A first look at the Underlying Event in Pb+Pb | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Analysis of the EUDET telescope data ALFA test beam analysis | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Analysis of the EUDET telescope data ALFA test beam analysis | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Analysis of the EUDET telescope data ALFA test beam analysis | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Analysis of the EUDET telescope data ALFA test beam analysis | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Analysis of the EUDET telescope data ALFA test beam analysis | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
ATLAS a funcionar: primeiras colisões e resultados | Presentation in national conference |
ATLAS Status and First Results | Oral presentation in international conference |
Boosted WH Update from Lisbon | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Calibração do Tilecal | Presentation in national conference |
Calibration of L2 Trigger Jets | Oral presentation in national or international meeting |
Calibration of LVL2 Jets with Numerical Inversion (and first look at energy scale with data) | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Calibration of the LVL2 Jet Trigger | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Calorimeter and Conditions: TileCal | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Commissioning do Tilecal, calorímetro hadrónico do ATLAS | Presentation in national conference |
Commissioning of the ATLAS Tile calorimeter | Poster presentation in international conference |
Commissioning of the ATLAS Tile calorimeter with Single Beam and First collisions | Oral presentation in international conference |
Cut-flow and preliminary material from Lisbon | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Energy response uniformity to cosmic muons with a calorimeter-based reconstruction | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Estudo do Ruido Correlado no Tilecal | Presentation in national conference |
First look at the non boosted regime at 7 TeV (WH) | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Heavy Ion Physics with the ATLAS Detector | Oral presentation in international conference |
HLT at EM scale: Status report | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
HLT Studies with 900GeV Data | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Implementation and Performance of the ATLAS Jet Trigger | Poster presentation in international conference |
Implementation and Performance of the ATLAS Jet Trigger | Poster presentation in international conference |
Jactos em ATLAS | Presentation in national conference |
Jet Data Quality Monitoring for the Pb+Pb run | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Jet Data Quality Monitoring for the Pb+Pb run | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Jet Data Quality Monitoring for the Pb+Pb run | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Jet Data Quality Monitoring for the Pb+Pb run | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Jet Data Quality Monitoring in the Pb+Pb run | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Jet Kinematics in HI collisions | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Jet Trigger Performance at L2 with 7TeV Data | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Laser 1 results and comparison with Cs | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
LASER system intervention | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Looking at Distances between Jets | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
LVL2 Calibration | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
LVL2 Jet Trigger Status and Validation | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
LVL2 Jet Trigger Validation | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
LVL2 Jet Trigger Validation | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
LVL2 Jet Trigger Validation and Status | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
LVL2 Jets at 7 TeV | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Measurement of top properties in ATLAS | Presentation in national conference |
Measurement of top properties in ATLAS | Presentation in national conference |
Measurement of top properties in ATLAS | Oral presentation in international conference |
Measuring High Energy Hadrons at the LHC: the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter | Presentation in national conference |
Monitoring systems for the TileCal detector in ATLAS/LHC | Oral presentation in international conference |
Multiplicities and layer efficiencies ALFA test beam 2010 analysis | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Observation of first W bosons with the ATLAS detector | Presentation in national conference |
OTP report for January-June 2010 | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Performance of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter with cosmic ray muons | Presentation in national conference |
Performance of the LVL2 jet trigger at 7 TeV | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Physics in the LHC Era: First ATLAS Physics Results | Seminar |
Prospects for the Discovery of the Higgs Boson in the Channel pp->WH->mu nu b bbar | Presentation in national conference |
Readiness of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter for LHC collisions | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
status and plans for the TileCal LASER 2 system | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
status and plans for the TileCal LASER system | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Status of the Non-boosted WH Analysis from LIP-Lisbon | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
status of the TileCal LASER events analysis | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
status of theTileCal LASER II system | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Status of Tile readiness paper | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Status Report on Pileup Studies | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Test Beam 2010 Analysis - Layer Efficiency | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
The ATLAS/TileCal Detector Control System | Poster presentation in international conference |
Tile Readiness paper | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
TileCal DCS conditions in ATHENA (UPDATE) | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Update on laser analysis | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Update on the LVL2 jet trigger performance at 7 TeV | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Update on the LVL2 jet trigger performance at 7 TeV | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Update on the LVL2 jet trigger performance at 7 TeV | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
update on the TileCal LASER events analysis (and comparison with Cs) | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
WH, H->bb status for Summer CONF note, | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |