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Funded Projects / details

Collaboration in AMS - Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer

Code PTDC/FIS/122567/2010

Beneficiary Entity

LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas

Project summary


Support under


Region of Intervention




Total eligible cost

€ 40,000.00

EU financial support

€ 0.00

Funding LIP

€ 0.00

National public financial support

€ 0.00









Determination of the positron anisotropy with AMSInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
High precision measurement of the AMS-RICH aerogel refractive index with cosmic-rayInternational Conference Proceedingsaccepted
In-flight determination of the AMS-RICH photon yieldInternational Conference Proceedingsaccepted
Positron and proton separation with the AMS-RICH detector International Conference Proceedingsaccepted
Precision Measurement of the Cosmic Ray Boron-to-Carbon Ratio with AMSInternational Conference Proceedingsaccepted
Precision Measurement of the Cosmic Ray Helium Flux with AMS ExperimentInternational Conference Proceedingsaccepted
Precision measurement of the e+ + e- spectrum with AMSInternational Conference Proceedingsaccepted
Precision measurement of the positron fraction in primary cosmic rays of 0.5-350 GeVInternational Conference Proceedingsaccepted
Precision measurement of the proton flux with AMSInternational Conference Proceedingsaccepted
Precision measurements of the electron spectrum and the positron spectrum with AMS, AMS collab.International Conference Proceedingsaccepted


AMS a cosmic-ray experiment in the ISS - from HESS discovery to AMS first data resultsOral presentation in international conference
AMS StatusPresentation in national conference
AMS: um observatório de raios cósmicos na estação espacial internacional (ISS) - Participação do IST/LIPPresentation in national conference
AMS: um observatório de raios cósmicos na Estação Espacial: à procura de matéria escura e antimatéria...Outreach seminar
Charge Identification in RICHPresentation in national conference
Cosmic rays observations near earth: detector principles and observationsPoster presentation in international conference
Current status of LIP workOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Deuteron Separation in AMS-02Presentation in national conference
e/p separation with RICH: statistical estimatorsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
e/p separation with RICH: statistical estimatorsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
e/p separation with RICH: statistical estimatorsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
e/p separation with RICH: statistical estimatorsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
LIP beta reconstruction statusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
LIP contribution to the AMS experimentPresentation in national conference
Particle detection with lightOral presentation in international conference
Positron and proton separation with the AMS-RICH detectorPoster presentation in international conference
Proton fluxes and solar modulation effectsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Raios cósmicos: um enigma com 100 anos...Outreach seminar
Rayons Cosmiques: cent ans de mystè grandes découvertesOral presentation in international conference
RICH performance: current studiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Solar Modulation in AMS-02Presentation in national conference
Solar Modulation of Galactic Cosmic RaysOral presentation in international conference
Solar Modulation of Galactic Cosmic Rays - positron fraction behaviourOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Status of the LIP velocity and charge reconstruction algorithmsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Status of the LIP velocity reconstruction algorithmOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Studies on AMS RICH performance using the LIP algorithmsOral presentation in collaboration meeting


Análise de elementos isótopos presentes nos raios cósmicos com a experiência AMS
Effect of Cerenkov Polarization in the Cosmic Rays charge reconstruction - Charge reconstruction with RICH/AMS-02 data
Solar Modulation effects on Cosmic Rays: Modelization with Force Field approximation, 1D and 2D numerical approaches and characterization with AMS-02 proton fluxes


Bruno Eduardo Cruz Santos
Fernando José de Carvalho Barão
Luís Miguel Mina Lopes Batalha
Maria Luisa Ferreira da Gama Velho Arruda
Miguel Reis Orcinha
Pedro Miguel Reis Nunes
Rui Miguel Faísca Rodrigues Pereira