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Funded Projects / details

Collaboration in the ATLAS experiment at CERN

Code CERN/FP/109309/2009

Beneficiary Entity

LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas

Project summary


Support under


Region of Intervention




Total eligible cost

€ 290,000.00

EU financial support

€ 0.00

Funding LIP

€ 0.00

National public financial support

€ 0.00









Measurement of Pion and Proton Response and Longitudinal Shower Profiles up to 20 Nuclear Interaction length with the ATLAS Tile CalorimeterArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Measurement of the top quark pair production cross-section with ATLAS in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeVArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Readiness of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter for LHC collisionsArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Study of energy response and resolution of the ATLAS barrel calorimeter to hadrons of energies from 20 to 350 GeVArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published


A first look at the Underlying Event in Pb+PbOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Analysis of the EUDET telescope data ALFA test beam analysisOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Analysis of the EUDET telescope data ALFA test beam analysisOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Analysis of the EUDET telescope data ALFA test beam analysisOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Analysis of the EUDET telescope data ALFA test beam analysisOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Analysis of the EUDET telescope data ALFA test beam analysisOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ATLAS a funcionar: primeiras colisões e resultadosPresentation in national conference
ATLAS Status and First ResultsOral presentation in international conference
Boosted WH Update from LisbonOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Calibração do TilecalPresentation in national conference
Calibration of L2 Trigger JetsOral presentation in national or international meeting
Calibration of LVL2 Jets with Numerical Inversion (and first look at energy scale with data)Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Calibration of the LVL2 Jet TriggerOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Calorimeter and Conditions: TileCalOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Commissioning do Tilecal, calorímetro hadrónico do ATLASPresentation in national conference
Commissioning of the ATLAS Tile calorimeterPoster presentation in international conference
Commissioning of the ATLAS Tile calorimeter with Single Beam and First collisionsOral presentation in international conference
Cut-flow and preliminary material from LisbonOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Energy response uniformity to cosmic muons with a calorimeter-based reconstructionOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Estudo do Ruido Correlado no TilecalPresentation in national conference
First look at the non boosted regime at 7 TeV (WH)Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Heavy Ion Physics with the ATLAS DetectorOral presentation in international conference
HLT at EM scale: Status reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
HLT Studies with 900GeV DataOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Implementation and Performance of the ATLAS Jet TriggerPoster presentation in international conference
Implementation and Performance of the ATLAS Jet TriggerPoster presentation in international conference
Jactos em ATLASPresentation in national conference
Jet Data Quality Monitoring for the Pb+Pb runOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Data Quality Monitoring for the Pb+Pb runOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Data Quality Monitoring for the Pb+Pb runOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Data Quality Monitoring for the Pb+Pb runOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Data Quality Monitoring in the Pb+Pb runOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Kinematics in HI collisionsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet Trigger Performance at L2 with 7TeV DataOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Laser 1 results and comparison with CsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
LASER system interventionOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Looking at Distances between JetsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
LVL2 CalibrationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
LVL2 Jet Trigger Status and ValidationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
LVL2 Jet Trigger ValidationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
LVL2 Jet Trigger ValidationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
LVL2 Jet Trigger Validation and StatusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
LVL2 Jets at 7 TeVOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Measurement of top properties in ATLASPresentation in national conference
Measurement of top properties in ATLASPresentation in national conference
Measurement of top properties in ATLASOral presentation in international conference
Measuring High Energy Hadrons at the LHC: the ATLAS Tile CalorimeterPresentation in national conference
Monitoring systems for the TileCal detector in ATLAS/LHCOral presentation in international conference
Multiplicities and layer efficiencies ALFA test beam 2010 analysisOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Observation of first W bosons with the ATLAS detectorPresentation in national conference
OTP report for January-June 2010Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Performance of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter with cosmic ray muonsPresentation in national conference
Performance of the LVL2 jet trigger at 7 TeVOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Physics in the LHC Era: First ATLAS Physics ResultsSeminar
Prospects for the Discovery of the Higgs Boson in the Channel pp->WH->mu nu b bbarPresentation in national conference
Readiness of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter for LHC collisionsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
status and plans for the TileCal LASER 2 systemOral presentation in collaboration meeting
status and plans for the TileCal LASER systemOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Status of the Non-boosted WH Analysis from LIP-LisbonOral presentation in collaboration meeting
status of the TileCal LASER events analysisOral presentation in collaboration meeting
status of theTileCal LASER II systemOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Status of Tile readiness paperOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Status Report on Pileup StudiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Test Beam 2010 Analysis - Layer EfficiencyOral presentation in collaboration meeting
The ATLAS/TileCal Detector Control SystemPoster presentation in international conference
Tile Readiness paperOral presentation in collaboration meeting
TileCal DCS conditions in ATHENA (UPDATE)Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Update on laser analysisOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Update on the LVL2 jet trigger performance at 7 TeVOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Update on the LVL2 jet trigger performance at 7 TeVOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Update on the LVL2 jet trigger performance at 7 TeVOral presentation in collaboration meeting
update on the TileCal LASER events analysis (and comparison with Cs)Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
WH, H->bb status for Summer CONF note,Oral presentation in collaboration meeting


Calibration and Performance of the Tile Calorimeter of ATLAS with cosmic ray muons
Contribution to Construction and Performance Tests of the ALFA/ATLAS/LHC
Evolution of calibration and overall trigger performance using comsic muons and intercalibration in eta
Integrated studies of the ATLAS Detector calibration and alignment processes and their impact in the scientific discovery potential
Linearity Studies of the TileCal detector PMTs of ATLAS/LHC experiment, with the Laser monitoring system
Measurement of efficiency and resolution of the prototype 2 fibre detector for the ALFA/ATLAS project in the LHC
Performance of the ATLAS Tile calorimeter with first beam and cosmic muons
Search for the WH associated production with the Higgs decaying to b-quark pairs at ATLAS/LHC
Study of ATLAS sensitivity to the single top s-channel production
Study of ATLAS sensitivity to the single top Wt-channel cross section
Study of the ttH production and Higgs couplings to Top quarks in the ATLAS experiment
The Control System of the ATLAS/Tilecal
Uniformity of the energy response of the ATLAS hadronic Tile calorimeter to cosmic muons


Ademar Tavares Delgado
Agostinho da Silva Gomes
Alberto Marçalo da Palma
Amélia Arminda Teixeira Maio
António Joaquim Onofre de Abreu Ribeiro Gonçalves
António Joaquim Rosa Amorim Barbosa
Belmiro António Venda Pinto
Bruno Miguel Leonardo Galhardo
Filipe Manuel Almeida Veloso
Helena de Fátima Nunes Casimiro dos Santos
Helmut Wolters
Joana Teresa Machado Miguéns
João António Tomásio Pina
João Carlos Lopes Carvalho
João Gentil Mendes Saraiva
José Carvalho Maneira
José Manuel Ascenso Pereira da Silva
Juan Antonio Aguilar Saavedra
Lourenço Vaz Gil Lopes
Luís Filipe Oleiro Vivaldo Seabra
Luís Miguel da Silva Gurriana
Manuel Joaquim Paula Maneira
Mara Senghi Soares
Maria Inês Abreu Julião Ochoa de Castro
Mário José da Cunha Sargedas de Sousa
Mikael Rodriguez Chala
Nuno Filipe da Silva Fernandes de Castro
Nuno Miguel Gonçalves dos Anjos
Nuno Miguel Pinto Figueiredo Raimundo Ribeiro
Patricia Conde Muíño
Paulo Jorge Magalhães Martins
Pedro Mendes Jorge
Susana Patrícia Amor dos Santos
Yuri Fonseca da Silva Nunes