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Funded Projects / details

Flight Data Analysis of TDP8 Radiation Experiments On-board AlphaSat

Code ESA/4000115004/15/NL/RA/ZK

Beneficiary Entity

LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas

Project summary


Support under


Region of Intervention




Total eligible cost

€ 80,116.00

EU financial support

€ 0.00

Funding LIP

€ 0.00

National public financial support

€ 0.00









Assessment of radiation exposure in manned missions to Mars for three mission profilesArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Dose calculations from RADFETS response onboard the ALPHASAT CTTB experimentInternational Conference Proceedingsaccepted


Dosimetry on Earth and SpaceOutreach seminar
Actividades do grupo SpaceRadPresentation in national conference
Assessment of radiation exposure in manned missions to Mars for three mission profilesOral presentation in national or international meeting
Assessment of Radiation Exposure in Manned Missions to Mars for Three Profiles Poster presentation in national conference
Assessment of Radiation Exposure in Manned Missions to Mars for Three ProfilesPoster presentation in national conference
Astrobiology studies with the ESA detailed Mars Energetic Radiation Environment Model and GSI dataOral presentation in national or international meeting
Da Terra ao Espaço - o desafio radiológicoOutreach seminar
Da Terra ao Espaço - o desafio radiológicoOutreach seminar
Da Terra ao Espaço - o desafio radiológicoOutreach seminar
Da Terra ao Espaço - o desafio radiológicoOutreach seminar
Da Terra ao Espaço - O desafio radiológicoOutreach seminar
Dose calculations from RADFETS response onboard the ALPHASAT CTTB experimentPoster presentation in international conference
Dose measurements and simulations of the RADFETs response onboard the ALPHASAT CTTB experiments,Poster presentation in international conference
High resolution dosimetry R&D at LIP for medical and space applications Oral presentation in national or international meeting
Particle Energy Spectra Reconstruction of the MFS Data using Machine Learning TechniquesPoster presentation in national or international meeting
Space Radiation Effects on Humans and MachinesSeminar
Space Radiation Environment and Effects at LIPOral presentation in international conference
Validation of Geant4 model based predictions of radiation hazards in manned missions to Mars with the RAD/MSL dataOral presentation in international conference


Particle Energy Spectra Reconstruction of the Multi-Functional Spectrometer In-flight Data using Machine Learning Techniques
Analysis of in-flight data on the AlphaSat radiation Environment Effects Facility


Ana Luisa Martins de Carvalho Casimiro
Jorge Miguel de Brito Almeida Sampaio
Luís Alexandre Pinto Sintra
Maria Luisa Ferreira da Gama Velho Arruda
Patrícia Carla Serrano Gonçalves