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Research Infrastructures - 2023 Calls
ID 50 2023-01-10 / 2023-03-09
The Research Infrastructures Work Programme 2023-2024 is published, there you’ll find all the funding opportunities within this programme for 2023 and 2024.
Until the 9th March 2023, there are 4 calls open with 18 topics which will fund approximately 61 projects:
INFRADEV – Developing, consolidating and optimizing the European research infrastructures landscape, maintaining global leadership
INFRA-2023-DEV-01-06: Strengthen bilateral cooperation on RI with Latin America
INFRA-2023-DEV-01-07: Strengthening the international dimension of ESFRI and/or ERIC RIs
INFRA-2023-DEV-01-08: Preparatory phase of new ESFRI RI projects
INFRAEOSC – Enabling an operational, open and FAIR European Open Science Cloud ecosystem
INFRA-2023-EOSC-01-03: Planning, tracking, and assessing scientific knowledge production
INFRA-2023-EOSC-01-05: EOSC Architecture and Interoperability Framework
INFRA-2023-EOSC-01-06: Trusted environments for sensitive data management in EOSC
INFRASERV – Research Infrastructures services to support health research, accelerate the green and digital transformation, and advance frontier knowledge
INFRA-2023-SERV-01-01: RI services to enable R&I addressing main challenges and EU priorities
INFRA-2023-SERV-01-02: RI services advancing frontier knowledge
INFRATECH – Next generation of scientific instrumentation, tools, methods, and advanced digital solutions for RIs