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Funded Projects / details

Colaboração na Experiência ATLAS

Code CERN/FIS-NUC/0005/2015

Beneficiary Entity

LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas

Project summary


Support under


Region of Intervention




Total eligible cost

€ 400,000.00

EU financial support

€ 0.00

Funding LIP

€ 0.00

National public financial support

€ 0.00









Performance of the ATLAS Trigger System in 2015Article in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
A measurement of the calorimeter response to single hadrons and determination of the jet energy scale uncertainty using LHC Run-1 $pp$-collision data with the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
An evaluation of GPUs for use in an upgraded ATLAS High Level TriggerInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
Analysis of events with b-jets and a pair of leptons of the same charge in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
ATLAS Search for the SM Higgs boson decay to b-quark pairsInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
Interpretation of Vector-like Quark Searches: Heavy Gluons in Composite Higgs ModelsArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Interpretation of vector-like quark searches: the case of a heavy gluon in composite Higgs models and vector-like quarksInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
Jet Path Length Dependence in Pb+Pb Collisions with the ATLAS DetectorInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
Measurement of jet fragmentation in 5.02 TeV proton--lead and proton--proton collisions with the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)submitted
Measurement of jet pT correlations in Pb+Pb and pp collisions at sqrtNN = 2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)submitted
Measurement of the t(t)over-barZ and t(t)over-barW production cross sections in multilepton final states using 3.2 fb(-1) of pp collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Measurement of the W polarization in tt events from pp collisions at sqrt(s)=8 TeV in the lepton+jets channel with ATLASArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Measurements of top quark spin observables in tt events using dilepton final states in sqrt(s) = 8 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Multi-threaded algorithms for GPGPUs in the ATLAS Trigger SystemInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
Noise dependency with pile-up in the ATLAS Tile CalorimeterInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
Observation and measurement of Higgs boson decays to WW* with the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Overview of the Higgs Boson Experimental results in fermionic and bosonic channelsNational Conference Proceedingspublished
Production of tg, tZ and tH via Flavour Changing Neutral CurrentsInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
Search for flavour changing neutral current top quark decays to qZ in pp collision data collected with the ATLAS detector at √s=8 TeV Article in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Search for flavour-changing neutral current top quark decays t -> Hq in pp collisions at root s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Search for pair production of a new heavy quark that decays into a W boson and a light quark in pp collisions at root s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Search for production of vector-like quark pairs and of four top quarks in the lepton-plus-jets final state in pp collisions at root 8=8 TeV with the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Search for single production of a vector-like quark via a heavy gluon in the 4b final state with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at root s=8 TeVArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Search for single production of vector-like quarks decaying into Wb in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Search for the b-bbar decay of the Standard Model Higgs boson in associated (W/Z)H production with the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Search for the Higgs boson decaying to b quark pairs in the W/Z associated channels with ATLASInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
Search for the Higgs Boson decaying to bb in the ZH channel at ATLASNational Conference Proceedingspublished
Search for vectorlike B quarks in events with one isolated lepton, missing transverse momentum, and jets at root s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
The ATLAS Tile Calorimeter DCS for Run 2International Conference Proceedingsaccepted
The ATLAS Trigger Algorithms for General Purpose Graphics Processor UnitsInternational Conference Proceedingsaccepted
The new front-end electronics for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Phase 2 UpgradeInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
The performance of the jet trigger for the ATLAS detector during 2011 data takingArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Triggering events with GPUs at ATLASInternational Conference Proceedingspublished


Jets and charged hadrons in heavy ion collisions with the ATLAS detectorOral presentation in international conference
(pequenos) Big Bangs no LHCOutreach seminar
04/07/2016 Search for the 125GeV Higgs boson in ttH production with ATLASOral presentation in international conference
2015 + 2016 data with MC15cOral presentation in collaboration meeting
2016 pPb run DQOral presentation in collaboration meeting
70 vs 77 b-tagging working pointsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
A experiência ATLASOutreach seminar
A experiência ATLASOutreach seminar
A Física de Partículas e o CERNOutreach seminar
A Física do LHCOutreach seminar
A Física do LHCSeminar
Aceleradores e DetectoresOutreach seminar
Aceleradores e DetectoresOutreach seminar
Acelerados!Outreach seminar
Acelerar a CiênciaOutreach seminar
Acelerar a CiênciaOutreach seminar
Acelerar a CiênciaOutreach seminar
AFP jet trigger countsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
AFP Qualification Work: L1 TriggerOral presentation in collaboration meeting
AFP Qualification Work: L1 TriggerOral presentation in collaboration meeting
AFP Secondary Vacuum and Cooling SystemOral presentation in collaboration meeting
AFP Secondary Vacuum SystemOral presentation in collaboration meeting
AFP Secondary Vacuum SystemOral presentation in collaboration meeting
AFP TriggersOral presentation in collaboration meeting
AFP/ALFA DCSOral presentation in collaboration meeting
AFP: L1 TriggerOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ALFA DCS Progress and next stepsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ALFA DCS statusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ALFA DCS statusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ALFA Detector Control SystemOral presentation in international conference
An evaluation of GPUs for use in an upgraded ATLAS High Level TriggerPoster presentation in international conference
Analysis UpdatesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Asymmetry as a function of the leading jet pTOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Asymmetry updateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ATLAS Jet Trigger Update for the LHC Run IIOral presentation in international conference
ATLAS Search for the SM Higgs boson decay to b-quark pairsOral presentation in international conference
Bjet triggers in 218048 run (p+Pb 2013)Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
CaloCombineOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Calorimeter demonstratorOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Comments in CDSOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Comments in CDSOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Computing Run Coordinator Shift StatusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Computing Run Coordinator Shift StatusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Computing Shift StatusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Crosstalk & Efficiency Studies of LQbarsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Crosstalk & Efficiency Studies of LQbarsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Crosstalk StudiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Crosstalk StudiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Cut OptimizationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Daily summary Email to Cloud Supports Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Data validationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS at Cs LabOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS at Point 1Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS at Point 1Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS at test beam season 2Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS at test beam season 2Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS for DemonstratorOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS on call reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS on call reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS On-Call ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS On-Call ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS On-Call ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS on-call reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS On-Call ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS On-Call ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS On-Call ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS On-Call ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS on-call reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS On-Call ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS on-call reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS On-Call ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS On-Call ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS On-Call ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS STATUSOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Desenvolvimento de algoritmos de seleção em tempo real§ utilizando GPUs como aceleradores§ para o trigger de ATLAS do LHC/CERNPresentation in national conference
Detectores e AceleradoresOutreach seminar
Detectores e aceleradores de partículasOutreach seminar
Development of parallel jet trigger algorithms for the ATLAS experiment at the LHCPresentation in national conference
Dijet asymmetryOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Dijet asymmetryOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Dijet asymmetryOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Dijet asymmetryOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Dijet asymmetryOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Dijet asymmetry - Approval TalkOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Dijet asymmetry updateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Discussion about prelimiary sensitivy studies for heavy gluons and vector-like quarksOral presentation in international conference
Do átomo às partículas elementaresOutreach seminar
DQ Leader reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DQ reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DQ reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DQ reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
EB for Dijet asymmetry in Pb+Pb collisionsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Eta_phi occupancyOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Expected sensitivity in the dileptonic channelOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Experimental wrap-up of the WorkshopOral presentation in international conference
FCNC & rare decaysOral presentation in national or international meeting
FCNC tZ Signal and Control Regions: Comparison between the version 10 and version 11 of the Single Top N-tuplesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
FCNC tZ Signal and Validation Regions: Update to the version 13 of the Single-top NtuplesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
FCNC tZ Signal Region: Study of the possible discriminant variablesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
FCNC tZ: Analysis updateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
FCNC tZ: Cuts definitionOral presentation in collaboration meeting
First look at constituentsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Física das Altas EnergiasOutreach seminar
Física de Altas Energias na Experiência ATLAS/LHC no CERNOutreach seminar
Física de Partículas e DetetoresOutreach seminar
Física do Bosão de HiggsSeminar
Física no LHCOutreach seminar
Fotografando a passagem de partículas elementaresOutreach seminar
Fotografando a passagem de partículas elementaresOutreach seminar
Generator level cross checks for AFPOral presentation in collaboration meeting
GSC calibration applied to the ZH ($H ightarrow b ar b$) analysisPresentation in national conference
Higgs boson: why it matters and how it was observed at the LHCSeminar
Higgs PhysicsSeminar
Higgs Physics. Case-study of the H to WW search at ATLASSeminar
High Voltage Power Supplies: Specifications and decision processOral presentation in collaboration meeting
HLT Exclusive Jet TriggerOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Hot spots in pp-ref runOral presentation in collaboration meeting
HVPSOral presentation in collaboration meeting
HVPSOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Ideas for combinations of measurements constraining the Wtb vertexOral presentation in international conference
Interpretation of vector-like quark searches: the case of a heavy-gluon in composite Higgs modelsPoster presentation in international conference
Introdução ao programa de análise de eventos MinervaOutreach seminar
Introdução às PartículasOutreach seminar
Jet cleaningOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet CleaningOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet CleaningOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet cleaningOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Data Quality in run IIOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Data Quality in run IIOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet measurements in p+Pb and Pb+Pb with the ATLAS Experiment at the LHCOral presentation in international conference
Jet Path Length Dependence in Pb+Pb Collisions with the ATLAS DetectorOral presentation in international conference
Jet pT spectra of MB eventsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet QualityOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet QualityOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet QualityOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet qualityOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet QualityOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Quality in p+p and Pb+PbOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet quality using BDTOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Quality with BDTOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet trigger algorithms with GPUs for the ATLAS UpgradePresentation in national conference
Jet/EtmissOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet/MET/Calo expert on callOral presentation in collaboration meeting
JetsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
JetsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jets and charged hadrons in heavy ion collisions with the ATLAS DetectorOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Laser calibration: PMT linearityOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Laser calibration: PMT linearityOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Laser calibration: PMT stability and PMT linearityOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Laser Calibration: PMTs Stability and LinearityOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Laser2 studies — PMT stabilityOral presentation in collaboration meeting
LASERII studies PMT stabilityOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Lessons learned during the run-1 searches for vector-like quarksOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Linearity analysis with special runsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Linearity studiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
LIP plans on the search for top quark FCNC in run-2Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Little bangs at LHC Seminar
Masked ChannelsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Masked ChannelsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
MonitoringOral presentation in collaboration meeting
MonitoringOral presentation in collaboration meeting
MonitoringOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Monitoring and DQOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Multi-threaded algorithms for GPGPUs in the ATLAS Trigger SystemOral presentation in international conference
New results on inclusive and reaction plane dependent dijet asymmetryOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Noise dependece with pile-up in the ATLAS Tile CalorimeterOral presentation in international conference
O bosão de HiggsOutreach seminar
O bosão de HiggsOutreach seminar
O CERN, o LHC, ATLASOutreach seminar
O Plasma de Quarks e GluõesOutreach seminar
Occupancy in pp 286367 runOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Occupancy Map Public PlotOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Offline DebugStream Daily reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Offline monitoringOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Offline validationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Offline validationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Optimization of the 1 lepton BDTsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
OS-ML analysis overview for the VLQ combinationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Overview of recent ATLAS resultsOral presentation in international conference
Overview of the vector-like quark searches with the LHC data collected by the ATLAS detectorPoster presentation in international conference
p+p status reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Pair VLQ - inc. Higgs interpretationsOral presentation in national or international meeting
Palestra sobre detectores e aceleradoresOutreach seminar
Palestra sobre detectores e aceleradoresOutreach seminar
Palestra sobre detectores e aceleradoresOutreach seminar
Performance plotOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Performance plot for Council WeekOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Performances of the Remote HV option and new developmentsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Pesquisas do Higgs e estrutura do protão em ATLASSeminar
Pile-up noise studies in the ATLAS TileCal calorimeterPoster presentation in international conference
Plots for approvalOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Plots for approvalOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Plots for approval: Partial ScanOral presentation in collaboration meeting
PMT linearity studiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
pp triggersOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Presentation of the TRexFitter ruby tools to derive VLQ limitsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Production of tg, tZ and tH via Flavour Changing Neutral CurrentsPoster presentation in international conference
Proton Tranport to AFPOral presentation in collaboration meeting
pT spectra for LHCCOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Public plots for approvalOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Public plots for pile-up noise studies in the Tile Calorimeter for 2012 dataOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Quick report on jet cleaning in ppOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Report from Jet/MET/Calo expert on callOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Results from the Higgs searches at the LHCSeminar
Results from the Higgs searches at the LHCSeminar
Revised Strategy for the Preparation and Validation of AFP HLT High-? TriggersOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Run II. planningOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Search for FCNC top-quark decays to qZSeminar
Search for flavour changing neutral currents in top-quark decays t->qZ at 8 TeV in 20.3 fb-1 of proton-proton collision data collected with the ATLAS detectorOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Search for flavour changing neutral currents in top-quark decays t->qZ at 8 TeV in 20.3 fb-1 of proton-proton collision data collected with the ATLAS detectorOral presentation in international conference
Search for new heavy quarks with the ATLAS experiment at the LHCSeminar
Search for new heavy quarks with the ATLAS experiment at the LHCSeminar
Search for new physics in the top quark sector at the LHCOral presentation in international conference
Search for rare top quark decaysSeminar
Search for rare top-quark decays at the LHCOral presentation in international conference
Search for the Higgs boson at ATLAS/LHC§ in associated production with a Z bosonPresentation in national conference
Search for the Higgs boson decaying to b quark pairs in the W/Z associated channels with ATLASPoster presentation in international conference
Search for top quark decays to qZ in pp collision data collected by the ATLAS detector at sqrt(s)=8TeVOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Search for top quark decays to qZ in pp collision data collected by the ATLAS detector at sqrt(s)=8TeVOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Search for tZ production via Flavour Changing Neutral Currents at the ATLAS ExperimentPoster presentation in national conference
Search for vector-like quarks decaying to a Z boson with the ATLAS experimentPoster presentation in international conference
Search for vector-like quarks with the ATLAS experimentOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Searches for FCNCOral presentation in international conference
Searches for Flavour Changing Neutral Currents in the top sector at the LHCOral presentation in international conference
Searches for new physics in the top quark sector at the LHCSeminar
Searches for top-quark anomalous couplingsOral presentation in international conference
Searches for vector-like top quarks and other HQT analysesOral presentation in national or international meeting
Searching for physics beyond the SM with precision measurements in the top quark sectorOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Specification draft for the HV optionsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Specification on the HV Cables and other info from producersOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Status and plans from Zt/b+X (multilepton opposite-sign)Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Status of Calorimeter Trigger GPU algorithmsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Status of HVPS decisionOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Status of monitoring in Run2Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Status report from the VLQ Multilepton OS teamOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Status report from the VLQ Multilepton OS. teamOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Strategy for the Preparation and Validation of AFP HLT High-? TriggersOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Subtracted EtOral presentation in collaboration meeting
SubtractedETOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Summary of VLQ combination to the analysis groupOral presentation in collaboration meeting
t?cH/FCNC & rare decaysOral presentation in national or international meeting
The ATLAS Tile Calorimeter DCS for Run 2Oral presentation in international conference
The ATLAS Trigger Algorithms for General Purpose Graphics Processor UnitsOral presentation in international conference
The ATLAS trigger systemSeminar
The Higgs boson - what we don't knowSeminar
The Interface and Control System of the Upgraded HVOpto/HVRemote card of the TileCalPoster presentation in national conference
The new Front-End Electronics for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Phase 2 UpgradePoster presentation in international conference
The performance of the jet trigger for the ATLAS detector during the pp 2011 data takingOral presentation in collaboration meeting
TileCal Cell map for 2016 collision data public plotsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
TileCal DCS on-call expert trainingOral presentation in collaboration meeting
TileCal DCS on-call expert trainingOral presentation in collaboration meeting
TMDB offline software statusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Tools for interpreting measurements in the context of EFTOral presentation in national or international meeting
Top quark pair properties using the ATLAS detector at the LHCOral presentation in international conference
Top quark results from LHCOral presentation in international conference
Trigger DQ reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Trigger DQ reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Trigger GPU DemonstratorOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Trigger GPU Sprint Workshop ProposalOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Trigger GPU workshop at LisbonOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Trigger in pp + Monitoring in Run2Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Trigger ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
tZ Production via FCNC: Status reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
tZ Production via FCNC: Status report at 13 TeVOral presentation in collaboration meeting
tZ Production via FCNC: Status report at sqrt{s}=13 TeVOral presentation in collaboration meeting
tZ production via Flavour Changing Neutral CurrentsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
tZ via FCNC: Analysis updateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
tZ via FCNC: ttbar control regionOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Understanding fakesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Update on asymmetry of pp dataOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Update on dijet asymmetryOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Update on trilepton FCNCOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Updates on the HVRemoteOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Validation of pp reprocessingOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Vector-like quarks: why and how to look for themSeminar
VLQ Dileptonic AnalysisOral presentation in collaboration meeting
VLQ Dileptonic Analysis - Control RegionsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
VLQ Dileptonic Analysis - Control RegionsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
VLQ Dileptonic Analysis - Control Regions UnblindingOral presentation in collaboration meeting
VLQ OS multilepton status reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
VLQ Pair Production Analysis: Comparison between data and simulationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
WH BDT input variablesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
WH BDT input variablesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
WH BDT input variablesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
WH->lvbb searches using a BDTPresentation in national conference
WH->lvbb searches using a BDTPresentation in national conference


ATLAS Trigger GPU Demonstrator SprintWorkshop (obsolete)2015-04-28 / 2015-04-29
Workshop on New Physics Searches in the Top Quark Sector at the LHCWorkshop (obsolete)2015-05-05 / 2015-05-07


An efficient particle physics data analysis framework for homogeneous and heterogeneous platforms
Background studies for the ttH searches
Background studies for the ttH searches
Background studies for the ttH searches (Z+jets)
Detector Control System of the HV distribution boards for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Phase II Upgrade
Development of a control board for the HV distribution system
Development of parallel jet triggers for Higgs searches at the ATLAS experiment at the LHC/CERN
Holography, QCD and Regge Theory
Measurement of the W -> mu nu production cross section with the ATLAS detector
Observation and measurement of Higgs boson decays to WW* with ATLAS at the LHC
Optimization of clustering algorithms for the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC (CERN)
Probing the CP nature of the Higgs couplings in ttH events at the LHC
Search for flavour-changing neutral current top-quark decays with the ATLAS detector
Search for heavy fermions with LHC data
Search for heavy fermions with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC collider
Search for new interactions in the top quark sector
Search for the Higgs boson at ATLAS/LHC in WH associated production and decay to b quark pairs using MVA methods
Search for the Higgs boson at ATLAS/LHC, in associated production with a Z boson
Search for the WH associated production with the Higgs decaying to b-quark pairs at ATLAS/LHC
Search for ttH production with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC
Search for tZ production via FCNC at the ATLAS experiment
Search for Vector Like Quarks in a fully hadronic topology at the ATLAS experiment
Search for vector-like quarks with the ATLAS experiment
Study of the ttH production and Higgs couplings to Top quarks in the ATLAS experiment


Ademar Tavares Delgado
Agostinho da Silva Gomes
Albano Agostinho Gomes Alves
Alberto Marçalo da Palma
Amélia Arminda Teixeira Maio
Ana Lia Carneiro Moreira
Ana Paula Pereira Peixoto
André Martins Pereira
André Reigoto da Costa
António Joaquim Onofre de Abreu Ribeiro Gonçalves
António Manuel da Silva Pina
Artur Jorge Carvalho Amorim de Sousa
Bruno Miguel Leonardo Galhardo
Cátia Sofia Pinto Silva Rato
Christopher Pease
Duarte Rocha Peixoto Azevedo
Emanuel Demétrio Mendes Gouveia
Ester Amaral Simões
Filipe Manuel Almeida Veloso
Filipe Manuel Pedro Martins
Gianpaolo Benincasa
Guiomar Gaspar de Andrade Evans
Helena de Fátima Nunes Casimiro dos Santos
Helmut Wolters
João Gentil Mendes Saraiva
João Maria Almendra Sabino
João Tiago Costa Silva
José António Soares Augusto
José Carlos Rufino Amaro
José Carvalho Maneira
José Luís Rodrigues Sampaio da Silva
José Manuel Ascenso Pereira da Silva
José Ricardo Campos Cruz Carvalho Correia
José Ricardo Morais Silva Gonçalo
Juan Pedro Araque Espinosa
Liliana Marisa Cunha Apolinário
Luís Filipe Oleiro Vivaldo Seabra
Luís Miguel da Silva Gurriana
Mário José da Cunha Sargedas de Sousa
Miguel Castro Nunes Fiolhais
Nuno Filipe da Silva Fernandes de Castro
Patricia Conde Muíño
Paulo Gonçalves Marques
Pedro Mendes Jorge
Ricardo Barrué
Rui Jorge de Carvalho Martins
Rute Costa Batalha Pedro
Susana Patrícia Amor dos Santos
Tiago Dias do Vale