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Funded Projects / details

Collaboration in the ATLAS Experiment at CERN

Code CERN/FP/123595/2011

Beneficiary Entity

LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas

Project summary


Support under


Region of Intervention




Total eligible cost

€ 530,000.00

EU financial support

€ 0.00

Funding LIP

€ 0.00

National public financial support

€ 0.00









A new portable test bench for the ATLAS Tile calorimeter front-end electronicsArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
A search for flavour changing neutral currents in top-quark decays in pp collision data collected with the ATLAS detector at root s=7 TeVArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Combined search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Combined search for the Standard Model Higgs boson using up to 4.9 fb-1 of pp collision data at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHCArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Emulation in FPGA of G-Link Chip-set of Tile Calorimeter Electronic SystemInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
Examples of shared ATLAS Tier2 and Tier3 facilitiesArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Higgs Boson Searches at ATLASArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
High Mass Higgs boson searches in ATLAS and CMSInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
Jet and photon measurements from ATLASInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
Lessons learned from the ATLAS performance studies of the Iberian Cloud for the first LHC running periodInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
Measurement of the cross section for top-quark pair production in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector using final states with two high-pt leptonsArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Measurement of the jet radius and transverse momentum dependence of inclusive jet suppression in lead-lead collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$= 2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Measurement of the top quark mass with the template method in the top antitop -> lepton + jets channel using ATLAS dataArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Measurement of the W boson polarization in top quark decays with the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Measurement of the WW cross section in sqrt(s) = 7 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector and limits on anomalous gauge couplingsArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Measurement of ttbar production with a veto on additional central jet activity in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Measurements of Higgs boson production and couplings in diboson final states with the ATLAS detector at the LHCArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Observation of a new particle in the search for the Standard Model Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector at the LHCArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Observation of spin correlation in ttbar events from pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Overview of Recent ATLAS Physics ResultsInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
Particle identification in the longitudinally unsegmented RD52 calorimeterArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Search for FCNC single top-quark production at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Search for same-sign top-quark production and fourth-generation down-type quarks in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in the H -> WW(*) -> l nu l nu decay mode with 4.7 /fb of ATLAS data at sqrt(s) = 7 TeVArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Single hadron response measurements in ATLAS and evaluation of the uncertainty on the jet energy measurementInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
Study of Jet Quenching in Pb+Pb Collisions with the ATLAS DetectorInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
The electromagnetic performance of the RD52 fiber calorimeterArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
The optical instrumentation of the ATLAS tile calorimeterArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published


Data/MC comparison for quantiles studies.Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
12 weekly presentations reporting the Status of TileCal Run OperationsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
16 weekly presentations reporting the Status of TileCal Run OperationsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
2011 analysis unblinding status.Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
2011 Re-analysis: SFOral presentation in collaboration meeting
2011 SF: Answer to ed board questions and MET comparison between the HCP and the Moriond datasetOral presentation in collaboration meeting
2012 E/p trigger menu status Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
4 weekly presentations reporting the Status of TileCal Run OperationsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
A Detecção de Partículas ElementaresOutreach seminar
A experiência ATLASOutreach seminar
A search for flavour changing neutral currents in top quark decays in pp collision data collected with the ATLAS detector at sqrt(s)=7TeVOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Aceleradores e DetectoresOutreach seminar
Aceleradores e DetectoresOutreach seminar
Aceleradores e Detetores: como se produzem e se vêem as partículasOutreach seminar
ADC Monitoring of the Site Status BoardOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Ademar's ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Advantages of using topo-cluster full-scan for jet triggersOral presentation in collaboration meeting
AFP Trigger Status Open QuestionsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
AFP Trigger status: open questionsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Associated production (VH(bb)+ttH, all decays)Oral presentation in international conference
ATLAS H->WW and H->bb ResultsPresentation in national conference
ATLAS Physics highlightsPresentation in national conference
ATLAS Physics Prospects for the High Luminosity LHCSeminar
b-jet response studiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Bayes vs SvdOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Ciência para a paz: os 60 anos do CERN e a descoberta do bosão de HiggsOutreach seminar
Class 1 shifts – experiences and plans for the second half of 2012Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Cloud support and ADCoSOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Comparison between the different laser data treatment methods Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Consolidations implemented during the last TS and assessment Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Control distributions for the $t\to qZ$ analysisOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Current status of same flavour 0,1 jet (HCP)Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Cut-flow optimisation discussion.Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Cutflow optimisation.Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Cutflow optimisation.Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
DAQ/Status Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Data loss and new plots request for DQMD Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Data/MC comparisonsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS expert reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
DCS expert reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Detector activities on Trigger and TilecalPresentation in national conference
Detectores e AceleradoresOutreach seminar
Detectores e AceleradoresOutreach seminar
Detectores e AceleradoresOutreach seminar
Detectores e AceleradoresOutreach seminar
Di-jet Asymmetries in Pb+Pb Collisions at sqrt(s)=2.76 TeV with the ATLAS DetectorSeminar
Discovery of a new particle in the Higgs searches at the LHC Oral presentation in international conference
E/p trigger update Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
ee+1 jet and first look at Moriond dataset.Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Em busca do bosão de Higgs: descoberta de uma nova partícula. Seminar
Error estimation discussion.Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Expert on call reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
First look at 2012 dataOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Forward GSC with Atlfast-IIOral presentation in collaboration meeting
fRecoilOral presentation in collaboration meeting
f_recoil method for DY estimationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Git for dummiesSeminar
GSC results for AFII/FS, for QCD and ttbar, with inclusive di-jetsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
GSC results for AFII/FS, for QCD and ttbar, with inclusive di-jets and with flavor dependenceOral presentation in collaboration meeting
GSC with Atlfast-IIOral presentation in collaboration meeting
H-->WW-->lvlv same flavour (SF) Blinded analysis approvalOral presentation in collaboration meeting
had. activity plotsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
HadCalib trigger ratesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
HadCalib trigger statusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Hadronic activity fit+cutOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Hbb lecture. Case study of ATLASSeminar
Higgs boson searches at ATLASOral presentation in international conference
Higgs boson searches with the ATLAS detector in the channel H -> WW^(*) -> lnulnuPoster presentation in international conference
Higgs Physics: Summary of results from the discovery in the different channels. Case-study of the H->WW search at ATLAS.Seminar
High Mass Higgs Boson Searches in ATLAS and CMSOral presentation in international conference
Introdução à Física das PartículasOutreach seminar
Introdução à Física de PartículasOutreach seminar
Introdução à Física de PartículasOutreach seminar
Introduction to ATLAS at LIPPresentation in national conference
Irradiation of ADCs and DACs for HV in LisbonOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jactos em colisoes entre ioes pesadosPresentation in national conference
Jet and photon measurements from ATLASOral presentation in international conference
Jet Calibration and Mbb studiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet response in AF-II: GSC calibration Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jets In Pb+Pb Collisions Measured By ATLASOral presentation in international conference
L2 and noise suppressionOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Laser Calibration Data Treatment - Effectiveness in the determination of Systematic Errors Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Latest results on Higgs searches (ATLAS)Oral presentation in international conference
Lessons learned from the ATLAS performance studies of the Iberian Cloud for the first LHC running periodOral presentation in international conference
LIP Plans and activityOral presentation in collaboration meeting
LIP status report and plans on top FCNC decays (t->qZ)Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Mas afinal o que é o bosão de Higgs?Outreach seminar
Mas afinal o que é o bosão de Higgs?Outreach seminar
mbb ResolutionOral presentation in collaboration meeting
MC correction tool update and features discussion. Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Measurement of Properties of the Higgs boson in bosonic decay channels using the ATLAS detectorOral presentation in international conference
Measurement of the top quark mass and properties at the LHCOral presentation in international conference
Measurements of top quark propertiesPresentation in national conference
Measurements of top quark propertiesPresentation in national conference
MET performance in W eventsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
MET studies in mc12 W events Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
MobiDICK 4Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Monte Carlo corrections discussion and implementationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Moriond dataset and ee+1 jet excessOral presentation in collaboration meeting
New input production and discussionOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Next actions to understand the disabled ROLs problemOral presentation in collaboration meeting
O bosão de HiggsPresentation in national conference
O bosão de HiggsSeminar
O Modelo Padrão da Física das PartículasSeminar
O Modelo Padrão da Física das PartículasSeminar
Overflow cell correctionsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Overflow cells correctionOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Overview of ATLAS Physics ResultsOral presentation in international conference
Pacman fit testsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Pacman for 1-jet eventsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Pacman updateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Pacman updateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
partial scanOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Partial scan newsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Partículas elementares e forças fundamentais: o LHCOutreach seminar
Peformance of the trigger in 2011 Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Performance and Improvements of the ATLAS Jet Trigger SystemOral presentation in international conference
Performance of the ATLAS Jet TriggerOral presentation in international conference
Performance paper: EF resolutionsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
performance paper: efficiencies and resolutionsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Performance paper: L1Calo efficiencies and resolutionsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Performance paper: ResolutionsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Performance paper: Resolutions and efficienciesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
physics upgrade — top physicsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
PIC Cloud supportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Pileup MC comparison between 25 and 50 ns bunch spacingOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Pileup studies using 25 and 50 ns bs dataOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Plans for upcoming technical stop Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Presentation of the analysisOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Progress on global sequential corrections for H->bbOral presentation in collaboration meeting
PROTOS VLQ MC and 8 TeV tZ PlansOral presentation in collaboration meeting
PVSS data rate, smoothing and alert panelsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Quantiles studies presentation.Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Quantiles studies update in the TileCal group weekly meeting.Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Quantiles studies update.Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Reports for WmnOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Reports for WmnOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Run I Heavy Ions Results from ATLASSeminar
Same Flavour Analysis Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Same Flavour analysis statusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Same Flavour analysis statusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Same Flavour UpdateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Saturated Cell CorrectionsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Saturated samples observationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Search for FCNC top quark decays with the ATLAS detectorPresentation in national conference
Search for the Higgs bosonPresentation in national conference
Search for vector-like quark pair production in the ATLAS experiment.Presentation in national conference
Search for vector-like quark pair production with the ATLAS detector.Seminar
Search for vector-like quarks with the ATLAS detector.Presentation in national conference
Search for vector-like quarks with the ATLAS experimentPresentation in national conference
Searches for rare decays of the top quarkOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Ser cientista por um dia... na universidade e na escola!Presentation in national conference
SF ee1j UpdateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
SF UpdateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
SF update Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Simulation of Tile Muon trigger board - current status: algorithm statusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Single hadron response measurements in ATLASPoster presentation in international conference
Single top systematic uncertaintiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Single top systematic uncertaintiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Single top systematic uncertaintiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Single top systematic uncertaintiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Single top systematic uncertaintiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Single top systematic uncertaintiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Single top systematic uncertaintiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Single top systematic uncertaintiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Single top systematic uncertaintiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Skimming reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Status of skimming/slimmingOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Status of the Same Flavour analysisOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Status report in the HQT subgroup for the Zb/t+X analysis.Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Studies on heavy ions collisionsPresentation in national conference
Study of Jet Quenching in Pb+Pb Collisions with the ATLAS DetectorOral presentation in international conference
Study of Jet Quenching in Pb+Pb Collisions with the ATLAS DetectorSeminar
Study of the response different jet flavours and different MC samples using GSCOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Study of the response of different jet flavours and different MC samples using GSCOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Subthreshold jetsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Summary of AnalysisOral presentation in collaboration meeting
superRoI implementationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Systematics studies.Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
T2AllRoiCellUnpackingOral presentation in collaboration meeting
TDK-Lambda: 200V Power SupplyOral presentation in collaboration meeting
TDK-Lambda: 200V Power SupplyOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Temos bosao de HiggsOutreach seminar
Testing GSC validation with WH samplesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
the 1 million dollar challengeOral presentation in collaboration meeting
the 1 million dollar challengeOral presentation in collaboration meeting
the 1 million dollar challengeOral presentation in collaboration meeting
the 1 million dollar challengeOral presentation in collaboration meeting
The challenge of EtMiss reconstruction at ATLASSeminar
The Higgs BosonOutreach seminar
The top quark and new physics searches with the ATLAS detectorOral presentation in national or international meeting
Tile DCS issues and migration statusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Tile Run Coordination report Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Tile-d SimulationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Tile-d trigger simulation and software statusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
TMDB emulator ( AI-03 )Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Top FCNC @ ATLASOral presentation in international conference
Top fcnc decays studiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Top quark production at the LHC (ATLAS+CMS)Oral presentation in international conference
Top studiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Treatment of overflow channelsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ttH Searches and Higgs Couplings at the LHCPresentation in national conference
tZ+X updateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Últimas notícias da procura do Higgs na experiência ATLAS do LHC (CERN) Seminar
Update on HadCalib triggersOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Update on saturation studiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Update on search for FCNC in trileptonOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Update on the GSC in the VH samples Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Update on the GSC in the VH samplesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Updated Proposal for hadCalib TriggersOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Updates for the FullSim-AtlasFast II difference for the forward regionOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Updates to the HCP 0 1 jet results and first look at new dataOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Validation in W MC events with the p1344 D3PDsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Validation of GSC weights as a function of ntrack and track width Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Validation of the hadCalib TriggerOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Vector-like quark searchesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Vector-like quark searchesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
VLQ generation strategyOral presentation in collaboration meeting
VLQ Protos updateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
VLQ test sample validationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Welcome by local organisersOral presentation in collaboration meeting
WW 2011+2012+VBF Combination Pre ApprovalOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Z/DY estimation: ABCD/SF/PacmanOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Zb+X status reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting


ATLAS Higgs to WW WorkshopCollaboration Meeting2012-11-28 / 2012-12-01
ATLAS Trigger WorkshopCollaboration Meeting2014-03-10 / 2014-03-14


Development of parallel jet triggers for Higgs searches at the ATLAS experiment at the LHC/CERN
Efficient processing of ATLAS events analysis in homogeneous and heterogeneous platforms with accelerator devices
Interface Ethernet para um Testador de Sistemas Electrónicos do TileCal
Non-standard Higgs and top-quark production and decay at the Large Hadron Collider: a collaboration between theory and experiment
Observation and measurement of Higgs boson decays to WW* with ATLAS at the LHC
Search for flavour-changing neutral current top-quark decays with the ATLAS detector
Search for the Higgs boson at ATLAS/LHC in WH associated production and decay to b quark pairs using MVA methods
Search for the Higgs boson at ATLAS/LHC, in associated production with a Z boson
Search for the WH associated production with the Higgs decaying to b-quark pairs at ATLAS/LHC
Study of jet trigger signatures in p+Pb collisions with the ATLAS detector
Study of the ttH production and Higgs couplings to Top quarks in the ATLAS experiment


Ademar Tavares Delgado
Agostinho da Silva Gomes
Alberto Blanco Castro
Alberto Marçalo da Palma
Alexandre Nuno Pereira Lopes
Amélia Arminda Teixeira Maio
António Joaquim Onofre de Abreu Ribeiro Gonçalves
António Joaquim Rosa Amorim Barbosa
Belmiro António Venda Pinto
Bruno Miguel Leonardo Galhardo
Carlos Nuno de Paiva Marques
Emanuel Demétrio Mendes Gouveia
Emiliano João Carvalho Fernandes Pinto
Ester Amaral Simões
Filipe Manuel Almeida Veloso
Filipe Manuel Pedro Martins
Guiomar Gaspar de Andrade Evans
Helena de Fátima Nunes Casimiro dos Santos
Helmut Wolters
Henrique Manuel Peixoto Carvalho
Joana Teresa Machado Miguéns
João Carlos Lopes Carvalho
João Gentil Mendes Saraiva
João Rodolfo Cardoso Alves
José António Soares Augusto
José Carvalho Maneira
José Domingos Resende Gomes Lopes Alves
José Manuel Ascenso Pereira da Silva
José Ricardo Morais Silva Gonçalo
Juan Pedro Araque Espinosa
Lourenço Vaz Gil Lopes
Luís Filipe Oleiro Vivaldo Seabra
Luís Miguel da Silva Gurriana
Manuel Joaquim Paula Maneira
Mário José da Cunha Sargedas de Sousa
Miguel Daiyen Carvalho Won
Nuno Filipe da Silva Fernandes de Castro
Nuno Miguel Gonçalves dos Anjos
Oleksii Galan
Patricia Conde Muíño
Pedro Mendes Jorge
Rute Costa Batalha Pedro
Susana Patrícia Amor dos Santos

WW-->lvlv same flavour (SF) Blinded analysis approvalOral presentation in collaboration meetinghad. activity plotsOral presentation in collaboration meetingHadCalib trigger ratesOral presentation in collaboration meetingHadCalib trigger statusOral presentation in collaboration meetingHadronic activity fit+cutOral presentation in collaboration meetingHbb lecture. Case study of ATLASSeminarHiggs boson searches at ATLASOral presentation in international conferenceHiggs boson searches with the ATLAS detector in the channel H -> WW^(*) -> lnulnuPoster presentation in international conferenceHiggs Physics: Summary of results from the discovery in the different channels. Case-study of the H->WW search at ATLAS.SeminarHigh Mass Higgs Boson Searches in ATLAS and CMSOral presentation in international conferenceIntrodução à Física das PartículasOutreach seminarIntrodução à Física de PartículasOutreach seminarIntrodução à Física de PartículasOutreach seminarIntroduction to ATLAS at LIPPresentation in national conferenceIrradiation of ADCs and DACs for HV in LisbonOral presentation in collaboration meetingJactos em colisoes entre ioes pesadosPresentation in national conferenceJet and photon measurements from ATLASOral presentation in international conferenceJet Calibration and Mbb studiesOral presentation in collaboration meetingJet response in AF-II: GSC calibration Oral presentation in collaboration meetingJets In Pb+Pb Collisions Measured By ATLASOral presentation in international conferenceL2 and noise suppressionOral presentation in collaboration meetingLaser Calibration Data Treatment - Effectiveness in the determination of Systematic Errors Oral presentation in collaboration meetingLatest results on Higgs searches (ATLAS)Oral presentation in international conferenceLessons learned from the ATLAS performance studies of the Iberian Cloud for the first LHC running periodOral presentation in international conferenceLIP Plans and activityOral presentation in collaboration meetingLIP status report and plans on top FCNC decays (t->qZ)Oral presentation in collaboration meetingMas afinal o que é o bosão de Higgs?Outreach seminarMas afinal o que é o bosão de Higgs?Outreach seminarmbb ResolutionOral presentation in collaboration meetingMC correction tool update and features discussion. Oral presentation in collaboration meetingMeasurement of Properties of the Higgs boson in bosonic decay channels using the ATLAS detectorOral presentation in international conferenceMeasurement of the top quark mass and properties at the LHCOral presentation in international conferenceMeasurements of top quark propertiesPresentation in national conferenceMeasurements of top quark propertiesPresentation in national conferenceMET performance in W eventsOral presentation in collaboration meetingMET studies in mc12 W events Oral presentation in collaboration meetingMobiDICK 4Oral presentation in collaboration meetingMonte Carlo corrections discussion and implementationOral presentation in collaboration meetingMoriond dataset and ee+1 jet excessOral presentation in collaboration meetingNew input production and discussionOral presentation in collaboration meetingNext actions to understand the disabled ROLs problemOral presentation in collaboration meetingO bosão de HiggsPresentation in national conferenceO bosão de HiggsSeminarO Modelo Padrão da Física das PartículasSeminarO Modelo Padrão da Física das PartículasSeminarOverflow cell correctionsOral presentation in collaboration meetingOverflow cells correctionOral presentation in collaboration meetingOverview of ATLAS Physics ResultsOral presentation in international conferencePacman fit testsOral presentation in collaboration meetingPacman for 1-jet eventsOral presentation in collaboration meetingPacman updateOral presentation in collaboration meetingPacman updateOral presentation in collaboration meetingpartial scanOral presentation in collaboration meetingPartial scan newsOral presentation in collaboration meetingPartículas elementares e forças fundamentais: o LHCOutreach seminarPeformance of the trigger in 2011 Oral presentation in collaboration meetingPerformance and Improvements of the ATLAS Jet Trigger SystemOral presentation in international conferencePerformance of the ATLAS Jet TriggerOral presentation in international conferencePerformance paper: EF resolutionsOral presentation in collaboration meetingperformance paper: efficiencies and resolutionsOral presentation in collaboration meetingPerformance paper: L1Calo efficiencies and resolutionsOral presentation in collaboration meetingPerformance paper: ResolutionsOral presentation in collaboration meetingPerformance paper: Resolutions and efficienciesOral presentation in collaboration meetingphysics upgrade — top physicsOral presentation in collaboration meetingPIC Cloud supportOral presentation in collaboration meetingPileup MC comparison between 25 and 50 ns bunch spacingOral presentation in collaboration meetingPileup studies using 25 and 50 ns bs dataOral presentation in collaboration meetingPlans for upcoming technical stop Oral presentation in collaboration meetingPresentation of the analysisOral presentation in collaboration meetingProgress on global sequential corrections for H->bbOral presentation in collaboration meetingPROTOS VLQ MC and 8 TeV tZ PlansOral presentation in collaboration meetingPVSS data rate, smoothing and alert panelsOral presentation in collaboration meetingQuantiles studies presentation.Oral presentation in collaboration meetingQuantiles studies update in the TileCal group weekly meeting.Oral presentation in collaboration meetingQuantiles studies update.Oral presentation in collaboration meetingReports for WmnOral presentation in collaboration meetingReports for WmnOral presentation in collaboration meetingRun I Heavy Ions Results from ATLASSeminarSame Flavour Analysis Oral presentation in collaboration meetingSame Flavour analysis statusOral presentation in collaboration meetingSame Flavour analysis statusOral presentation in collaboration meetingSame Flavour UpdateOral presentation in collaboration meetingSaturated Cell CorrectionsOral presentation in collaboration meetingSaturated samples observationOral presentation in collaboration meetingSearch for FCNC top quark decays with the ATLAS detectorPresentation in national conferenceSearch for the Higgs bosonPresentation in national conferenceSearch for vector-like quark pair production in the ATLAS experiment.Presentation in national conferenceSearch for vector-like quark pair production with the ATLAS detector.SeminarSearch for vector-like quarks with the ATLAS detector.Presentation in national conferenceSearch for vector-like quarks with the ATLAS experimentPresentation in national conferenceSearches for rare decays of the top quarkOral presentation in collaboration meetingSer cientista por um dia... na universidade e na escola!Presentation in national conferenceSF ee1j UpdateOral presentation in collaboration meetingSF UpdateOral presentation in collaboration meetingSF update Oral presentation in collaboration meetingSimulation of Tile Muon trigger board - current status: algorithm statusOral presentation in collaboration meetingSingle hadron response measurements in ATLASPoster presentation in international conferenceSingle top systematic uncertaintiesOral presentation in collaboration meetingSingle top systematic uncertaintiesOral presentation in collaboration meetingSingle top systematic uncertaintiesOral presentation in collaboration meetingSingle top systematic uncertaintiesOral presentation in collaboration meetingSingle top systematic uncertaintiesOral presentation in collaboration meetingSingle top systematic uncertaintiesOral presentation in collaboration meetingSingle top systematic uncertaintiesOral presentation in collaboration meetingSingle top systematic uncertaintiesOral presentation in collaboration meetingSingle top systematic uncertaintiesOral presentation in collaboration meetingSkimming reportOral presentation in collaboration meetingStatus of skimming/slimmingOral presentation in collaboration meetingStatus of the Same Flavour analysisOral presentation in collaboration meetingStatus report in the HQT subgroup for the Zb/t+X analysis.Oral presentation in collaboration meetingStudies on heavy ions collisionsPresentation in national conferenceStudy of Jet Quenching in Pb+Pb Collisions with the ATLAS DetectorOral presentation in international conferenceStudy of Jet Quenching in Pb+Pb Collisions with the ATLAS DetectorSeminarStudy of the response different jet flavours and different MC samples using GSCOral presentation in collaboration meetingStudy of the response of different jet flavours and different MC samples using GSCOral presentation in collaboration meetingSubthreshold jetsOral presentation in collaboration meetingSummary of AnalysisOral presentation in collaboration meetingsuperRoI implementationOral presentation in collaboration meetingSystematics studies.Oral presentation in collaboration meetingT2AllRoiCellUnpackingOral presentation in collaboration meetingTDK-Lambda: 200V Power SupplyOral presentation in collaboration meetingTDK-Lambda: 200V Power SupplyOral presentation in collaboration meetingTemos bosao de HiggsOutreach seminarTesting GSC validation with WH samplesOral presentation in collaboration meetingthe 1 million dollar challengeOral presentation in collaboration meetingthe 1 million dollar challengeOral presentation in collaboration meetingthe 1 million dollar challengeOral presentation in collaboration meetingthe 1 million dollar challengeOral presentation in collaboration meetingThe challenge of EtMiss reconstruction at ATLASSeminarThe Higgs BosonOutreach seminarThe top quark and new physics searches with the ATLAS detectorOral presentation in national or international meetingTile DCS issues and migration statusOral presentation in collaboration meetingTile Run Coordination report Oral presentation in collaboration meetingTile-d SimulationOral presentation in collaboration meetingTile-d trigger simulation and software statusOral presentation in collaboration meetingTMDB emulator ( AI-03 )Oral presentation in collaboration meetingTop FCNC @ ATLASOral presentation in international conferenceTop fcnc decays studiesOral presentation in collaboration meetingTop quark production at the LHC (ATLAS+CMS)Oral presentation in international conferenceTop studiesOral presentation in collaboration meetingTreatment of overflow channelsOral presentation in collaboration meetingttH Searches and Higgs Couplings at the LHCPresentation in national conferencetZ+X updateOral presentation in collaboration meetingÚltimas notícias da procura do Higgs na experiência ATLAS do LHC (CERN) SeminarUpdate on HadCalib triggersOral presentation in collaboration meetingUpdate on saturation studiesOral presentation in collaboration meetingUpdate on search for FCNC in trileptonOral presentation in collaboration meetingUpdate on the GSC in the VH samples Oral presentation in collaboration meetingUpdate on the GSC in the VH samplesOral presentation in collaboration meetingUpdated Proposal for hadCalib TriggersOral presentation in collaboration meetingUpdates for the FullSim-AtlasFast II difference for the forward regionOral presentation in collaboration meetingUpdates to the HCP 0 1 jet results and first look at new dataOral presentation in collaboration meetingValidation in W MC events with the p1344 D3PDsOral presentation in collaboration meetingValidation of GSC weights as a function of ntrack and track width Oral presentation in collaboration meetingValidation of the hadCalib TriggerOral presentation in collaboration meetingVector-like quark searchesOral presentation in collaboration meetingVector-like quark searchesOral presentation in collaboration meetingVLQ generation strategyOral presentation in collaboration meetingVLQ Protos updateOral presentation in collaboration meetingVLQ test sample validationOral presentation in collaboration meetingWelcome by local organisersOral presentation in collaboration meetingWW 2011+2012+VBF Combination Pre ApprovalOral presentation in collaboration meetingZ/DY estimation: ABCD/SF/PacmanOral presentation in collaboration meetingZb+X status reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting


ATLAS Higgs to WW WorkshopCollaboration Meeting2012-11-28 / 2012-12-01
ATLAS Trigger WorkshopCollaboration Meeting2014-03-10 / 2014-03-14


Development of parallel jet triggers for Higgs searches at the ATLAS experiment at the LHC/CERN
Efficient processing of ATLAS events analysis in homogeneous and heterogeneous platforms with accelerator devices
Interface Ethernet para um Testador de Sistemas Electrónicos do TileCal
Non-standard Higgs and top-quark production and decay at the Large Hadron Collider: a collaboration between theory and experiment
Observation and measurement of Higgs boson decays to WW* with ATLAS at the LHC
Search for flavour-changing neutral current top-quark decays with the ATLAS detector
Search for the Higgs boson at ATLAS/LHC in WH associated production and decay to b quark pairs using MVA methods
Search for the Higgs boson at ATLAS/LHC, in associated production with a Z boson
Search for the WH associated production with the Higgs decaying to b-quark pairs at ATLAS/LHC
Study of jet trigger signatures in p+Pb collisions with the ATLAS detector
Study of the ttH production and Higgs couplings to Top quarks in the ATLAS experiment