Ignition for LZ Slow Control | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Ignition GUI | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
136Xe neutrinoless double beta decay search in LZ | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
2EC Analysis in Run03 & Run04 | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
60 years of neutrinos in 60 minutes | Seminar |
Analysis of the MDC-II Data: Th-228 and Resolution | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Background Model Overview | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Background Simulations and Sensitivity Status | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Background studies for 136 Xe neutrinoless double beta decay search in LZ | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Backgrounds budget status | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Backgrounds Summary | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Backgrounds Update & Summary | Oral presentation in national or international meeting |
Backgrounds Update and Summary | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Comparison between C-14 and WS | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Current Status of Direct Dark Matter Searches | Oral presentation in national or international meeting |
Dancing in the dark: the end of physics | Outreach seminar |
Dark Matter search with LUX and LUX-ZEPLIN | Seminar |
Dark matter searches in LUX | Oral presentation in international conference |
Dark Matter Searches in LUX | Seminar |
Dark Matter Searches with LUX | Oral presentation in international conference |
Data Processing, Data Filtering, and Data Analysis | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Data Quality Monitor (DQM) | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Data Quality Monitor (DQM): Status Update | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Data Quality Monitor (DQM): Status Update | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Detectores for Dark Matter Search | Oral presentation in national or international meeting |
Development of Data Processing Tools for the LUX-ZEPLIN Experiment | Presentation in national conference |
Direct Dark Matter Searches with LUX and LZ | Oral presentation in international conference |
Direct Search for Dark Matter: the problem and the present status | Seminar |
Discussion of approval plots for Neutrino 2018 | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
DM@LUX: dark matter direct detection | Outreach seminar |
DM@LUX: dark matter direct detection | Outreach seminar |
Double Electron Capture Analysis in Run03 & Run04 | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Double Electron Capture Analysis in Run04 - A First Look | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Effective Field Theories for Weakly Interacting Particles | Seminar |
High-Gain vs Low-Gain classification | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Ignition development roadmap | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Ignition for LZ Slow-Control | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Ignition Update | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Latest results from LUX | Presentation in national conference |
Latest results of LUX dark matter experiment | Oral presentation in international conference |
LUX: The world’s most sensitive WIMP detector | Presentation in national conference |
LZ Backgrounds and PLR Inputs for 2017 Sensitivity Paper | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
LZ Controls | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
LZ Controls | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
LZ Run/Detector Controls | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
LZ Run/Detector Controls | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
LZ Slow Control: Interfaces | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
LZ Slow Control: Safety & Quality Assurance | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
LZap – Interaction Package | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Lzap Updates | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Matéria Escura: das galáxias ao fundo de uma mina | Outreach seminar |
MDC2 Analysis Cuts and Background Spectrum | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Measurement of the absolute reflectance of PTFE immersed in liquid xenon | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Measurement of the absolute reflectance of PTFE immersed in liquid xenon | Oral presentation in international conference |
Mistérios do Universo: À procura da Matéria Escura | Outreach seminar |
Mistérios do Universo: À procura da Matéria Escura | Outreach seminar |
Mistérios do Universo: À procura da Matéria Escura | Outreach seminar |
Mistérios do Universo: á procura da matéria escura | Outreach seminar |
New Physics Phenomenology and data processing tools for the LZ experiment | Presentation in national conference |
New Physics Phenomenology and Development of Data Processing tools for the LUX-ZEPLIN Experiment | Presentation in national conference |
New Results from LUX | Oral presentation in international conference |
Non-critical sensors | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
O Enigma da Matéria Escura | Outreach seminar |
O Enigma da Matéria Escura | Presentation in national conference |
Overview of Slow Control, Requirements, and Interfaces | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
PTFE Fluorescence: Status Update | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
PTFE reflectivity measurements at LIP-Coimbra | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Pulse Classifier Update | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Recent advances in the low energy calibration of large liquid noble gases detectors | Oral presentation in international conference |
Recent Results from LUX | Oral presentation in international conference |
Results from Direct Detection Dark Matter Experiments | Oral presentation in international conference |
Searching for Dark Ma0er with LUX and LUX-‐ZEPLIN | Seminar |
Searching for dark matter with LUX and LUX-ZEPLIN | Seminar |
Searching for Dark Matter with LUX and LUX-ZEPLIN | Seminar |
Searching for Dark Matter with LUX and LUX-ZEPLIN | Oral presentation in international conference |
Simulations and Background Table | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Slow Control communication with subsystems and GUI development | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Slow Control Implementation and Schedule | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Slow Control Overview | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Slow control system overview | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Slow Controls & Ignition | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Study of SE delayed emission in LUX | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
The 136 Xe neutrinoless double beta decay search with LZ | Presentation in national conference |
The 136Xe neutrinoless double beta decay search with LZ | Poster presentation in international conference |
The 136Xe neutrinoless double beta decay search with LZ | Oral presentation in international conference |
The Dark Matter Problem | Oral presentation in international conference |
The hunt for dark ma/er | Seminar |
The Internals of the Backgrounds Table | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
The LUX and LZ experiments | Oral presentation in international conference |
The LUX-ZEPLIN Dark Matter Experiment | Oral presentation in international conference |
The Mystery of Dark Matter | Outreach seminar |
The next generation dark matter detector: LZ | Presentation in national conference |
Update on the Background Analysis for 136Xe 0νββ Search in LZ | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Update on the Background Analysis for 136Xe 0νββ Search in LZ | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Update on the Background Analysis for 136Xe 0νββ Search in LZ - part II | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Update on the Background Table for 136Xe 0νββ Search in LZ | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Update on the Background Table for 136Xe 0νββ Search in LZ | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Update on the BG table and discussion of plots for approval | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Update on the BG table and discussion on the LZ sensitivity | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Wall Model for EFT and IDM | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Wall Radial Model | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
What is Ignition (on LZ) | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |