A Geant4 based engineering tool for fresnel lenses | Article in international journal (with direct contribution from team) | published |
A Geant4 based engineering tool for Fresnel lenses | International Conference Proceedings | published |
Characteristics and Performance of the GAW Experiment for a Large Field of View Cherenkov Gamma-ray Telescope | Article in international journal (with direct contribution from team) | published |
Expected performance of the GAW Cherenkov Telescopes Array. Simulation and Analysis | International Conference Proceedings | published |
Gamma Air Watch (GAW): the electronics and trigger concept | International Conference Proceedings | published |
Gamma/hadron separation in IACTs using 3D EAS variables | International Conference Proceedings | published |
Gamma/hadron separation in IACTs using 3D EAS variables. | International Conference Proceedings | published |
GAW - An Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope with Large Field of View | International Conference Proceedings | published |
Trigger and data acquisition in GAW. | International Conference Proceedings | published |
8x8 Light Guide Simulation with GEANT4 - Optimization studies | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
A case example: from Corsika to Geant4 | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
A Geant4 based engineering tool for fresnel lenses | Poster presentation in international conference |
Commissioning of the GAW telescope with a reduced PMT matrix | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Diffraction Grating Class Implementation on Geant4 | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Gamma Air Watch (GAW): the electronics and trigger concept | Poster presentation in international conference |
Gamma/hadron separation in IACTs using 3D EAS variables | Oral presentation in international conference |
Gamma/hadron separation in IACTs using 3D EAS variables | Poster presentation in international conference |
GAW - A very large field-of-view Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope | Oral presentation in international conference |
GAW Firmware | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
GAW Simulation Framework | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
GAW: trigger and data acquisition | Oral presentation in national or international meeting |
Light Guide properties | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Status of the GAWsoft package | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
The GAW project | Oral presentation in national or international meeting |
The GAW project | Oral presentation in national or international meeting |
The GAW Project | Oral presentation in national or international meeting |
Trigger and data acquisition in GAW | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
Trigger and data acquisition in GAW | Oral presentation in international conference |
Data acquisition and control systems in cosmic ray experiments | ||
Image reconstruction in gamma ray telescopes: A new method and its aplication to the GAW project. |
Alessandro de Angelis |
André Alves Pina |
André Filipe de França |
Bernardo António Neto Gomes Baptista Tomé |
Eva Maria Martins dos Santos |
Fernando José de Carvalho Barão |
Gonçalo Ferreira Pires |
Jorge Tiago Antunes dos Santos |
José Carlos Rasteiro da Silva |
Luís Miguel Domingues Mendes |
Maria Catarina Ferreira do Espírito Santo |
Maria Luisa Ferreira da Gama Velho Arruda |
Mário João Martins Pimenta |
Patrícia Carla Serrano Gonçalves |
Pedro Jorge dos Santos de Assis |
Pedro Maria de Bivar Black Henriques |
Pedro Miguel Félix Brogueira |
Sofia José Figueiredo Almeida |