLAS Qualification Work: L1 TriggerOral presentation in collaboration meeting
B-jet trigger and Fast TracKerOral presentation in collaboration meeting
b-jets trigger menu for the pp reference runOral presentation in collaboration meeting
B-tagging and hh → 4b trigger prospects with HTTOral presentation in collaboration meeting
b-tagging for heavy ion events: Athena implementationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
b-tagging for heavy ion events: Athena implementationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
b-tagging for heavy ion events: Athena implementation - updateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
b-tagging for heavy ion events: Athena implementation - updateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
b-tagging for heavy ion events: Athena implementation - updateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
b-tagging for heavy ion events: Athena implementation - updateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
b-tagging for heavy ion events: Athena implementation - updateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
B-tagging in heavy ion eventsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
b-tagging in heavy ion eventsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
B-tagging in heavy ion events: moving forwardOral presentation in collaboration meeting
B-tagging in heavy ion events: updateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
b-tagging in heavy ion events: updateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
B-tagging in heavy-ion eventsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
B-tagging in heavy-ion eventsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
B-tagging in heavy-ion eventsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
B-tagging in heavy-ion eventsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
B-tagging in heavy-ion eventsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
B-tagging in heavy-ion eventsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
B-tagging in heavy-ion eventsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
B-tagging in heavy-ion events: updateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
B-tagging in PbPb: updateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Bjet algorithms in the ToF hypoOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Bjet triggersOral presentation in collaboration meeting
bjets Triggers in the pp Reference RunOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Boosted hh->bbbb at the FCC-hhOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Caçadores de PartículasOutreach seminar
Caçadores de PartículasOutreach seminar
Caçadores de Particulas - a fisica a mais alta energiaOutreach seminar
Calo/jet/met trigger online expert reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Calo/jet/met trigger online expert reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Calo/jet/met trigger online expert reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Calo/jet/met trigger online expert reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Caminho do WOutreach seminar
Combined Performance reports - CaloCombinedOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Comments in CDSOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Comparison between versions 14 and 5 of the single-top ntuplesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Control System For ATLAS TileCal HVRemote BoardsPoster presentation in international conference
CP-discriminant observables for ttH(bb)Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
CP-even/CP-odd interpolation validationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
CP: morphing, HTop workshop, April 2019Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Dados livres do CERN: recursos educativosOutreach seminar
Data Quality - Combined Performance Report for CALO CombinedOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Data Quality - Combined Performance Report for CALO CombinedOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Data Quality - Combined Performance Report for CALO CombinedOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Data Quality ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Data Quality ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Data Quality ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Data Quality ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Data/MC in ttH(bb) dileptonOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS (DCS STATUS)Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS - StatusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS - StatusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS - StatusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS - StatusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS on call reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS on call reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS on call reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS on call reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS on call reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS on call reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS On-CallOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS On-CallOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS On-CallOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS On-CallOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS on-call reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS on-call reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS on-call reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS on-call reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS on-call reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS on-call reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS on-call reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS report (DCS on-call report)Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS StatusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS STATUS/On-call ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS STATUS/Test BeamOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS Upgrade Meeting/Tile Calorimeter DCSOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS upgrade to WinCC 3.15 in YETSOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS on call reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS on call reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS on call reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS on call reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
De que são feitas as coisas?Outreach seminar
Decision in Exclusive Jet triggerOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Desafios e oportunidades no upgrade do HL-LHC do CERNPresentation in national conference
Dilepton resolved statusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Do infinitamente grande ao infinitamente pequenoOutreach seminar
Drawbacks of pure datapath LVPS monitoring (DCS concerns for LVPS monitoring)Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Early career scientist board report. Coll-MtgOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Effects of low dose ratesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Effects of low dose ratesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Exclusive Jet Trigger - Status ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Exclusive Jet Trigger - Status ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Exclusive Jet Trigger ChainOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Exclusive Jet Trigger Control PlotsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Exclusive Jet Trigger Status UpdateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Exclusive Jet Trigger with ToFOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Exclusive jet triggersOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Exploring the full potential of the TileCalorimeterSeminar
Expression of interestOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Extending reference histograms to new jet collections and MC samplesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Fake estimateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Fake lepton: Status reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Fake studiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Fakes systematics and correlation schemesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
FCNC t->qZOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Fiber OrderOral presentation in collaboration meeting
FibersOral presentation in collaboration meeting
FibersOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Fibers for E3/E4 replacementOral presentation in collaboration meeting
First steps towards the measurement of the t ->W s branching ratioOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Follow-up on the AuxBoard#12 event of 19 October 2017Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Follow up on HGTD in the HL-LHC HI runsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
FTK for low-ET single jet chainsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
FTK for low-ET single jet chainsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
FTK for low-ET single jet chainsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
GAP/CRACK FibersOral presentation in collaboration meeting
GAP/CRACK Fibers: Quotations KurarayOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Hbb and beyondOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Heavy Flavour JetsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Heavy Flavour JetsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Heavy Flavour jets + muon+jet triggersOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Heavy ionsSeminar
HGTD in the Heavy Ion Program Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Higgs hands-on and research opportunities in LIP ATLAS groupOutreach seminar
Higgs Physics at ATLAS/LIPPresentation in national conference
Higgs trilinear coupling in boosted di Higgs productionPoster presentation in national conference
High Voltage Power SuppliesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
High Voltage power supplies, regulation and distributionOral presentation in collaboration meeting
High voltage system statusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
HLT Exclusive Jet TriggerOral presentation in collaboration meeting
HLT Exclusive Jet TriggerOral presentation in collaboration meeting
HLT Exclusive Jet TriggerOral presentation in collaboration meeting
HLT Exclusive Jet TriggerOral presentation in collaboration meeting
HLT Exclusive Jet TriggerOral presentation in collaboration meeting
HLT Exclusive Jet Trigger w/ ToFOral presentation in collaboration meeting
HLT jetexc validationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
How to do a PhD (or otherwise be new to ATLAS)Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
How to modify tagging parameters in the optimization framework?Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
HTT Performance Studies: HH->bbbbOral presentation in collaboration meeting
HYPATIA Hands OnOutreach seminar
Improvement of fake jet rejection at trigger level using the TileCal gap/crack scintillatorsPoster presentation in national conference
In Physics Position FlagOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Interplane alignmentOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Interplane alignmentOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Interplane alignment: SelectionOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Interplane alignment: SelectionOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Interpolation between CP-even and CP-odd samplesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Introducao a Fisica de ParticulasOutreach seminar
Introducao a Fisica de ParticulasOutreach seminar
Introducao a Fisica de ParticulasOutreach seminar
Introduction to Higgs Physics at the LHCSeminar
Introduction to Higgs Physics at the LHCSeminar
Investigação no DF: o LIP e a Experiência ATLAS do LHCOutreach seminar
Iões pesados no LHC-ATLASOutreach seminar
Jet monitoring in the HI runOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Trigger Software Validation ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Trigger Software Validation ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Trigger Software Validation ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Trigger Software Validation ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Trigger Software Validation ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Trigger Software Validation Shift ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Trigger Software Validation Shift ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Trigger Software Validation Shift ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Trigger Software Validation Shift ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Trigger Software Validation Shift ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Trigger Software Validation Shift ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Trigger Software Validation Shift ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Trigger Software Validation Shift ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Trigger Software Validation Shift ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Trigger Software Validation Shift ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Trigger Software Validation Shift ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Trigger Software Validation Shift ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Trigger Software Validation Shift ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Trigger Software Validation Shift ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Trigger Software Validation Shift ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Trigger Software Validation Shift ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Trigger Software Validation Shift ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Trigger Software Validation Shift ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Trigger Software Validation Shift ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet trigger status and rates allocationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet/MET/Calo expert on-call: Weekly reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet/MET/Calo expert on-call: Weekly reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet/MET/Calo expert on-call: Weekly reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet/MET/Calo expert on-call: Weekly reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet/MET/Calo expert on-call: Weekly reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet/MET/Calo expert on-call: Weekly reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet/MET/Calo expert on-call: Weekly reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet/MET/Calo expert on-call: Weekly reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet/MET/Calo on-call reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet/MET/Calo on-call reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet/MET/Calo on-call reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet/MET/Calo on-call reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet/MET/Calo on-call reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet/MET/Calo on-call reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet/MET/HLTcalo Trigger On-Call Expert ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet/MET/HLTcalo Trigger On-Call Expert ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet/MET/HLTcalo Trigger On-Call Expert ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet/MET/HLTcalo Trigger On-Call Expert ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet/MET/HLTcalo Trigger On-Call Expert ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet/MET/HLTcalo Trigger On-Call Expert ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet/MET/HLTcalo Trigger On-Call Expert ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet/MET/HLTcalo Trigger On-Call Expert ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jets in heavy-ion collisions with the ATLAS detectorOral presentation in international conference
Jets in heavy-ion collisions with the ATLAS detectorOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jets in pp and XeXe data takingOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet cleaningOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet cleaning and pT spectra in p+Pb@8 TeV dataOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet cleaning in pp@5TeV dataOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet cleaning in pp@5TeV dataOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet monitoring for reprocessingOral presentation in collaboration meeting
L+jets: pseudodata fitsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
L1 Trigger: Looking at the NSC and FSC triggersOral presentation in collaboration meeting
L1 Trigger: Testing different efficienciesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
L1 Trigger: Tracks and hit plotsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
L1 Trigger: Tracks and hit plotsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
L1 Triggers Efficiencies at AFP: UpdateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
L1 Triggers Efficiencies at AFP: UpdateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Large-R jet smearingOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Laser Calibration for 2018 data reprocessingOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Laser Calibration for 2018 data reprocessingOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Latest Higgs Results from ATLASOral presentation in international conference
Latest news from the Higgs FrontSeminar
Lepton fakes tool: Comparison between jets and b-jetsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
LHC Highlights in Top and Higgs PhysicsOral presentation in international conference
Little Bangs at LHCSeminar
LOMaC - Laboratory for Optics and Scintillating MaterialsPoster presentation in national conference
LV and HV Power SuppliesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Measurement of the branching ratio of t rightarrow sW with ATLASPoster presentation in national conference
Measurements of Higgs boson production using decays to two b-quarks with the ATLAS detectorOral presentation in international conference
Measuring the CP structure of the top Yukawa coupling in ttH events at the LHCOral presentation in international conference
Minimum Bias AnalysisOral presentation in collaboration meeting
MonitoringOral presentation in collaboration meeting
News from ionization dose mapsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
News from the Higgs FrontSeminar
Non-boosted dilepton status reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
O bosão de HiggsSeminar
O Bosao de Higgs e euOutreach seminar
O bosao de Higgs e euSeminar
O bosao de Higgs ou A materia e o vazioOutreach seminar
O LHC do CERN - a maquina dos infinitosOutreach seminar
O método científico: ponto de vista de um físico experimental de partículasOutreach seminar
O que é a matéria?Outreach seminar
O Universo da Fisica de ParticulasOutreach seminar
O Vazio e o Bosão de HiggsOutreach seminar
O Vazio e o Bosao de HiggsOutreach seminar
O vazio e o bosao de HiggsOutreach seminar
Offline MonitoringOral presentation in collaboration meeting
On-call ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
On-call Report/Milestone Week 13Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Opposite Sign Multilepton Analysis - Unblinded resultsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Opposite Sign Multilepton Analysis - Unblinded resultsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Opposite-sign Multilepton - Milestone meetingOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Optics robustness of the ATLAS Tile CalorimeterOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Optics robustness of the ATLAS Tile CalorimeterOral presentation in international conference
Organization of the CERN CollaborationsOutreach seminar
Overlay of t-tbar MC on Pb+Pb minimum bias data?Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Palestra sobre detectores e aceleradoresOutreach seminar
Palestra sobre detectores e aceleradoresOutreach seminar
Para alem do bosão de Higgs?Outreach seminar
Partículas elementares e forças fundamentais: o LHCOutreach seminar
PID estimates through the projected HGTDOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Planos Física do quark topOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Plans and timeline for the monotop paper with 2015+2016 datasetOral presentation in collaboration meeting
PMT linearity studiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Power cut recoveryOral presentation in collaboration meeting
pp@5 TeV data taking Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Probing the CP nature of the Higgs couplings in ttH events at the LHCPoster presentation in national conference
Probing the Standard Model and Beyond at the LHCOral presentation in advanced training events
Probing the Standard Model and beyond with the top quarkSeminar
Prospects for HGTD for HL-LHC-HIOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Public Plots: Laser constant evolution in 2017 and 2018Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Public Plots: Laser constant evolution in 2017 and 2018Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Public Plots: Radiation damage to Scintillators and FibresOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Quarkonia produced in Heavy Ions from the ATLAS ExperimentOral presentation in international conference
Radiation Damage on ScintillatorsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Radiation Damage on ScintillatorsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Radiation Damage on ScintillatorsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Radiation Damage on ScintillatorsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Radiation damage to Scintillators and FibresOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Recognition study group - Topic 1Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Recognition study group - Final results from the ECSB 2018 surveyOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Recognition study group - Results from the ECSB 2018 surveyOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Rel 21 vs Rel 20.7Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Results from the Higgs Searches at the LHCSeminar
Review of Software and Computing OTPsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Review of the Site Status BoardOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Search for FCNC t to qZ decaysPoster presentation in national conference
Search for FCNC top-quark decays to qZPresentation in national conference
Search for Flavour Changing Neutral Currents using tZ final state at 13 TeVOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Search for flavour changing tZ interactions in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Search for flavour changing tZ interactions in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Search for flavour-changing neutral currents tZ interactions in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV collected with the ATLAS detectorPoster presentation in international conference
Search for flavour-changing tZ interactions in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeVOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Search for heavy fermions with LHC dataPoster presentation in international conference
Search for heavy fermions with LHC dataPresentation in national conference
Search for heavy fermions with the ATLAS experimentPoster presentation in national conference
Search for heavy fermions with the ATLAS experimentOral presentation in national or international meeting
Search for heavy fermions with the ATLAS experimentOral presentation in national or international meeting
search for monotop events VLT and DM interpretationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Search for new interaction at the top quark sectionPoster presentation in international conference
Search for new interactions in the top quark sector at the Large Hadron ColliderPresentation in national conference
Search for new interactions in the top quark sector at the Large Hadron ColliderOral presentation in national or international meeting
Search for new interactions in the top quark sector at the Large Hadron ColliderOral presentation in national or international meeting
Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in  H produc on with the ATLAS detectorPresentation in national conference
Search for ttH production and measurement of top-Higgs coupling properties with the ATLAS experimentOral presentation in national or international meeting
Search for ttH production with H ? bb at ?s = 14 TeV with the ATLAS Phase-II detectorOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Search for ttH production with H ? bb at ?s = 14 TeV with the ATLAS Phase-II detectorOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Search for ttH production with H ? bb at ?s = 14 TeV with the ATLAS Phase-II detectorOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Search for ttH production with H ? bb at ?s = 14 TeV with the ATLAS Phase-II detectorOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Search for ttH production with H ? bb at ?s = 14 TeV with the ATLAS Phase-II detectorOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Search for ttH production with H ? bb at ?s = 14 TeV with the ATLAS Phase-II detectorOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Search for ttH production with H ? bb at ?s = 14 TeV with the ATLAS Phase-II detectorOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Search for ttH production with H ? bb at ?s = 14 TeV with the ATLAS Phase-II detectorOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Search for tZ production via Flavour Changing Neutral Currents with the ATLAS Experiment at 13 TeVPoster presentation in national conference
Search for tZ production via Flavour Changing Neutral Currents with the ATLAS Experiment at 13 TeVPoster presentation in national conference
Search for tZ production via Flavour Changing Neutral Currents with the ATLAS Experiment at 13 TeVPoster presentation in international conference
Search for vector-like quarks decaying to a Z boson with the ATLAS experimentPoster presentation in national conference
Search for vector-like quarks decaying to a Z boson with the ATLAS experimentPoster presentation in international conference
Searches for rare top quark couplings with the ATLAS detectorOral presentation in international conference
Sherpa samples comparisonOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Signal Region splittingOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Signal studiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Signal studiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Software Upgrade AccountingOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Status and PlansOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Status and plans for DCSOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Status and plans for DCS and ELMB++ (DCS STATUS)Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Status of HVPSOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Status of HVPSOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Status of systematics implementationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Status of the HV remote systemOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Status of the HV remote systemOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Status updates on HV Distribution Boards and HV Remote boardsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Study of Higgs pair production at the 4b quarks final state at 100 TeV for the FCC-hhOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Study on W+jets uncertaintiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Summary of the plans for the search for vector-like quarks with the full run-2 datasetOral presentation in collaboration meeting
t bar tH dileptonic production at ATLASPoster presentation in national conference
t->qZ LHC-HL preliminary lookOral presentation in collaboration meeting
t->qZ LHC-HL statusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
t->qZ Pre-approval FCNC tqZ (HL-LHC)Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
TB season 4Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
The AFP Detector Control SystemOral presentation in international conference
The AFP Detector Control SystemPoster presentation in international conference
The ATLAS Hardware Track Trigger Design towards first prototypesPoster presentation in international conference
The Higgs boson adventure continues...Seminar
The Portuguese participation in the upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider at CERNPresentation in national conference
Tile DCS requirements discussion (Tile Calorimeter DCS Phase II)Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Tile light yield and uniformityOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Tile light yield and uniformityOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Tile(Tile Calorimeter DCS Phase II)Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
TileCal DCS on-call expert trainingOral presentation in collaboration meeting
TileCal Operation and Maintenance Weekly Meeting - DQ Leader ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
TileCal Operation and Maintenance Weekly Meeting - DQ Leader ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
TileCal Operation and Maintenance Weekly Meeting - DQ Leader ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
TileCal Operation and Maintenance Weekly Meeting - DQ Leader ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
TileCal ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
TileCal ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ToF ToolOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Top quark PhysicsPoster presentation in national conference
Top-quark FCNC in production and decay processesOral presentation in international conference
Tornar visivel o invisivelOutreach seminar
Towards a post-processing of JetFitter decay chain for HI eventsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
tqZ contribution from Berlin LIP Tbilisi and StockholmOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Track and Trigger study for the AFP near and far stationsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Track and Trigger study for the AFP near and far stations: Status reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Track and Trigger study for the AFP near and far stations: Status reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Track and Trigger study for the AFP near and far stations: Status reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Tracks in ToF hypoOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Trigger Chain ImplementationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Trigger Chain Implementation StatusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Triggering on hadronic signatures in the ATLAS experiment - Developments for 2017 and 2018Poster presentation in international conference
TrigHTTFastSimTruth – towards first prototypeOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ttH coupling CP in l+jets and dileptonOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ttH CP-odd studiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ttH production and Higgs-top coupling properties at the LHC with the ATLAS experimentPresentation in national conference
ttH production in ATLAS Phase-IIPoster presentation in national conference
ttH search with run 2 dataOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ttH(bb) analysis status (ttH CP-structure)Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
tZ trileptonic Flavour Changing Neutral Currents analysis at 13 TeVOral presentation in collaboration meeting
tZ via FCNC - Status reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
tZ via FCNC - Status reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Update DCS statusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Update on b-tagging for heavy ion eventsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Upgrade SoftwareOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Validation in gamma-jet sampleOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Validation of pp reprocessingOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Vertexing configuration for ToF hypoOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Vertices in ToF hypoOral presentation in collaboration meeting
VHbb MVA 012L combined fit: validation of the 0 lepton v06 fixed inputsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Vizualisador de Eventos - HYPATIAOutreach seminar
VLQ dilepton analysisOral presentation in collaboration meeting
W+jets uncertainties in the l+jets channelOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Weekly run meetingOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Weekly run meetingOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Weekly run meetingOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Weekly run meetingOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Weekly run meetingOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Welcome and logisticsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
What can the Higgs boson tell us about the Standard Model and beyond?Seminar
Z+jets CR redisignOral presentation in collaboration meeting


7th ATLAS single top-quark workshopCollaboration Meeting2018-12-10 / 2018-12-12


An efficient particle physics data analysis framework for homogeneous and heterogeneous platforms
Background studies for the ttH searches
Background studies for the ttH searches (Z+jets)
Efficient processing of ATLAS events analysis in homogeneous and heterogeneous platforms with accelerator devices
Interplay between collider and astrophysical signals of non-minimal composite Higgs models
Pesquisa de decaimentos raros do quark top na experiência ATLAS do LHC
Probing the CP nature of the Higgs couplings to top quarks at the Run 2 of the LHC
Probing the Higgs Top quark couplings in ttH dileptonic events with four or more b jets at the LHC
Produção associada do bosão de Higgs com quarks top em ATLAS no LHC
Prospects for the HL-LHC of the measurement of the top quark couplings in the ttbar dileptonic channel
Prospects for the HL-LHC of the measurement of the top quark couplings in the ttbar semileptonic channel
Search for Dark Matter in Monotop Events at the Large Hadron Collider
Search for Dark Matter in Monotop Events at the Large Hadron Collider
Search for heavy fermions with LHC data
Search for highly boosted Higgs bosons decaying to b quarks in ATLAS
Search for new interactions in the top quark sector
Study of the ATLAS sensibility to anomalous Spin/CP components in the HWW vertex
Study of the ATLAS sensibility to new physics contributions in the Hbb and Hbbγ vertices
Study of the CP properties of the Higgs coupling to top quarks with ATLAS at the LHC.
Study of the ttH production and Higgs couplings to Top quarks in the ATLAS experiment


Ademar Tavares Delgado
Agostinho da Silva Gomes
Aidan Sean Kelly
Amélia Arminda Teixeira Maio
Ana Luísa Moreira de Carvalho
Ana Paula Pereira Peixoto
André João Mauricio Leitão do Valle Wemans
André Martins Pereira
André Reigoto da Costa
António Joaquim Onofre de Abreu Ribeiro Gonçalves
António Manuel da Silva Pina
António Manuel Mendes Jacques da Costa
Artur Jorge Carvalho Amorim de Sousa
Bruno Miguel Leonardo Galhardo
Christopher Pease
David Lopes Fernandes
Emanuel Demétrio Mendes Gouveia
Filipe Manuel Almeida Veloso
Filipe Manuel Pedro Martins
Filipe Mendes de Oliveira Cuim
Gianpaolo Benincasa
Guiomar Gaspar de Andrade Evans
Helena de Fátima Nunes Casimiro dos Santos
Helmut Wolters
João Gentil Mendes Saraiva
José António Soares Augusto
José Carlos Rufino Amaro
José Ricardo Morais Silva Gonçalo
Juan Antonio Aguilar Saavedra
Juan Pedro Araque Espinosa
Liliana Marisa Cunha Apolinário
Luís Filipe Oleiro Vivaldo Seabra
Luís Miguel da Silva Gurriana
Marcin Stolarski
Maria Pestana da Luz Pereira Ramos
Mário José da Cunha Sargedas de Sousa
Maura Gabriela Barros Teixeira
Miguel Castro Nunes Fiolhais
Nuno Filipe da Silva Fernandes de Castro
Patricia Conde Muíño
Pedro Miguel Mendes Amaral Torres Lagarelhos
Ricardo Barrué
Ricardo Bruno Ferreira de Faria
Rui Fernandez
Rui Jorge de Carvalho Martins
Rui Miguel Faísca Rodrigues Pereira
Rute Costa Batalha Pedro
Susana Patrícia Amor dos Santos
Tiago Dias do Vale