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EIC Transition Open 2022

ID 46 2022-03-01 / 2022-09-28



ExpectedOutcome: EIC Transition aims at maturing both your technology and business idea thus increasing its technology and market readiness. The expected outcomes of an EIC Transition project are a) a technology that is demonstrated to be effective for its intended application and b) a business model, its initial validation and a business plan for its development to market. It is also expected that the intellectual property generated by your EIC Transition project is formally protected in an adequate way. For more details, see the WP 2022. Objective: This topic has no predefined thematic priorities and is open to proposals in any field of science, technology or application. For any chosen field, EIC Transition projects should address, in a balanced way, both technology and market/business development, possibly including iterative learning processes based on early customer or user feedback. These activities should include, subject to the level of maturity of the technology, a suitable mix of research, technology development and validation activities to increase the maturity of the technology beyond proof of principle to viable demonstrators of the technology in the intended field of application (i.e. up to Technology Readiness Level 5 or 6). The activities must in all cases address market readiness towards commercialisation and deployment (market research, business case, prospects for growth, intellectual property protection, competitor analysis etc.) and other relevant aspects of regulation, certification and standardisation, aimed at getting both the technology and the business idea investment-ready. Scope: EIC Transition funds innovation activities that go beyond the experimental proof of principle in laboratory. It supports both the maturation and validation of a novel technology from the lab to the relevant application environments (by making use of prototyping, formulation, models, user testing or other validation tests) as well as explorations and development of a sustainable business case and business model towards commercialisation. Expected Impact: At the end of the EIC Transition project, it should be ready for the next stage, which can be to apply for EIC Accelerator (if you are a SME, including start-ups or spin-offs), to seek other investors or sources of funding, to enter licensing or collaboration agreements with third parties, or other routes to market deployment. In case the project is not led by an SME or commercial partner, the formation and spin out of a new company can be included as part of the activities. It will be expected to describe the intended pathway and route to market in the proposal, and to specify milestones and KPIs during the implementation of your project to assess progress towards the market.