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Funded Projects / details

Development of liquid xenon and argon detectors for WIMPs search and for the CERN n-TOF project

Code POCTI/FNU/43729/2002

Beneficiary Entity

LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas

Project summary


Support under


Region of Intervention




Total eligible cost

€ 70,000.00

EU financial support

€ 0.00

Funding LIP

€ 0.00

National public financial support

€ 0.00









Fast Electronics for a Liquid Xenon Scintillation Detector with Very Low Energy ThresholdInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
Low-temperature study of 35 photomultiplier tubes for the ZEPLIN III experimentArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Performance of a Chamber for Studying the Liquid Xenon Response to Gamma-Rays and Nuclear RecoilsArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Performance of a Chamber for Studying the Liquid Xenon Response to Nuclear RecoilsInternational Conference Proceedingspublished


Dark Matter search with liquid xenon detectors: R&D activities in CoimbraOral presentation in international conference
Dark Matter search with liquid xenon: activities at CoimbraOral presentation in international conference
Fast Electronics for a Liquid Xenon Scintillation Detector with Very Low Energy ThresholdOral presentation in international conference
Performance of a Chamber for Studying the Liquid Xenon Response to Nuclear RecoilsPoster presentation in international conference
R&D of a Liquid Noble Gas CalorimeterOral presentation in international conference
WP6: Liquid Noble Gas CalorimeterOral presentation in international conference


Simulation study of a liquid xenon detector with application to the detection of dark matter


Alexandre Miguel Ferreira Lindote
Ana Catarina Fonseca
Armando José Ponce de Leão Policarpo
Francisco Filipe Bento Neves
José Lopes Pinto da Cunha
Maria Isabel Silva Ferreira Lopes
Paulo Jorge Baeta Mendes
Rui Ferreira Marques
Rui Meleiro
Vitali Iourievitch Tchepel
Vladimir Solovov