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Funded Projects / details

Sistemas de informação e aquisição de dados para ATLAS

Code POCI/FP/81940/2007

Beneficiary Entity

LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas

Project summary


Support under


Region of Intervention




Total eligible cost

€ 95,000.00

EU financial support

€ 0.00

Funding LIP

€ 0.00

National public financial support

€ 0.00









Alignment data streams for the ATLAS Inner DetectorInternational Conference Proceedingsaccepted
Alignment of the Pixel and SCT Modules for the 2004 ATLAS Combined Test BeamArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)submitted
Implementing a Modular Framework in a Conditions Database Explorer for ATLASInternational Conference Proceedingsaccepted
Large Scale Access Tests and Online Interfaces to ATLAS Conditions DatabasesInternational Conference Proceedingsaccepted


Alignment data streams for the ATLAS Inner DetectorPoster presentation in international conference
B physics Algorithms for ATLAS High Level Trigger / Offline Histogram Browsing (NODE)Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
ID Alignment Stream at Tier0, B Physics Algorithms for ATLAS HLT, and DQ and Monitoring Histograms with NODEPresentation in national conference
ID alignment stream status/plansOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ID alignment stream status/plansOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Implementing a Modular Framework in a Conditions Database Explorer for ATLASPoster presentation in international conference
Inner Detector Calibration Stream designOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Interface da Infraestrutura do Online Software para a Conditions DatabaseOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Interfaces para a TDAQ Conditions databasePresentation in national conference
Jpsiee algorithmOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jpsiee algorithmOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Large Scale Access Tests and Online Interfaces to ATLAS Conditions DatabasesPoster presentation in international conference
ONASIC & OKS2COOL - current issues and proposalsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
ONASIC / OKS2COOL Status and preparation for M6 technical runOral presentation in collaboration meeting
TIDB2 e KTIDBExplorerOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Update on ID alignment streamOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Update on ID Calibration StreamingOral presentation in collaboration meeting


António Joaquim Rosa Amorim Barbosa
Belmiro António Venda Pinto
Diana Maria Carreira Pires Urbano
Guiomar Gaspar de Andrade Evans
Helmut Wolters
Jaime Enrique Villate Matiz
João Batista
Joao Jose Almeida Simoes
José António Soares Augusto
Lourenço Vaz Gil Lopes
Miguel Afonso Magano Hipólito de Jesus Oliveira
Paulo Jose de Sousa Pereira
Ricardo Manuel Ramos dos Santos Neves