Dosimetry on Earth and Space | Outreach seminar |
Actividades do grupo SpaceRad | Presentation in national conference |
Assessment of radiation exposure in manned missions to Mars for three mission profiles | Oral presentation in national or international meeting |
Assessment of Radiation Exposure in Manned Missions to Mars for Three Profiles | Poster presentation in national conference |
Assessment of Radiation Exposure in Manned Missions to Mars for Three Profiles | Poster presentation in national conference |
Astrobiology studies with the ESA detailed Mars Energetic Radiation Environment Model and GSI data | Oral presentation in national or international meeting |
Da Terra ao Espaço - o desafio radiológico | Outreach seminar |
Da Terra ao Espaço - o desafio radiológico | Outreach seminar |
Da Terra ao Espaço - o desafio radiológico | Outreach seminar |
Da Terra ao Espaço - o desafio radiológico | Outreach seminar |
Da Terra ao Espaço - O desafio radiológico | Outreach seminar |
Dose calculations from RADFETS response onboard the ALPHASAT CTTB experiment | Poster presentation in international conference |
Dose measurements and simulations of the RADFETs response onboard the ALPHASAT CTTB experiments, | Poster presentation in international conference |
High resolution dosimetry R&D at LIP for medical and space applications | Oral presentation in national or international meeting |
Particle Energy Spectra Reconstruction of the MFS Data using Machine Learning Techniques | Poster presentation in national or international meeting |
Space Radiation Effects on Humans and Machines | Seminar |
Space Radiation Environment and Effects at LIP | Oral presentation in international conference |
Validation of Geant4 model based predictions of radiation hazards in manned missions to Mars with the RAD/MSL data | Oral presentation in international conference |