Name | Funding | Start Date | End Date |
Terceira edição do PROSSE (PROdex for Science in Space Exploration) 2025 | Show description Terceira edição do PROSSE aposta em investigação em microgravidade Após ter recebido mais de 20 candidaturas nos dois primeiros anos, a Agência Espacial Portuguesa lança a 5 de fevereiro, a nova edição do PROSSE (PROdex for Science in Space Exploration), um programa de financiamento dedicado a apoiar projetos de investigação científica na área da exploração espacial. O PROSSE 2025 tem até 100 mil euros para promover pesquisas em ambiente de microgravidade. Criado no âmbito da participação portuguesa no programa PRODEX da Agência Espacial Europeia (ESA na sigla inglesa), o PROSSE tem como objetivo financiar projetos científicos relevantes para a exploração espacial ou para outros setores da economia e sociedade. As iniciativas podem ser realizadas em infraestruturas terrestres ou suborbitais, incluindo o Space Rider, na Estação Espacial Internacional, entre outras. Em 2025, as propostas submetidas serão novamente avaliadas por uma comissão de especialistas internacionais e pela equipa técnica da ESA, assegurando o rigor científico e a qualidade das iniciativas selecionadas. As candidaturas para a edição de 2025 abrem no dia 5 de Fevereiro, após a sessão informativa, para à qual a inscrição é obrigatória e pode ser feita aqui. Mais informação: | 2025-02-05 | 0000-00-00 |
Bolsa de mobilidade Individual do Instituto Francês de Portugal | Show description Descrição O Instituto Francês de Portugal lança um concurso para bolsas de mobilidade individual (nível doutoramento e pós-doutoramento) destinadas a investigadores portugueses ou estrangeiros residentes em Portugal (excluindo os candidatos de nacionalidade francesa) e que trabalhem numa instituição de investigação portuguesa. A bolsa permite aos candidatos selecionados passar dois meses num laboratório ou unidade de investigação em França. A bolsa cobre as despesas de mobilidade e as despesas de subsistência (alojamento e alimentação). Destina-se a doutorandos e investigadores que pretendam reforçar ou estabelecer uma nova cooperação científica entre equipas francesas e portuguesas. Serão considerados todos os domínios científicos, incluindo as ciências humanas e sociais. Será dada especial atenção aos candidatos com projetos nos seguintes domínios: ciências oceanográficas, saúde e matemática. Duração da bolsa Dois meses consecutivos de mobilidade, entre o 15 de maio e 20 de dezembro de 2025 Condições de elegibilidade
As candidaturas devem ser submetidas antes de 5 de fevereiro de 2025 às 18h00 para e, tendo como objeto "Apelido/Nome – CONCURSO BOLSA BIC" e respeitando a nomenclatura indicada entre parenteses para cada documento. Mais informação: | 2025-01-06 | 2025-02-05 |
Concurso de Projetos de Investigação de caráter Exploratório em todos os Domínios Científicos 2024. | Show description A partir de 19 de dezembro de 2024, e até 25 de fevereiro de 2025, decorrem as candidaturas para o Concurso de Projetos de Investigação de caráter Exploratório em todos os Domínios Científicos 2024. Este concurso tem como objetivo financiar projetos de caráter exploratório (PEX) em todos os domínios científicos, com especial enfoque em propostas inovadoras destinadas a investigadores em início de carreira, ou em ideias e conceitos originais que apresentem um grau de novidade elevado e que demonstrem um potencial disruptivo face a trabalhos anteriores, desenvolvidos por investigadores mais experientes. A duração prevista dos projetos a desenvolver é de 18 meses, tendo o financiamento máximo a atribuir aumentado de 50 mil euros para 60 mil euros por projeto, sem reduzir o número total de projetos a financiar. A dotação orçamental global desta medida é de 24 milhões de euros, constituindo um reforço de 4 milhões de euros face a concursos anteriores. Será adotado um sistema de CV narrativo nas metodologias de avaliação, com vista a uma avaliação mais abrangente e efetiva da diversidade dos percursos dos/das investigadores/as responsáveis pelas candidaturas. No âmbito da simplificação dos procedimentos administrativos, após a atribuição do financiamento, a mesma será concretizada através de um modelo de montantes fixos (“lump sums”). Esta é a segunda edição deste concurso com este modelo de custos simplificados, que permitirá reforçar os mecanismos de acompanhamento da execução científica dos projetos. Este concurso mantém a possível atribuição de tempo de cálculo nos novos supercomputadores da FCT (Deucalion e MareNostrum 5). Para tal, basta sinalizar a necessidade de recursos de computação avançada e/ou repositórios de dados de investigação em sede de candidatura. As candidaturas são submetidas em formulário próprio, disponível desde o dia 19 de dezembro de 2024 na plataforma myFCT, até às 17 horas do dia 25 de fevereiro de 2025 (horário de Portugal Continental). Para mais informações, consulte a página do concurso. | 2024-12-19 | 2025-02-25 |
2024 Call for Exploratory Research Projects under the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program | Show description ANNOUNCEMENT FOR PROPOSAL SUBMISSIONS Applications must be submitted in English, from December 2, 2024, until 5:00 p.m. (Lisbon time, WET) January 22, 2025, using a specific electronic form via the myFCT platform. This call aims to support research teams from entities within the National Scientific and Technological System (SCTN), Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), and industry partners in initiating high-impact research activities of strategic relevance to the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program (CMU Portugal). The call encourages the submission of research proposals by recently graduated PhDs who are faculty members at Portuguese universities or researchers affiliated with Portuguese research institutions. Under this Call, the Program is seeking proposals specifically in Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), with a focus on leveraging opportunities within the data economy to drive growth and innovation. | 2024-12-02 | 2025-01-22 |
2024 Call for Exploratory Research Projects under the MIT Portugal Program | Show description ANNOUNCEMENT FOR SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS Applications must be presented to FCT, in English, from December 2, 2024 to January 22, 2025, at 5 p.m. Lisbon time, using a specific on-line form and submitted through myFCT platform. With the aim of promoting investment in science, technology, and higher education, and contributing to the stimulation of economic and social development in Portugal, and assuming broad cooperation between National System of Science and Technology entities and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), FCT is launching this Exploratory Research Call to fund applications oriented towards scientific research in a holistic approach through integrated and multidisciplinary projects with a vision of scale evolution, in the following thematic areas:
The PeX should take an “exploratory approach”, i.e., adopt a research theme in one of the emerging areas of the MIT Portugal Program that can be identified as a future research area, with high impact for Portugal as a living laboratory in the development and validation of new solutions, and that promotes the competitiveness of the Portuguese economy. The application should aim to develop research activities between Portuguese universities and the MIT towards the development of intelligent solutions, promoting knowledge/research value, promoting the sustainable thinking, integrating human factors and technology, and stimulating multidisciplinary approaches. The research plan must mention in which terms the MIT research team will contribute to the project. All applications must fully comply with the terms of reference defined in the Terms of Reference for the 2024 Call for Exploratory Research Projects under the MIT Portugal Program. | 2024-12-02 | 2025-01-22 |
2024 Call for Exploratory Research Projects under the UT Austin Portugal Program | Show description Applications must be presented to FCT, in English, from December 2, 2024 to January 22, 2025, 5 p.m. Lisbon time, using a specific on-line form and submitted through myFCT platform. The 2024 Call for Exploratory Research Projects (ERPs) under the UT Austin Portugal Program has been designed to help teams of researchers from non-corporate entities of the NSST and The University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) come together to conduct joint exploratory research activities in the leading scientific areas of the UT Austin Portugal Program. Proposed projects must aim to stimulate and promote Portugal’s international competitiveness through Science and Technology (S&T), focusing on the opportunities provided by the data economy as a driver of growth and change. Submitted proposals must configure groundbreaking, high-risk/high-reward projects with a potential for further expansion. Although exploratory research projects (ERPs) are not expected to achieve, during their standard time frame, the sort of results typical of longer projects, submitted proposals must be able to clearly frame the outcomes they should deliver in 12 months and link them to long-term goals for full value realization. The ERPs should value impact, i.e., propose potential solutions to real-world problems, thereby going beyond the production of scientific papers. Considering the above-mentioned goals, FCT is launching the Exploratory Research Call to fund applications in the following areas: a) Advanced Computing; b) Nano Materials for New Markets; c) Space-Earth Interactions. A detailed description of the challenges and subtopics related to each scientific area is provided in the Terms of Reference for the 2024 Call for Exploratory Research Projects under the UT Austin Portugal Program. | 2024-12-02 | 2025-01-22 |
Doctoral INPhINIT fellowships - "la Caixa" Foundation | Show description Fellowships for researchers of any nationality who wish to pursue a doctorate at a university or research centre in Spain or Portugal. "la Caixa" Foundation grants 60 doctoral fellowships for talented young researchers of any nationality who wish to pursue doctoral studies in Spain or Portugal Doctoral INPhINIT fellowships offer a highly competitive salary and complementary opportunities for training in transferable skills through residential sessions, outreach activities, and other features that make these fellowships among the most attractive and comprehensive in Europe. This programme is divided into two frames: Doctoral INPhINIT – Incoming call (Deadline for application: 23/01/2025 at 2pm Peninular Spain) 30 doctoral fellowships for researchers who wish to carry out their doctoral project at a Spanish research centre accredited with the Spanish Seal of Excellence Severo Ochoa, María de Maeztu or the Carlos III Health Institute, and Portuguese centres accredited as "excellent" according to the evaluation of the Fundação de Ciência e Tecnologia. Requirements of the call
Doctoral INPhINIT – Retaining call (Deadline for application: 18/02/2025, at 2 pm Peninsular Spain) 30 doctoral fellowships for researchers who want to carry out their doctoral project in any field of research at any university or research centre in Spain or Portugal. Requirements of the call Candidates who are awarded the fellowship must complete their doctoral studies at a university other than the university where they completed their undergraduate studies.
| 2024-11-14 | 2025-02-18 |
Postgraduate fellowships abroad - "la Caixa" Foundation | Show description Fellowships for Spanish and Portuguese students who wish to pursue postgraduate studies abroad. ”la Caixa” Foundation offers a programme of support to pursue a Master's degree, doctorate or pre-doctoral project in scientific or technical research. Funding
Key points
Requirements of the call To take part in the selection process, candidates must meet, among others, the following requirements: 1. Be a Spanish or Portuguese national. 2. Proof of an advanced level in the language to be used in the studies in question. 3. Have completed undergraduate studies in Spain (Spanish candidates) or Portugal (Portuguese candidates). These must have been completed between January 2016 and July 2025. Candidates who have completed a bachelor's degree abroad before the start of the fellowship are not eligible. Key dates Status: Open End: 5 February 2025, at 2 pm Peninsular Spain Shortlisting presults and call for interviews: 23 April 2025 Selection interviews: 12, 13, 14, 19, 20 and 21 May 2025 Final result: 29 May 2025 For more information, please consult the "Rules for Participation" | 2024-11-14 | 2025-02-05 |
Novo programa “FCT Mobility” | Show description Apresentação de candidaturas: 7 de novembro de 2024 até 31 de dezembro de 2025 A FCT anunciou o lançamento do programa “FCT Mobility”, destinado a apoiar a mobilidade internacional de investigadores/as. O programa financiará estadias de média e longa duração de investigadores/as doutorados/as nacionais em instituições estrangeiras e de investigadores/as doutorados/as estrangeiros em instituições nacionais, com vista à realização de atividades de investigação e/ou trabalho de campo. Podem candidatar-se investigadores/as afiliados/as como membros integrados em Unidades de I&D nacionais, que pretendam apoio financeiro para investigação científica em instituições estrangeiras ou para acolher investigadores afiliados a instituições estrangeiras. A apresentação de candidaturas decorrerá em permanência de 7 de novembro de 2024 até às 17 horas do dia 31 de dezembro de 2025 (horário de Portugal Continental) ou até ser atingida a dotação máxima do programa (o que ocorrer primeiro). Mais informações na página do concurso. | 2024-11-08 | 2025-12-31 |
7.ª Edição do Concurso Estímulo ao Emprego Científico Individual | Show description A FCT publicou no dia 31 de julho o Aviso de Abertura da 7.ª edição do Concurso Estímulo ao Emprego Científico Individual, cujo período de candidatura irá de 30 de setembro a 29 de novembro de 2024. O concurso, no âmbito do qual serão financiados 400 contratos de Emprego Científico, apoia a contratação de investigadores em início de carreira, por um período de 3 anos, em lugares nas categorias júnior e auxiliar. on July 31, the FCT published the Notice of the Call of the 7th edition of Call Stimulus to Individual Scientific Employment, the application period for which will run from September 30 to November 29, 2024. The Call, under which 400 Scientific Employment contracts will be funded, supports the hiring of researchers at the start of their careers, for a period of 3 years, in positions in the junior and assistant categories. | 2024-09-30 | 2024-11-29 |
Concurso CaixaResearch de Investigação em Saúde 2025 | Show description Está a decorrer, até dia 20 de novembro de 2024, às 14h00 CET, o prazo para a apresentação de candidaturas ao Concurso CaixaResearch de Investigação em Saúde 2025. Este é um programa da Fundação “la Caixa”, ao qual a FCT se associou ao abrigo da parceria existente entre as instituições. Neste concurso, a FCT compromete-se a igualar o investimento que a Fundação “la Caixa” destine aos projetos de investigação que vierem a ser selecionados em Portugal. Para os interessados, dia 8 de outubro de 2024, às 11h00 CET, está agendada uma sessão informativa sobre este concurso, em formato on-line e com registo obrigatório. Este concurso insere-se no âmbito da Iniciativa Ibérica de Investigação e Inovação Biomédica – i4b, para o apoio a projetos de investigação em biomedicina e saúde. O seu objetivo é identificar e promover as iniciativas de excelência científica, com potencial e impacto na sociedade, através do financiamento de projetos individuais ou em consórcio nas seguintes áreas temáticas: neurociências, oncologia, doenças cardiovasculares e doenças metabólicas associadas, doenças infeciosas, e tecnologias facilitadoras nas áreas temáticas anteriores. Os projetos terão um período máximo de execução de 3 anos. As candidaturas podem ser apresentadas sob a forma de: Projetos Individuais – apresentados por uma única organização de investigação, podendo solicitar apoio financeiro até 500.000€; ou Projetos em Consórcio – apresentados por, no mínimo, duas e, no máximo, cinco organizações de investigação, podendo solicitar um apoio financeiro até 1.000.000€. Mais informações na página do concurso. | 2024-09-23 | 2024-11-20 |
IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP) - Application Call will open mid-July 2024 | Show description Spread the word! The IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP) next application call is scheduled to open in mid-July 2024 and will close by end of September 2024. To read more about the programme and eligibility requirements, please visit the link: IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme | IAEA and Information for applicants | IAEA. The dates of the upcoming application period will be noted on the IAEA website soon. The IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP) was launched in 2020 by the IAEA Director General to increase the number of women in the nuclear field, supporting an inclusive workforce of men and women who contribute to and drive global scientific and technological innovation. The programme aims to inspire and encourage women to pursue a career in the nuclear related field, by providing highly motivated female students with scholarships for master’s programmes and an opportunity to pursue an internship facilitated by the IAEA. Scholarships are awarded annually. In the selection of students, consideration is given to geographic and field of study diversity, in addition to eligibility requirements and other criteria. The selected students are awarded up to €20,000 for tuition costs and up to €20,000 for living costs for their master’s programme (the amount will vary depending on the duration of the programme, costs associated with tuition as well as location of the studies). Upon completion of their studies, students who pursue an internship facilitated by the IAEA, in line with their specialization in the nuclear field, are also provided with a stipend for up to 12 months. The internships may take place at the IAEA or in nuclear organizations in the public or private sector. Additionally, students are provided with opportunities to attend and participate in various educational, professional, and networking events. MSCFP recipients also have a chance to become a part of the programme’ s LinkedIn Student and Alumni Group where they can connect with their peers and exchange knowledge and experience, as well as find out about technical events and career opportunities. Since its launch in 2020, MSCFP has received 2271 applications, selecting 560 students from 121 nationalities studying in 72 countries worldwide. By end of March 2024, 201 students have already completed their master’s programme with support of MSCFP. From these graduates, 110 have been confirmed for an internship facilitated by the IAEA at the IAEA departments and labs (Seibersdorf and Monaco), IAEA Collaborating Centres, and other nuclear organizations in the public or private sector in various countries The internships are linked to the students’ areas of specialization in fields ranging from nuclear energy, nuclear science and applications, nuclear non-proliferation, nuclear safety and security and nuclear law. The remaining graduates have pursued PhD studies or obtained employment in their field. The programme is envisaged to grow each year to ensure more women have an opportunity to pursue advanced education in the nuclear related field. More information about the programme Meet the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme students | IAEA | 2024-07-15 | 2024-09-30 |
Bolsas de pós-doutoramento Junior Leader - Fundação la Caixa | Show description A Fundação ”la Caixa” concede 40 bolsas de pós-doutoramento Junior Leader para investigadores de excelência, de qualquer nacionalidade, que pretendam continuar a sua carreira de investigação em Espanha ou Portugal na área CTEM (Ciência, Tecnologia, Engenharia e Matemática). O Programa de Bolsas de Pós-Doutoramento Junior Leader destina-se à contratação de investigadores de excelência, de qualquer nacionalidade, que pretendam continuar a sua carreira de investigação em território espanhol ou português nas áreas das ciências da saúde e da vida, da tecnologia, da física, da engenharia e da matemática. Promovido pela Fundação ”la Caixa”, este programa tem como objetivo fomentar a investigação inovadora e de alta qualidade em Espanha e Portugal e apoiar os melhores talentos científicos oferecendo-lhes um ambiente atrativo e competitivo no qual poderão realizar uma investigação de excelência. O Programa de Bolsas de Pós-Doutoramento Junior Leader compreende duas modalidades diferentes: Junior Leader – Concurso Incoming 20 bolsas de pós-doutoramento de 3 anos para investigadores de todas as nacionalidades que nos últimos três anos tenham residido em Espanha ou Portugal menos de 12 meses, aos quais se oferece um contrato laboral para a realização de um projeto de investigação nos centros certificados com as distinções Severo Ochoa ou María de Maeztu, Institutos de Investigação Sanitária Carlos III e centros avaliados como "Excelentes" pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. As candidaturas deverão ser feitas para um centro de investigação ou universidade de um país diferente do país de residência do candidato. Junior Leader – Concurso Retaining 20 bolsas de pós-doutoramento para investigadores de todas as nacionalidades que nos últimos três anos tenham residido em Espanha ou Portugal mais de 12 meses, para realizarem a sua atividade de investigação em qualquer universidade ou centro de investigação de Espanha ou de Portugal. Através de um programa de formação complementar de excelência, estas bolsas têm como objetivo consolidar as competências de investigação e fomentar a carreira científica independente como opção de futuro profissional. | 2024-07-12 | 2024-10-03 |
Indicative summary of Calls - ERC 2025 | Show description The 2025 Work Programme of the European Research Council has been adopted. The Programme sets out funding opportunities, budgets of the calls, the calendar of grant competition and conditions for ERC funding. The document had been drafted and endorsed by the ERC Scientific Council, and adopted by the European Commission. More than 2.7 billion euro will be available for research grants in the coming year. This includes contributions from the countries associated to Horizon Europe. In addition, EU countries can allocate resources from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to help the ERC fund proposals rated as excellent, but which cannot be funded due to budget constraints. These grants must however remain hosted at an institution in the country which contributes their ERDF funds. Indicative summary of calls from the 2025 budget The work programme also introduces new grounds for the extension of the eligibility periods for Starting Grants and Consolidator Grants. Extensions will be granted in duly documented cases, where the applicant has been prevented from working or their working hours have been reduced due to a disability or a major natural or man-made disaster. Other planned actions for 2025 include supporting national contact points (NCPs) in sharing best practices, continuing to evaluate and monitor the impact of ERC funding, as well as communicating the ERC’s activities to a broader audience, and promoting open science.
| 2024-07-10 | 2025-08-28 |
FCT e ANI promovem sessão dedicada aos Conselhos Europeus de Investigação e de Inovação (ERC e EIC) | Show description Dando continuidade às diversas iniciativas realizadas em conjunto no âmbito da rede PERIN, a FCT e a ANI estão a promover uma sessão dedicada aos programas European Research Council (ERC) e European Innovation Council (EIC) do Horizonte Europa. A sessão online irá decorrer no dia 7 de junho, entre as 09h30 e as 11h00. O tópico do evento será “Oportunidades que visam financiar projetos de I&D com componentes de investigação científica por excelência”. Serão abordadas as potenciais sinergias a estabelecer entre os dois programas, bem como aquilo que os distingue, esclarecendo as dúvidas dos candidatos e preparando-os para a elaboração de propostas de sucesso. O ERC e EIC são os programas do Horizonte Europa que visam financiar projetos de I&D com componentes de investigação científica. O ERC está enquadrado no Pilar I – Excelência Científica do Horizonte Europa, e o EIC no Pilar II – Europa Inovadora. Ambos se focam em projetos de investigação com o objetivo de alcançar avanços científicos e soluções tecnológicas emergentes e disruptivas. Esta sessão será uma oportunidade para explorar as sinergias e as diferenças entre ambos, para que os candidatos possam utilizar as várias oportunidades de financiamento, bem como planear um percurso de alavancagem tecnológica a médio/longo prazo. As inscrições são gratuitas, mas de registo obrigatório – Inscreva-se aqui. Consulte a agenda do evento. | 2024-06-07 | 2024-06-07 |
MSCA Doctoral Networks 2024 (HORIZON-MSCA-2024-DN-01) | Show description Expected Outcome: Project results are expected to contribute to the following outcomes: For supported doctoral candidates
For participating organisations
Scope: MSCA Doctoral Networks will implement doctoral programmes, by partnerships of universities, research institutions and research infrastructures, businesses including SMEs, and other socio-economic actors from different countries across Europe and beyond. MSCA Doctoral Networks are indeed open to the participation of organisations from third countries, in view of fostering strategic international partnerships for the training and exchange of researchers. These doctoral programmes will respond to well-identified needs in various R&I areas, expose the researchers to the academic and non-academic sectors, and offer training in research-related, as well as transferable skills and competences relevant for innovation and long-term employability (e.g. entrepreneurship, commercialisation of results, Intellectual Property Rights, communication). Proposals for doctoral networks can reflect existing or planned research partnerships among the participating organisations. The selection procedure for doctoral candidates must be open, transparent and merit-based, in line with the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The vacancy notice (to be widely advertised internationally, including on the EURAXESS website) must mention if the published rates include all employer and employee's taxes and contributions. If possible, the gross salary (net salary + employee’s taxes and contributions) should be published. MSCA Doctoral Networks are encouraged to lead to Industrial or Joint Doctorates. | 2024-05-29 | 2024-11-27 |
Call for bilateral mobility projects between Portugal and France - Pessoa 2024 Program | Show description Under the scientific and technological cooperation agreement between Portugal and France, FCT and Campus France are launching another Call to fund international mobility projects. This joint action is part of the French-Portuguese PHC-Pessoa Program (Partenariat Hubert Curien), implemented in France by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, and in Portugal by the FCT. The main aim of this partnership is to promote scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between professors and researchers, with a focus on young researchers from research laboratories in both countries, encouraging the creation of international teams and tackling new cooperation issues. This Call funds the mobility of researchers within the scope of their projects, strictly for the mobility of researchers participating in the projects, by granting support of €2500/year. Applications can be submitted until 5 p.m. (Lisbon time) on June 21, 2024. For more information, please visit Call. | 2024-05-21 | 2024-06-21 |
Open Call 2024 for new proposals for COST actions | Show description A contagem decrescente do Convite Aberto 2024 para novas propostas de ações COST começou oficialmente e termina num prazo de seis meses, a 23 de outubro de 2024, às 12h00 (CEST). A COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology financia atividades de colaboração transnacional num sistema de redes de investigadores com livre acesso e bottom-up, em todos os domínios científicos e tecnológicos. Estas redes, denominadas COST Actions, possibilitam avanços no desenvolvimento do conhecimento científico, contribuindo para o fortalecimento da Europa como líder em I&DT. Uma ação COST é uma rede de investigação interdisciplinar que reúne investigadores e inovadores para investigar um tema durante quatro anos. Estas ações estão abertas a todos os domínios científicos e tecnológicos, incluindo os novos e emergentes. As ações COST são também ações de base emergentes e ascendentes (bottom-up), o que significa que pode ser proposta uma rede baseada nos próprios interesses ou ideias. O financiamento de uma ação COST cobre as despesas das atividades de networking e pode ser utilizado para financiar eventos, missões científicas de curta duração, escolas de formação, atividades de comunicação e ferramentas virtuais de ligação em rede. Se pretende transformar as suas ideias inovadoras em realidade, esta é a altura ideal para começar a criar uma proposta de rede. Os participantes que planeiem submeter uma proposta para uma Ação COST terão de consultar as diretrizes e o Anúncio de Chamada Aberta disponível em Documentos e Diretrizes. Saiba mais sobre a apresentação de propostas e a contagem decrescente para o Convite Aberto da COST2024 em A COST promove a integração e enriquecimento das diversas comunidades científicas e proporciona a maximização do investimento nacional em I&DT na Europa. Portugal é um dos 41 membros plenos da COST, sendo a sua representação e coordenação nacional assegurada pela FCT. For English version | 2024-05-15 | 2024-10-23 |
MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 | Show description Project results are expected to contribute to the following outcomes: For supported postdoctoral fellows
For participating organisations
Scope: Fellowships will be provided to excellent researchers undertaking international mobility. Applications will be made jointly by the researcher and a beneficiary in the academic or non-academic sector. Postdoctoral Fellowships either can take place in Europe (i.e. in an EU Member State or a Horizon Europe Associated Country) or in a Third Country not associated to Horizon Europe: European Postdoctoral Fellowships are open to researchers of any nationality who wish to engage in R&I projects by either coming to Europe from any country in the world or moving within Europe. The standard duration of these fellowships must be between 12 and 24 months. Global Postdoctoral Fellowships are open to European nationals or long-term residents who wish to engage in R&I projects with organisations outside EU Member States and Horizon Europe Associated Countries. These fellowships require an outgoing phase of minimum 12 and maximum 24 months in a non-associated Third Country, and a mandatory 12-month return phase to a host organisation based in an EU Member State or a Horizon Europe Associated Country. | 2024-04-23 | 2024-09-11 |
Programa RESTART - 2.ª edição | Show description O RESTART apoiará investigadoras e investigadores que tenham beneficiado recentemente de licença parental na prossecução e desenvolvimento de uma ideia de investigação original e inovadora. A apresentação de propostas ocorrerá entre o dia 9 de abril de 2024 e as 17h00, hora de Lisboa, do dia 14 de maio de 2024. Podem candidatar-se, com o compromisso da instituição de acolhimento, investigadores nacionais, estrangeiros e apátridas que cumpram cumulativamente os seguintes requisitos à data-limite do período de submissão de candidaturas: i) ser detentor do grau de doutor; ii) ser membro integrado doutorado de uma unidade de I&D, ou ter um vínculo contratual com um laboratório de Estado; iii) ter beneficiado de uma licença parental, incluindo por adoção, de uma duração igual ou superior a 120 dias (em caso de licença parental partilhada, incluindo por adoção, o candidato tem de demonstrar que gozou, de forma exclusiva ou partilhada, de pelo menos 72 dias de licença), entre o período de 16 de fevereiro de 2023, inclusive, e a data do início do período de submissão de candidaturas deste concurso, inclusive. O número mínimo de dias exigidos para cada tipo de licença (120 ou 72 dias) deverá ser atingido entre 16 de fevereiro de 2023 e a data de abertura do período de submissão deste concurso, inclusive, independentemente do seu início ou término. As propostas devem ser enviadas através do preenchimento, em língua inglesa, de um formulário próprio que poderá ser acedido eletronicamente no myFCT. | 2024-04-09 | 2024-05-14 |
Concurso Bolsas de Doutoramento 2024 – Linha de Candidatura Específica em Ambiente Não Académico | Show description As Bolsas de Investigação para Doutoramento nesta linha específica de candidatura, destinam-se a pessoas inscritas ou que satisfaçam as condições necessárias para se inscreverem em ciclo de estudos conducente à obtenção do grau académico de doutor, e que pretendam desenvolver atividades de investigação conducentes à obtenção desse grau, cujos planos de trabalho decorram durante um período considerável do tempo de bolsa em entidades não académicas, assegurando pelo menos 12 meses (seguidos ou interpolados) numa mesma instituição de acolhimento não académica com atividade em Portugal. Nestas candidaturas é ainda necessário desenvolver atividades de investigação em pelo menos uma instituição de acolhimento de natureza académica, nacional ou estrangeira, por forma a garantir a desejada ligação entre o ambiente académico e o não académico. O concurso está aberto entre 18 de março e as 17:00H (hora de Lisboa) de 18 de abril de 2024. As candidaturas e os respetivos documentos de apoio previstos no RBI e no Aviso de Abertura de Concurso devem ser submetidos eletronicamente, utilizando exclusivamente o formulário disponível em:, selecionando a linha de candidatura específica em ambiente não académico e carregando em “iniciar candidatura”. Não serão aceites candidaturas, ou qualquer outra informação adicional, submetidas por outros meios. | 2024-03-18 | 2024-04-18 |
Concurso Bolsas de Doutoramento 2024 – Linha de Candidatura Geral | Show description As Bolsas de Investigação para Doutoramento na linha geral de candidatura, destinam-se a pessoas inscritas ou que satisfaçam as condições necessárias para se inscreverem em ciclo de estudos conducente à obtenção do grau académico de doutor, e que pretendam desenvolver atividades de investigação conducentes à obtenção desse grau em qualquer entidade académica de produção e difusão de conhecimento, nacional ou internacional, incluindo instituições de ensino superior público e privado, unidades de I&D, Laboratórios Associados, bem como outras instituições privadas sem fins lucrativos que tenham como objeto principal atividades de I&D. O concurso está aberto entre 18 de março e as 17:00H (hora de Lisboa) de 18 de abril de 2024. As candidaturas e os respetivos documentos de apoio previstos no RBI e no presente Aviso de Abertura de Concurso, devem ser submetidos eletronicamente, utilizando exclusivamente o formulário disponível em:, selecionando a linha de candidatura geral e carregando em “iniciar candidatura”. Não serão aceites candidaturas, ou qualquer outra informação adicional, submetidas por outros meios. | 2024-03-18 | 2024-04-18 |
ERC Proof of Concept Grant | Show description Objectives The ERC Proof of Concept Grants aim at facilitating exploration of the commercial and social innovation potential of ERC funded research and are therefore available only to Principal Investigators whose proposals draw substantially on their ERC funded research. Size of ERC Proof of Concept Grants The financial contribution will be awarded as a lump sum of EUR 150 000 for a period of 18 months. The ERC expects that normally proof of concept activities should be completed within 12 months. However, to allow for those projects that require more preparation time, the grant agreements will be signed for 18 months. Extensions of the duration of proof of concept projects may be granted only exceptionally. The lump sum will cover the beneficiaries' direct and indirect eligible costs for the project: if the project is implemented properly the amounts will be paid regardless of the costs actually incurred. The lump sum has been designed to cover the beneficiaries’ personnel costs, subcontracting, purchase costs, other cost categories and indirect costs. Profile of the ERC Proof of Concept Eligible Principal Investigator All Principal Investigators in one of the main grants are eligible to participate and apply for an ERC Proof of Concept Grant. Principal Investigators in an ongoing main grant or in a main grant that has ended less than 12 months before 1 January 2024 are eligible to apply. For further information please see the ERC Work Programme 2024. | 2024-03-14 | 2024-09-17 |
Concurso de projetos de investigação científica e desenvolvimento tecnológico (IC&DT) em todos os domínios científicos – 2023 | Show description No âmbito do presente aviso serão apoiados projetos de IC&DT, reconhecidos internacionalmente, centrados no desenvolvimento de atividades de investigação em todos os domínios científicos, que se proponham estimular uma economia de elevado valor acrescentado, bem como a excelência, a cooperação e a internacionalização, visando processos de inovação com finalidade de mercado e o aumento da criação de conhecimento para resposta a desafios empresariais e societais. As candidaturas são apresentadas online no Balcão dos Fundos, em, através de formulário eletrónico disponibilizado para o efeito no dia 8 de janeiro de 2024. As candidaturas devem obrigatoriamente ser apresentadas em língua inglesa, exceto quando explicitamente indicado em contrário no formulário de candidatura. O período de submissão de candidaturas foi alargado até às 18h00 do dia 21 de março de 2024 (hora de Portugal Continental) e as condições de acesso foram ajustadas. Consulte a republicação do Aviso na página do concurso. Mais informações também disponíveis em | 2024-01-08 | 2024-03-21 |
Apply for a grant - European Research Council | Show description Which ERC grant scheme is best suited for your research project? The ERC offers 4 core grant schemes: Starting Grants, Consolidator Grants, Advanced Grants and Synergy Grants. With its additional Proof of Concept Grant scheme, the ERC helps grantees to explore the innovation potential of their ideas or research results. Find out more about our funding opportunities and open calls. Get detailed information about how to apply for a grant and how we assess applications. | 2024-01-01 | 2024-12-31 |
Calendário Concursos FCT 2024 | Show description A Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) disponibilizou o calendário de concursos previstos para 2024. A informação é atualizada regularmente, de modo a refletir qualquer alteração, quer nos instrumentos de financiamento, bem como nas datas previstas. Consulte o calendário aqui | 2024-01-01 | 2024-12-31 |
EIC Pathfinder 2024 | Show description What can you expect as part of EIC Pathfinder? With its Pathfinder programme the EIC supports the exploration of bold ideas for radically new technologies. It welcomes the high-risk / high gain and interdisciplinary cutting-edge science collaborations that underpin technological breakthroughs. Pathfinder goes beyond what is already known. Visionary thinking can open up promising avenues towards powerful new technologies. Applicants participating in EIC Pathfinder projects are typically visionary scientists and entrepreneurial researchers from universities, research organisations, start-ups, high-tech SMEs or industrial stakeholders interested in technological research and innovation. Projects typically involve consortia of researchers and other partners from at least three different countries, but there are also opportunities for individual teams and small consortia (two partners). Grants of up to 3 to 4 million euro support early stage development of future technologies (e.g. various activities at low Technology Readiness Levels 1-3), up to proof of concept. Pathfinder projects can also receive additional funding for testing the innovation potential of their research outputs. EIC Pathfinder Open EIC Pathfinder Open provides funding for projects in any field of science or technology, based on high-risk/high-gain science-towards-technology breakthrough interdisciplinary research. The total indicative budget for this call is EUR 136 million. EIC Pathfinder Open 2024: Apply by 7 March 2024 For more details read the EIC Work Programme 2024 and check the Funding & tenders portal. | 2024-01-01 | 2024-03-07 |
Candidate-se ao concurso CaixaImpulse para promover o seu projeto biomédico inovador! | Show description Está aberto o Concurso CaixaImpulse de Inovação em Saúde 2024 A Fundação ”la Caixa” está à procura de projetos de inovação na área da saúde promovidos por centros de investigação, hospitais e universidades, para transferir os resultados da investigação do laboratório para os doentes. Graças ao concurso CaixaImpulse de Inovação em Saúde, poderá receber até 700 000 euros para impulsionar o seu projeto, para além de apoio através de formação e acompanhamento personalizado por mentores. O concurso está aberto até 22 de fevereiro de 2024. Apresente o seu projeto e abra caminho ao futuro da saúde. Saiba mais em: | 2023-12-29 | 2024-02-22 |
Concurso de Projetos Exploratórios em Todos os Domínios Científicos 2023 | Show description A consolidação e o reforço do Sistema Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia constituem prioridades da política de ciência e tecnologia portuguesa que visam aumentar a competitividade nacional e internacional da ciência e tecnologia e o seu contributo para a inovação e transferência de conhecimento e para a realização das aspirações globais definidas na Agenda 2030: Objetivos para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável das Nações Unidas. Neste contexto, assume particular relevância a promoção e o reforço de competências das instituições científicas e tecnológicas através da participação das suas equipas em projetos. É com estes objetivos que a FCT abre o presente concurso, que se destina a promover ideias inovadoras através do apoio a projetos de investigação de carácter exploratório em todos os domínios científicos. As candidaturas devem ser apresentadas, em língua inglesa, a partir do dia 22 de dezembro de 2023 até às 17 horas, hora de Lisboa, do dia 1 de março de 2024, em formulário eletrónico específico e submetidas através da plataforma myFCT. Os membros da equipa de investigação do projeto deverão ter curriculum vitae preenchido na plataforma CIÊNCIAVITAE . A Declaração de Compromisso da Instituição Proponente ficará disponível na plataforma myFCT para a respetiva concordância pelo responsável máximo da Instituição Proponente, ou por alguém por si delegado, após terminar o prazo de submissão de candidaturas e até às 17 horas, hora de Lisboa, do dia 15 de março de 2024. | 2023-12-22 | 2024-03-01 |
”la Caixa” Foundation - Postgraduate fellowships abroad | Show description ”la Caixa” Foundation grants 100 fellowships for postgraduate studies at universities or research centres in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), North America and Asia-Pacific region. ”la Caixa” Foundation offers a programme of support to pursue a Master's degree, doctorate or pre-doctoral project in scientific or technical research. Key points 100 fellowships for postgraduate studies (Master, doctorate or pre-doctoral research) with a maximum duration of 24 months. To pursue postgraduate studies in any country within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), North America (the United States or Canada), and the Asia-Pacific region (Australia, South Korea, India, Japan, Singapore and China). The call covers all fields of knowledge but excludes Master of Business Administration (MBA) programmes. The fellowships are intended for master’s or doctoral studies, which must start with the fellowship. Predoctoral scientific and technical research stays are also accepted. Requirements of the call To take part in the selection process, candidates must meet, among others, the following requirements: Be a Spanish or Portuguese national. Proof of an advanced level in the language to be used in the studies in question. FAQ If you have any doubts about the call, please consult the list of frequently asked questions. | 2023-11-07 | 2024-01-31 |
Doctoral INPhINIT fellowships - Retaining Call 2024 | Show description ”la Caixa” Foundation grants 30 fellowships for researchers of any nationality who wish to pursue a doctorate in any discipline at any university or research centre in Spain or Portugal. Status: Open End: 15 February 2024, at 2 pm Peninsular Spain Key points 30 fellowships to carry out a doctorate at any university or research centre in Spain or Portugal. All areas of knowledge. Maximum duration: 4 years. Funding to cover labour costs, research costs and doctoral tuition fees. On-site training programme in multidisciplinary skills. Requirements of the call Experience: candidates must not have carried out more than four years of research activity before the closing date of the call. Studies pursued: at the time of recruitment, candidates must have completed the studies that allow them to enrol in an official PhD programme in Spain/Portugal. The verification of the required level of studies will be carried out by the host university when the admission procedure begins. Candidates must not have been enrolled in a doctoral programme prior to the start of the fellowship. Mobility: candidates must have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Spain/Portugal for more than twelve months in the three years immediately preceding the closing date of the call. In addition, candidates who are awarded the fellowship must complete their doctoral studies at a university other than the university where they completed their undergraduate studies. Level of English: candidates must accredit the required level of English by submitting one of the certificates specified in the rules for participation. FAQ If you have any doubts about the call, please consult the list of frequently asked questions. | 2023-11-06 | 2024-02-15 |
Doctoral INPhINIT fellowships - Incoming Call 2024 | Show description ”la Caixa” Foundation grants 30 fellowships for researchers of any nationality who wish to pursue a doctorate in a STEM discipline at research centres of excellence in Spain or Portugal. Status: Open End: 24 January 2024, at 2 pm Peninsular Spain LIP has submitted 10 PhD proposals under this call Centres of Excellence Those receiving an Incoming Doctoral INPhINIT fellowship must carry out their research project at one of the Spanish research centres that have obtained a Severo Ochoa or María de Maeztu accreditation of excellence from the Ministry of Science and Innovation, a Carlos III Health Research Institute or a Portuguese R&D centre classified as "excellent" by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. Logically, these are centres and units that stand out for their impact and scientific leadership at an international level and that actively collaborate with their social and business environment. PhD positions offer The centers of excellence that agree to participate in this call offer outstanding PhD positions each year to future Doctoral INPhINIT Incoming fellows. Check out the PhD open positions offered by the host institutions participating in the 2024 call. Key points 30 fellowships to pursue PhD studies in research centres accredited with the Spanish Seal of Excellence Severo Ochoa, María de Maeztu or Health Institute Carlos III and Portuguese units accredited as “excellent” according to the evaluation of the Fundação de Ciência e Tecnologia. STEM disciplines (technology, engineering, physics, mathematics, health and life sciences). Maximum duration: 4 years. Funding to cover labour costs, research costs and doctoral tuition fees. On-site training programme in multidisciplinary skills. Requirements of the call Experience: candidates must not have carried out more than four years of research activity before the closing date of the call. Studies pursued: at the time of recruitment, candidates must have completed the studies that allow them to enrol in an official PhD programme in Spain/Portugal. The verification of the required level of studies will be carried out by the host university when the admission procedure begins. Candidates must not have been enrolled in a doctoral programme prior to the start of the fellowship. Mobility: candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Spain/Portugal for more than twelve months in the three years immediately preceding the closing date of the call. Level of English: candidates must accredit the required level of English by submitting one of the certificates specified in the rules for participation. FAQ If you have any doubts about the call, please consult the list of frequently asked questions. | 2023-11-06 | 2024-01-24 |
Horizon Europe info days - Cluster 4 | Show description This event aims to inform potential applicants about the funding opportunities of the 2024 calls of Horizon Europe Cluster 4 'Digital, Industry and Space' Work Programme 2023-2024. During the 2-day event, speakers from the European Commission will present the call topics, the evaluation and the award process. Potential applicants will have an opportunity to ask questions. Under the pillar II of Horizon Europe, Cluster 4 focuses on digital, industry and space and aims to deliver on the following: Climate neutral, circular and digitised production Increased autonomy in key strategic value chains for resilient industry World leading data and computing technologies Digital and emerging technologies for competitiveness and fit for the Green Deal Open strategic autonomy in developing, deploying and using global space-based infrastructures, services, applications and data A human-centred and ethical development of digital and industrial technologies. | 2023-10-11 | 2023-10-12 |
ERC-PT Pre-Assessment Program: Call ERC Consolidator Grant 2024 | Show description The ERC-Portugal Pre-Assessment program, launched in June of this year, continues to support ERC applicants who choose entities from the National Science and Technology System as host institutions. Please note that the deadline for submitting proposals to the ERC-PT Pre-Assessment program, referring to the "ERC Consolidator Grant 2024" Call, is October 12, 2023, about 2 months before the deadline for submitting applications established by the ERC for this typology, set for December 12, 2023. This procedure allows applicants who submit their proposals to the ERC-PT Pre-Assessment program to receive the pre-assessments and respective reports with recommendations for improvement about a month before the deadline for submitting their application to ERC-COG-2024. For more information, including a set of frequently asked questions, see the ERC-PT Pre-Assessment program page. ERC-PT Pre-Assessment: Call ERC StG 2024 For the first cycle of the ERC-PT Pre-Assessment program corresponding to the Call ERC Starting Grant 2024, the reports drawn up by the College of Evaluators, both in STEP 1 and STEP 2, will be submitted to the researchers by September 25. Additional information A set of additional information is also presented, useful for all researchers who are preparing applications for the ERC Consolidator Grant 2024: As recently announced, the ERC will organize a public session to present Calls for the 2024 work program on September 20, where candidates will be able to find out about the new application procedures and evaluation criteria, including the new structure of CVs. The session will be broadcast on YouTube; On September 22, at 10 a.m., the FCT will organize a session to clarify doubts about the Calls of the 2024 ERC. Anyone interested should register here; Since September 12, applicants to Call ERC-COG-2024 have been able to start the process of preparing proposals and accessing the respective documentation on the Funding and Tenders Portal. The application guide for this Call can also be consulted here. FCT is the entity responsible for promoting national participation in the ERC and for creating the ERC-PT Pre-Assessment program. Since the start of Horizon Europe in 2021, the framework program for European research and innovation funding, research carried out in SNCT institutions has managed to attract around 78 million euros from the Calls of the European Research Council. | 2023-09-20 | 2023-10-12 |
Webinar ERC Grant Competitions 2024 | Show description The European Research Council ( ERC ) Executive Agency is hosting a dissemination session for the "ERC Grant Competitions 2024" to provide information on the Calls for the 2024 Work Programme. The webinar, is scheduled for 20 September at 11:15 AM (Lisbon time), and will announce the application submission deadlines for the last quarter of 2023 and 2024. The session will also introduce new features (see annex) of the Call, including the narrative CV and the simplified costs pilot project. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions regarding the current and future Calls. The session will feature interventions by the Head of the Scientific Management Department of the European Research Council, Angela Liberatore, the Head of Unit "Support to the Scientific Council", Jose Labastida, and the Head of Communications, the moderator Anthony Lockett. FCT ensures national representation and coordination of the promotion of research and innovation activities under the Scientific Excellence Pillar of Horizon Europe, within the context of the PERIN network. In this way, it coordinates support to the scientific and technological community for initiatives such as the ERC. The session can be followed here. | 2023-09-20 | 2023-09-20 |
Postdoctoral Junior Leader fellowships - Retaining Call 2024 | Show description ”la Caixa” Foundation grants 15 postdoctoral fellowships for researchers of any nationality to carry out a research project in a STEM discipline at any university or research centre in Spain or Portugal. Key dates Status: Open End: 5 October 2023, at 2 pm Peninsular Spain Pre-selection results and call for interviews: 25 January 2024 Selection interviews: 21 and 22 February 2024 Publication of results: 19 March 2024 Key points 15 fellowships to carry out a postdoctoral research project at any university or research centre in Spain or Portugal. STEM disciplines (life sciences, experimental sciences, physics, chemistry, engineering, technology and mathematics). Maximum duration: 3 years. Maximum amount: €305,100. Programme of training in multidisciplinary skills. | 2023-07-27 | 2023-10-05 |
Postdoctoral Junior Leader fellowships Incoming Call 2024 | Show description ”la Caixa” Foundation grants 25 postdoctoral fellowships for researchers of any nationality to carry out a research project in a STEM discipline at universities and research centres of accredited excellence. Key dates Status: Open End: 5 October 2023, at 2 pm Peninsular Spain Pre-selection results and call for interviews: 25 January 2024 Selection interviews: 5 and 6 March 2024 Publication of results: 19 March 2024 Key points 25 fellowships to carry out a postdoctoral research project at Spanish centres accredited as excellent by the Severo Ochoa, María de Maeztu or Carlos III Health Institute seals of excellence, or at Portuguese centres accredited as excellent by the Fundação de Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT). STEM disciplines (life sciences, experimental sciences, physics, chemistry, engineering, technology and mathematics). Maximum duration: 3 years. Maximum amount: €305,100. Programme of training in multidisciplinary skills. | 2023-07-27 | 2023-10-05 |
IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP) | Show description The programme aims to inspire and encourage young women to pursue a career in nuclear related field, by providing highly motivated female students with scholarships for Master’s programmes and an opportunity to pursue an internship facilitated by the IAEA. Scholarships are awarded annually, to 100+ female students, subject to availability of funds. In the selection of students, consideration is given to geographic and field of study diversity, in addition to eligibility requirements and other criteria. The selected students are awarded up to €20,000 for tuition costs and up to €20,000 for living costs for their Master’s programme. Upon completion of their studies, students are also given an opportunity to pursue an internship for up to 12 months at the IAEA, its partner organizations or industry. Additionally, students are provided with opportunities to attend and participate in various educational, professional and networking events. MSCFP recipients will also have a chance to become a part of the MSCFP LinkedIn Student and Alumni Group where they can exchange knowledge and experience, find out about technical events and career opportunities as well as connect to their peers. Since its launch in 2020, MSCFP has received 1563 applications, selecting 360 students from 110 nationalities studying in 65 countries worldwide. By end of 2022, 100 students have already completed their Master’s programme with support of MSCFP, embarking on internships facilitated by the IAEA or pursing PhD or employment in the nuclear field. The programme is envisaged to grow each year to ensure more women have an opportunity to pursue advanced education in nuclear related fields. The next application call is scheduled to open in mid-July 2023 and will close by end of September 2023. To read more about the programme and eligibility requirements, please visit the link: IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme | IAEA and Information for applicants | IAEA. | 2023-07-15 | 2023-09-30 |
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Plans 2023/2024 | Show description MSCA PostdoctoralFellowships 2023 |2024 Open: 10 April 2023 | 10 April 2024 Deadline: 13 September 2023|11 September 2024 MSCA Doctoral Networks 2023 | 2024 Open: 30 May 2023 | 29 May 2024 Deadline: 28 November 2023 | 27 November 2024 MSCA Staff Exchanges 2023 |2024 Open: 05 October 2023 | 10 October 2024 Deadline: 27 February 2024 | 05 March 2025 | 2023-07-03 | 2024-12-31 |
ERC Plans for 2024 - TENTATIVE CALENDAR | Show description The ERC Scientific Council has agreed on a tentative calendar, which may be subject to change. For the 2024 ERC calls, there will be two cut-off dates for the Proof of Concept grant call. Starting Grants | ERC-2023-StG Open: 11-07-2023 Deadline: 24-10-2023 Consolidator Grants | ERC-2023-CoG Open: 12-09-2023 Deadline: 12-12-2023 Advanced Grants | ERC-2023-AdG Open: 29-05-2024 Deadline: 29-08-2024 Synergy Grants | ERC-2023-SyG Open: 12-07-2023 Deadline: 08-11-2023 | 2023-07-03 | 2024-09-30 |
Evaluation of ERC grant proposals: what to expect in 2024 | Show description The 2024 ERC Work Programme is expected to be formally adopted in July 2023 and some of the planned changes that the ERC Scientific Council has proposed to introduce have been made public last December (evaluation forms and processes) and in March this year (new panels and lump sum funding). This announcement gives further detail on research assessment, the evaluation process, lump sum funding, as well as the tentative schedule of the upcoming grant competitions. Research assessment: focus on the project The proposals for ERC grants will continue to be evaluated based on the sole criterion of scientific excellence. ERC panels will primarily evaluate the ground-breaking nature, ambition, and feasibility of the research project. At the same time, they will evaluate the intellectual capacity, creativity, and commitment of the applicant principal investigator, with a focus on the extent to which the applicant has the excellence and required scientific expertise to successfully execute the proposed project. Broad assessment of the applicant The ERC Work Programme will no longer include detailed prescriptive profiles of principal investigators. In the application, the Curriculum Vitae and Track Record will be merged into one document of up to four pages. The applicant will be expected to include – apart from standard biographical information – a list of up to ten research outputs that demonstrate how they have advanced knowledge in their field, with an emphasis on more recent achievements, and a list of selected examples of significant peer recognition (for example, prizes). A short explanation of the significance of the selected outputs, the applicant’s role in producing each of them, and how the applicant has demonstrated their capacity to successfully carry out the proposed project can also be included. The applicant may also include relevant information on, for example, career breaks, unusual career paths, as well as any particularly noteworthy contributions to the research community. These will not in themselves be evaluated but are important to provide context to the evaluation panels when assessing the principal investigator’s research achievements and peer recognition in relation to their career stage. Evaluation procedure In Starting, Consolidator and Advanced Grants calls, ERC panels will be able to admit at most 44 proposals to step 2 of the evaluation. A distinction in the scoring at step 1 will be made between proposals obtaining a score of A and invited to step 2 of the evaluation, and proposals obtaining a score of A but not ranked among the 44 proposals admitted to step 2. A candidate whose proposal is scored A at step 1 of the evaluation, but not taken to interview, will be free to submit a proposal in the following year’s calls. Lump sum funding in Advanced Grants 2024 Advanced Grants will be awarded as a single lump sum contribution for the entirety of the project, for a sum approved by the ERC panel. The payment of the lump sum will be based on the work carried out and reported, irrespective of the actual costs incurred for the project or the successful outcome of the project activities. Additional funding, for example to purchase major equipment or get access to research facilities, can be applied for and will be made part of the lump sum. Successful applicants will still be able to benefit from portability, meaning that they will be able to request to transfer their entire grant, or a part of it, to a new beneficiary, as has been the case under the funding based on the actual costs until 2023. | 2023-07-03 | 2024-09-30 |
Candidaturas ao Concurso de Projetos I&D em todos os domínios científicos vão decorrer em novembro | Show description A FCT está empenhada em aumentar o orçamento disponível para o Concurso de Projetos de I&D em todos os domínios científicos de 2023, pelo que está a estabelecer sinergias com o PT2030 no sentido de poder alocar um montante de pelo menos 100 M€ ao financiamento deste programa de apoio a projetos, o que representa um aumento de 33% face aos concursos anteriores. A obtenção deste financiamento exige uma articulação do regulamento de projetos da FCT com o regulamento do PT2030, que está em preparação, pelo que a FCT decidiu adiar, para o período de 1 a 30 de novembro, a submissão de candidaturas ao Concurso de Projetos de I&D em todos os domínios científicos de 2023. Este adiamento permitirá ainda garantir a adoção de custos simplificados, o que se traduzirá numa maior eficácia na gestão do tempo dos investigadores. Nesta decisão foram consultadas diversas entidades representativas da comunidade científica, a quem a FCT agradece. | 2023-07-03 | 2023-12-31 |
Bolsa Fulbright para Investigação com o apoio da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. (FCT) | Show description Prevê-se uma nova edição desta Bolsa para o ano académico de 2024/2025. Os requisitos necessários à candidatura são os seguintes: Ter nacionalidade portuguesa. Não ter beneficiado anteriormente de uma bolsa do Programa Fulbright. Não ter residido nos EUA durante um período igual ou superior a 5 anos, nos 6 anos anteriores à data do concurso. Não ter dupla nacionalidade, portuguesa e norte-americana. Não possuir autorização de residência (green card) nos EUA. Não possuir visto para os EUA válido entre a altura do concurso à bolsa e o início do período de estadia nos EUA. Ser detentor(a) de uma Bolsa de Doutoramento diretamente financiada pela FCT. Os(as) candidatos(as) que reúnam estas condições, têm ainda que apresentar uma affiliation letter, isto é, uma carta de aceitação por parte da instituição norte-americana de acolhimento, duas cartas de recomendação e o diploma ou certificado de notas dos graus académicos concluídos. | 2023-07-03 | 0000-00-00 |
The European Prize for Women Innovators | Show description For the 2023 – 2024 edition, the European Innovation Council and the European Institute for Innovation & Technology have teamed up to create a bigger and bolder European Prize for Women Innovators, with no fewer than 9 prizes to be awarded. Applications are open until 27 September 2023 at 17:00 CET. The European Prize for Women Innovators celebrates the women entrepreneurs behind Europe's most ground-breaking innovations. The prize awards women from across the EU and countries associated to Horizon Europe, whose disruptive innovations are driving positive change for people and planet. The prize is managed jointly by the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency and the European Institute for Innovation & Technology. The winners are chosen by an independent expert jury. | 2023-06-30 | 2023-09-27 |
ERC Portugal Pre-Assessment Program | Show description FCT launched this Monday, June 19, a new axis of the ERC-Portugal program, called ERC Portugal Pre-Assessment. This is a peer review service that FCT will provide to researchers from the national scientific community who are in the preparation phase of applications to Calls of projects of the European Research Council (ERC). The ERC Portugal Pre-Assessment will follow international peer review best practices, in which the pre-assessment model will mirror ERC's assessment criteria and assessor profiles. This new program is intended to be an important tool to improve the quality of national proposals and their preparation processes. Its ultimate goal will be to increase the number of national applications to the ERC's Calls and a greater naturalization in the submission of proposals to this leading European research funding agency. Proposals will be evaluated according to the ERC evaluation criteria for the respective Call, and evaluations will be carried out by international experts, with profiles of high experience in evaluation processes, preferably as panel members at Calls ERC. This program will support submissions for the next Call ERC Starting Grants, with an application deadline on October 24, 2023. To this end, the first round of ERC Portugal Pre-Assessment proposals will run until 20 July 2023 (Thursday). Pre-Assessment reports will be sent to researchers by 25 September 2023, approximately one month before the end of the period for submission of proposals to Call ERC Starting Grants, in order to constitute an effective contribution to the completion of the application preparation process to be submitted to Call ERC. In order to guarantee the timely submission of reports to the researchers, the program's calendar model will be as follows: (i) submission of application proposals up to about 2 months before the ERC deadline for submission of applications; (ii) submission of pre-evaluations and reports to the researchers up to about one month of the same deadline. | 2023-06-22 | 2023-07-20 |
Cooperação Bilateral Portugal-Alemanha 2023: concurso conjunto | Show description O acordo de cooperação científica e tecnológica entre Portugal e a Alemanha, estabelecido em 1990, prevê que os dois países estabelecem um programa destinado a promover a cooperação entre professores e investigadores, incluindo jovens investigadores em estabelecimentos de ensino superior e instituições de investigação afins em Portugal e Alemanha. Um dos objetivos previstos passa por fomentar ações de intercâmbio de investigadores através do apoio à sua mobilidade no âmbito de projetos internacionais. Os projetos terão uma duração máxima de 24 meses, sendo renováveis anualmente nos termos do Artigo 13º e 14º do regulamento. O financiamento anual da FCT por projeto é de 2.000 euros. | 2023-06-14 | 2023-09-15 |
Applications for New COST Actions | Show description The Open Call 2023 is now open. The next collection date will be 25 October 2023 at 12.00 (noon) CEST. The following collection date is expected in Autumn 2024. Participants are invited to submit COST Action proposals contributing to the scientific, technological, economic, cultural or societal knowledge advancement and development of Europe. Multi- and interdisciplinary proposals are encouraged. The Open Call Action proposal submission, evaluation, selection and approval (SESA) procedure is fully science and technology-driven and will ensure a simple, transparent and competitive proposal evaluation and selection process, reflecting the bottom-up, open and inclusive principles of COST. Participants planning to submit a proposal for a COST Action will need to refer to the SESA guidelines and to the Open Call Announcement available on the Documents and Guidelines page. For further information: | 2023-06-03 | 2023-10-25 |
online COST Info Day | Show description This online COST Info Day is open to all researchers and innovators at any career stage and from any field of research, especially young researchers, as well as R&I staff. The aim is to inform researchers and innovators about how to connect with COST Actions or submit a COST Action proposal, the role and impact of the COST programme, and the benefits of participating in COST for researchers’ careers, with a focus on young researchers. For organisational reasons, registration through this webpage is necessary to receive the link timely to join on 24 May. Registration: Programme overview 10:00 | Welcome and introduction | Director of the COST Association 10:10 | What is COST and how to participate in a COST Action? | COST Policy Officer 10:30 | How to submit an application? Tips & tricks | COST Science Officer 10:40 | Which activities are funded? | COST Administrative Officer 11:00 | What are the benefits of participating in COST? | COST Action Chair 11:15 | Q&A 11:30 | End of the session | 2023-05-24 | 2023-05-24 |
Cooperação Bilateral Portugal-França 2023: concurso conjunto ao abrigo do Programa PESSOA | Show description Ao abrigo do Acordo de Cooperação, a FCT e o Campus France lançam o concurso para o financiamento de projetos internacionais de mobilidade de investigadores. O acordo de cooperação científica e tecnológica entre Portugal e França, estabelecido em 2004, prevê que os dois países estabelecem um programa destinado a promover a cooperação entre professores e investigadores, incluindo jovens investigadores em estabelecimentos de ensino superior e instituições de investigação afins em Portugal e França. Um dos objetivos previstos passa por fomentar ações de intercâmbio de investigadores através do apoio à sua mobilidade no âmbito de projetos internacionais. Os projetos terão uma duração máxima de 24 meses, sendo renováveis anualmente nos termos do Artigo 13º e 14º do regulamento. O financiamento anual da FCT por projeto é de 2.000 euros. As candidaturas devem ser elaboradas conjuntamente pelos investigadores responsáveis dos dois países e submetidas aos organismos executores do Acordo. Assim, a equipa portuguesa deverá remeter a sua candidatura à FCT e a equipa estrangeira ao organismo do seu país. A candidatura a apresentar à FCT deverá ser submetida no portal de submissão de candidaturas até às 17:00 do dia 26 de junho de 2023, hora de Lisboa. | 2023-05-18 | 2023-06-26 |
Info Session on Doctoral Networks | Show description Informative session focused on the MSCA Doctoral Networks upcoming 2023 Call. Date: 09th May 2023 10h00 - 11h00 | 2023-05-09 | 2023-05-09 |
Info session on MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships | Show description Informative session focused on the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 Call organized by FCT Date: 04th May 2023 10h00-11h00 | 2023-05-04 | 2023-05-04 |
MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 (HORIZON-MSCA-2023-PF-01) | Show description For your Information, especially for those who know young researchers who might be interested in coming to LIP MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships (2023/24) The goal of MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships is to enhance the creative and innovative potential of researchers holding a PhD and who wish to acquire new skills through advanced training, international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary mobility. MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships will be open to excellent researchers of any nationality. The scheme also encourages researchers to work on research and innovation projects in the non-academic sector and is open to researchers wishing to reintegrate in Europe, to those who are displaced by conflict, as well as to researchers with high potential who are seeking to restart their careers in research. Through the implementation of an original and personalised research project, MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships aim to foster excellence through training and mobility and to equip researchers with new skills and competences in order to identify solutions to current and future challenges. Postdoctoral researchers are encouraged to engage with society at large to make the results of their research visible to citizens and to involve citizens, civil society and end-users in co-creation of research content when relevant. | 2023-04-12 | 2023-09-13 |
Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus - 6th Edition | Show description The Individual Call is aimed at PhD holders of any nationality or stateless with a background in any scientific area who wish to develop their scientific research or technological development activity in Portugal. ----------------------- A Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) publicou o aviso de abertura da 6.ª edição do Concurso Estímulo ao Emprego Científico Individual (CEEC Individual), cujas candidaturas vão decorrer de 4 de abril de 2023 até às 17:00 (hora de Lisboa) de 3 de maio de 2023. Este concurso prevê a contratação de mais 400 investigadores doutorados ao abrigo do Regulamento do Emprego Científico (REC). O CEEC Individual é um concurso anual que apoia diretamente a contratação de investigadores doutorados, em todas as áreas científicas, que pretendam realizar a sua atividade de investigação científica ou de desenvolvimento tecnológico em Portugal, nas instituições que integram o Sistema Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia (SNCT). Os contratos do CEEC Individual têm a duração até 6 anos e são atribuídos, nesta edição, em função de três categorias: Investigador júnior, Investigador auxiliar e Investigador principal. | 2023-04-04 | 2023-05-08 |
Interreg Europe - Next call for projects | Show description Second call for projects. The second call will open from 15 March to 9 June 2023.
This is a call for proposals for interregional cooperation projects. These projects gather policy-relevant organisations from different countries in Europe working together on a common regional development The programme eligible area covers the whole European Union territory with its 27 Member States, | 2023-03-15 | 2023-06-09 |
IAEA Lise Meitner Programme - Applications Open | Show description The IAEA Lise Meitner Programme provides early and mid-career women professionals with opportunities to participate in a multiweek visiting professional programme and advanced their technical and soft skills. Qualified female professionals are invited to submit the application with the required supporting documents at the following link. The first professional visits under the IAEA Lise Meitner Programme are expected to take place in June 2023, in the United States of America. Candidates interested in this professional visit should submit their applications no later than Sunday, March 19, 2023 (11:59pm, Vienna time). For eligibility and application requirements, please click here. | 2023-02-23 | 2023-03-19 |
Enterprise Europe Network Partnering Opportunities | Show description Consulte todas as oportunidades de parceria da Enterprise Europe Network AQUI | 2023-02-23 | 0000-00-00 |
Programa RESTART | Show description Candidaturas ao Programa RESTART abrem a 15 de fevereiro A FCT vai abrir dia 15 de fevereiro de 2023 o período para submissão de candidaturas à 1ª edição do Programa RESTART. Este programa pretende promover a igualdade de género e de oportunidades nas atividades e carreiras de I&D, pelo financiamento, em concurso competitivo, de projetos individuais no montante máximo de 50 mil euros, e com uma duração de execução de 18 meses. A 1ª edição do Programa RESTART tem prevista uma dotação orçamental de 1,25 milhões de euros. O programa RESTART destina-se a promover a igualdade de género e de oportunidades, através do financiamento competitivo de projetos individuais de I&D em todos os domínios científicos, quando realizados por investigadoras ou investigadores que tenham gozado recentemente de uma licença parental, incluindo por adoção. O prazo de candidatura à 1ª edição do Programa RESTART decorre de 15 de fevereiro a 30 de março de 2023. | 2023-02-15 | 2023-03-30 |
CaixaImpulse Innovation call for proposals open until March 30 | Show description We are looking for entrepreneurial scientists from research centres, hospitals and universities with a health innovation project that can have an impact on society. There will be an information session on March 2. Find out more here | 2023-02-13 | 2023-03-30 |
Calendário das sessões temáticas da infoweek (sessões online) | Show description Infoday organizado pela Comissão Europeia dedicado ao Cluster 1: Saúde - este evento não é organizado pela Rede PERIN - 19 de janeiro de 2023 - 8:00 – 16:00 Cluster 2: Cultura, Criatividade e Sociedade Inclusiva Link aqui - 9 de fevereiro de 2023 - 10:00 – 12:30 Cluster 3: Segurança Civil para a Sociedade Link aqui - 23 de fevereiro de 2023 - 11:00 – 12:30 Cluster 4: O Digital, a Indústria e o Espaço Link aqui - 18 de janeiro de 2023 - 10:00 – 12:00 Cluster 5: Clima, Energia e Mobilidade Link aqui - 19 de janeiro de 2023 - 14:30 – 16:30 Cluster 6: Alimentação, Bioeconomia, Recursos Naturais, Agricultura e Ambiente Link aqui - 19 de janeiro de 2023 - 10:00 – 12:00 Pilar 3: Europa Inovadora
Link aqui - 17 de janeiro de 2023 - 10:00 – 16:00 Questões Legais e Financeiras Link aqui - 20 de janeiro de 2023 - 10:00 – 12:00 | 2023-01-19 | 2023-02-23 |
Sessão de abertura da Infoweek 2023 do Horizonte Europa | 16 de janeiro de 2023 | Show description A Agência Nacional de Inovação (ANI), em colaboração com as restantes agências da Rede PERIN, está a promover a Infoweek anual de apresentação dos tópicos a concurso em 2023 e 2024 do Programa Horizonte Europa, que decorre de 16 a 20 de janeiro de 2023. Esta Infoweek será celebrada com uma sessão de abertura presencial, em Lisboa, nas instalações do IAPMEI (sitas em Estrada do Paço do Lumiar, Campus do Lumiar, Edifício A, 1649-038 Lisboa), no dia 16 de janeiro de 2023, entre as 10:00 e as 16:00, seguida de sessões online organizadas pelos diversos Clusters do Pilar 2 e pelo Pilar 3, que irão decorrer durante a semana e nas semanas seguintes. Não perca esta oportunidade de reencontrar os seus Pontos de Contacto Nacional. A participação é gratuita, mas o registo é obrigatório. | 2023-01-16 | 0000-00-00 |
Research Infrastructures - 2023 Calls | Show description The Research Infrastructures Work Programme 2023-2024 is published, there you’ll find all the funding opportunities within this programme for 2023 and 2024. Until the 9th March 2023, there are 4 calls open with 18 topics which will fund approximately 61 projects: INFRADEV – Developing, consolidating and optimizing the European research infrastructures landscape, maintaining global leadership INFRA-2023-DEV-01-06: Strengthen bilateral cooperation on RI with Latin America INFRA-2023-DEV-01-07: Strengthening the international dimension of ESFRI and/or ERIC RIs INFRA-2023-DEV-01-08: Preparatory phase of new ESFRI RI projects INFRAEOSC – Enabling an operational, open and FAIR European Open Science Cloud ecosystem INFRA-2023-EOSC-01-03: Planning, tracking, and assessing scientific knowledge production INFRA-2023-EOSC-01-05: EOSC Architecture and Interoperability Framework INFRA-2023-EOSC-01-06: Trusted environments for sensitive data management in EOSC INFRASERV – Research Infrastructures services to support health research, accelerate the green and digital transformation, and advance frontier knowledge INFRA-2023-SERV-01-01: RI services to enable R&I addressing main challenges and EU priorities INFRA-2023-SERV-01-02: RI services advancing frontier knowledge INFRATECH – Next generation of scientific instrumentation, tools, methods, and advanced digital solutions for RIs | 2023-01-10 | 2023-03-09 |
FLAD - New dates 2023 | Show description Grants for research internships in the USA designed for master’s students, doctoral students, and junior researchers (with a PhD for no longer than 3 years) from Portuguese institutions. Deadlines – 2023 Open Calls Internships starting between January 1st and June 30th, 2023: Applications: until October 31st, 2022. Results: until December 31st, 2022. Internships starting between July 1st and December 31st, 2023: Applications: until April 30th, 2023. Results: until June 30th, 2023. More details here: Bolsas para apresentação de comunicações em conferências nos EUA. A bolsa Papers@USA tem como objetivo internacionalizar o conhecimento científico produzido em Portugal e apoiar o desenvolvimento académico dos participantes. A bolsa terá um valor máximo de 1.200 euros. As candidaturas devem ser realizadas 4 meses antes da data de início da conferência norte-americana para o qual o participante foi aceite. Desta forma, os prazos de candidatura para apresentação de comunicações em conferências nos EUA com início em: Janeiro de 2023: Candidaturas até 30 setembro 2022 Fevereiro de 2023: Candidaturas até 31 outubro 2022 Março de 2023: Candidaturas até 30 novembro 2022 Abril de 2023: Candidaturas até 31 dezembro 2022 Maio de 2023: Candidaturas até 31 janeiro 2023 Junho de 2023: Candidaturas até 28 fevereiro 2023 Julho de 2023: Candidaturas até 31 março 2023 Agosto de 2023: Candidaturas até 30 abril 2023 Setembro de 2023: Candidaturas até 31 maio 2023 Outubro de 2023: Candidaturas até 30 junho 2023 Novembro 2023: Candidaturas até 31 julho 2023 Dezembro de 2023: Candidaturas até 31 agosto 2023 Os resultados serão comunicados até 60 dias após o encerramento do prazo das respetivas candidaturas. | 2023-01-10 | 2023-01-10 |
FCT Open Calls for 2023 | Show description The link will be updated regularly by FCT | 2023-01-10 | 0000-00-00 |
EIC Transition | Show description Apply anytime (cut-off dates: 12 April, 27 September) EIC Transition funds innovation activities that go beyond the experimental proof of principle in laboratory to support both: the maturation and validation of your novel technology in the lab and in relevant application environments the development of a business case and (business) model towards the innovation’s future commercialisation. EIC Transition projects should address both technology and market/business development, possibly including iterative learning processes based on early customer or user feedback. The expected outcomes of an EIC Transition project are: a technology that is demonstrated to be effective for its intended application (TRL 5/6) and a business model, its initial validation and a business plan for its development to market. Grants of up to €2.5 million are available to validate and demonstrate technology in application-relevant environment and develop market readiness. | 2023-01-01 | 2023-12-31 |
Plan for FCT 2023 Calls | Show description A Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) disponibiliza o calendário de concursos previstos para 2023. A informação é atualizada regularmente, de modo a refletir qualquer alteração, quer nos instrumentos de financiamento, bem como nas datas previstas. Poderão existir outros concursos específicos ou temáticos não incluídos nesta lista. Para informação sobre os concursos da FCT abertos, consulte | 2023-01-01 | 2023-12-31 |
ERC Scientific Council decides changes to the evaluation forms and processes for the 2024 calls | Show description During its December plenary meeting the ERC Scientific Council decided on changes to the ERC’s application forms and evaluation procedures for the 2024 calls. The current CV and Track Record templates will be combined and simplified and applicants will be able to add short narrative descriptions to explain the information provided. Applicants will also be invited to explain career breaks or unconventional career paths and to describe exceptional contributions to the research community. One effect of these changes is that the Profiles of the ERC Principal Investigators which appeared in previous Work Programmes will no longer be necessary. The Scientific Council has furthermore decided to explicitly weigh the project proposal more than the past achievements of the applicant during the evaluation. Full details will be found in the ERC Work Programme 2024 and the associated guidance documents. The Scientific Council recognises that maintaining the quality of the ERC’s evaluation is critical to its success and has always been prepared to adapt and update the ERC’s specific processes and procedures as necessary. Proposals will continue to be evaluated by peer review panels composed of leading scientists and scholars using the sole criterion of scientific excellence. In a related development, the Scientific Council also decided to sign the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment published in July this year. | 2022-12-19 | 0000-00-00 |
EIC Pathfinder2023 | Show description The EIC Pathfinder Open 2023 call will close on the 7th March 2023 17.00 (CET). With its Pathfinder programme the EIC supports the exploration of bold ideas for radically new technologies. It welcomes the high-risk / high gain and interdisciplinary cutting-edge science collaborations that underpin technological breakthroughs. Pathfinder goes beyond what is already known. Visionary thinking can open up promising avenues towards powerful new technologies. Applicants participating in EIC Pathfinder projects are typically visionary scientists and entrepreneurial researchers from universities, research organisations, start-ups, high-tech SMEs or industrial stakeholders interested in technological research and innovation. Projects typically involve consortia of researchers and other partners from at least three different countries, but there are also opportunities for individual teams and small consortia (two partners). Grants of up to 3 to 4 million euro support early stage development of future technologies (e.g. various activities at low Technology Readiness Levels 1-3), up to proof of concept. Pathfinder projects can also receive additional funding for testing the innovation potential of their research outputs. | 2022-12-07 | 2023-03-07 |
MSCA COFUND 2022 | Show description Applicants submit proposals for new or existing doctoral or postdoctoral programmes with an impact on the enhancement of human resources in R&I at regional, national or international level. These programmes will be co-funded by MSCA COFUND. Proposed programmes can cover any research disciplines ("bottom-up"), but exceptionally can also focus on specific disciplines, notably when they are based on national or regional Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3 strategies). In this case, the range of covered disciplines should allow reasonable flexibility for the researchers to define their topic. Funding synergies with Cohesion policy funds and the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) are strongly encouraged[1],[2]. A Career Development Plan must be jointly established by the supervisor and each recruited researcher upon recruitment. In addition to research objectives, this Plan comprises the researcher's training and career needs, including training on transferable skills, teaching, planning for publications and participation in conferences and events aimed at opening science and research to citizens. The Plan must be established at the beginning of the recruitment and should be revised (and updated where needed) within 18 months. COFUND takes the form of: A) Doctoral programmes Doctoral programmes offer research training activities to allow doctoral candidates to develop and broaden their skills and competences. They will lead to the award of a doctoral degree in at least one EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country. The training activities should be based on the EU Principles on Innovative Doctoral Training. Substantial training modules, including digital ones, addressing key transferable skills and competences common to all fields and fostering the culture of Open Science, innovation and entrepreneurship will be supported. They will include, inter alia, training on the use of collaborative tools, opening access to publications and to research data, FAIR data management, public engagement and citizen science. On top of compulsory international mobility, applicants are encouraged to include elements of cross-sectoral mobility and interdisciplinarity into their programmes. Collaboration with a wider set of associated partners, including from the non-academic sector, will be positively taken into account during the evaluation. These organisations may provide hosting or secondment opportunities or training modules in research or transferable skills. Particular attention is paid to the quality of supervision and mentoring arrangements as well as career guidance. The selection procedure for doctoral candidates must be open, transparent and merit-based, in line with the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The vacancy notice (to be widely advertised internationally, including on the EURAXESS[3] website) must include the minimum gross salary (not including employer’s social contributions) offered to the researcher. B) Postdoctoral Programmes Postdoctoral Programmes fund individual advanced research training and career development fellowships for postdoctoral researchers. The programmes should offer training to develop key transferable skills and competences common to all fields, foster innovation and entrepreneurship and promote and (where appropriate) reward Open Science practices (open access to publications and to research data, FAIR data management, public engagement and citizen science, etc.). Postdoctoral Programmes should have regular selection rounds following fixed deadlines or regular cut-off dates, allowing fair competition between researchers. The selections should be open, widely advertised (including on the EURAXESS website), competitive, merit-based and with a transparent international peer review, in line with the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The vacancy notice must include the minimum gross salary (not including employer’s social contributions) offered to the postdoctoral researcher. On top of compulsory international mobility, applicants are encouraged to include elements of cross-sectoral mobility and interdisciplinarity into their programmes. Researchers will be able to freely choose a research topic and the appropriate organisation to host them, fitting their individual needs.
| 2022-10-11 | 2023-02-09 |
Concursos de Projetos Exploratórios da CMU Portugal, MIT Portugal e UT Austin Portugal | Show description Estão abertas as candidaturas aos concursos de Projetos Exploratórios no âmbito das parcerias Internacionais da FCT - CMU Portugal, MIT Portugal e UT Austin Portugal, abriram dia 11 de outubro e vão decorrer até às 17h00 (hora de Lisboa) do dia 17 de novembro de 2022. | 2022-10-11 | 2022-11-17 |
MSCA Staff Exchanges 2022 | Show description MSCA Staff Exchanges involve organisations from the academic and non-academic sectors (including SMEs) from across the globe. Support is provided for international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary mobility of R&I staff leading to knowledge transfer between participating organisations. Mobility through secondments The organisations constituting the partnership contribute directly to the implementation of a joint R&I project by seconding and/or hosting eligible staff members. Such a project must explore activities that can be based on previous work but should go beyond and generate or strengthen long-term collaborations. Secondments must always take place between legal entities independent from each other. MSCA Staff Exchanges can address three dimensions of mobility: inter-sectoral, international and interdisciplinary. While exchanges between organisations within EU Member States and Horizon Europe Associated Countries should mainly be inter-sectoral, same-sector exchanges are also possible under the condition that they are interdisciplinary. Interdisciplinarity is not required for same-sector exchanges with non-associated Third Countries. Secondments between institutions established in non-associated Third Countries or within the same EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country are not eligible. The collaborative approach of MSCA Staff Exchanges should exploit complementary competences of the participating organisations and create synergies between them. The secondments should be essential to achieve the joint project’s R&I activities. The project should inter alia enable networking activities and the organisation of workshops and conferences, to facilitate sharing of knowledge and testing of innovative approaches for specific R&I topics. Skills’ development For participating staff members, the project should offer new skills acquisition and career development perspectives. Participating organisations must ensure that the seconded staff are adequately mentored. Interdisciplinarity means the integration of information, data, techniques, tools, perspectives, concepts or theories from two or more scientific disciplines. These aspects will be assessed during the evaluation. | 2022-10-06 | 2023-03-08 |
ERC Plans for 2023 - TENTATIVE DATES | Show description Starting Grants | ERC-2023-StG Open: 12-07-2022 Deadline: 25-10-2022 Consolidator Grants | ERC-2023-CoG Open: 28-09-2022 Deadline: 02-02-2023 Advanced Grants | ERC-2023-AdG Open: 08-12-2022 Deadline: 23-05-2023 Synergy Grants | ERC-2023-SyG Open: 13-07-2022 Deadline: 08-11-2023 Proof of Concept Grant | ERC-2023-PoC Open: 20-10-2022 Cut-off dates or deadline for applications: 24-01-202, 20-04-2023, 14-09-2023 | 2022-07-12 | 2023-11-08 |
"la Caixa" Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships programme 2023 is now open | Show description Apply for "la Caixa" Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships by 7th October The "la Caixa" Foundation is now accepting applications for its annual Postdoctoral Junior Leader Fellowship call, aimed at researchers interested in conducting research projects in Spain or Portugal. Researchers of any nationality working in the STEM disciplines can apply in the call. There are two frames within the programme: - Incoming: 25 fellowships for researchers coming to Spain or Portugal from abroad - Retaining: 15 fellowships for researchers residing in Spain or Portugal Find out more and apply: | 2022-07-12 | 2022-10-07 |
Event: Info Session on Doctoral Networks | Show description Date: 14th June 2022, 10h00-11h00 Informative session focused on the Horizon Europe Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Networks 2022 Call. Link for Registration:
| 2022-06-14 | 2022-06-14 |
Event: Info Session on Postdoctoral Fellowships | Show description Date: 9th June 2022, 10h00 - 11h00 Informative session focused on the Horizon Europe Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022 Call Link for Registration: | 2022-06-09 | 2022-06-09 |
Event: Info Session on funding opportunities for 2023 on the Horizon Europe Research Infrastructures Programme. | Show description Date: 7th June 2022, 10h00-11h00 Description: Informative session focused on the funding opportunities for 2023 on the Horizon Europe Research Infrastructures Programme, which are expected to open in December 2022. Link for Registration: | 2022-06-07 | 2022-06-07 |
Event: Info Session on the European Research Council and Widening&ERA | Show description Date: 2th June 2022, 14h00-15h30 Informative session focused on the Horizon Europe ERC Calls for the Work Programme 2023, ERA Talents 2022 Call, and an introduction to the Pilar I and Widening&ERA WP2023-2024 Link for Registration: | 2022-06-02 | 2022-06-02 |
MSCA Doctoral Networks 2022 | Show description MSCA Doctoral Networks will implement doctoral programmes, by partnerships of universities, research institutions and research infrastructures, businesses including SMEs, and other socio-economic actors from different countries across Europe and beyond. MSCA Doctoral Networks are indeed open to the participation of organisations from third countries, in view of fostering strategic international partnerships for the training and exchange of researchers. These doctoral programmes will respond to well-identified needs in various R&I areas, expose the researchers to the academic and non-academic sectors, and offer training in research-related, as well as transferable skills and competences relevant for innovation and long-term employability (e.g. entrepreneurship, commercialisation of results, Intellectual Property Rights, communication). Proposals for doctoral networks can reflect existing or planned research partnerships among the participating organisations. The selection procedure for doctoral candidates must be open, transparent and merit-based, in line with the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The vacancy notice (to be widely advertised internationally, including on the EURAXESS website) must include the gross salary (not including employer’s social contributions) offered to the researcher. MSCA Doctoral Networks are encouraged to lead to Industrial or Joint Doctorates. The MSCA Doctoral Networks aim to train creative, entrepreneurial, innovative and resilient doctoral candidates, able to face current and future challenges and to convert knowledge and ideas into products and services for economic and social benefit. The MSCA Doctoral Networks will raise the attractiveness and excellence of doctoral training in Europe. They will equip researchers with the right combination of research-related and transferable competences and provide them with enhanced career perspectives in both the academic and non-academic sectors through international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral mobility combined with an innovation-oriented mind-set. | 2022-05-03 | 2022-11-15 |
Other Calls | Show description Other Calls • Research Infrastructures: Funding&Tenders_Ris • Widening: Funding&Tenders_Widening • ERA Calls (former SWAFS): Funding&Tenders_ERA_Calls | 2022-05-01 | 2022-12-31 |
MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022 | Show description The goal of MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships is to enhance the creative and innovative potential of researchers holding a PhD and who wish to acquire new skills through advanced training, international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral mobility. MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships will be open to excellent researchers of any nationality. The scheme also encourages researchers to work on research and innovation projects in the non-academic sector and is open to researchers wishing to reintegrate in Europe, to those who are displaced by conflict, as well as to researchers with high potential who are seeking to restart their careers in research. Through the implementation of an original and personalised research project, MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships aim to foster excellence through training and mobility and to equip researchers with new skills and competences in order to identify solutions to current and future challenges. Postdoctoral researchers are encouraged to reach out to society at large to make the results of their research visible to citizens. Fellowships will be provided to excellent researchers, undertaking international mobility either to or between EU Member States or Horizon Europe Associated Countries, as well as to non-associated Third Countries. Applications will be made jointly by the researcher and a beneficiary in the academic or non-academic sector. Postdoctoral Fellowships either can take place in Europe (i.e. in an EU Member State or a Horizon Europe Associated Country) or in a Third Country not associated to Horizon Europe: European Postdoctoral Fellowships are open to researchers of any nationality who wish to engage in R&I projects by either coming to Europe from any country in the world or moving within Europe. The standard duration of these fellowships must be between 12 and 24 months. Global Postdoctoral Fellowships are open to European nationals or long-term residents who wish to engage in R&I projects with organisations outside EU Member States and Horizon Europe Associated Countries. These fellowships require an outgoing phase of minimum 12 and maximum 24 months in a non-associated Third Country, and a mandatory 12-month return phase to a host organisation based in an EU Member State or a Horizon Europe Associated Country. Specific eligibility conditions apply to MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships in the research areas covered by the Euratom Research and Training Programme 2021-2025. | 2022-04-13 | 2022-09-14 |
EIC Transition Open 2022 | Show description HORIZON-EIC-2022-TRANSITIONOPEN-01 ExpectedOutcome: EIC Transition aims at maturing both your technology and business idea thus increasing its technology and market readiness. The expected outcomes of an EIC Transition project are a) a technology that is demonstrated to be effective for its intended application and b) a business model, its initial validation and a business plan for its development to market. It is also expected that the intellectual property generated by your EIC Transition project is formally protected in an adequate way. For more details, see the WP 2022. Objective: This topic has no predefined thematic priorities and is open to proposals in any field of science, technology or application. For any chosen field, EIC Transition projects should address, in a balanced way, both technology and market/business development, possibly including iterative learning processes based on early customer or user feedback. These activities should include, subject to the level of maturity of the technology, a suitable mix of research, technology development and validation activities to increase the maturity of the technology beyond proof of principle to viable demonstrators of the technology in the intended field of application (i.e. up to Technology Readiness Level 5 or 6). The activities must in all cases address market readiness towards commercialisation and deployment (market research, business case, prospects for growth, intellectual property protection, competitor analysis etc.) and other relevant aspects of regulation, certification and standardisation, aimed at getting both the technology and the business idea investment-ready. Scope: EIC Transition funds innovation activities that go beyond the experimental proof of principle in laboratory. It supports both the maturation and validation of a novel technology from the lab to the relevant application environments (by making use of prototyping, formulation, models, user testing or other validation tests) as well as explorations and development of a sustainable business case and business model towards commercialisation. Expected Impact: At the end of the EIC Transition project, it should be ready for the next stage, which can be to apply for EIC Accelerator (if you are a SME, including start-ups or spin-offs), to seek other investors or sources of funding, to enter licensing or collaboration agreements with third parties, or other routes to market deployment. In case the project is not led by an SME or commercial partner, the formation and spin out of a new company can be included as part of the activities. It will be expected to describe the intended pathway and route to market in the proposal, and to specify milestones and KPIs during the implementation of your project to assess progress towards the market. | 2022-03-01 | 2022-09-28 |
EIC Pathfinder Open 2022 (HORIZON-EIC-2022-PATHFINDEROPEN-01) | Show description You should apply to this call if you are looking for support from EIC Pathfinder Open to realise an ambitious vision for radically new technology, with potential to create new markets and/or to address global challenges. EIC Pathfinder Open supports early stage development of such future technologies (e.g. various activities at low Technology Readiness Levels 1-4), based on high-risk/high-gain science-towards-technology breakthrough research (including ‘deep-tech’). This research must provide the foundations of the technology you are envisioning. EIC Pathfinder Open may support your work, especially if it is highly risky: you may set out to try things that will not work; you may be faced with questions that nobody knows the answer to yet; you may realise that there are many aspects of the problem that you do not master. On the contrary, if the path you want to follow is incremental by nature or known, EIC Pathfinder Open will not support you. Before applying you should verify that your proposal meets all the following essential characteristics (‘Gatekeepers’): Convincing long-term vision of a radically new technology that has the potential to have a transformative positive effect to our economy and society. Concrete, novel and ambitious science-towards-technology breakthrough, providing advancement towards the envisioned technology. High-risk/high-gain research approach and methodology, with concrete and plausible objectives. 1. Admissibility and eligibility conditions: This call is open for collaborative research. Your proposal must be submitted by the coordinator, on behalf of a consortium that includes at least three independent legal entities, each one established in a different Member State or Associated Country and with at least one of them established in a Member State. The legal entities may for example be universities, research organisations, SMEs, start-ups, industrial partners or natural persons. The standard admissibility and eligibility conditions are detailed in Annex 2, and the eligibility of applicants from third countries in Annex 3 of the EIC Work Programme 2022. 2. Proposal page limits and layout: described in Part B of the Application Form available in the Submission System Sections 1 to 3 of the part B of your proposal, corresponding respectively to the evaluation criteria Excellence, Impact, and Quality and Efficiency of the Implementation, must consist of a maximum of 17 A4 pages. Excess pages will be automatically made invisible, and will not be taken into consideration by the evaluators. Please also consult Annex 2 of the EIC Work Programme 2022. 3. Financial and operational capacity :described in Annex 2 of the EIC Work Programme 2022. 4. Evaluation and award: Submission and evaluation processes: described in Section II.1 of the EIC Work Programme 2022 and the Online Manual. A rebuttal procedure after the remote phase will provide you with the opportunity to reply with a strict page limit (maximum two A4 pages) to the evaluators’ comments, which you will receive about 1.5-2.5 months after the call deadline via the EU Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal. The deadline for sending your replies will be eight calendar days (at 17h00 Brussels local time) after you have received the evaluators’ comments. Your replies cannot be used to alter or add to the content of the proposals, but must strictly focus on responding to potential misunderstandings or errors by the evaluators. Your replies will be made available to the evaluation committee. Award criteria, scoring and thresholds: described in Section II.1 of the EIC Work Programme 2022. Indicative timeline for evaluation and grant agreement: described in Section II.1 of the EIC Work Programme 2022. You will be informed about the outcome of the evaluation within 5 months from the call deadline (indicative), and, if your proposal is accepted for funding, your grant agreement will be signed by 8 months after call deadline (indicative). 5. Legal and financial set-up of the grants: Please refer to the Model Grant Agreement (MGA) used for EIC actions under Horizon Europe Documents Call documents: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Standard Application Form (EIC Pathfinder Open 2022)
| 2022-03-01 | 2022-05-04 |
Concurso FCT para Projetos em Todos os Domínios Científicos | Show description O concurso tem uma dotação orçamental de 75 milhões de euros e apoiará duas tipologias de projetos: - Projetos de investigação científica e desenvolvimento tecnológico (IC&DT), com uma duração de 36 meses e financiamento máximo por projeto de 250 mil euros. A dotação orçamental destinada a esta tipologia é de 55 milhões de euros; - Projetos de investigação de caráter exploratório (PeX), com uma duração de 18 meses e financiamento máximo por projeto de 50 mil euros. A dotação orçamental destinada a esta tipologia é de 20 milhões de euros. As duas tipologias de projetos foram introduzidas no concurso de projetos do ano passado, indo ao encontro de sugestões da comunidade científica. Com uma periodicidade anual, o Concurso de Projetos em todos os Domínios Científicos integra o conjunto dos grandes concursos estruturantes da FCT, cuja calendarização está estabelecida até 2023 e publicada no site. A regularidade e previsibilidade para os grandes concursos foi um dos compromissos assumidos pela FCT com a comunidade científica, seguindo desde 2019 o calendário publicado. O formulário de candidatura e o guia de apoio ao preenchimento do formulário será disponibilizado na página do concurso no dia de abertura das candidaturas, a 8 de fevereiro. As candidaturas serão submetidas em língua inglesa através do Portal de Concursos da FCT. | 2022-02-08 | 2022-03-10 |
Concurso Estímulo ao Emprego Científico Individual - 5.ª Edição | Show description O Concurso Individual destina-se a doutorados de qualquer nacionalidade ou apátridas detentores de percurso em qualquer área científica que pretendam desenvolver a sua atividade de investigação científica ou desenvolvimento tecnológico em Portugal. Os candidatos identificam previamente a instituição de acolhimento onde irão desenvolver o seu plano de investigação. Os doutorados selecionados são diretamente contratados pela instituição de acolhimento identificada, através de financiamento da FCT. Consideram-se as seguintes categorias de referência: Investigador júnior - doutorados há 5 anos ou menos, com experiência de investigação pós-doutoral reduzida na área científica a que se candidata. Investigador auxiliar - doutorados há mais de 5 anos e menos de 12 anos, com currículo relevante na área científica a que se candidatam e com independência científica limitada. Investigador principal - doutorados há mais de 12 anos, com currículo relevante na área científica a que se candidatam, demonstrando alguma independência científica nos últimos 3 anos. Investigador coordenador - doutorados detentores do título de habilitação ou agregação em Portugal, com currículo de mérito elevado na área científica a que se candidatam, demonstrando independência científica e com evidência de liderança na área científica a que se candidatam. O concurso está aberto de 3 de fevereiro de 2022 até às 17:00 (hora de Lisboa) de 3 de março de 2022. O período para a associação das instituições de acolhimento a cada candidatura individual é de 4 de março de 2022 até às 17:00 (hora de Lisboa) de 29 de março de 2022. As candidaturas são submetidas eletronicamente, em língua inglesa, através da plataforma eletrónica a disponibilizar oportunamente. Para informação adicional acerca do Concurso de Apoio Individual, contacte-nos através do e-mail | 2022-02-03 | 2022-03-03 |
Next generation of scientific instrumentation, tools and methods (2022) (HORIZON-INFRA-2022-TECH-01) | Show description Call Next generation of scientific instrumentation, tools and methods (2022) (HORIZON-INFRA-2022-TECH-01) Type of action HORIZON-RIA HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions Type of MGA HORIZON Action Grant Budget-Based [HORIZON-AG] Deadline model single-stage Planned opening date 19 January 2022 Deadline date 20 April 2022 17:00:00 Brussels time Topic description
Project results are expected to contribute to several of the following expected outcomes:
| 2022-01-19 | 2022-04-20 |
European partnership fostering a European Research Area (ERA) for health research | Show description Partnerships in Health (2022) (HORIZON-HLTH-2022-DISEASE-03) Types of action HORIZON Programme Cofund Actions Deadline model single-stage Opening date 12 January 2022 Deadline date 21 April 2022 17:00:00 Brussels time Expected Outcome: This topic aims at supporting activities that are enabling or contributing to one or several expected impacts of destination 3 “Tackling diseases and reducing disease burden” and destination 1 “Staying healthy in a rapidly changing society”. To that end, proposals under this topic should aim for delivering results that are contributing to all of the following expected outcomes:
| 2022-01-12 | 2022-04-22 |
Sessão online - Pilar I e WIDERA (Widening&ERA) do Horizonte Europa | Show description Caros Investigadores e Gestores de Ciência, Gostaríamos de vos convidar para uma sessão online no dia 21 de dezembro, terça feira, pelas 14h00. Iremos abordar várias questões relacionadas com o Pilar I e WIDERA (Widening&ERA) do Horizonte Europa, em particular o ERC e os concursos do WIDERA que têm deadlines no primeiro trimestre de 2022. A sessão será em formato de reunião zoom, limitado a 300 participantes. É necessário registo, e poderão fazê-lo aqui: Melhores cumprimentos, A Equipa de NCPs do Pilar I e WIDERA do Horizonte Europa | 2021-12-21 | 2021-12-21 |
Sessão de informação centrada nos concursos INFRAEOSC e INFRATECH | Show description Estando a decorrer os concursos do Programa de Infraestruturas de Investigação do Horizonte Europa, biénio 2021-2022, cujo programa pode ser consultado aqui, com vista à preparação dos próximos concursos, estão a ser organizadas sessões de divulgação do Programa de Infraestruturas de Investigação do Horizonte Europa: - 15 de novembro de 2021 às 14h00: Sessão de informação centrada nos concursos INFRAEOSC e INFRATECH. Para assistir a esta sessão por favor registe-se aqui. | 2021-11-15 | 2021-11-15 |
Sessão de informação centrada no concurso INFRADEV | Show description Estando a decorrer os concursos do Programa de Infraestruturas de Investigação do Horizonte Europa, biénio 2021-2022, cujo programa pode ser consultado aqui, com vista à preparação dos próximos concursos, estão a ser organizadas sessões de divulgação do Programa de Infraestruturas de Investigação do Horizonte Europa: - 12 de novembro de 2021 às 14h00: Sessão de informação centrada no concurso INFRADEV. Para assistir a esta sessão por favor registe-se aqui. | 2021-11-12 | 2021-11-12 |
The second edition of the AI Moonshot Challenge looks at the Earth, but also Space | Show description The 2nd edition of the Al Moonshot Challenge was launched this Thursday, November 4th, during the last day of Web Summit. As part of the launch, the application submission period was also opened. It will run until the end of May 2022 and proposals will be evaluated between June and October of the same year. The finalist teams will have the opportunity to pitch during the 2022 edition of Web Summit, during which the winner(s) will be known. | 2021-11-04 | 2022-05-31 |
Sessão de Promoção do Concurso EXCELLENCE HUBS | Show description Vimos por este meio divulgar a sessão de esclarecimento sobre o concurso do Horizonte Europa “Excellence Hubs”, que será organizada pelos NCPs do Widening, Rui Munhá e David Marçal. Portugal, como país do Widening, encontra-se numa posição privilegiada neste concurso já que serão exigidas propostas em Co-Coordenação entre pelo menos 2 Ecossistemas de 2 países Widening. Um “Ecossistema” está definido como um conjunto de entidades com 4 tipologias diferentes (Instituições de I&D, Empresas, Autoridades Locais ou Regionais e Sociedade Civil). Neste concurso serão financiados projetos de 3-5 M€ com uma duração de 4 anos. O concurso irá abrir no início de novembro e com prazo de submissão em março de 2022. Poderão aceder ao texto do concurso aqui. O “Excellence Hubs” complementa as atividades do Widening que são do vosso conhecimento, nomeadamente Twinning, ERA-CHAIRs ou Teaming. Está também relacionado com a iniciativa dos “ERA Hubs” (info adicional LINK1 e LINK2), mas centrada na componente do Widening. A tipologia das candidaturas é particularmente indicada ao nosso Sistema Científico e Tecnológico, e os projetos incluem financiamento para atividades de I&D para além das tradicionais atividades financiadas no âmbito de Ações de Coordenação e Suporte. A Equipa PERIN na FCT | 2021-11-03 | 2021-11-03 |
Space science and exploration technologies - TOPIC ID: HORIZON-CL4-2022-SPACE-01-82 | Show description Topic description Expected Outcome: Projects are expected to contribute to the following outcomes: Enable breakthroughs in technologies and scientific instrumentation for space science and exploration missions including those described in the Global Exploration Roadmap from the International Space Exploration Coordination Group (ISECG). Validation of novel space/planetary robotic technologies and instrumentation through analogue tests. Increased collaboration of scientific, engineering and industrial teams both within and outside Europe across different domains. To strengthen European scientific excellence and support the development of leading edge scientific and technologic research in Europe Scope: The development of innovative instrumentation (payload) and technologies enabling space science and exploration missions requires timely technology development associated with future space science and exploration missions, including robotic exploration technologies, early stage scientific instrumentation and component technologies for space resources utilisation and space observatories. The development of new and innovative approaches, such as instruments for Cubesats and other small space platforms, including planetary entry probe, or the use of Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components is encouraged as long as it contributes to the implementation of space science and exploration missions with significant scientific outputs. Advances are expected in support to on-site activities such as innovative measurement techniques, increased sensitivity, increased robustness, faster and more accurate data processing or in-situ sample and data analysis. The proposed activities should target primarily European and European-led space science and exploration missions or international missions where the participation of European partners provides demonstrated added value in technological development and scientific output. In this topic the integration of the gender dimension (sex and gender analysis) in research and innovation content is not a mandatory requirement. | 2021-11-02 | 2022-02-16 |
Brokerage para o Cluster Saúde | Show description No dia 29 de outubro 2021, a Comissão Europeia irá promover o evento de Brokerage para o Cluster Saúde. Os registos já estão abertos! | 2021-10-29 | 2021-10-29 |
Space Weather | Show description Space Weather TOPIC ID: HORIZON-CL4-2022-SPACE-01-62 Planned opening date 28 October 2021 Deadline date 16 February 2022 17:00:00 Brussels time Budget 2022: 2 000 000 EUR Topic description Expected Outcome: Commonly occurring space weather events (SWE) have the potential to affect the performance of critical space and ground infrastructure by disrupting operations and communications in multiple sectors of society. In addition, “extreme SWE” could have devastating societal and economic consequences with potential costs for disruptions and damages estimated in tens or even hundreds of billions of Euros. Space weather technological research for new precursor services: the worldwide goal of space weather activities should be to monitor and forecast SWE just like terrestrial weather. However, direct physical simulation is currently not achievable for an operational Sun to Earth system, due in part to the lack of measurements and to the complexity of the involved processes, as well as different timescales involved. Current space weather models are generally not capable of forecasting events over several days. A longer forecasting horizon would require access to data from new observation infrastructure coupled with new and improved modelling capabilities. Research and innovation activities should address application domains that may include space as well as terrestrial infrastructure. Proposals should include architectural concepts of possible European space weather services in relation to the application domains addressed and they should demonstrate complementarity to Space Weather services developed through the Space Situational Awareness component of the EU Space Programme. . Prepare Europe for a full exploitation of space weather data by a renewed effort on modelling and forecasting using currently available data. . Develop concepts to provide space weather data, forecasts and warnings with criteria on (timely) availability, harmonized (data) standards and quality control similar to the best-practices of meteorological services (as e.g. documented by the World Meteorological Organisation WMO). . Improve scientific understanding of the origin and evolution of space weather phenomena. . Improving SWE restitution and prediction capabilities using artificial intelligence / deep learning techniques. . Develop new services for both scientific purposes and terrestrial infrastructure monitoring. . Acceleration innovation of enabling technologies (maturing, prototyping, on ground tests including exploratory ground based instrumentations research) . Identified and matured concepts up to TRL 3-4 Scope: New modelling including ab-initio simulations to understand fundamental Sun-Earth physical mechanisms and their sensitivity to parameter change for improved forecasting skills, and forecasting techniques capable of improving the restitution quality and extending the time horizon of a future space weather forecasting capability to several days. . Proposals should address the development of modelling capabilities and/or the delivery of prototype services able to interpret a broad range of observations of the Sun’s corona and magnetic field, of the Sun-Earth interplanetary space and of the Earth magneto/iono/thermo-sphere coupling relying on existing observation capacities. . Validate and harmonize the currently available data from existing services and identify gaps in data and model availability. . Training of models using deep-learning techniques based on existing large aggregated databases from space measurements. . Inventory of potential early indicators of extreme space weather events. . Complementary and coherent activities with the ESA on-going or future activities in particular those decided at the last ESA Ministerial held in November 2019. . On ground demonstration tests . Ground instruments: densification of ground instrument networks and development/improvement of new instrument concepts . Complementary and coherent activities with existing space weather services with a significant involvement of European and national scientific institutions and stakeholders. | 2021-10-28 | 2022-02-16 |
InfoDay do Cluster Saúde | Show description O InfoDay do Cluster Saúde promovido pela Comissão Europeia será dia 28 de outubro 2021. Vão poder ouvir e colocar as vossas questões à Comissão Europeia sobre os tópicos de 2022 nas seis Destinations que compõem o Cluster Saúde. Não será necessário registo. | 2021-10-28 | 2021-10-28 |
Open Science month in NOVA FCSH: Info Session “Open Science in Horizon Europe” | Show description Speaker: Alea López de San Román – Policy Officer, Unit Open Science, Directorate General for Research and Innovation, European Commission Target audience: open to the R&I community (Researchers, Research managers, Librarians, etc.) Open science is a policy priority for the European Commission and the standard approach to academic research under the new Framework Programme Horizon Europe, as it improves the quality, efficiency and responsiveness of research. When researchers share knowledge and data as early as possible in the research process with all relevant actors it helps diffuse the latest knowledge. And when partners from across academia, industry, public authorities and citizen groups are invited to participate in the research and innovation process, creativity and trust in science increases. What novelties can we find in Horizon Europe regarding Open Science? What new practices evaluators will look for in their evaluation? What rules and obligations are set in the new model agreement? Alea López, from the Open Science unit of the European Commission, will discuss these and other issues, particularly relevant to all researchers and research managers aiming to submit and manage projects under Horizon Europe. Registration: Organizers: NOVA FCSH working group on Open Science | 2021-10-28 | 2021-10-28 |
Webinar: Oportunidades de Financiamento Europeu na área do Cancro | Show description O cancro é uma das principais prioridades da Comissão Europeia no domínio da saúde. O Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan (EBCP) é a resposta da Comissão Europeia a esse compromisso, sendo financiado essencialmente pela Missão Cancro, do Programa Horizonte Europa, e pelo Programa da Saúde EU4Health. A AICIB, através dos Pontos de Contacto Nacionais (NCP) para a área da Saúde do Horizonte Europa, e a DGS e ACSS, através dos Pontos Focais Nacionais (NFP) do EU4Health, promovem conjuntamente a divulgação das oportunidades de financiamento para a área do Cancro presentes nos dois programas. A sessão de divulgação online será no dia 21 de outubro, das 10h-12h. A participação é gratuita mas com inscrição obrigatória. Para mais informação poderá consultar o Programa em anexo. | 2021-10-21 | 2021-10-21 |
Oportunidades de Financiamento Europeu para a Saúde | Show description Os Pontos de Contacto Nacionais (NCP) para a área da Saúde do Horizonte Europa (AICIB) e os Pontos Focais Nacionais (NFP) do EU4Health (DGS e ACSS), promovem de forma conjunta a sessão Oportunidades de Financiamento Europeu para a Saúde para a divulgação dos dois grandes programas na área da Saúde financiados pela Comissão Europeia: o Programa de Investigação e Inovação, Horizonte Europa, com a componente da Saúde, e o Programa da Saúde, EU4Health. A sessão online será no dia 15 de outubro 2021, das 10h-12h. Mais informações no programa. Evento de participação gratuita, mas de registo obrigatório. | 2021-10-15 | 2021-10-15 |
Concurso CaixaResearch de Investigação na Saúde | Show description A Fundação ”la Caixa” lança a quinta edição do Concurso CaixaResearch para projetos de investigação em biomedicina e saúde. O objetivo do presente concurso consiste em identificar e promover as iniciativas de excelência científica com maior potencial e impacto na sociedade, seja em investigação de base, clínica ou translacional. Os projetos apresentados devem enquadrar-se nas seguintes áreas temáticas: Neurociências. Oncologia. Doenças cardiovasculares e doenças metabólicas associadas. Doenças infeciosas. Tecnologias facilitadoras nas quatro áreas temáticas anteriores. | 2021-09-28 | 2021-11-25 |
SOFT Innovation Prize | Show description O SOFT Innovation Prize, que pretende destacar e premiar a excelência em inovação encontrada na investigação em fusão, bem como a qualidade dos investigadores e indústrias envolvidas. As candidaturas têm lugar a partir de 15 de setembro de 2021 até 18 de janeiro de 2022. | 2021-09-15 | 2022-01-18 |
Fundo CERN 2021 | Show description 15 de setembro e as 17 horas (hora de Lisboa) de 15 de outubro de 2021 (Aviso de abertura em anexo). | 2021-09-15 | 2021-10-15 |
ERC Plans for 2022 (StG. CoG . AdG. Synergy Grants) | Show description Starting Grants ERC-2021-StG Open: 13-09-2021 Deadline: 13-01-2022 Consolidator Grants ERC-2021-CoG Open: 19-10-2021 Deadline: 17-03-2022 Advanced Grants ERC-2021-AdG Open: 20-01-2022 Deadline: 28-04-2022 Synergy Grants Open: 15-07-2021 Deadline: 10-11-2021 | 2021-09-13 | 2022-04-28 |
EURATOM 2021-2025 | Show description O Programa de Investigação e Formação EURATOM 2021-2025, programa de financiamento complementar do Horizon Europe que abrange a investigação e inovação nuclear, encontra-se a promover um concurso para 16 calls até ao dia 7 de outubro de 2021 (17:00h, hora de Bruxelas). Estas Calls fazem parte do programa de trabalho do EURATOM para 2021-2022. | 2021-09-07 | 2021-10-07 |
Nuclear Innovation Prize | Show description O Nuclear Innovation Prize, que pretende destacar e premiar a excelência em inovação nuclear neste campo de investigação, bem como a qualidade de investigadores e empresas envolvidas. Existem duas categorias específicas para este prémio: 1. Nuclear Innovation Prize in safety of reactor systems; e 2. Nuclear Innovation Prize in radioactive waste management. As candidaturas já se encontram a decorrer até 15 de dezembro de 2021. | 2021-07-28 | 2021-12-15 |
ERA Chairs | Show description ERA Chairs Open for submission Programme Horizon Europe (HORIZON) ID HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-TALENTS-01-01 Types of action HORIZON Coordination and Support Actions Deadline model single-stage Opening date 29 June 2021 Deadline date 15 March 2022 17:00:00 Brussels time ERA Chairs stand for bringing excellence to institutions. ERA Chairs projects bring outstanding academics, with proven research excellence and management skills, to universities and research institutions in Widening countries with potential for research excellence. They aim to attract and maintain high-quality human resources under the direction of an outstanding researcher (the 'ERA Chair holder') while at the same time implementing structural changes necessary to achieve excellence on a sustainable basis. Objectives Proposals for topics under this Destination should set out a credible pathway to contributing to the following expected impact: Effective institutional reforms in research institutions in widening countries Better use of existing research infrastructures Excellent talents attracted in institutions and research infrastructures Reverted brain drain Improved linkages and increased mobility between academic and business, notably by overcoming sectoral barriers Free circulation of knowledge and expertise in line with ERA priorities Improved gender balance and equal opportunities | 2021-06-29 | 2022-03-15 |
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Calendar 2021 |2022 | Show description MSCA Doctoral Networks 2021 - 2022 T Two calls: Open: 22 June 2021 Deadline: 16 November 2021 Open: 03 May 2022 Deadline: 15 November 2022 MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2021 - 2022 Two calls Open: 22 June 2021 Deadline: 12 October 2021 Open: 13 April 2022 Deadline: 14 September 2022 MSCA Staff Exchanges 2021 - 2022 Two calls Open: 07 October 2021 Deadline: 09 March 2022 Open: 06 October 2022 Deadline: 08 March 2023 MSCA Researchers at Risk 2021 Open: 02 September 2021 Deadline: 06 January 2022 | 2021-06-22 | 2022-11-15 |
European Researchers' Night 2022-2023 | Show description European Researchers' Night 2022-2023 Open for submission Programme Horizon Europe (HORIZON) ID HORIZON-MSCA-2022-CITIZENS-01-01 Types of action HORIZON Coordination and Support Actions Deadline model single-stage Opening date 22 June 2021 Deadline date 07 October 2021 17:00:00 Brussels time ExpectedOutcome: Project results are expected to contribute to the following outcomes: For researchers Enhanced opportunities to interact with citizens and local, regional and national authorities; Improved communication skills and competences to interact with a non-research audience, notably with pupils and students. For organisations Increased reputation and visibility of participating organisations in terms of hosting excellence research projects towards the general public and possible future students; Researchers’ work made more tangible, concrete, accessible, and thus opening research and science to all; Improved outreach to all audiences, and notably those who do not have an easy access to science and research activities; Better communication of R&I results and activities to society, increased and strengthened opportunities for citizens’ engagement. Scope: The European Researchers' Night takes place every year, on the last Friday of September[1]. It supports events that can last up to two days: they can start on Friday and continue the following day. Pre-events, prior to the main event, and related post-events, such as wrap-up meetings or small-scale follow-up events, can also be organised. It is the occasion for a Europe-wide public and media event for the promotion of research careers, in particular focused on young people and their families. The European Researchers’ Night targets the general public, addressing and attracting people regardless of the level of their scientific background, with a special focus on families, pupils and students, and notably those who do not have easy access to, and thus are less inclined to engage in STEAM fields (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) or research activities. The European Researchers’ Night will also bring researchers to schools to interact with pupils at any time during the project duration. The Researchers at Schools activities will allow researchers and pupils to interact on societal challenges and on the key role of research to address them. Pupils will thus also learn directly about research projects and initiatives related to EU main priorities. | 2021-06-22 | 2021-10-07 |
A European competence centre for science communication | Show description TOPIC ID: HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ERA-01-60 Type of action Deadline model Planned opening date | 2021-01-19 | 2022-04-20 |
Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area | Show description Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area - Work Programme 2021-2022 A pallet of different funding instruments aimed at i) individual and institutional connectivity (COST and Twinning), ii) balanced brain circulation in Europe (ERA-Chairs, and ERA Policy linked to MSCA), iii) institutional and regional reform and transformation (Teaming and Excellence Universities), iv) linking science and business (Excellence Hubs and EIC Accelarator), and v) capacity building and inclusiveness (NCP Support, "Hop On", Seal of Excellence). Main widening actions described below. Twinning stands for institutional networking, aimed at strengthening a specific research field. Widening organisation linked to at least 2 leading research organisations. Projects of 1.5M€ for 3 years. Teaming to create new (or significant update of existing) centres of excellence in Widening countries through a coupling process with a leading scientific institution. Projects of 6-8 years with around 15 M€ funding. ERA-CHAIRs: bringing excellence to institutions by attracting outstanding scientists and their teams as game changers to universities or research organisations. Projects of around 2.5M€ for 5-6 years. Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST): bottom-up and open networking projects aimed at individuals, and in all domains of knowledge. Each thematic network runs for 4 years with an average budget of 0.5 M€. | 0000-00-00 | 0000-00-00 |
Links | Name | Funding | Start Date | End Date |
MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022 | The goal of MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships is to enhance the creative and innovative potential of researchers holding a PhD and who wish to acquire new skills through advanced training, international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral mobility. MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships will be open to excellent researchers of any nationality. The scheme also encourages researchers to work on research and innovation projects in the non-academic sector and is open to researchers wishing to reintegrate in Europe, to those who are displaced by conflict, as well as to researchers with high potential who are seeking to restart their careers in research. Through the implementation of an original and personalised research project, MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships aim to foster excellence through training and mobility and to equip researchers with new skills and competences in order to identify solutions to current and future challenges. Postdoctoral researchers are encouraged to reach out to society at large to make the results of their research visible to citizens. Fellowships will be provided to excellent researchers, undertaking international mobility either to or between EU Member States or Horizon Europe Associated Countries, as well as to non-associated Third Countries. Applications will be made jointly by the researcher and a beneficiary in the academic or non-academic sector. Postdoctoral Fellowships either can take place in Europe (i.e. in an EU Member State or a Horizon Europe Associated Country) or in a Third Country not associated to Horizon Europe: European Postdoctoral Fellowships are open to researchers of any nationality who wish to engage in R&I projects by either coming to Europe from any country in the world or moving within Europe. The standard duration of these fellowships must be between 12 and 24 months. Global Postdoctoral Fellowships are open to European nationals or long-term residents[1] who wish to engage in R&I projects with organisations outside EU Member States and Horizon Europe Associated Countries. These fellowships require an outgoing phase of minimum 12 and maximum 24 months in a non-associated Third Country, and a mandatory 12-month return phase to a host organisation based in an EU Member State or a Horizon Europe Associated Country. Specific eligibility conditions apply to MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships in the research areas covered by the Euratom Research and Training Programme 2021-2025[1]. | 2022-04-13 | 2022-09-14 | |
EIC Transition Open 2022 | ExpectedOutcome: EIC Transition aims at maturing both your technology and business idea thus increasing its technology and market readiness. The expected outcomes of an EIC Transition project are a) a technology that is demonstrated to be effective for its intended application and b) a business model, its initial validation and a business plan for its development to market. It is also expected that the intellectual property generated by your EIC Transition project is formally protected in an adequate way. For more details, see the WP 2022. Objective: This topic has no predefined thematic priorities and is open to proposals in any field of science, technology or application. For any chosen field, EIC Transition projects should address, in a balanced way, both technology and market/business development, possibly including iterative learning processes based on early customer or user feedback. These activities should include, subject to the level of maturity of the technology, a suitable mix of research, technology development and validation activities to increase the maturity of the technology beyond proof of principle to viable demonstrators of the technology in the intended field of application (i.e. up to Technology Readiness Level 5 or 6). The activities must in all cases address market readiness towards commercialisation and deployment (market research, business case, prospects for growth, intellectual property protection, competitor analysis etc.) and other relevant aspects of regulation, certification and standardisation, aimed at getting both the technology and the business idea investment-ready. Scope: EIC Transition funds innovation activities that go beyond the experimental proof of principle in laboratory. It supports both the maturation and validation of a novel technology from the lab to the relevant application environments (by making use of prototyping, formulation, models, user testing or other validation tests) as well as explorations and development of a sustainable business case and business model towards commercialisation. Expected Impact: At the end of the EIC Transition project, it should be ready for the next stage, which can be to apply for EIC Accelerator (if you are a SME, including start-ups or spin-offs), to seek other investors or sources of funding, to enter licensing or collaboration agreements with third parties, or other routes to market deployment. In case the project is not led by an SME or commercial partner, the formation and spin out of a new company can be included as part of the activities. It will be expected to describe the intended pathway and route to market in the proposal, and to specify milestones and KPIs during the implementation of your project to assess progress towards the market. | 2022-03-01 | 2022-09-28 | |
Next generation of scientific instrumentation, tools and methods (2022) (HORIZON-INFRA-2022-TECH-01) | Call Next generation of scientific instrumentation, tools and methods (2022) (HORIZON-INFRA-2022-TECH-01) Type of action HORIZON-RIA HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions Type of MGA HORIZON Action Grant Budget-Based [HORIZON-AG] Deadline model single-stage Planned opening date 19 January 2022 Deadline date 20 April 2022 17:00:00 Brussels time | 2022-01-19 | 2022-04-20 | |
AI to fight disinformation (RIA) | TOPIC ID: HORIZON-CL4-2021-HUMAN-01-27 Type of action HORIZON-RIA HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions Type of MGA HORIZON Action Grant Budget-Based [HORIZON-AG] Deadline model single-stage Opening date 22 June 2021 Deadline date 21 October 2021 17:00:00 Brussels time Open for submission;callCode=null;freeTextSearchKeyword=;matchWholeText=true;typeCodes=1;statusCodes=31094501,31094502;programmePeriod=2021%20-%202027;programCcm2Id=43108390;programDivisionCode=null;focusAreaCode=null;destination=null;mission=null;geographicalZonesCode=null;programmeDivisionProspect=null;startDateLte=null;startDateGte=null;crossCuttingPriorityCode=null;cpvCode=null;performanceOfDelivery=null;sortQuery=sortStatus;orderBy=asc;onlyTenders=false;topicListKey=topicSearchTablePageState | 2021-06-22 | 2021-10-21 | |
link | Gatekeeper | O projecto Gatekeeper (financiado pela EU) abriu um concurso para projectos na área da saúde que têm como objectivo expandir a plataforma criada no âmbito desse projecto. Este concurso irá atribuir financiamento a 8 projectos e pode ser uma oportunidade de financiamento e networking a explorar. A data de submissão de candidaturas é dia 28 setembro. Mais informações e dúvidas devem ser dirigidas a Aim: The objective of the Open Call Program of GATEKEEPER is to extend the benefits of GATEKEEPER platform beyond the boundaries of current pilots, expanding the GATEKEEPER ecosystem, attracting primarily entities leading the digital data-driven technologies landscape (AI, Big Data, Data Analytics, etc.) but also new use cases, additional platforms, new sites, patient organizations, aiming at providing more robust, highly autonomous, personalised and collaborative quality and cost-efficient healthcare. Target: start-ups, SMEs, Midcaps, Industries and Research technology organisations Consortia of public and private entities, Healthcare provider, or regional healthcare authority, private hospital group, patients associations Budget: 600,000€, with a maximum of 8 projects funded Deadline: September 28th 2021 at 5 pm CEST Project duration: 12 months starting on December 2021 | 0000-00-00 | 2021-09-28 |
Links | Name | Funding | Start Date | End Date |
link | Terceira edição do PROSSE (PROdex for Science in Space Exploration) 2025 | Terceira edição do PROSSE aposta em investigação em microgravidade Após ter recebido mais de 20 candidaturas nos dois primeiros anos, a Agência Espacial Portuguesa lança a 5 de fevereiro, a nova edição do PROSSE (PROdex for Science in Space Exploration), um programa de financiamento dedicado a apoiar projetos de investigação científica na área da exploração espacial. O PROSSE 2025 tem até 100 mil euros para promover pesquisas em ambiente de microgravidade. Criado no âmbito da participação portuguesa no programa PRODEX da Agência Espacial Europeia (ESA na sigla inglesa), o PROSSE tem como objetivo financiar projetos científicos relevantes para a exploração espacial ou para outros setores da economia e sociedade. As iniciativas podem ser realizadas em infraestruturas terrestres ou suborbitais, incluindo o Space Rider, na Estação Espacial Internacional, entre outras. Em 2025, as propostas submetidas serão novamente avaliadas por uma comissão de especialistas internacionais e pela equipa técnica da ESA, assegurando o rigor científico e a qualidade das iniciativas selecionadas. As candidaturas para a edição de 2025 abrem no dia 5 de Fevereiro, após a sessão informativa, para à qual a inscrição é obrigatória e pode ser feita aqui. Mais informação: | 2025-02-05 | 0000-00-00 |
link | Bolsa de mobilidade Individual do Instituto Francês de Portugal | Descrição O Instituto Francês de Portugal lança um concurso para bolsas de mobilidade individual (nível doutoramento e pós-doutoramento) destinadas a investigadores portugueses ou estrangeiros residentes em Portugal (excluindo os candidatos de nacionalidade francesa) e que trabalhem numa instituição de investigação portuguesa. A bolsa permite aos candidatos selecionados passar dois meses num laboratório ou unidade de investigação em França. A bolsa cobre as despesas de mobilidade e as despesas de subsistência (alojamento e alimentação). Destina-se a doutorandos e investigadores que pretendam reforçar ou estabelecer uma nova cooperação científica entre equipas francesas e portuguesas. Serão considerados todos os domínios científicos, incluindo as ciências humanas e sociais. Será dada especial atenção aos candidatos com projetos nos seguintes domínios: ciências oceanográficas, saúde e matemática. Duração da bolsa Dois meses consecutivos de mobilidade, entre o 15 de maio e 20 de dezembro de 2025 Condições de elegibilidade
As candidaturas devem ser submetidas antes de 5 de fevereiro de 2025 às 18h00 para e, tendo como objeto "Apelido/Nome – CONCURSO BOLSA BIC" e respeitando a nomenclatura indicada entre parenteses para cada documento. Mais informação: | 2025-01-06 | 2025-02-05 |
link | Concurso de Projetos de Investigação de caráter Exploratório em todos os Domínios Científicos 2024. | A partir de 19 de dezembro de 2024, e até 25 de fevereiro de 2025, decorrem as candidaturas para o Concurso de Projetos de Investigação de caráter Exploratório em todos os Domínios Científicos 2024. Este concurso tem como objetivo financiar projetos de caráter exploratório (PEX) em todos os domínios científicos, com especial enfoque em propostas inovadoras destinadas a investigadores em início de carreira, ou em ideias e conceitos originais que apresentem um grau de novidade elevado e que demonstrem um potencial disruptivo face a trabalhos anteriores, desenvolvidos por investigadores mais experientes. A duração prevista dos projetos a desenvolver é de 18 meses, tendo o financiamento máximo a atribuir aumentado de 50 mil euros para 60 mil euros por projeto, sem reduzir o número total de projetos a financiar. A dotação orçamental global desta medida é de 24 milhões de euros, constituindo um reforço de 4 milhões de euros face a concursos anteriores. Será adotado um sistema de CV narrativo nas metodologias de avaliação, com vista a uma avaliação mais abrangente e efetiva da diversidade dos percursos dos/das investigadores/as responsáveis pelas candidaturas. No âmbito da simplificação dos procedimentos administrativos, após a atribuição do financiamento, a mesma será concretizada através de um modelo de montantes fixos (“lump sums”). Esta é a segunda edição deste concurso com este modelo de custos simplificados, que permitirá reforçar os mecanismos de acompanhamento da execução científica dos projetos. Este concurso mantém a possível atribuição de tempo de cálculo nos novos supercomputadores da FCT (Deucalion e MareNostrum 5). Para tal, basta sinalizar a necessidade de recursos de computação avançada e/ou repositórios de dados de investigação em sede de candidatura. As candidaturas são submetidas em formulário próprio, disponível desde o dia 19 de dezembro de 2024 na plataforma myFCT, até às 17 horas do dia 25 de fevereiro de 2025 (horário de Portugal Continental). Para mais informações, consulte a página do concurso. | 2024-12-19 | 2025-02-25 |
link | 2024 Call for Exploratory Research Projects under the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program | ANNOUNCEMENT FOR PROPOSAL SUBMISSIONS Applications must be submitted in English, from December 2, 2024, until 5:00 p.m. (Lisbon time, WET) January 22, 2025, using a specific electronic form via the myFCT platform. This call aims to support research teams from entities within the National Scientific and Technological System (SCTN), Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), and industry partners in initiating high-impact research activities of strategic relevance to the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program (CMU Portugal). The call encourages the submission of research proposals by recently graduated PhDs who are faculty members at Portuguese universities or researchers affiliated with Portuguese research institutions. Under this Call, the Program is seeking proposals specifically in Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), with a focus on leveraging opportunities within the data economy to drive growth and innovation. | 2024-12-02 | 2025-01-22 |
link | 2024 Call for Exploratory Research Projects under the MIT Portugal Program | ANNOUNCEMENT FOR SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS Applications must be presented to FCT, in English, from December 2, 2024 to January 22, 2025, at 5 p.m. Lisbon time, using a specific on-line form and submitted through myFCT platform. With the aim of promoting investment in science, technology, and higher education, and contributing to the stimulation of economic and social development in Portugal, and assuming broad cooperation between National System of Science and Technology entities and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), FCT is launching this Exploratory Research Call to fund applications oriented towards scientific research in a holistic approach through integrated and multidisciplinary projects with a vision of scale evolution, in the following thematic areas:
The PeX should take an “exploratory approach”, i.e., adopt a research theme in one of the emerging areas of the MIT Portugal Program that can be identified as a future research area, with high impact for Portugal as a living laboratory in the development and validation of new solutions, and that promotes the competitiveness of the Portuguese economy. The application should aim to develop research activities between Portuguese universities and the MIT towards the development of intelligent solutions, promoting knowledge/research value, promoting the sustainable thinking, integrating human factors and technology, and stimulating multidisciplinary approaches. The research plan must mention in which terms the MIT research team will contribute to the project. All applications must fully comply with the terms of reference defined in the Terms of Reference for the 2024 Call for Exploratory Research Projects under the MIT Portugal Program. | 2024-12-02 | 2025-01-22 |
link | 2024 Call for Exploratory Research Projects under the UT Austin Portugal Program | Applications must be presented to FCT, in English, from December 2, 2024 to January 22, 2025, 5 p.m. Lisbon time, using a specific on-line form and submitted through myFCT platform. The 2024 Call for Exploratory Research Projects (ERPs) under the UT Austin Portugal Program has been designed to help teams of researchers from non-corporate entities of the NSST and The University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) come together to conduct joint exploratory research activities in the leading scientific areas of the UT Austin Portugal Program. Proposed projects must aim to stimulate and promote Portugal’s international competitiveness through Science and Technology (S&T), focusing on the opportunities provided by the data economy as a driver of growth and change. Submitted proposals must configure groundbreaking, high-risk/high-reward projects with a potential for further expansion. Although exploratory research projects (ERPs) are not expected to achieve, during their standard time frame, the sort of results typical of longer projects, submitted proposals must be able to clearly frame the outcomes they should deliver in 12 months and link them to long-term goals for full value realization. The ERPs should value impact, i.e., propose potential solutions to real-world problems, thereby going beyond the production of scientific papers. Considering the above-mentioned goals, FCT is launching the Exploratory Research Call to fund applications in the following areas: a) Advanced Computing; b) Nano Materials for New Markets; c) Space-Earth Interactions. A detailed description of the challenges and subtopics related to each scientific area is provided in the Terms of Reference for the 2024 Call for Exploratory Research Projects under the UT Austin Portugal Program. | 2024-12-02 | 2025-01-22 |
link link link | Doctoral INPhINIT fellowships - "la Caixa" Foundation | Fellowships for researchers of any nationality who wish to pursue a doctorate at a university or research centre in Spain or Portugal. "la Caixa" Foundation grants 60 doctoral fellowships for talented young researchers of any nationality who wish to pursue doctoral studies in Spain or Portugal Doctoral INPhINIT fellowships offer a highly competitive salary and complementary opportunities for training in transferable skills through residential sessions, outreach activities, and other features that make these fellowships among the most attractive and comprehensive in Europe. This programme is divided into two frames: Doctoral INPhINIT – Incoming call (Deadline for application: 23/01/2025 at 2pm Peninular Spain) 30 doctoral fellowships for researchers who wish to carry out their doctoral project at a Spanish research centre accredited with the Spanish Seal of Excellence Severo Ochoa, María de Maeztu or the Carlos III Health Institute, and Portuguese centres accredited as "excellent" according to the evaluation of the Fundação de Ciência e Tecnologia. Requirements of the call
Doctoral INPhINIT – Retaining call (Deadline for application: 18/02/2025, at 2 pm Peninsular Spain) 30 doctoral fellowships for researchers who want to carry out their doctoral project in any field of research at any university or research centre in Spain or Portugal. Requirements of the call Candidates who are awarded the fellowship must complete their doctoral studies at a university other than the university where they completed their undergraduate studies.
| 2024-11-14 | 2025-02-18 |
link link | Postgraduate fellowships abroad - "la Caixa" Foundation | Fellowships for Spanish and Portuguese students who wish to pursue postgraduate studies abroad. ”la Caixa” Foundation offers a programme of support to pursue a Master's degree, doctorate or pre-doctoral project in scientific or technical research. Funding
Key points
Requirements of the call To take part in the selection process, candidates must meet, among others, the following requirements: 1. Be a Spanish or Portuguese national. 2. Proof of an advanced level in the language to be used in the studies in question. 3. Have completed undergraduate studies in Spain (Spanish candidates) or Portugal (Portuguese candidates). These must have been completed between January 2016 and July 2025. Candidates who have completed a bachelor's degree abroad before the start of the fellowship are not eligible. Key dates Status: Open End: 5 February 2025, at 2 pm Peninsular Spain Shortlisting presults and call for interviews: 23 April 2025 Selection interviews: 12, 13, 14, 19, 20 and 21 May 2025 Final result: 29 May 2025 For more information, please consult the "Rules for Participation" | 2024-11-14 | 2025-02-05 |
picture_as_pdf | Novo programa “FCT Mobility” | Apresentação de candidaturas: 7 de novembro de 2024 até 31 de dezembro de 2025 A FCT anunciou o lançamento do programa “FCT Mobility”, destinado a apoiar a mobilidade internacional de investigadores/as. O programa financiará estadias de média e longa duração de investigadores/as doutorados/as nacionais em instituições estrangeiras e de investigadores/as doutorados/as estrangeiros em instituições nacionais, com vista à realização de atividades de investigação e/ou trabalho de campo. Podem candidatar-se investigadores/as afiliados/as como membros integrados em Unidades de I&D nacionais, que pretendam apoio financeiro para investigação científica em instituições estrangeiras ou para acolher investigadores afiliados a instituições estrangeiras. A apresentação de candidaturas decorrerá em permanência de 7 de novembro de 2024 até às 17 horas do dia 31 de dezembro de 2025 (horário de Portugal Continental) ou até ser atingida a dotação máxima do programa (o que ocorrer primeiro). Mais informações na página do concurso. | 2024-11-08 | 2025-12-31 |
picture_as_pdf link | 7.ª Edição do Concurso Estímulo ao Emprego Científico Individual | A FCT publicou no dia 31 de julho o Aviso de Abertura da 7.ª edição do Concurso Estímulo ao Emprego Científico Individual, cujo período de candidatura irá de 30 de setembro a 29 de novembro de 2024. O concurso, no âmbito do qual serão financiados 400 contratos de Emprego Científico, apoia a contratação de investigadores em início de carreira, por um período de 3 anos, em lugares nas categorias júnior e auxiliar. on July 31, the FCT published the Notice of the Call of the 7th edition of Call Stimulus to Individual Scientific Employment, the application period for which will run from September 30 to November 29, 2024. The Call, under which 400 Scientific Employment contracts will be funded, supports the hiring of researchers at the start of their careers, for a period of 3 years, in positions in the junior and assistant categories. | 2024-09-30 | 2024-11-29 |
link | Concurso CaixaResearch de Investigação em Saúde 2025 | Está a decorrer, até dia 20 de novembro de 2024, às 14h00 CET, o prazo para a apresentação de candidaturas ao Concurso CaixaResearch de Investigação em Saúde 2025. Este é um programa da Fundação “la Caixa”, ao qual a FCT se associou ao abrigo da parceria existente entre as instituições. Neste concurso, a FCT compromete-se a igualar o investimento que a Fundação “la Caixa” destine aos projetos de investigação que vierem a ser selecionados em Portugal. Para os interessados, dia 8 de outubro de 2024, às 11h00 CET, está agendada uma sessão informativa sobre este concurso, em formato on-line e com registo obrigatório. Este concurso insere-se no âmbito da Iniciativa Ibérica de Investigação e Inovação Biomédica – i4b, para o apoio a projetos de investigação em biomedicina e saúde. O seu objetivo é identificar e promover as iniciativas de excelência científica, com potencial e impacto na sociedade, através do financiamento de projetos individuais ou em consórcio nas seguintes áreas temáticas: neurociências, oncologia, doenças cardiovasculares e doenças metabólicas associadas, doenças infeciosas, e tecnologias facilitadoras nas áreas temáticas anteriores. Os projetos terão um período máximo de execução de 3 anos. As candidaturas podem ser apresentadas sob a forma de: Projetos Individuais – apresentados por uma única organização de investigação, podendo solicitar apoio financeiro até 500.000€; ou Projetos em Consórcio – apresentados por, no mínimo, duas e, no máximo, cinco organizações de investigação, podendo solicitar um apoio financeiro até 1.000.000€. Mais informações na página do concurso. | 2024-09-23 | 2024-11-20 |
link | IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP) - Application Call will open mid-July 2024 | Spread the word! The IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP) next application call is scheduled to open in mid-July 2024 and will close by end of September 2024. To read more about the programme and eligibility requirements, please visit the link: IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme | IAEA and Information for applicants | IAEA. The dates of the upcoming application period will be noted on the IAEA website soon. The IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP) was launched in 2020 by the IAEA Director General to increase the number of women in the nuclear field, supporting an inclusive workforce of men and women who contribute to and drive global scientific and technological innovation. The programme aims to inspire and encourage women to pursue a career in the nuclear related field, by providing highly motivated female students with scholarships for master’s programmes and an opportunity to pursue an internship facilitated by the IAEA. Scholarships are awarded annually. In the selection of students, consideration is given to geographic and field of study diversity, in addition to eligibility requirements and other criteria. The selected students are awarded up to €20,000 for tuition costs and up to €20,000 for living costs for their master’s programme (the amount will vary depending on the duration of the programme, costs associated with tuition as well as location of the studies). Upon completion of their studies, students who pursue an internship facilitated by the IAEA, in line with their specialization in the nuclear field, are also provided with a stipend for up to 12 months. The internships may take place at the IAEA or in nuclear organizations in the public or private sector. Additionally, students are provided with opportunities to attend and participate in various educational, professional, and networking events. MSCFP recipients also have a chance to become a part of the programme’ s LinkedIn Student and Alumni Group where they can connect with their peers and exchange knowledge and experience, as well as find out about technical events and career opportunities. Since its launch in 2020, MSCFP has received 2271 applications, selecting 560 students from 121 nationalities studying in 72 countries worldwide. By end of March 2024, 201 students have already completed their master’s programme with support of MSCFP. From these graduates, 110 have been confirmed for an internship facilitated by the IAEA at the IAEA departments and labs (Seibersdorf and Monaco), IAEA Collaborating Centres, and other nuclear organizations in the public or private sector in various countries The internships are linked to the students’ areas of specialization in fields ranging from nuclear energy, nuclear science and applications, nuclear non-proliferation, nuclear safety and security and nuclear law. The remaining graduates have pursued PhD studies or obtained employment in their field. The programme is envisaged to grow each year to ensure more women have an opportunity to pursue advanced education in the nuclear related field. More information about the programme Meet the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme students | IAEA | 2024-07-15 | 2024-09-30 |
link | Bolsas de pós-doutoramento Junior Leader - Fundação la Caixa | A Fundação ”la Caixa” concede 40 bolsas de pós-doutoramento Junior Leader para investigadores de excelência, de qualquer nacionalidade, que pretendam continuar a sua carreira de investigação em Espanha ou Portugal na área CTEM (Ciência, Tecnologia, Engenharia e Matemática). O Programa de Bolsas de Pós-Doutoramento Junior Leader destina-se à contratação de investigadores de excelência, de qualquer nacionalidade, que pretendam continuar a sua carreira de investigação em território espanhol ou português nas áreas das ciências da saúde e da vida, da tecnologia, da física, da engenharia e da matemática. Promovido pela Fundação ”la Caixa”, este programa tem como objetivo fomentar a investigação inovadora e de alta qualidade em Espanha e Portugal e apoiar os melhores talentos científicos oferecendo-lhes um ambiente atrativo e competitivo no qual poderão realizar uma investigação de excelência. O Programa de Bolsas de Pós-Doutoramento Junior Leader compreende duas modalidades diferentes: Junior Leader – Concurso Incoming 20 bolsas de pós-doutoramento de 3 anos para investigadores de todas as nacionalidades que nos últimos três anos tenham residido em Espanha ou Portugal menos de 12 meses, aos quais se oferece um contrato laboral para a realização de um projeto de investigação nos centros certificados com as distinções Severo Ochoa ou María de Maeztu, Institutos de Investigação Sanitária Carlos III e centros avaliados como "Excelentes" pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. As candidaturas deverão ser feitas para um centro de investigação ou universidade de um país diferente do país de residência do candidato. Junior Leader – Concurso Retaining 20 bolsas de pós-doutoramento para investigadores de todas as nacionalidades que nos últimos três anos tenham residido em Espanha ou Portugal mais de 12 meses, para realizarem a sua atividade de investigação em qualquer universidade ou centro de investigação de Espanha ou de Portugal. Através de um programa de formação complementar de excelência, estas bolsas têm como objetivo consolidar as competências de investigação e fomentar a carreira científica independente como opção de futuro profissional. | 2024-07-12 | 2024-10-03 |
link | Indicative summary of Calls - ERC 2025 | The 2025 Work Programme of the European Research Council has been adopted. The Programme sets out funding opportunities, budgets of the calls, the calendar of grant competition and conditions for ERC funding. The document had been drafted and endorsed by the ERC Scientific Council, and adopted by the European Commission. More than 2.7 billion euro will be available for research grants in the coming year. This includes contributions from the countries associated to Horizon Europe. In addition, EU countries can allocate resources from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to help the ERC fund proposals rated as excellent, but which cannot be funded due to budget constraints. These grants must however remain hosted at an institution in the country which contributes their ERDF funds. Indicative summary of calls from the 2025 budget The work programme also introduces new grounds for the extension of the eligibility periods for Starting Grants and Consolidator Grants. Extensions will be granted in duly documented cases, where the applicant has been prevented from working or their working hours have been reduced due to a disability or a major natural or man-made disaster. Other planned actions for 2025 include supporting national contact points (NCPs) in sharing best practices, continuing to evaluate and monitor the impact of ERC funding, as well as communicating the ERC’s activities to a broader audience, and promoting open science.
| 2024-07-10 | 2025-08-28 |
link | FCT e ANI promovem sessão dedicada aos Conselhos Europeus de Investigação e de Inovação (ERC e EIC) | Dando continuidade às diversas iniciativas realizadas em conjunto no âmbito da rede PERIN, a FCT e a ANI estão a promover uma sessão dedicada aos programas European Research Council (ERC) e European Innovation Council (EIC) do Horizonte Europa. A sessão online irá decorrer no dia 7 de junho, entre as 09h30 e as 11h00. O tópico do evento será “Oportunidades que visam financiar projetos de I&D com componentes de investigação científica por excelência”. Serão abordadas as potenciais sinergias a estabelecer entre os dois programas, bem como aquilo que os distingue, esclarecendo as dúvidas dos candidatos e preparando-os para a elaboração de propostas de sucesso. O ERC e EIC são os programas do Horizonte Europa que visam financiar projetos de I&D com componentes de investigação científica. O ERC está enquadrado no Pilar I – Excelência Científica do Horizonte Europa, e o EIC no Pilar II – Europa Inovadora. Ambos se focam em projetos de investigação com o objetivo de alcançar avanços científicos e soluções tecnológicas emergentes e disruptivas. Esta sessão será uma oportunidade para explorar as sinergias e as diferenças entre ambos, para que os candidatos possam utilizar as várias oportunidades de financiamento, bem como planear um percurso de alavancagem tecnológica a médio/longo prazo. As inscrições são gratuitas, mas de registo obrigatório – Inscreva-se aqui. Consulte a agenda do evento. | 2024-06-07 | 2024-06-07 |
link | MSCA Doctoral Networks 2024 (HORIZON-MSCA-2024-DN-01) | Expected Outcome: Project results are expected to contribute to the following outcomes: For supported doctoral candidates
For participating organisations
Scope: MSCA Doctoral Networks will implement doctoral programmes, by partnerships of universities, research institutions and research infrastructures, businesses including SMEs, and other socio-economic actors from different countries across Europe and beyond. MSCA Doctoral Networks are indeed open to the participation of organisations from third countries, in view of fostering strategic international partnerships for the training and exchange of researchers. These doctoral programmes will respond to well-identified needs in various R&I areas, expose the researchers to the academic and non-academic sectors, and offer training in research-related, as well as transferable skills and competences relevant for innovation and long-term employability (e.g. entrepreneurship, commercialisation of results, Intellectual Property Rights, communication). Proposals for doctoral networks can reflect existing or planned research partnerships among the participating organisations. The selection procedure for doctoral candidates must be open, transparent and merit-based, in line with the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The vacancy notice (to be widely advertised internationally, including on the EURAXESS website) must mention if the published rates include all employer and employee's taxes and contributions. If possible, the gross salary (net salary + employee’s taxes and contributions) should be published. MSCA Doctoral Networks are encouraged to lead to Industrial or Joint Doctorates. | 2024-05-29 | 2024-11-27 |
link | Call for bilateral mobility projects between Portugal and France - Pessoa 2024 Program | Under the scientific and technological cooperation agreement between Portugal and France, FCT and Campus France are launching another Call to fund international mobility projects. This joint action is part of the French-Portuguese PHC-Pessoa Program (Partenariat Hubert Curien), implemented in France by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, and in Portugal by the FCT. The main aim of this partnership is to promote scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between professors and researchers, with a focus on young researchers from research laboratories in both countries, encouraging the creation of international teams and tackling new cooperation issues. This Call funds the mobility of researchers within the scope of their projects, strictly for the mobility of researchers participating in the projects, by granting support of €2500/year. Applications can be submitted until 5 p.m. (Lisbon time) on June 21, 2024. For more information, please visit Call. | 2024-05-21 | 2024-06-21 |
link | Open Call 2024 for new proposals for COST actions | A contagem decrescente do Convite Aberto 2024 para novas propostas de ações COST começou oficialmente e termina num prazo de seis meses, a 23 de outubro de 2024, às 12h00 (CEST). A COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology financia atividades de colaboração transnacional num sistema de redes de investigadores com livre acesso e bottom-up, em todos os domínios científicos e tecnológicos. Estas redes, denominadas COST Actions, possibilitam avanços no desenvolvimento do conhecimento científico, contribuindo para o fortalecimento da Europa como líder em I&DT. Uma ação COST é uma rede de investigação interdisciplinar que reúne investigadores e inovadores para investigar um tema durante quatro anos. Estas ações estão abertas a todos os domínios científicos e tecnológicos, incluindo os novos e emergentes. As ações COST são também ações de base emergentes e ascendentes (bottom-up), o que significa que pode ser proposta uma rede baseada nos próprios interesses ou ideias. O financiamento de uma ação COST cobre as despesas das atividades de networking e pode ser utilizado para financiar eventos, missões científicas de curta duração, escolas de formação, atividades de comunicação e ferramentas virtuais de ligação em rede. Se pretende transformar as suas ideias inovadoras em realidade, esta é a altura ideal para começar a criar uma proposta de rede. Os participantes que planeiem submeter uma proposta para uma Ação COST terão de consultar as diretrizes e o Anúncio de Chamada Aberta disponível em Documentos e Diretrizes. Saiba mais sobre a apresentação de propostas e a contagem decrescente para o Convite Aberto da COST2024 em A COST promove a integração e enriquecimento das diversas comunidades científicas e proporciona a maximização do investimento nacional em I&DT na Europa. Portugal é um dos 41 membros plenos da COST, sendo a sua representação e coordenação nacional assegurada pela FCT. For English version | 2024-05-15 | 2024-10-23 |
link | MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 | Project results are expected to contribute to the following outcomes: For supported postdoctoral fellows
For participating organisations
Scope: Fellowships will be provided to excellent researchers undertaking international mobility. Applications will be made jointly by the researcher and a beneficiary in the academic or non-academic sector. Postdoctoral Fellowships either can take place in Europe (i.e. in an EU Member State or a Horizon Europe Associated Country) or in a Third Country not associated to Horizon Europe: European Postdoctoral Fellowships are open to researchers of any nationality who wish to engage in R&I projects by either coming to Europe from any country in the world or moving within Europe. The standard duration of these fellowships must be between 12 and 24 months. Global Postdoctoral Fellowships are open to European nationals or long-term residents who wish to engage in R&I projects with organisations outside EU Member States and Horizon Europe Associated Countries. These fellowships require an outgoing phase of minimum 12 and maximum 24 months in a non-associated Third Country, and a mandatory 12-month return phase to a host organisation based in an EU Member State or a Horizon Europe Associated Country. | 2024-04-23 | 2024-09-11 |
link | Programa RESTART - 2.ª edição | O RESTART apoiará investigadoras e investigadores que tenham beneficiado recentemente de licença parental na prossecução e desenvolvimento de uma ideia de investigação original e inovadora. A apresentação de propostas ocorrerá entre o dia 9 de abril de 2024 e as 17h00, hora de Lisboa, do dia 14 de maio de 2024. Podem candidatar-se, com o compromisso da instituição de acolhimento, investigadores nacionais, estrangeiros e apátridas que cumpram cumulativamente os seguintes requisitos à data-limite do período de submissão de candidaturas: i) ser detentor do grau de doutor; ii) ser membro integrado doutorado de uma unidade de I&D, ou ter um vínculo contratual com um laboratório de Estado; iii) ter beneficiado de uma licença parental, incluindo por adoção, de uma duração igual ou superior a 120 dias (em caso de licença parental partilhada, incluindo por adoção, o candidato tem de demonstrar que gozou, de forma exclusiva ou partilhada, de pelo menos 72 dias de licença), entre o período de 16 de fevereiro de 2023, inclusive, e a data do início do período de submissão de candidaturas deste concurso, inclusive. O número mínimo de dias exigidos para cada tipo de licença (120 ou 72 dias) deverá ser atingido entre 16 de fevereiro de 2023 e a data de abertura do período de submissão deste concurso, inclusive, independentemente do seu início ou término. As propostas devem ser enviadas através do preenchimento, em língua inglesa, de um formulário próprio que poderá ser acedido eletronicamente no myFCT. | 2024-04-09 | 2024-05-14 |
link | Concurso Bolsas de Doutoramento 2024 – Linha de Candidatura Específica em Ambiente Não Académico | As Bolsas de Investigação para Doutoramento nesta linha específica de candidatura, destinam-se a pessoas inscritas ou que satisfaçam as condições necessárias para se inscreverem em ciclo de estudos conducente à obtenção do grau académico de doutor, e que pretendam desenvolver atividades de investigação conducentes à obtenção desse grau, cujos planos de trabalho decorram durante um período considerável do tempo de bolsa em entidades não académicas, assegurando pelo menos 12 meses (seguidos ou interpolados) numa mesma instituição de acolhimento não académica com atividade em Portugal. Nestas candidaturas é ainda necessário desenvolver atividades de investigação em pelo menos uma instituição de acolhimento de natureza académica, nacional ou estrangeira, por forma a garantir a desejada ligação entre o ambiente académico e o não académico. O concurso está aberto entre 18 de março e as 17:00H (hora de Lisboa) de 18 de abril de 2024. As candidaturas e os respetivos documentos de apoio previstos no RBI e no Aviso de Abertura de Concurso devem ser submetidos eletronicamente, utilizando exclusivamente o formulário disponível em:, selecionando a linha de candidatura específica em ambiente não académico e carregando em “iniciar candidatura”. Não serão aceites candidaturas, ou qualquer outra informação adicional, submetidas por outros meios. | 2024-03-18 | 2024-04-18 |
link | Concurso Bolsas de Doutoramento 2024 – Linha de Candidatura Geral | As Bolsas de Investigação para Doutoramento na linha geral de candidatura, destinam-se a pessoas inscritas ou que satisfaçam as condições necessárias para se inscreverem em ciclo de estudos conducente à obtenção do grau académico de doutor, e que pretendam desenvolver atividades de investigação conducentes à obtenção desse grau em qualquer entidade académica de produção e difusão de conhecimento, nacional ou internacional, incluindo instituições de ensino superior público e privado, unidades de I&D, Laboratórios Associados, bem como outras instituições privadas sem fins lucrativos que tenham como objeto principal atividades de I&D. O concurso está aberto entre 18 de março e as 17:00H (hora de Lisboa) de 18 de abril de 2024. As candidaturas e os respetivos documentos de apoio previstos no RBI e no presente Aviso de Abertura de Concurso, devem ser submetidos eletronicamente, utilizando exclusivamente o formulário disponível em:, selecionando a linha de candidatura geral e carregando em “iniciar candidatura”. Não serão aceites candidaturas, ou qualquer outra informação adicional, submetidas por outros meios. | 2024-03-18 | 2024-04-18 |
link | ERC Proof of Concept Grant | Objectives The ERC Proof of Concept Grants aim at facilitating exploration of the commercial and social innovation potential of ERC funded research and are therefore available only to Principal Investigators whose proposals draw substantially on their ERC funded research. Size of ERC Proof of Concept Grants The financial contribution will be awarded as a lump sum of EUR 150 000 for a period of 18 months. The ERC expects that normally proof of concept activities should be completed within 12 months. However, to allow for those projects that require more preparation time, the grant agreements will be signed for 18 months. Extensions of the duration of proof of concept projects may be granted only exceptionally. The lump sum will cover the beneficiaries' direct and indirect eligible costs for the project: if the project is implemented properly the amounts will be paid regardless of the costs actually incurred. The lump sum has been designed to cover the beneficiaries’ personnel costs, subcontracting, purchase costs, other cost categories and indirect costs. Profile of the ERC Proof of Concept Eligible Principal Investigator All Principal Investigators in one of the main grants are eligible to participate and apply for an ERC Proof of Concept Grant. Principal Investigators in an ongoing main grant or in a main grant that has ended less than 12 months before 1 January 2024 are eligible to apply. For further information please see the ERC Work Programme 2024. | 2024-03-14 | 2024-09-17 |
link link | Concurso de projetos de investigação científica e desenvolvimento tecnológico (IC&DT) em todos os domínios científicos – 2023 | No âmbito do presente aviso serão apoiados projetos de IC&DT, reconhecidos internacionalmente, centrados no desenvolvimento de atividades de investigação em todos os domínios científicos, que se proponham estimular uma economia de elevado valor acrescentado, bem como a excelência, a cooperação e a internacionalização, visando processos de inovação com finalidade de mercado e o aumento da criação de conhecimento para resposta a desafios empresariais e societais. As candidaturas são apresentadas online no Balcão dos Fundos, em, através de formulário eletrónico disponibilizado para o efeito no dia 8 de janeiro de 2024. As candidaturas devem obrigatoriamente ser apresentadas em língua inglesa, exceto quando explicitamente indicado em contrário no formulário de candidatura. O período de submissão de candidaturas foi alargado até às 18h00 do dia 21 de março de 2024 (hora de Portugal Continental) e as condições de acesso foram ajustadas. Consulte a republicação do Aviso na página do concurso. Mais informações também disponíveis em | 2024-01-08 | 2024-03-21 |
link | Apply for a grant - European Research Council | Which ERC grant scheme is best suited for your research project? The ERC offers 4 core grant schemes: Starting Grants, Consolidator Grants, Advanced Grants and Synergy Grants. With its additional Proof of Concept Grant scheme, the ERC helps grantees to explore the innovation potential of their ideas or research results. Find out more about our funding opportunities and open calls. Get detailed information about how to apply for a grant and how we assess applications. | 2024-01-01 | 2024-12-31 |
link link | Calendário Concursos FCT 2024 | A Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) disponibilizou o calendário de concursos previstos para 2024. A informação é atualizada regularmente, de modo a refletir qualquer alteração, quer nos instrumentos de financiamento, bem como nas datas previstas. Consulte o calendário aqui | 2024-01-01 | 2024-12-31 |
link | EIC Pathfinder 2024 | What can you expect as part of EIC Pathfinder? With its Pathfinder programme the EIC supports the exploration of bold ideas for radically new technologies. It welcomes the high-risk / high gain and interdisciplinary cutting-edge science collaborations that underpin technological breakthroughs. Pathfinder goes beyond what is already known. Visionary thinking can open up promising avenues towards powerful new technologies. Applicants participating in EIC Pathfinder projects are typically visionary scientists and entrepreneurial researchers from universities, research organisations, start-ups, high-tech SMEs or industrial stakeholders interested in technological research and innovation. Projects typically involve consortia of researchers and other partners from at least three different countries, but there are also opportunities for individual teams and small consortia (two partners). Grants of up to 3 to 4 million euro support early stage development of future technologies (e.g. various activities at low Technology Readiness Levels 1-3), up to proof of concept. Pathfinder projects can also receive additional funding for testing the innovation potential of their research outputs. EIC Pathfinder Open EIC Pathfinder Open provides funding for projects in any field of science or technology, based on high-risk/high-gain science-towards-technology breakthrough interdisciplinary research. The total indicative budget for this call is EUR 136 million. EIC Pathfinder Open 2024: Apply by 7 March 2024 For more details read the EIC Work Programme 2024 and check the Funding & tenders portal. | 2024-01-01 | 2024-03-07 |
picture_as_pdf | Candidate-se ao concurso CaixaImpulse para promover o seu projeto biomédico inovador! | Está aberto o Concurso CaixaImpulse de Inovação em Saúde 2024 A Fundação ”la Caixa” está à procura de projetos de inovação na área da saúde promovidos por centros de investigação, hospitais e universidades, para transferir os resultados da investigação do laboratório para os doentes. Graças ao concurso CaixaImpulse de Inovação em Saúde, poderá receber até 700 000 euros para impulsionar o seu projeto, para além de apoio através de formação e acompanhamento personalizado por mentores. O concurso está aberto até 22 de fevereiro de 2024. Apresente o seu projeto e abra caminho ao futuro da saúde. Saiba mais em: | 2023-12-29 | 2024-02-22 |
link | Concurso de Projetos Exploratórios em Todos os Domínios Científicos 2023 | A consolidação e o reforço do Sistema Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia constituem prioridades da política de ciência e tecnologia portuguesa que visam aumentar a competitividade nacional e internacional da ciência e tecnologia e o seu contributo para a inovação e transferência de conhecimento e para a realização das aspirações globais definidas na Agenda 2030: Objetivos para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável das Nações Unidas. Neste contexto, assume particular relevância a promoção e o reforço de competências das instituições científicas e tecnológicas através da participação das suas equipas em projetos. É com estes objetivos que a FCT abre o presente concurso, que se destina a promover ideias inovadoras através do apoio a projetos de investigação de carácter exploratório em todos os domínios científicos. As candidaturas devem ser apresentadas, em língua inglesa, a partir do dia 22 de dezembro de 2023 até às 17 horas, hora de Lisboa, do dia 1 de março de 2024, em formulário eletrónico específico e submetidas através da plataforma myFCT. Os membros da equipa de investigação do projeto deverão ter curriculum vitae preenchido na plataforma CIÊNCIAVITAE . A Declaração de Compromisso da Instituição Proponente ficará disponível na plataforma myFCT para a respetiva concordância pelo responsável máximo da Instituição Proponente, ou por alguém por si delegado, após terminar o prazo de submissão de candidaturas e até às 17 horas, hora de Lisboa, do dia 15 de março de 2024. | 2023-12-22 | 2024-03-01 |
link | ”la Caixa” Foundation - Postgraduate fellowships abroad | ”la Caixa” Foundation grants 100 fellowships for postgraduate studies at universities or research centres in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), North America and Asia-Pacific region. ”la Caixa” Foundation offers a programme of support to pursue a Master's degree, doctorate or pre-doctoral project in scientific or technical research. Key points 100 fellowships for postgraduate studies (Master, doctorate or pre-doctoral research) with a maximum duration of 24 months. To pursue postgraduate studies in any country within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), North America (the United States or Canada), and the Asia-Pacific region (Australia, South Korea, India, Japan, Singapore and China). The call covers all fields of knowledge but excludes Master of Business Administration (MBA) programmes. The fellowships are intended for master’s or doctoral studies, which must start with the fellowship. Predoctoral scientific and technical research stays are also accepted. Requirements of the call To take part in the selection process, candidates must meet, among others, the following requirements: Be a Spanish or Portuguese national. Proof of an advanced level in the language to be used in the studies in question. FAQ If you have any doubts about the call, please consult the list of frequently asked questions. | 2023-11-07 | 2024-01-31 |
link | Doctoral INPhINIT fellowships - Retaining Call 2024 | ”la Caixa” Foundation grants 30 fellowships for researchers of any nationality who wish to pursue a doctorate in any discipline at any university or research centre in Spain or Portugal. Status: Open End: 15 February 2024, at 2 pm Peninsular Spain Key points 30 fellowships to carry out a doctorate at any university or research centre in Spain or Portugal. All areas of knowledge. Maximum duration: 4 years. Funding to cover labour costs, research costs and doctoral tuition fees. On-site training programme in multidisciplinary skills. Requirements of the call Experience: candidates must not have carried out more than four years of research activity before the closing date of the call. Studies pursued: at the time of recruitment, candidates must have completed the studies that allow them to enrol in an official PhD programme in Spain/Portugal. The verification of the required level of studies will be carried out by the host university when the admission procedure begins. Candidates must not have been enrolled in a doctoral programme prior to the start of the fellowship. Mobility: candidates must have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Spain/Portugal for more than twelve months in the three years immediately preceding the closing date of the call. In addition, candidates who are awarded the fellowship must complete their doctoral studies at a university other than the university where they completed their undergraduate studies. Level of English: candidates must accredit the required level of English by submitting one of the certificates specified in the rules for participation. FAQ If you have any doubts about the call, please consult the list of frequently asked questions. | 2023-11-06 | 2024-02-15 |
link | Doctoral INPhINIT fellowships - Incoming Call 2024 | ”la Caixa” Foundation grants 30 fellowships for researchers of any nationality who wish to pursue a doctorate in a STEM discipline at research centres of excellence in Spain or Portugal. Status: Open End: 24 January 2024, at 2 pm Peninsular Spain LIP has submitted 10 PhD proposals under this call Centres of Excellence Those receiving an Incoming Doctoral INPhINIT fellowship must carry out their research project at one of the Spanish research centres that have obtained a Severo Ochoa or María de Maeztu accreditation of excellence from the Ministry of Science and Innovation, a Carlos III Health Research Institute or a Portuguese R&D centre classified as "excellent" by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. Logically, these are centres and units that stand out for their impact and scientific leadership at an international level and that actively collaborate with their social and business environment. PhD positions offer The centers of excellence that agree to participate in this call offer outstanding PhD positions each year to future Doctoral INPhINIT Incoming fellows. Check out the PhD open positions offered by the host institutions participating in the 2024 call. Key points 30 fellowships to pursue PhD studies in research centres accredited with the Spanish Seal of Excellence Severo Ochoa, María de Maeztu or Health Institute Carlos III and Portuguese units accredited as “excellent” according to the evaluation of the Fundação de Ciência e Tecnologia. STEM disciplines (technology, engineering, physics, mathematics, health and life sciences). Maximum duration: 4 years. Funding to cover labour costs, research costs and doctoral tuition fees. On-site training programme in multidisciplinary skills. Requirements of the call Experience: candidates must not have carried out more than four years of research activity before the closing date of the call. Studies pursued: at the time of recruitment, candidates must have completed the studies that allow them to enrol in an official PhD programme in Spain/Portugal. The verification of the required level of studies will be carried out by the host university when the admission procedure begins. Candidates must not have been enrolled in a doctoral programme prior to the start of the fellowship. Mobility: candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Spain/Portugal for more than twelve months in the three years immediately preceding the closing date of the call. Level of English: candidates must accredit the required level of English by submitting one of the certificates specified in the rules for participation. FAQ If you have any doubts about the call, please consult the list of frequently asked questions. | 2023-11-06 | 2024-01-24 |
link | Horizon Europe info days - Cluster 4 | This event aims to inform potential applicants about the funding opportunities of the 2024 calls of Horizon Europe Cluster 4 'Digital, Industry and Space' Work Programme 2023-2024. During the 2-day event, speakers from the European Commission will present the call topics, the evaluation and the award process. Potential applicants will have an opportunity to ask questions. Under the pillar II of Horizon Europe, Cluster 4 focuses on digital, industry and space and aims to deliver on the following: Climate neutral, circular and digitised production Increased autonomy in key strategic value chains for resilient industry World leading data and computing technologies Digital and emerging technologies for competitiveness and fit for the Green Deal Open strategic autonomy in developing, deploying and using global space-based infrastructures, services, applications and data A human-centred and ethical development of digital and industrial technologies. | 2023-10-11 | 2023-10-12 |
ERC-PT Pre-Assessment Program: Call ERC Consolidator Grant 2024 | The ERC-Portugal Pre-Assessment program, launched in June of this year, continues to support ERC applicants who choose entities from the National Science and Technology System as host institutions. Please note that the deadline for submitting proposals to the ERC-PT Pre-Assessment program, referring to the "ERC Consolidator Grant 2024" Call, is October 12, 2023, about 2 months before the deadline for submitting applications established by the ERC for this typology, set for December 12, 2023. This procedure allows applicants who submit their proposals to the ERC-PT Pre-Assessment program to receive the pre-assessments and respective reports with recommendations for improvement about a month before the deadline for submitting their application to ERC-COG-2024. For more information, including a set of frequently asked questions, see the ERC-PT Pre-Assessment program page. ERC-PT Pre-Assessment: Call ERC StG 2024 For the first cycle of the ERC-PT Pre-Assessment program corresponding to the Call ERC Starting Grant 2024, the reports drawn up by the College of Evaluators, both in STEP 1 and STEP 2, will be submitted to the researchers by September 25. Additional information A set of additional information is also presented, useful for all researchers who are preparing applications for the ERC Consolidator Grant 2024: As recently announced, the ERC will organize a public session to present Calls for the 2024 work program on September 20, where candidates will be able to find out about the new application procedures and evaluation criteria, including the new structure of CVs. The session will be broadcast on YouTube; On September 22, at 10 a.m., the FCT will organize a session to clarify doubts about the Calls of the 2024 ERC. Anyone interested should register here; Since September 12, applicants to Call ERC-COG-2024 have been able to start the process of preparing proposals and accessing the respective documentation on the Funding and Tenders Portal. The application guide for this Call can also be consulted here. FCT is the entity responsible for promoting national participation in the ERC and for creating the ERC-PT Pre-Assessment program. Since the start of Horizon Europe in 2021, the framework program for European research and innovation funding, research carried out in SNCT institutions has managed to attract around 78 million euros from the Calls of the European Research Council. | 2023-09-20 | 2023-10-12 | |
picture_as_pdf | Webinar ERC Grant Competitions 2024 | The European Research Council ( ERC ) Executive Agency is hosting a dissemination session for the "ERC Grant Competitions 2024" to provide information on the Calls for the 2024 Work Programme. The webinar, is scheduled for 20 September at 11:15 AM (Lisbon time), and will announce the application submission deadlines for the last quarter of 2023 and 2024. The session will also introduce new features (see annex) of the Call, including the narrative CV and the simplified costs pilot project. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions regarding the current and future Calls. The session will feature interventions by the Head of the Scientific Management Department of the European Research Council, Angela Liberatore, the Head of Unit "Support to the Scientific Council", Jose Labastida, and the Head of Communications, the moderator Anthony Lockett. FCT ensures national representation and coordination of the promotion of research and innovation activities under the Scientific Excellence Pillar of Horizon Europe, within the context of the PERIN network. In this way, it coordinates support to the scientific and technological community for initiatives such as the ERC. The session can be followed here. | 2023-09-20 | 2023-09-20 |
link | Postdoctoral Junior Leader fellowships - Retaining Call 2024 | ”la Caixa” Foundation grants 15 postdoctoral fellowships for researchers of any nationality to carry out a research project in a STEM discipline at any university or research centre in Spain or Portugal. Key dates Status: Open End: 5 October 2023, at 2 pm Peninsular Spain Pre-selection results and call for interviews: 25 January 2024 Selection interviews: 21 and 22 February 2024 Publication of results: 19 March 2024 Key points 15 fellowships to carry out a postdoctoral research project at any university or research centre in Spain or Portugal. STEM disciplines (life sciences, experimental sciences, physics, chemistry, engineering, technology and mathematics). Maximum duration: 3 years. Maximum amount: €305,100. Programme of training in multidisciplinary skills. | 2023-07-27 | 2023-10-05 |
link | Postdoctoral Junior Leader fellowships Incoming Call 2024 | ”la Caixa” Foundation grants 25 postdoctoral fellowships for researchers of any nationality to carry out a research project in a STEM discipline at universities and research centres of accredited excellence. Key dates Status: Open End: 5 October 2023, at 2 pm Peninsular Spain Pre-selection results and call for interviews: 25 January 2024 Selection interviews: 5 and 6 March 2024 Publication of results: 19 March 2024 Key points 25 fellowships to carry out a postdoctoral research project at Spanish centres accredited as excellent by the Severo Ochoa, María de Maeztu or Carlos III Health Institute seals of excellence, or at Portuguese centres accredited as excellent by the Fundação de Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT). STEM disciplines (life sciences, experimental sciences, physics, chemistry, engineering, technology and mathematics). Maximum duration: 3 years. Maximum amount: €305,100. Programme of training in multidisciplinary skills. | 2023-07-27 | 2023-10-05 |
picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf link link | IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP) | The programme aims to inspire and encourage young women to pursue a career in nuclear related field, by providing highly motivated female students with scholarships for Master’s programmes and an opportunity to pursue an internship facilitated by the IAEA. Scholarships are awarded annually, to 100+ female students, subject to availability of funds. In the selection of students, consideration is given to geographic and field of study diversity, in addition to eligibility requirements and other criteria. The selected students are awarded up to €20,000 for tuition costs and up to €20,000 for living costs for their Master’s programme. Upon completion of their studies, students are also given an opportunity to pursue an internship for up to 12 months at the IAEA, its partner organizations or industry. Additionally, students are provided with opportunities to attend and participate in various educational, professional and networking events. MSCFP recipients will also have a chance to become a part of the MSCFP LinkedIn Student and Alumni Group where they can exchange knowledge and experience, find out about technical events and career opportunities as well as connect to their peers. Since its launch in 2020, MSCFP has received 1563 applications, selecting 360 students from 110 nationalities studying in 65 countries worldwide. By end of 2022, 100 students have already completed their Master’s programme with support of MSCFP, embarking on internships facilitated by the IAEA or pursing PhD or employment in the nuclear field. The programme is envisaged to grow each year to ensure more women have an opportunity to pursue advanced education in nuclear related fields. The next application call is scheduled to open in mid-July 2023 and will close by end of September 2023. To read more about the programme and eligibility requirements, please visit the link: IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme | IAEA and Information for applicants | IAEA. | 2023-07-15 | 2023-09-30 |
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Plans 2023/2024 | MSCA PostdoctoralFellowships 2023 |2024 Open: 10 April 2023 | 10 April 2024 Deadline: 13 September 2023|11 September 2024 MSCA Doctoral Networks 2023 | 2024 Open: 30 May 2023 | 29 May 2024 Deadline: 28 November 2023 | 27 November 2024 MSCA Staff Exchanges 2023 |2024 Open: 05 October 2023 | 10 October 2024 Deadline: 27 February 2024 | 05 March 2025 | 2023-07-03 | 2024-12-31 | |
link | ERC Plans for 2024 - TENTATIVE CALENDAR | The ERC Scientific Council has agreed on a tentative calendar, which may be subject to change. For the 2024 ERC calls, there will be two cut-off dates for the Proof of Concept grant call. Starting Grants | ERC-2023-StG Open: 11-07-2023 Deadline: 24-10-2023 Consolidator Grants | ERC-2023-CoG Open: 12-09-2023 Deadline: 12-12-2023 Advanced Grants | ERC-2023-AdG Open: 29-05-2024 Deadline: 29-08-2024 Synergy Grants | ERC-2023-SyG Open: 12-07-2023 Deadline: 08-11-2023 | 2023-07-03 | 2024-09-30 |
link | Evaluation of ERC grant proposals: what to expect in 2024 | The 2024 ERC Work Programme is expected to be formally adopted in July 2023 and some of the planned changes that the ERC Scientific Council has proposed to introduce have been made public last December (evaluation forms and processes) and in March this year (new panels and lump sum funding). This announcement gives further detail on research assessment, the evaluation process, lump sum funding, as well as the tentative schedule of the upcoming grant competitions. Research assessment: focus on the project The proposals for ERC grants will continue to be evaluated based on the sole criterion of scientific excellence. ERC panels will primarily evaluate the ground-breaking nature, ambition, and feasibility of the research project. At the same time, they will evaluate the intellectual capacity, creativity, and commitment of the applicant principal investigator, with a focus on the extent to which the applicant has the excellence and required scientific expertise to successfully execute the proposed project. Broad assessment of the applicant The ERC Work Programme will no longer include detailed prescriptive profiles of principal investigators. In the application, the Curriculum Vitae and Track Record will be merged into one document of up to four pages. The applicant will be expected to include – apart from standard biographical information – a list of up to ten research outputs that demonstrate how they have advanced knowledge in their field, with an emphasis on more recent achievements, and a list of selected examples of significant peer recognition (for example, prizes). A short explanation of the significance of the selected outputs, the applicant’s role in producing each of them, and how the applicant has demonstrated their capacity to successfully carry out the proposed project can also be included. The applicant may also include relevant information on, for example, career breaks, unusual career paths, as well as any particularly noteworthy contributions to the research community. These will not in themselves be evaluated but are important to provide context to the evaluation panels when assessing the principal investigator’s research achievements and peer recognition in relation to their career stage. Evaluation procedure In Starting, Consolidator and Advanced Grants calls, ERC panels will be able to admit at most 44 proposals to step 2 of the evaluation. A distinction in the scoring at step 1 will be made between proposals obtaining a score of A and invited to step 2 of the evaluation, and proposals obtaining a score of A but not ranked among the 44 proposals admitted to step 2. A candidate whose proposal is scored A at step 1 of the evaluation, but not taken to interview, will be free to submit a proposal in the following year’s calls. Lump sum funding in Advanced Grants 2024 Advanced Grants will be awarded as a single lump sum contribution for the entirety of the project, for a sum approved by the ERC panel. The payment of the lump sum will be based on the work carried out and reported, irrespective of the actual costs incurred for the project or the successful outcome of the project activities. Additional funding, for example to purchase major equipment or get access to research facilities, can be applied for and will be made part of the lump sum. Successful applicants will still be able to benefit from portability, meaning that they will be able to request to transfer their entire grant, or a part of it, to a new beneficiary, as has been the case under the funding based on the actual costs until 2023. | 2023-07-03 | 2024-09-30 |
Candidaturas ao Concurso de Projetos I&D em todos os domínios científicos vão decorrer em novembro | A FCT está empenhada em aumentar o orçamento disponível para o Concurso de Projetos de I&D em todos os domínios científicos de 2023, pelo que está a estabelecer sinergias com o PT2030 no sentido de poder alocar um montante de pelo menos 100 M€ ao financiamento deste programa de apoio a projetos, o que representa um aumento de 33% face aos concursos anteriores. A obtenção deste financiamento exige uma articulação do regulamento de projetos da FCT com o regulamento do PT2030, que está em preparação, pelo que a FCT decidiu adiar, para o período de 1 a 30 de novembro, a submissão de candidaturas ao Concurso de Projetos de I&D em todos os domínios científicos de 2023. Este adiamento permitirá ainda garantir a adoção de custos simplificados, o que se traduzirá numa maior eficácia na gestão do tempo dos investigadores. Nesta decisão foram consultadas diversas entidades representativas da comunidade científica, a quem a FCT agradece. | 2023-07-03 | 2023-12-31 | |
link link link | Bolsa Fulbright para Investigação com o apoio da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. (FCT) | Prevê-se uma nova edição desta Bolsa para o ano académico de 2024/2025. Os requisitos necessários à candidatura são os seguintes: Ter nacionalidade portuguesa. Não ter beneficiado anteriormente de uma bolsa do Programa Fulbright. Não ter residido nos EUA durante um período igual ou superior a 5 anos, nos 6 anos anteriores à data do concurso. Não ter dupla nacionalidade, portuguesa e norte-americana. Não possuir autorização de residência (green card) nos EUA. Não possuir visto para os EUA válido entre a altura do concurso à bolsa e o início do período de estadia nos EUA. Ser detentor(a) de uma Bolsa de Doutoramento diretamente financiada pela FCT. Os(as) candidatos(as) que reúnam estas condições, têm ainda que apresentar uma affiliation letter, isto é, uma carta de aceitação por parte da instituição norte-americana de acolhimento, duas cartas de recomendação e o diploma ou certificado de notas dos graus académicos concluídos. | 2023-07-03 | 0000-00-00 |
link | The European Prize for Women Innovators | For the 2023 – 2024 edition, the European Innovation Council and the European Institute for Innovation & Technology have teamed up to create a bigger and bolder European Prize for Women Innovators, with no fewer than 9 prizes to be awarded. Applications are open until 27 September 2023 at 17:00 CET. The European Prize for Women Innovators celebrates the women entrepreneurs behind Europe's most ground-breaking innovations. The prize awards women from across the EU and countries associated to Horizon Europe, whose disruptive innovations are driving positive change for people and planet. The prize is managed jointly by the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency and the European Institute for Innovation & Technology. The winners are chosen by an independent expert jury. | 2023-06-30 | 2023-09-27 |
link link | ERC Portugal Pre-Assessment Program | FCT launched this Monday, June 19, a new axis of the ERC-Portugal program, called ERC Portugal Pre-Assessment. This is a peer review service that FCT will provide to researchers from the national scientific community who are in the preparation phase of applications to Calls of projects of the European Research Council (ERC). The ERC Portugal Pre-Assessment will follow international peer review best practices, in which the pre-assessment model will mirror ERC's assessment criteria and assessor profiles. This new program is intended to be an important tool to improve the quality of national proposals and their preparation processes. Its ultimate goal will be to increase the number of national applications to the ERC's Calls and a greater naturalization in the submission of proposals to this leading European research funding agency. Proposals will be evaluated according to the ERC evaluation criteria for the respective Call, and evaluations will be carried out by international experts, with profiles of high experience in evaluation processes, preferably as panel members at Calls ERC. This program will support submissions for the next Call ERC Starting Grants, with an application deadline on October 24, 2023. To this end, the first round of ERC Portugal Pre-Assessment proposals will run until 20 July 2023 (Thursday). Pre-Assessment reports will be sent to researchers by 25 September 2023, approximately one month before the end of the period for submission of proposals to Call ERC Starting Grants, in order to constitute an effective contribution to the completion of the application preparation process to be submitted to Call ERC. In order to guarantee the timely submission of reports to the researchers, the program's calendar model will be as follows: (i) submission of application proposals up to about 2 months before the ERC deadline for submission of applications; (ii) submission of pre-evaluations and reports to the researchers up to about one month of the same deadline. | 2023-06-22 | 2023-07-20 |
link | Cooperação Bilateral Portugal-Alemanha 2023: concurso conjunto | O acordo de cooperação científica e tecnológica entre Portugal e a Alemanha, estabelecido em 1990, prevê que os dois países estabelecem um programa destinado a promover a cooperação entre professores e investigadores, incluindo jovens investigadores em estabelecimentos de ensino superior e instituições de investigação afins em Portugal e Alemanha. Um dos objetivos previstos passa por fomentar ações de intercâmbio de investigadores através do apoio à sua mobilidade no âmbito de projetos internacionais. Os projetos terão uma duração máxima de 24 meses, sendo renováveis anualmente nos termos do Artigo 13º e 14º do regulamento. O financiamento anual da FCT por projeto é de 2.000 euros. | 2023-06-14 | 2023-09-15 |
link | Applications for New COST Actions | The Open Call 2023 is now open. The next collection date will be 25 October 2023 at 12.00 (noon) CEST. The following collection date is expected in Autumn 2024. Participants are invited to submit COST Action proposals contributing to the scientific, technological, economic, cultural or societal knowledge advancement and development of Europe. Multi- and interdisciplinary proposals are encouraged. The Open Call Action proposal submission, evaluation, selection and approval (SESA) procedure is fully science and technology-driven and will ensure a simple, transparent and competitive proposal evaluation and selection process, reflecting the bottom-up, open and inclusive principles of COST. Participants planning to submit a proposal for a COST Action will need to refer to the SESA guidelines and to the Open Call Announcement available on the Documents and Guidelines page. For further information: | 2023-06-03 | 2023-10-25 |
link link | online COST Info Day | This online COST Info Day is open to all researchers and innovators at any career stage and from any field of research, especially young researchers, as well as R&I staff. The aim is to inform researchers and innovators about how to connect with COST Actions or submit a COST Action proposal, the role and impact of the COST programme, and the benefits of participating in COST for researchers’ careers, with a focus on young researchers. For organisational reasons, registration through this webpage is necessary to receive the link timely to join on 24 May. Registration: Programme overview 10:00 | Welcome and introduction | Director of the COST Association 10:10 | What is COST and how to participate in a COST Action? | COST Policy Officer 10:30 | How to submit an application? Tips & tricks | COST Science Officer 10:40 | Which activities are funded? | COST Administrative Officer 11:00 | What are the benefits of participating in COST? | COST Action Chair 11:15 | Q&A 11:30 | End of the session | 2023-05-24 | 2023-05-24 |
link | Cooperação Bilateral Portugal-França 2023: concurso conjunto ao abrigo do Programa PESSOA | Ao abrigo do Acordo de Cooperação, a FCT e o Campus France lançam o concurso para o financiamento de projetos internacionais de mobilidade de investigadores. O acordo de cooperação científica e tecnológica entre Portugal e França, estabelecido em 2004, prevê que os dois países estabelecem um programa destinado a promover a cooperação entre professores e investigadores, incluindo jovens investigadores em estabelecimentos de ensino superior e instituições de investigação afins em Portugal e França. Um dos objetivos previstos passa por fomentar ações de intercâmbio de investigadores através do apoio à sua mobilidade no âmbito de projetos internacionais. Os projetos terão uma duração máxima de 24 meses, sendo renováveis anualmente nos termos do Artigo 13º e 14º do regulamento. O financiamento anual da FCT por projeto é de 2.000 euros. As candidaturas devem ser elaboradas conjuntamente pelos investigadores responsáveis dos dois países e submetidas aos organismos executores do Acordo. Assim, a equipa portuguesa deverá remeter a sua candidatura à FCT e a equipa estrangeira ao organismo do seu país. A candidatura a apresentar à FCT deverá ser submetida no portal de submissão de candidaturas até às 17:00 do dia 26 de junho de 2023, hora de Lisboa. | 2023-05-18 | 2023-06-26 |
Info Session on Doctoral Networks | Informative session focused on the MSCA Doctoral Networks upcoming 2023 Call. Date: 09th May 2023 10h00 - 11h00 | 2023-05-09 | 2023-05-09 | |
Info session on MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships | Informative session focused on the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 Call organized by FCT Date: 04th May 2023 10h00-11h00 | 2023-05-04 | 2023-05-04 | |
MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 (HORIZON-MSCA-2023-PF-01) | For your Information, especially for those who know young researchers who might be interested in coming to LIP MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships (2023/24) The goal of MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships is to enhance the creative and innovative potential of researchers holding a PhD and who wish to acquire new skills through advanced training, international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary mobility. MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships will be open to excellent researchers of any nationality. The scheme also encourages researchers to work on research and innovation projects in the non-academic sector and is open to researchers wishing to reintegrate in Europe, to those who are displaced by conflict, as well as to researchers with high potential who are seeking to restart their careers in research. Through the implementation of an original and personalised research project, MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships aim to foster excellence through training and mobility and to equip researchers with new skills and competences in order to identify solutions to current and future challenges. Postdoctoral researchers are encouraged to engage with society at large to make the results of their research visible to citizens and to involve citizens, civil society and end-users in co-creation of research content when relevant. | 2023-04-12 | 2023-09-13 | |
picture_as_pdf link link link | Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus - 6th Edition | The Individual Call is aimed at PhD holders of any nationality or stateless with a background in any scientific area who wish to develop their scientific research or technological development activity in Portugal. ----------------------- A Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) publicou o aviso de abertura da 6.ª edição do Concurso Estímulo ao Emprego Científico Individual (CEEC Individual), cujas candidaturas vão decorrer de 4 de abril de 2023 até às 17:00 (hora de Lisboa) de 3 de maio de 2023. Este concurso prevê a contratação de mais 400 investigadores doutorados ao abrigo do Regulamento do Emprego Científico (REC). O CEEC Individual é um concurso anual que apoia diretamente a contratação de investigadores doutorados, em todas as áreas científicas, que pretendam realizar a sua atividade de investigação científica ou de desenvolvimento tecnológico em Portugal, nas instituições que integram o Sistema Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia (SNCT). Os contratos do CEEC Individual têm a duração até 6 anos e são atribuídos, nesta edição, em função de três categorias: Investigador júnior, Investigador auxiliar e Investigador principal. | 2023-04-04 | 2023-05-08 |
link | Interreg Europe - Next call for projects | Second call for projects. The second call will open from 15 March to 9 June 2023.
This is a call for proposals for interregional cooperation projects. These projects gather policy-relevant organisations from different countries in Europe working together on a common regional development The programme eligible area covers the whole European Union territory with its 27 Member States, | 2023-03-15 | 2023-06-09 |
link link | IAEA Lise Meitner Programme - Applications Open | The IAEA Lise Meitner Programme provides early and mid-career women professionals with opportunities to participate in a multiweek visiting professional programme and advanced their technical and soft skills. Qualified female professionals are invited to submit the application with the required supporting documents at the following link. The first professional visits under the IAEA Lise Meitner Programme are expected to take place in June 2023, in the United States of America. Candidates interested in this professional visit should submit their applications no later than Sunday, March 19, 2023 (11:59pm, Vienna time). For eligibility and application requirements, please click here. | 2023-02-23 | 2023-03-19 |
Enterprise Europe Network Partnering Opportunities | Consulte todas as oportunidades de parceria da Enterprise Europe Network AQUI | 2023-02-23 | 0000-00-00 | |
link | Programa RESTART | Candidaturas ao Programa RESTART abrem a 15 de fevereiro A FCT vai abrir dia 15 de fevereiro de 2023 o período para submissão de candidaturas à 1ª edição do Programa RESTART. Este programa pretende promover a igualdade de género e de oportunidades nas atividades e carreiras de I&D, pelo financiamento, em concurso competitivo, de projetos individuais no montante máximo de 50 mil euros, e com uma duração de execução de 18 meses. A 1ª edição do Programa RESTART tem prevista uma dotação orçamental de 1,25 milhões de euros. O programa RESTART destina-se a promover a igualdade de género e de oportunidades, através do financiamento competitivo de projetos individuais de I&D em todos os domínios científicos, quando realizados por investigadoras ou investigadores que tenham gozado recentemente de uma licença parental, incluindo por adoção. O prazo de candidatura à 1ª edição do Programa RESTART decorre de 15 de fevereiro a 30 de março de 2023. | 2023-02-15 | 2023-03-30 |
link | CaixaImpulse Innovation call for proposals open until March 30 | We are looking for entrepreneurial scientists from research centres, hospitals and universities with a health innovation project that can have an impact on society. There will be an information session on March 2. Find out more here | 2023-02-13 | 2023-03-30 |
Calendário das sessões temáticas da infoweek (sessões online) | Infoday organizado pela Comissão Europeia dedicado ao Cluster 1: Saúde - este evento não é organizado pela Rede PERIN - 19 de janeiro de 2023 - 8:00 – 16:00 Cluster 2: Cultura, Criatividade e Sociedade Inclusiva Link aqui - 9 de fevereiro de 2023 - 10:00 – 12:30 Cluster 3: Segurança Civil para a Sociedade Link aqui - 23 de fevereiro de 2023 - 11:00 – 12:30 Cluster 4: O Digital, a Indústria e o Espaço Link aqui - 18 de janeiro de 2023 - 10:00 – 12:00 Cluster 5: Clima, Energia e Mobilidade Link aqui - 19 de janeiro de 2023 - 14:30 – 16:30 Cluster 6: Alimentação, Bioeconomia, Recursos Naturais, Agricultura e Ambiente Link aqui - 19 de janeiro de 2023 - 10:00 – 12:00 Pilar 3: Europa Inovadora
Link aqui - 17 de janeiro de 2023 - 10:00 – 16:00 Questões Legais e Financeiras Link aqui - 20 de janeiro de 2023 - 10:00 – 12:00 | 2023-01-19 | 2023-02-23 | |
Sessão de abertura da Infoweek 2023 do Horizonte Europa | 16 de janeiro de 2023 | A Agência Nacional de Inovação (ANI), em colaboração com as restantes agências da Rede PERIN, está a promover a Infoweek anual de apresentação dos tópicos a concurso em 2023 e 2024 do Programa Horizonte Europa, que decorre de 16 a 20 de janeiro de 2023. Esta Infoweek será celebrada com uma sessão de abertura presencial, em Lisboa, nas instalações do IAPMEI (sitas em Estrada do Paço do Lumiar, Campus do Lumiar, Edifício A, 1649-038 Lisboa), no dia 16 de janeiro de 2023, entre as 10:00 e as 16:00, seguida de sessões online organizadas pelos diversos Clusters do Pilar 2 e pelo Pilar 3, que irão decorrer durante a semana e nas semanas seguintes. Não perca esta oportunidade de reencontrar os seus Pontos de Contacto Nacional. A participação é gratuita, mas o registo é obrigatório. | 2023-01-16 | 0000-00-00 | |
link | Research Infrastructures - 2023 Calls | The Research Infrastructures Work Programme 2023-2024 is published, there you’ll find all the funding opportunities within this programme for 2023 and 2024. Until the 9th March 2023, there are 4 calls open with 18 topics which will fund approximately 61 projects: INFRADEV – Developing, consolidating and optimizing the European research infrastructures landscape, maintaining global leadership INFRA-2023-DEV-01-06: Strengthen bilateral cooperation on RI with Latin America INFRA-2023-DEV-01-07: Strengthening the international dimension of ESFRI and/or ERIC RIs INFRA-2023-DEV-01-08: Preparatory phase of new ESFRI RI projects INFRAEOSC – Enabling an operational, open and FAIR European Open Science Cloud ecosystem INFRA-2023-EOSC-01-03: Planning, tracking, and assessing scientific knowledge production INFRA-2023-EOSC-01-05: EOSC Architecture and Interoperability Framework INFRA-2023-EOSC-01-06: Trusted environments for sensitive data management in EOSC INFRASERV – Research Infrastructures services to support health research, accelerate the green and digital transformation, and advance frontier knowledge INFRA-2023-SERV-01-01: RI services to enable R&I addressing main challenges and EU priorities INFRA-2023-SERV-01-02: RI services advancing frontier knowledge INFRATECH – Next generation of scientific instrumentation, tools, methods, and advanced digital solutions for RIs | 2023-01-10 | 2023-03-09 |
link link | FLAD - New dates 2023 | Grants for research internships in the USA designed for master’s students, doctoral students, and junior researchers (with a PhD for no longer than 3 years) from Portuguese institutions. Deadlines – 2023 Open Calls Internships starting between January 1st and June 30th, 2023: Applications: until October 31st, 2022. Results: until December 31st, 2022. Internships starting between July 1st and December 31st, 2023: Applications: until April 30th, 2023. Results: until June 30th, 2023. More details here: Bolsas para apresentação de comunicações em conferências nos EUA. A bolsa Papers@USA tem como objetivo internacionalizar o conhecimento científico produzido em Portugal e apoiar o desenvolvimento académico dos participantes. A bolsa terá um valor máximo de 1.200 euros. As candidaturas devem ser realizadas 4 meses antes da data de início da conferência norte-americana para o qual o participante foi aceite. Desta forma, os prazos de candidatura para apresentação de comunicações em conferências nos EUA com início em: Janeiro de 2023: Candidaturas até 30 setembro 2022 Fevereiro de 2023: Candidaturas até 31 outubro 2022 Março de 2023: Candidaturas até 30 novembro 2022 Abril de 2023: Candidaturas até 31 dezembro 2022 Maio de 2023: Candidaturas até 31 janeiro 2023 Junho de 2023: Candidaturas até 28 fevereiro 2023 Julho de 2023: Candidaturas até 31 março 2023 Agosto de 2023: Candidaturas até 30 abril 2023 Setembro de 2023: Candidaturas até 31 maio 2023 Outubro de 2023: Candidaturas até 30 junho 2023 Novembro 2023: Candidaturas até 31 julho 2023 Dezembro de 2023: Candidaturas até 31 agosto 2023 Os resultados serão comunicados até 60 dias após o encerramento do prazo das respetivas candidaturas. | 2023-01-10 | 2023-01-10 |
link | FCT Open Calls for 2023 | The link will be updated regularly by FCT | 2023-01-10 | 0000-00-00 |
link | EIC Transition | Apply anytime (cut-off dates: 12 April, 27 September) EIC Transition funds innovation activities that go beyond the experimental proof of principle in laboratory to support both: the maturation and validation of your novel technology in the lab and in relevant application environments the development of a business case and (business) model towards the innovation’s future commercialisation. EIC Transition projects should address both technology and market/business development, possibly including iterative learning processes based on early customer or user feedback. The expected outcomes of an EIC Transition project are: a technology that is demonstrated to be effective for its intended application (TRL 5/6) and a business model, its initial validation and a business plan for its development to market. Grants of up to €2.5 million are available to validate and demonstrate technology in application-relevant environment and develop market readiness. | 2023-01-01 | 2023-12-31 |
link | Plan for FCT 2023 Calls | A Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) disponibiliza o calendário de concursos previstos para 2023. A informação é atualizada regularmente, de modo a refletir qualquer alteração, quer nos instrumentos de financiamento, bem como nas datas previstas. Poderão existir outros concursos específicos ou temáticos não incluídos nesta lista. Para informação sobre os concursos da FCT abertos, consulte | 2023-01-01 | 2023-12-31 |
ERC Scientific Council decides changes to the evaluation forms and processes for the 2024 calls | During its December plenary meeting the ERC Scientific Council decided on changes to the ERC’s application forms and evaluation procedures for the 2024 calls. The current CV and Track Record templates will be combined and simplified and applicants will be able to add short narrative descriptions to explain the information provided. Applicants will also be invited to explain career breaks or unconventional career paths and to describe exceptional contributions to the research community. One effect of these changes is that the Profiles of the ERC Principal Investigators which appeared in previous Work Programmes will no longer be necessary. The Scientific Council has furthermore decided to explicitly weigh the project proposal more than the past achievements of the applicant during the evaluation. Full details will be found in the ERC Work Programme 2024 and the associated guidance documents. The Scientific Council recognises that maintaining the quality of the ERC’s evaluation is critical to its success and has always been prepared to adapt and update the ERC’s specific processes and procedures as necessary. Proposals will continue to be evaluated by peer review panels composed of leading scientists and scholars using the sole criterion of scientific excellence. In a related development, the Scientific Council also decided to sign the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment published in July this year. | 2022-12-19 | 0000-00-00 | |
link link | EIC Pathfinder2023 | The EIC Pathfinder Open 2023 call will close on the 7th March 2023 17.00 (CET). With its Pathfinder programme the EIC supports the exploration of bold ideas for radically new technologies. It welcomes the high-risk / high gain and interdisciplinary cutting-edge science collaborations that underpin technological breakthroughs. Pathfinder goes beyond what is already known. Visionary thinking can open up promising avenues towards powerful new technologies. Applicants participating in EIC Pathfinder projects are typically visionary scientists and entrepreneurial researchers from universities, research organisations, start-ups, high-tech SMEs or industrial stakeholders interested in technological research and innovation. Projects typically involve consortia of researchers and other partners from at least three different countries, but there are also opportunities for individual teams and small consortia (two partners). Grants of up to 3 to 4 million euro support early stage development of future technologies (e.g. various activities at low Technology Readiness Levels 1-3), up to proof of concept. Pathfinder projects can also receive additional funding for testing the innovation potential of their research outputs. | 2022-12-07 | 2023-03-07 |
link | MSCA COFUND 2022 | Applicants submit proposals for new or existing doctoral or postdoctoral programmes with an impact on the enhancement of human resources in R&I at regional, national or international level. These programmes will be co-funded by MSCA COFUND. Proposed programmes can cover any research disciplines ("bottom-up"), but exceptionally can also focus on specific disciplines, notably when they are based on national or regional Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3 strategies). In this case, the range of covered disciplines should allow reasonable flexibility for the researchers to define their topic. Funding synergies with Cohesion policy funds and the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) are strongly encouraged[1],[2]. A Career Development Plan must be jointly established by the supervisor and each recruited researcher upon recruitment. In addition to research objectives, this Plan comprises the researcher's training and career needs, including training on transferable skills, teaching, planning for publications and participation in conferences and events aimed at opening science and research to citizens. The Plan must be established at the beginning of the recruitment and should be revised (and updated where needed) within 18 months. COFUND takes the form of: A) Doctoral programmes Doctoral programmes offer research training activities to allow doctoral candidates to develop and broaden their skills and competences. They will lead to the award of a doctoral degree in at least one EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country. The training activities should be based on the EU Principles on Innovative Doctoral Training. Substantial training modules, including digital ones, addressing key transferable skills and competences common to all fields and fostering the culture of Open Science, innovation and entrepreneurship will be supported. They will include, inter alia, training on the use of collaborative tools, opening access to publications and to research data, FAIR data management, public engagement and citizen science. On top of compulsory international mobility, applicants are encouraged to include elements of cross-sectoral mobility and interdisciplinarity into their programmes. Collaboration with a wider set of associated partners, including from the non-academic sector, will be positively taken into account during the evaluation. These organisations may provide hosting or secondment opportunities or training modules in research or transferable skills. Particular attention is paid to the quality of supervision and mentoring arrangements as well as career guidance. The selection procedure for doctoral candidates must be open, transparent and merit-based, in line with the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The vacancy notice (to be widely advertised internationally, including on the EURAXESS[3] website) must include the minimum gross salary (not including employer’s social contributions) offered to the researcher. B) Postdoctoral Programmes Postdoctoral Programmes fund individual advanced research training and career development fellowships for postdoctoral researchers. The programmes should offer training to develop key transferable skills and competences common to all fields, foster innovation and entrepreneurship and promote and (where appropriate) reward Open Science practices (open access to publications and to research data, FAIR data management, public engagement and citizen science, etc.). Postdoctoral Programmes should have regular selection rounds following fixed deadlines or regular cut-off dates, allowing fair competition between researchers. The selections should be open, widely advertised (including on the EURAXESS website), competitive, merit-based and with a transparent international peer review, in line with the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The vacancy notice must include the minimum gross salary (not including employer’s social contributions) offered to the postdoctoral researcher. On top of compulsory international mobility, applicants are encouraged to include elements of cross-sectoral mobility and interdisciplinarity into their programmes. Researchers will be able to freely choose a research topic and the appropriate organisation to host them, fitting their individual needs.
| 2022-10-11 | 2023-02-09 |
link link link | Concursos de Projetos Exploratórios da CMU Portugal, MIT Portugal e UT Austin Portugal | Estão abertas as candidaturas aos concursos de Projetos Exploratórios no âmbito das parcerias Internacionais da FCT - CMU Portugal, MIT Portugal e UT Austin Portugal, abriram dia 11 de outubro e vão decorrer até às 17h00 (hora de Lisboa) do dia 17 de novembro de 2022. | 2022-10-11 | 2022-11-17 |
link | MSCA Staff Exchanges 2022 | MSCA Staff Exchanges involve organisations from the academic and non-academic sectors (including SMEs) from across the globe. Support is provided for international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary mobility of R&I staff leading to knowledge transfer between participating organisations. Mobility through secondments The organisations constituting the partnership contribute directly to the implementation of a joint R&I project by seconding and/or hosting eligible staff members. Such a project must explore activities that can be based on previous work but should go beyond and generate or strengthen long-term collaborations. Secondments must always take place between legal entities independent from each other. MSCA Staff Exchanges can address three dimensions of mobility: inter-sectoral, international and interdisciplinary. While exchanges between organisations within EU Member States and Horizon Europe Associated Countries should mainly be inter-sectoral, same-sector exchanges are also possible under the condition that they are interdisciplinary. Interdisciplinarity is not required for same-sector exchanges with non-associated Third Countries. Secondments between institutions established in non-associated Third Countries or within the same EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country are not eligible. The collaborative approach of MSCA Staff Exchanges should exploit complementary competences of the participating organisations and create synergies between them. The secondments should be essential to achieve the joint project’s R&I activities. The project should inter alia enable networking activities and the organisation of workshops and conferences, to facilitate sharing of knowledge and testing of innovative approaches for specific R&I topics. Skills’ development For participating staff members, the project should offer new skills acquisition and career development perspectives. Participating organisations must ensure that the seconded staff are adequately mentored. Interdisciplinarity means the integration of information, data, techniques, tools, perspectives, concepts or theories from two or more scientific disciplines. These aspects will be assessed during the evaluation. | 2022-10-06 | 2023-03-08 |
link | ERC Plans for 2023 - TENTATIVE DATES | Starting Grants | ERC-2023-StG Open: 12-07-2022 Deadline: 25-10-2022 Consolidator Grants | ERC-2023-CoG Open: 28-09-2022 Deadline: 02-02-2023 Advanced Grants | ERC-2023-AdG Open: 08-12-2022 Deadline: 23-05-2023 Synergy Grants | ERC-2023-SyG Open: 13-07-2022 Deadline: 08-11-2023 Proof of Concept Grant | ERC-2023-PoC Open: 20-10-2022 Cut-off dates or deadline for applications: 24-01-202, 20-04-2023, 14-09-2023 | 2022-07-12 | 2023-11-08 |
link | "la Caixa" Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships programme 2023 is now open | Apply for "la Caixa" Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships by 7th October The "la Caixa" Foundation is now accepting applications for its annual Postdoctoral Junior Leader Fellowship call, aimed at researchers interested in conducting research projects in Spain or Portugal. Researchers of any nationality working in the STEM disciplines can apply in the call. There are two frames within the programme: - Incoming: 25 fellowships for researchers coming to Spain or Portugal from abroad - Retaining: 15 fellowships for researchers residing in Spain or Portugal Find out more and apply: | 2022-07-12 | 2022-10-07 |
Event: Info Session on Doctoral Networks | Date: 14th June 2022, 10h00-11h00 Informative session focused on the Horizon Europe Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Networks 2022 Call. Link for Registration:
| 2022-06-14 | 2022-06-14 | |
Event: Info Session on Postdoctoral Fellowships | Date: 9th June 2022, 10h00 - 11h00 Informative session focused on the Horizon Europe Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022 Call Link for Registration: | 2022-06-09 | 2022-06-09 | |
Event: Info Session on funding opportunities for 2023 on the Horizon Europe Research Infrastructures Programme. | Date: 7th June 2022, 10h00-11h00 Description: Informative session focused on the funding opportunities for 2023 on the Horizon Europe Research Infrastructures Programme, which are expected to open in December 2022. Link for Registration: | 2022-06-07 | 2022-06-07 | |
Event: Info Session on the European Research Council and Widening&ERA | Date: 2th June 2022, 14h00-15h30 Informative session focused on the Horizon Europe ERC Calls for the Work Programme 2023, ERA Talents 2022 Call, and an introduction to the Pilar I and Widening&ERA WP2023-2024 Link for Registration: | 2022-06-02 | 2022-06-02 | |
link | MSCA Doctoral Networks 2022 | MSCA Doctoral Networks will implement doctoral programmes, by partnerships of universities, research institutions and research infrastructures, businesses including SMEs, and other socio-economic actors from different countries across Europe and beyond. MSCA Doctoral Networks are indeed open to the participation of organisations from third countries, in view of fostering strategic international partnerships for the training and exchange of researchers. These doctoral programmes will respond to well-identified needs in various R&I areas, expose the researchers to the academic and non-academic sectors, and offer training in research-related, as well as transferable skills and competences relevant for innovation and long-term employability (e.g. entrepreneurship, commercialisation of results, Intellectual Property Rights, communication). Proposals for doctoral networks can reflect existing or planned research partnerships among the participating organisations. The selection procedure for doctoral candidates must be open, transparent and merit-based, in line with the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The vacancy notice (to be widely advertised internationally, including on the EURAXESS website) must include the gross salary (not including employer’s social contributions) offered to the researcher. MSCA Doctoral Networks are encouraged to lead to Industrial or Joint Doctorates. The MSCA Doctoral Networks aim to train creative, entrepreneurial, innovative and resilient doctoral candidates, able to face current and future challenges and to convert knowledge and ideas into products and services for economic and social benefit. The MSCA Doctoral Networks will raise the attractiveness and excellence of doctoral training in Europe. They will equip researchers with the right combination of research-related and transferable competences and provide them with enhanced career perspectives in both the academic and non-academic sectors through international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral mobility combined with an innovation-oriented mind-set. | 2022-05-03 | 2022-11-15 |
Other Calls | Other Calls • Research Infrastructures: Funding&Tenders_Ris • Widening: Funding&Tenders_Widening • ERA Calls (former SWAFS): Funding&Tenders_ERA_Calls | 2022-05-01 | 2022-12-31 | |
MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022 | The goal of MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships is to enhance the creative and innovative potential of researchers holding a PhD and who wish to acquire new skills through advanced training, international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral mobility. MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships will be open to excellent researchers of any nationality. The scheme also encourages researchers to work on research and innovation projects in the non-academic sector and is open to researchers wishing to reintegrate in Europe, to those who are displaced by conflict, as well as to researchers with high potential who are seeking to restart their careers in research. Through the implementation of an original and personalised research project, MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships aim to foster excellence through training and mobility and to equip researchers with new skills and competences in order to identify solutions to current and future challenges. Postdoctoral researchers are encouraged to reach out to society at large to make the results of their research visible to citizens. Fellowships will be provided to excellent researchers, undertaking international mobility either to or between EU Member States or Horizon Europe Associated Countries, as well as to non-associated Third Countries. Applications will be made jointly by the researcher and a beneficiary in the academic or non-academic sector. Postdoctoral Fellowships either can take place in Europe (i.e. in an EU Member State or a Horizon Europe Associated Country) or in a Third Country not associated to Horizon Europe: European Postdoctoral Fellowships are open to researchers of any nationality who wish to engage in R&I projects by either coming to Europe from any country in the world or moving within Europe. The standard duration of these fellowships must be between 12 and 24 months. Global Postdoctoral Fellowships are open to European nationals or long-term residents[1] who wish to engage in R&I projects with organisations outside EU Member States and Horizon Europe Associated Countries. These fellowships require an outgoing phase of minimum 12 and maximum 24 months in a non-associated Third Country, and a mandatory 12-month return phase to a host organisation based in an EU Member State or a Horizon Europe Associated Country. Specific eligibility conditions apply to MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships in the research areas covered by the Euratom Research and Training Programme 2021-2025[1]. | 2022-04-13 | 2022-09-14 | |
link | MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022 | The goal of MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships is to enhance the creative and innovative potential of researchers holding a PhD and who wish to acquire new skills through advanced training, international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral mobility. MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships will be open to excellent researchers of any nationality. The scheme also encourages researchers to work on research and innovation projects in the non-academic sector and is open to researchers wishing to reintegrate in Europe, to those who are displaced by conflict, as well as to researchers with high potential who are seeking to restart their careers in research. Through the implementation of an original and personalised research project, MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships aim to foster excellence through training and mobility and to equip researchers with new skills and competences in order to identify solutions to current and future challenges. Postdoctoral researchers are encouraged to reach out to society at large to make the results of their research visible to citizens. Fellowships will be provided to excellent researchers, undertaking international mobility either to or between EU Member States or Horizon Europe Associated Countries, as well as to non-associated Third Countries. Applications will be made jointly by the researcher and a beneficiary in the academic or non-academic sector. Postdoctoral Fellowships either can take place in Europe (i.e. in an EU Member State or a Horizon Europe Associated Country) or in a Third Country not associated to Horizon Europe: European Postdoctoral Fellowships are open to researchers of any nationality who wish to engage in R&I projects by either coming to Europe from any country in the world or moving within Europe. The standard duration of these fellowships must be between 12 and 24 months. Global Postdoctoral Fellowships are open to European nationals or long-term residents who wish to engage in R&I projects with organisations outside EU Member States and Horizon Europe Associated Countries. These fellowships require an outgoing phase of minimum 12 and maximum 24 months in a non-associated Third Country, and a mandatory 12-month return phase to a host organisation based in an EU Member State or a Horizon Europe Associated Country. Specific eligibility conditions apply to MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships in the research areas covered by the Euratom Research and Training Programme 2021-2025. | 2022-04-13 | 2022-09-14 |
EIC Transition Open 2022 | ExpectedOutcome: EIC Transition aims at maturing both your technology and business idea thus increasing its technology and market readiness. The expected outcomes of an EIC Transition project are a) a technology that is demonstrated to be effective for its intended application and b) a business model, its initial validation and a business plan for its development to market. It is also expected that the intellectual property generated by your EIC Transition project is formally protected in an adequate way. For more details, see the WP 2022. Objective: This topic has no predefined thematic priorities and is open to proposals in any field of science, technology or application. For any chosen field, EIC Transition projects should address, in a balanced way, both technology and market/business development, possibly including iterative learning processes based on early customer or user feedback. These activities should include, subject to the level of maturity of the technology, a suitable mix of research, technology development and validation activities to increase the maturity of the technology beyond proof of principle to viable demonstrators of the technology in the intended field of application (i.e. up to Technology Readiness Level 5 or 6). The activities must in all cases address market readiness towards commercialisation and deployment (market research, business case, prospects for growth, intellectual property protection, competitor analysis etc.) and other relevant aspects of regulation, certification and standardisation, aimed at getting both the technology and the business idea investment-ready. Scope: EIC Transition funds innovation activities that go beyond the experimental proof of principle in laboratory. It supports both the maturation and validation of a novel technology from the lab to the relevant application environments (by making use of prototyping, formulation, models, user testing or other validation tests) as well as explorations and development of a sustainable business case and business model towards commercialisation. Expected Impact: At the end of the EIC Transition project, it should be ready for the next stage, which can be to apply for EIC Accelerator (if you are a SME, including start-ups or spin-offs), to seek other investors or sources of funding, to enter licensing or collaboration agreements with third parties, or other routes to market deployment. In case the project is not led by an SME or commercial partner, the formation and spin out of a new company can be included as part of the activities. It will be expected to describe the intended pathway and route to market in the proposal, and to specify milestones and KPIs during the implementation of your project to assess progress towards the market. | 2022-03-01 | 2022-09-28 | |
EIC Transition Open 2022 | HORIZON-EIC-2022-TRANSITIONOPEN-01 ExpectedOutcome: EIC Transition aims at maturing both your technology and business idea thus increasing its technology and market readiness. The expected outcomes of an EIC Transition project are a) a technology that is demonstrated to be effective for its intended application and b) a business model, its initial validation and a business plan for its development to market. It is also expected that the intellectual property generated by your EIC Transition project is formally protected in an adequate way. For more details, see the WP 2022. Objective: This topic has no predefined thematic priorities and is open to proposals in any field of science, technology or application. For any chosen field, EIC Transition projects should address, in a balanced way, both technology and market/business development, possibly including iterative learning processes based on early customer or user feedback. These activities should include, subject to the level of maturity of the technology, a suitable mix of research, technology development and validation activities to increase the maturity of the technology beyond proof of principle to viable demonstrators of the technology in the intended field of application (i.e. up to Technology Readiness Level 5 or 6). The activities must in all cases address market readiness towards commercialisation and deployment (market research, business case, prospects for growth, intellectual property protection, competitor analysis etc.) and other relevant aspects of regulation, certification and standardisation, aimed at getting both the technology and the business idea investment-ready. Scope: EIC Transition funds innovation activities that go beyond the experimental proof of principle in laboratory. It supports both the maturation and validation of a novel technology from the lab to the relevant application environments (by making use of prototyping, formulation, models, user testing or other validation tests) as well as explorations and development of a sustainable business case and business model towards commercialisation. Expected Impact: At the end of the EIC Transition project, it should be ready for the next stage, which can be to apply for EIC Accelerator (if you are a SME, including start-ups or spin-offs), to seek other investors or sources of funding, to enter licensing or collaboration agreements with third parties, or other routes to market deployment. In case the project is not led by an SME or commercial partner, the formation and spin out of a new company can be included as part of the activities. It will be expected to describe the intended pathway and route to market in the proposal, and to specify milestones and KPIs during the implementation of your project to assess progress towards the market. | 2022-03-01 | 2022-09-28 | |
EIC Pathfinder Open 2022 (HORIZON-EIC-2022-PATHFINDEROPEN-01) | You should apply to this call if you are looking for support from EIC Pathfinder Open to realise an ambitious vision for radically new technology, with potential to create new markets and/or to address global challenges. EIC Pathfinder Open supports early stage development of such future technologies (e.g. various activities at low Technology Readiness Levels 1-4), based on high-risk/high-gain science-towards-technology breakthrough research (including ‘deep-tech’). This research must provide the foundations of the technology you are envisioning. EIC Pathfinder Open may support your work, especially if it is highly risky: you may set out to try things that will not work; you may be faced with questions that nobody knows the answer to yet; you may realise that there are many aspects of the problem that you do not master. On the contrary, if the path you want to follow is incremental by nature or known, EIC Pathfinder Open will not support you. Before applying you should verify that your proposal meets all the following essential characteristics (‘Gatekeepers’): Convincing long-term vision of a radically new technology that has the potential to have a transformative positive effect to our economy and society. Concrete, novel and ambitious science-towards-technology breakthrough, providing advancement towards the envisioned technology. High-risk/high-gain research approach and methodology, with concrete and plausible objectives. 1. Admissibility and eligibility conditions: This call is open for collaborative research. Your proposal must be submitted by the coordinator, on behalf of a consortium that includes at least three independent legal entities, each one established in a different Member State or Associated Country and with at least one of them established in a Member State. The legal entities may for example be universities, research organisations, SMEs, start-ups, industrial partners or natural persons. The standard admissibility and eligibility conditions are detailed in Annex 2, and the eligibility of applicants from third countries in Annex 3 of the EIC Work Programme 2022. 2. Proposal page limits and layout: described in Part B of the Application Form available in the Submission System Sections 1 to 3 of the part B of your proposal, corresponding respectively to the evaluation criteria Excellence, Impact, and Quality and Efficiency of the Implementation, must consist of a maximum of 17 A4 pages. Excess pages will be automatically made invisible, and will not be taken into consideration by the evaluators. Please also consult Annex 2 of the EIC Work Programme 2022. 3. Financial and operational capacity :described in Annex 2 of the EIC Work Programme 2022. 4. Evaluation and award: Submission and evaluation processes: described in Section II.1 of the EIC Work Programme 2022 and the Online Manual. A rebuttal procedure after the remote phase will provide you with the opportunity to reply with a strict page limit (maximum two A4 pages) to the evaluators’ comments, which you will receive about 1.5-2.5 months after the call deadline via the EU Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal. The deadline for sending your replies will be eight calendar days (at 17h00 Brussels local time) after you have received the evaluators’ comments. Your replies cannot be used to alter or add to the content of the proposals, but must strictly focus on responding to potential misunderstandings or errors by the evaluators. Your replies will be made available to the evaluation committee. Award criteria, scoring and thresholds: described in Section II.1 of the EIC Work Programme 2022. Indicative timeline for evaluation and grant agreement: described in Section II.1 of the EIC Work Programme 2022. You will be informed about the outcome of the evaluation within 5 months from the call deadline (indicative), and, if your proposal is accepted for funding, your grant agreement will be signed by 8 months after call deadline (indicative). 5. Legal and financial set-up of the grants: Please refer to the Model Grant Agreement (MGA) used for EIC actions under Horizon Europe Documents Call documents: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Standard Application Form (EIC Pathfinder Open 2022)
| 2022-03-01 | 2022-05-04 | |
link | Concurso FCT para Projetos em Todos os Domínios Científicos | O concurso tem uma dotação orçamental de 75 milhões de euros e apoiará duas tipologias de projetos: - Projetos de investigação científica e desenvolvimento tecnológico (IC&DT), com uma duração de 36 meses e financiamento máximo por projeto de 250 mil euros. A dotação orçamental destinada a esta tipologia é de 55 milhões de euros; - Projetos de investigação de caráter exploratório (PeX), com uma duração de 18 meses e financiamento máximo por projeto de 50 mil euros. A dotação orçamental destinada a esta tipologia é de 20 milhões de euros. As duas tipologias de projetos foram introduzidas no concurso de projetos do ano passado, indo ao encontro de sugestões da comunidade científica. Com uma periodicidade anual, o Concurso de Projetos em todos os Domínios Científicos integra o conjunto dos grandes concursos estruturantes da FCT, cuja calendarização está estabelecida até 2023 e publicada no site. A regularidade e previsibilidade para os grandes concursos foi um dos compromissos assumidos pela FCT com a comunidade científica, seguindo desde 2019 o calendário publicado. O formulário de candidatura e o guia de apoio ao preenchimento do formulário será disponibilizado na página do concurso no dia de abertura das candidaturas, a 8 de fevereiro. As candidaturas serão submetidas em língua inglesa através do Portal de Concursos da FCT. | 2022-02-08 | 2022-03-10 |
link | Concurso Estímulo ao Emprego Científico Individual - 5.ª Edição | O Concurso Individual destina-se a doutorados de qualquer nacionalidade ou apátridas detentores de percurso em qualquer área científica que pretendam desenvolver a sua atividade de investigação científica ou desenvolvimento tecnológico em Portugal. Os candidatos identificam previamente a instituição de acolhimento onde irão desenvolver o seu plano de investigação. Os doutorados selecionados são diretamente contratados pela instituição de acolhimento identificada, através de financiamento da FCT. Consideram-se as seguintes categorias de referência: Investigador júnior - doutorados há 5 anos ou menos, com experiência de investigação pós-doutoral reduzida na área científica a que se candidata. Investigador auxiliar - doutorados há mais de 5 anos e menos de 12 anos, com currículo relevante na área científica a que se candidatam e com independência científica limitada. Investigador principal - doutorados há mais de 12 anos, com currículo relevante na área científica a que se candidatam, demonstrando alguma independência científica nos últimos 3 anos. Investigador coordenador - doutorados detentores do título de habilitação ou agregação em Portugal, com currículo de mérito elevado na área científica a que se candidatam, demonstrando independência científica e com evidência de liderança na área científica a que se candidatam. O concurso está aberto de 3 de fevereiro de 2022 até às 17:00 (hora de Lisboa) de 3 de março de 2022. O período para a associação das instituições de acolhimento a cada candidatura individual é de 4 de março de 2022 até às 17:00 (hora de Lisboa) de 29 de março de 2022. As candidaturas são submetidas eletronicamente, em língua inglesa, através da plataforma eletrónica a disponibilizar oportunamente. Para informação adicional acerca do Concurso de Apoio Individual, contacte-nos através do e-mail | 2022-02-03 | 2022-03-03 |
Next generation of scientific instrumentation, tools and methods (2022) (HORIZON-INFRA-2022-TECH-01) | Call Next generation of scientific instrumentation, tools and methods (2022) (HORIZON-INFRA-2022-TECH-01) Type of action HORIZON-RIA HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions Type of MGA HORIZON Action Grant Budget-Based [HORIZON-AG] Deadline model single-stage Planned opening date 19 January 2022 Deadline date 20 April 2022 17:00:00 Brussels time | 2022-01-19 | 2022-04-20 | |
Next generation of scientific instrumentation, tools and methods (2022) (HORIZON-INFRA-2022-TECH-01) | Call Next generation of scientific instrumentation, tools and methods (2022) (HORIZON-INFRA-2022-TECH-01) Type of action HORIZON-RIA HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions Type of MGA HORIZON Action Grant Budget-Based [HORIZON-AG] Deadline model single-stage Planned opening date 19 January 2022 Deadline date 20 April 2022 17:00:00 Brussels time Topic description
Project results are expected to contribute to several of the following expected outcomes:
| 2022-01-19 | 2022-04-20 | |
European partnership fostering a European Research Area (ERA) for health research | Partnerships in Health (2022) (HORIZON-HLTH-2022-DISEASE-03) Types of action HORIZON Programme Cofund Actions Deadline model single-stage Opening date 12 January 2022 Deadline date 21 April 2022 17:00:00 Brussels time Expected Outcome: This topic aims at supporting activities that are enabling or contributing to one or several expected impacts of destination 3 “Tackling diseases and reducing disease burden” and destination 1 “Staying healthy in a rapidly changing society”. To that end, proposals under this topic should aim for delivering results that are contributing to all of the following expected outcomes:
| 2022-01-12 | 2022-04-22 | |
Sessão online - Pilar I e WIDERA (Widening&ERA) do Horizonte Europa | Caros Investigadores e Gestores de Ciência, Gostaríamos de vos convidar para uma sessão online no dia 21 de dezembro, terça feira, pelas 14h00. Iremos abordar várias questões relacionadas com o Pilar I e WIDERA (Widening&ERA) do Horizonte Europa, em particular o ERC e os concursos do WIDERA que têm deadlines no primeiro trimestre de 2022. A sessão será em formato de reunião zoom, limitado a 300 participantes. É necessário registo, e poderão fazê-lo aqui: Melhores cumprimentos, A Equipa de NCPs do Pilar I e WIDERA do Horizonte Europa | 2021-12-21 | 2021-12-21 | |
link | Sessão de informação centrada nos concursos INFRAEOSC e INFRATECH | Estando a decorrer os concursos do Programa de Infraestruturas de Investigação do Horizonte Europa, biénio 2021-2022, cujo programa pode ser consultado aqui, com vista à preparação dos próximos concursos, estão a ser organizadas sessões de divulgação do Programa de Infraestruturas de Investigação do Horizonte Europa: - 15 de novembro de 2021 às 14h00: Sessão de informação centrada nos concursos INFRAEOSC e INFRATECH. Para assistir a esta sessão por favor registe-se aqui. | 2021-11-15 | 2021-11-15 |
link | Sessão de informação centrada no concurso INFRADEV | Estando a decorrer os concursos do Programa de Infraestruturas de Investigação do Horizonte Europa, biénio 2021-2022, cujo programa pode ser consultado aqui, com vista à preparação dos próximos concursos, estão a ser organizadas sessões de divulgação do Programa de Infraestruturas de Investigação do Horizonte Europa: - 12 de novembro de 2021 às 14h00: Sessão de informação centrada no concurso INFRADEV. Para assistir a esta sessão por favor registe-se aqui. | 2021-11-12 | 2021-11-12 |
The second edition of the AI Moonshot Challenge looks at the Earth, but also Space | The 2nd edition of the Al Moonshot Challenge was launched this Thursday, November 4th, during the last day of Web Summit. As part of the launch, the application submission period was also opened. It will run until the end of May 2022 and proposals will be evaluated between June and October of the same year. The finalist teams will have the opportunity to pitch during the 2022 edition of Web Summit, during which the winner(s) will be known. | 2021-11-04 | 2022-05-31 | |
link link | Sessão de Promoção do Concurso EXCELLENCE HUBS | Vimos por este meio divulgar a sessão de esclarecimento sobre o concurso do Horizonte Europa “Excellence Hubs”, que será organizada pelos NCPs do Widening, Rui Munhá e David Marçal. Portugal, como país do Widening, encontra-se numa posição privilegiada neste concurso já que serão exigidas propostas em Co-Coordenação entre pelo menos 2 Ecossistemas de 2 países Widening. Um “Ecossistema” está definido como um conjunto de entidades com 4 tipologias diferentes (Instituições de I&D, Empresas, Autoridades Locais ou Regionais e Sociedade Civil). Neste concurso serão financiados projetos de 3-5 M€ com uma duração de 4 anos. O concurso irá abrir no início de novembro e com prazo de submissão em março de 2022. Poderão aceder ao texto do concurso aqui. O “Excellence Hubs” complementa as atividades do Widening que são do vosso conhecimento, nomeadamente Twinning, ERA-CHAIRs ou Teaming. Está também relacionado com a iniciativa dos “ERA Hubs” (info adicional LINK1 e LINK2), mas centrada na componente do Widening. A tipologia das candidaturas é particularmente indicada ao nosso Sistema Científico e Tecnológico, e os projetos incluem financiamento para atividades de I&D para além das tradicionais atividades financiadas no âmbito de Ações de Coordenação e Suporte. A Equipa PERIN na FCT | 2021-11-03 | 2021-11-03 |
Space science and exploration technologies - TOPIC ID: HORIZON-CL4-2022-SPACE-01-82 |
Topic description Expected Outcome: Projects are expected to contribute to the following outcomes: Enable breakthroughs in technologies and scientific instrumentation for space science and exploration missions including those described in the Global Exploration Roadmap from the International Space Exploration Coordination Group (ISECG). Validation of novel space/planetary robotic technologies and instrumentation through analogue tests. Increased collaboration of scientific, engineering and industrial teams both within and outside Europe across different domains. To strengthen European scientific excellence and support the development of leading edge scientific and technologic research in Europe Scope: The development of innovative instrumentation (payload) and technologies enabling space science and exploration missions requires timely technology development associated with future space science and exploration missions, including robotic exploration technologies, early stage scientific instrumentation and component technologies for space resources utilisation and space observatories. The development of new and innovative approaches, such as instruments for Cubesats and other small space platforms, including planetary entry probe, or the use of Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components is encouraged as long as it contributes to the implementation of space science and exploration missions with significant scientific outputs. Advances are expected in support to on-site activities such as innovative measurement techniques, increased sensitivity, increased robustness, faster and more accurate data processing or in-situ sample and data analysis. The proposed activities should target primarily European and European-led space science and exploration missions or international missions where the participation of European partners provides demonstrated added value in technological development and scientific output. In this topic the integration of the gender dimension (sex and gender analysis) in research and innovation content is not a mandatory requirement. | 2021-11-02 | 2022-02-16 | |
link | Brokerage para o Cluster Saúde | No dia 29 de outubro 2021, a Comissão Europeia irá promover o evento de Brokerage para o Cluster Saúde. Os registos já estão abertos! | 2021-10-29 | 2021-10-29 |
Space Weather | Space Weather TOPIC ID: HORIZON-CL4-2022-SPACE-01-62 Planned opening date 28 October 2021 Deadline date 16 February 2022 17:00:00 Brussels time Budget 2022: 2 000 000 EUR Topic description Expected Outcome: Commonly occurring space weather events (SWE) have the potential to affect the performance of critical space and ground infrastructure by disrupting operations and communications in multiple sectors of society. In addition, “extreme SWE” could have devastating societal and economic consequences with potential costs for disruptions and damages estimated in tens or even hundreds of billions of Euros. Space weather technological research for new precursor services: the worldwide goal of space weather activities should be to monitor and forecast SWE just like terrestrial weather. However, direct physical simulation is currently not achievable for an operational Sun to Earth system, due in part to the lack of measurements and to the complexity of the involved processes, as well as different timescales involved. Current space weather models are generally not capable of forecasting events over several days. A longer forecasting horizon would require access to data from new observation infrastructure coupled with new and improved modelling capabilities. Research and innovation activities should address application domains that may include space as well as terrestrial infrastructure. Proposals should include architectural concepts of possible European space weather services in relation to the application domains addressed and they should demonstrate complementarity to Space Weather services developed through the Space Situational Awareness component of the EU Space Programme. . Prepare Europe for a full exploitation of space weather data by a renewed effort on modelling and forecasting using currently available data. . Develop concepts to provide space weather data, forecasts and warnings with criteria on (timely) availability, harmonized (data) standards and quality control similar to the best-practices of meteorological services (as e.g. documented by the World Meteorological Organisation WMO). . Improve scientific understanding of the origin and evolution of space weather phenomena. . Improving SWE restitution and prediction capabilities using artificial intelligence / deep learning techniques. . Develop new services for both scientific purposes and terrestrial infrastructure monitoring. . Acceleration innovation of enabling technologies (maturing, prototyping, on ground tests including exploratory ground based instrumentations research) . Identified and matured concepts up to TRL 3-4 Scope: New modelling including ab-initio simulations to understand fundamental Sun-Earth physical mechanisms and their sensitivity to parameter change for improved forecasting skills, and forecasting techniques capable of improving the restitution quality and extending the time horizon of a future space weather forecasting capability to several days. . Proposals should address the development of modelling capabilities and/or the delivery of prototype services able to interpret a broad range of observations of the Sun’s corona and magnetic field, of the Sun-Earth interplanetary space and of the Earth magneto/iono/thermo-sphere coupling relying on existing observation capacities. . Validate and harmonize the currently available data from existing services and identify gaps in data and model availability. . Training of models using deep-learning techniques based on existing large aggregated databases from space measurements. . Inventory of potential early indicators of extreme space weather events. . Complementary and coherent activities with the ESA on-going or future activities in particular those decided at the last ESA Ministerial held in November 2019. . On ground demonstration tests . Ground instruments: densification of ground instrument networks and development/improvement of new instrument concepts . Complementary and coherent activities with existing space weather services with a significant involvement of European and national scientific institutions and stakeholders. | 2021-10-28 | 2022-02-16 | |
link | InfoDay do Cluster Saúde | O InfoDay do Cluster Saúde promovido pela Comissão Europeia será dia 28 de outubro 2021. Vão poder ouvir e colocar as vossas questões à Comissão Europeia sobre os tópicos de 2022 nas seis Destinations que compõem o Cluster Saúde. Não será necessário registo. | 2021-10-28 | 2021-10-28 |
link | Open Science month in NOVA FCSH: Info Session “Open Science in Horizon Europe” | Speaker: Alea López de San Román – Policy Officer, Unit Open Science, Directorate General for Research and Innovation, European Commission Target audience: open to the R&I community (Researchers, Research managers, Librarians, etc.) Open science is a policy priority for the European Commission and the standard approach to academic research under the new Framework Programme Horizon Europe, as it improves the quality, efficiency and responsiveness of research. When researchers share knowledge and data as early as possible in the research process with all relevant actors it helps diffuse the latest knowledge. And when partners from across academia, industry, public authorities and citizen groups are invited to participate in the research and innovation process, creativity and trust in science increases. What novelties can we find in Horizon Europe regarding Open Science? What new practices evaluators will look for in their evaluation? What rules and obligations are set in the new model agreement? Alea López, from the Open Science unit of the European Commission, will discuss these and other issues, particularly relevant to all researchers and research managers aiming to submit and manage projects under Horizon Europe. Registration: Organizers: NOVA FCSH working group on Open Science | 2021-10-28 | 2021-10-28 |
picture_as_pdf | Webinar: Oportunidades de Financiamento Europeu na área do Cancro | O cancro é uma das principais prioridades da Comissão Europeia no domínio da saúde. O Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan (EBCP) é a resposta da Comissão Europeia a esse compromisso, sendo financiado essencialmente pela Missão Cancro, do Programa Horizonte Europa, e pelo Programa da Saúde EU4Health. A AICIB, através dos Pontos de Contacto Nacionais (NCP) para a área da Saúde do Horizonte Europa, e a DGS e ACSS, através dos Pontos Focais Nacionais (NFP) do EU4Health, promovem conjuntamente a divulgação das oportunidades de financiamento para a área do Cancro presentes nos dois programas. A sessão de divulgação online será no dia 21 de outubro, das 10h-12h. A participação é gratuita mas com inscrição obrigatória. Para mais informação poderá consultar o Programa em anexo. | 2021-10-21 | 2021-10-21 |
link | Oportunidades de Financiamento Europeu para a Saúde | Os Pontos de Contacto Nacionais (NCP) para a área da Saúde do Horizonte Europa (AICIB) e os Pontos Focais Nacionais (NFP) do EU4Health (DGS e ACSS), promovem de forma conjunta a sessão Oportunidades de Financiamento Europeu para a Saúde para a divulgação dos dois grandes programas na área da Saúde financiados pela Comissão Europeia: o Programa de Investigação e Inovação, Horizonte Europa, com a componente da Saúde, e o Programa da Saúde, EU4Health. A sessão online será no dia 15 de outubro 2021, das 10h-12h. Mais informações no programa. Evento de participação gratuita, mas de registo obrigatório. | 2021-10-15 | 2021-10-15 |
link | Concurso CaixaResearch de Investigação na Saúde | A Fundação ”la Caixa” lança a quinta edição do Concurso CaixaResearch para projetos de investigação em biomedicina e saúde. O objetivo do presente concurso consiste em identificar e promover as iniciativas de excelência científica com maior potencial e impacto na sociedade, seja em investigação de base, clínica ou translacional. Os projetos apresentados devem enquadrar-se nas seguintes áreas temáticas: Neurociências. Oncologia. Doenças cardiovasculares e doenças metabólicas associadas. Doenças infeciosas. Tecnologias facilitadoras nas quatro áreas temáticas anteriores. | 2021-09-28 | 2021-11-25 |
link | SOFT Innovation Prize | O SOFT Innovation Prize, que pretende destacar e premiar a excelência em inovação encontrada na investigação em fusão, bem como a qualidade dos investigadores e indústrias envolvidas. As candidaturas têm lugar a partir de 15 de setembro de 2021 até 18 de janeiro de 2022. | 2021-09-15 | 2022-01-18 |
picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf link | Fundo CERN 2021 | 15 de setembro e as 17 horas (hora de Lisboa) de 15 de outubro de 2021 (Aviso de abertura em anexo). | 2021-09-15 | 2021-10-15 |
link | ERC Plans for 2022 (StG. CoG . AdG. Synergy Grants) | Starting Grants ERC-2021-StG Open: 13-09-2021 Deadline: 13-01-2022 Consolidator Grants ERC-2021-CoG Open: 19-10-2021 Deadline: 17-03-2022 Advanced Grants ERC-2021-AdG Open: 20-01-2022 Deadline: 28-04-2022 Synergy Grants Open: 15-07-2021 Deadline: 10-11-2021 | 2021-09-13 | 2022-04-28 |
link link link | EURATOM 2021-2025 | O Programa de Investigação e Formação EURATOM 2021-2025, programa de financiamento complementar do Horizon Europe que abrange a investigação e inovação nuclear, encontra-se a promover um concurso para 16 calls até ao dia 7 de outubro de 2021 (17:00h, hora de Bruxelas). Estas Calls fazem parte do programa de trabalho do EURATOM para 2021-2022. | 2021-09-07 | 2021-10-07 |
link | Nuclear Innovation Prize | O Nuclear Innovation Prize, que pretende destacar e premiar a excelência em inovação nuclear neste campo de investigação, bem como a qualidade de investigadores e empresas envolvidas. Existem duas categorias específicas para este prémio: 1. Nuclear Innovation Prize in safety of reactor systems; e 2. Nuclear Innovation Prize in radioactive waste management. As candidaturas já se encontram a decorrer até 15 de dezembro de 2021. | 2021-07-28 | 2021-12-15 |
link | ERA Chairs | ERA Chairs Open for submission Programme Horizon Europe (HORIZON) ID HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-TALENTS-01-01 Types of action HORIZON Coordination and Support Actions Deadline model single-stage Opening date 29 June 2021 Deadline date 15 March 2022 17:00:00 Brussels time ERA Chairs stand for bringing excellence to institutions. ERA Chairs projects bring outstanding academics, with proven research excellence and management skills, to universities and research institutions in Widening countries with potential for research excellence. They aim to attract and maintain high-quality human resources under the direction of an outstanding researcher (the 'ERA Chair holder') while at the same time implementing structural changes necessary to achieve excellence on a sustainable basis. Objectives Proposals for topics under this Destination should set out a credible pathway to contributing to the following expected impact: Effective institutional reforms in research institutions in widening countries Better use of existing research infrastructures Excellent talents attracted in institutions and research infrastructures Reverted brain drain Improved linkages and increased mobility between academic and business, notably by overcoming sectoral barriers Free circulation of knowledge and expertise in line with ERA priorities Improved gender balance and equal opportunities | 2021-06-29 | 2022-03-15 |
AI to fight disinformation (RIA) | TOPIC ID: HORIZON-CL4-2021-HUMAN-01-27 Type of action HORIZON-RIA HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions Type of MGA HORIZON Action Grant Budget-Based [HORIZON-AG] Deadline model single-stage Opening date 22 June 2021 Deadline date 21 October 2021 17:00:00 Brussels time Open for submission;callCode=null;freeTextSearchKeyword=;matchWholeText=true;typeCodes=1;statusCodes=31094501,31094502;programmePeriod=2021%20-%202027;programCcm2Id=43108390;programDivisionCode=null;focusAreaCode=null;destination=null;mission=null;geographicalZonesCode=null;programmeDivisionProspect=null;startDateLte=null;startDateGte=null;crossCuttingPriorityCode=null;cpvCode=null;performanceOfDelivery=null;sortQuery=sortStatus;orderBy=asc;onlyTenders=false;topicListKey=topicSearchTablePageState | 2021-06-22 | 2021-10-21 | |
link | Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Calendar 2021 |2022 | MSCA Doctoral Networks 2021 - 2022 T Two calls: Open: 22 June 2021 Deadline: 16 November 2021 Open: 03 May 2022 Deadline: 15 November 2022 MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2021 - 2022 Two calls Open: 22 June 2021 Deadline: 12 October 2021 Open: 13 April 2022 Deadline: 14 September 2022 MSCA Staff Exchanges 2021 - 2022 Two calls Open: 07 October 2021 Deadline: 09 March 2022 Open: 06 October 2022 Deadline: 08 March 2023 MSCA Researchers at Risk 2021 Open: 02 September 2021 Deadline: 06 January 2022 | 2021-06-22 | 2022-11-15 |
European Researchers' Night 2022-2023 | European Researchers' Night 2022-2023 Open for submission Programme Horizon Europe (HORIZON) ID HORIZON-MSCA-2022-CITIZENS-01-01 Types of action HORIZON Coordination and Support Actions Deadline model single-stage Opening date 22 June 2021 Deadline date 07 October 2021 17:00:00 Brussels time ExpectedOutcome: Project results are expected to contribute to the following outcomes: For researchers Enhanced opportunities to interact with citizens and local, regional and national authorities; Improved communication skills and competences to interact with a non-research audience, notably with pupils and students. For organisations Increased reputation and visibility of participating organisations in terms of hosting excellence research projects towards the general public and possible future students; Researchers’ work made more tangible, concrete, accessible, and thus opening research and science to all; Improved outreach to all audiences, and notably those who do not have an easy access to science and research activities; Better communication of R&I results and activities to society, increased and strengthened opportunities for citizens’ engagement. Scope: The European Researchers' Night takes place every year, on the last Friday of September[1]. It supports events that can last up to two days: they can start on Friday and continue the following day. Pre-events, prior to the main event, and related post-events, such as wrap-up meetings or small-scale follow-up events, can also be organised. It is the occasion for a Europe-wide public and media event for the promotion of research careers, in particular focused on young people and their families. The European Researchers’ Night targets the general public, addressing and attracting people regardless of the level of their scientific background, with a special focus on families, pupils and students, and notably those who do not have easy access to, and thus are less inclined to engage in STEAM fields (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) or research activities. The European Researchers’ Night will also bring researchers to schools to interact with pupils at any time during the project duration. The Researchers at Schools activities will allow researchers and pupils to interact on societal challenges and on the key role of research to address them. Pupils will thus also learn directly about research projects and initiatives related to EU main priorities. | 2021-06-22 | 2021-10-07 | |
link | A European competence centre for science communication | TOPIC ID: HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ERA-01-60 Type of action Deadline model Planned opening date | 2021-01-19 | 2022-04-20 |
link | Gatekeeper | O projecto Gatekeeper (financiado pela EU) abriu um concurso para projectos na área da saúde que têm como objectivo expandir a plataforma criada no âmbito desse projecto. Este concurso irá atribuir financiamento a 8 projectos e pode ser uma oportunidade de financiamento e networking a explorar. A data de submissão de candidaturas é dia 28 setembro. Mais informações e dúvidas devem ser dirigidas a Aim: The objective of the Open Call Program of GATEKEEPER is to extend the benefits of GATEKEEPER platform beyond the boundaries of current pilots, expanding the GATEKEEPER ecosystem, attracting primarily entities leading the digital data-driven technologies landscape (AI, Big Data, Data Analytics, etc.) but also new use cases, additional platforms, new sites, patient organizations, aiming at providing more robust, highly autonomous, personalised and collaborative quality and cost-efficient healthcare. Target: start-ups, SMEs, Midcaps, Industries and Research technology organisations Consortia of public and private entities, Healthcare provider, or regional healthcare authority, private hospital group, patients associations Budget: 600,000€, with a maximum of 8 projects funded Deadline: September 28th 2021 at 5 pm CEST Project duration: 12 months starting on December 2021 | 0000-00-00 | 2021-09-28 |
Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area | Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area - Work Programme 2021-2022 A pallet of different funding instruments aimed at i) individual and institutional connectivity (COST and Twinning), ii) balanced brain circulation in Europe (ERA-Chairs, and ERA Policy linked to MSCA), iii) institutional and regional reform and transformation (Teaming and Excellence Universities), iv) linking science and business (Excellence Hubs and EIC Accelarator), and v) capacity building and inclusiveness (NCP Support, "Hop On", Seal of Excellence). Main widening actions described below. Twinning stands for institutional networking, aimed at strengthening a specific research field. Widening organisation linked to at least 2 leading research organisations. Projects of 1.5M€ for 3 years. Teaming to create new (or significant update of existing) centres of excellence in Widening countries through a coupling process with a leading scientific institution. Projects of 6-8 years with around 15 M€ funding. ERA-CHAIRs: bringing excellence to institutions by attracting outstanding scientists and their teams as game changers to universities or research organisations. Projects of around 2.5M€ for 5-6 years. Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST): bottom-up and open networking projects aimed at individuals, and in all domains of knowledge. Each thematic network runs for 4 years with an average budget of 0.5 M€. | 0000-00-00 | 0000-00-00 |