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Directorate meeting summary

LIP-ECO/M. Pimenta | 29 October, 2023

"The LIP Directors Board met on 25 October 2023. The summary e-mailed to all LIP members by its president can be found here, translated to english."

The directors board met on 25 October 2023 and decided:
1) As previously announced, and taking into account LIP's financial framework and the pressure of the current inflationary environment on the budget of its employees, to carry out an extraordinary revision of the salaries LIP’s employees with lowest wages:  

a) granting a salary increase corresponding to one level in TRU (Tabela de Remuneração Única) to LIP staff with current salaries below the level corresponding to that of Junior Researcher (TRU 33);
b) granting this salary increase from and including October 2023.
2) Considering the uncertainty on the dates of the FCT calls for projects and on the FCT evaluation process of the research units, and the possibility of these being launched at the beginning of 2024, to bring forward the process of preparing LIP's annual reports to the end of December 2023 (instead of end of January). As usual, Catarina Espirito Santo, as coordinator of the ECO Group, is asked to organise the process in articulation with LIP’s Scientific Council Board
3) To encourage the creation of a LIP Alumni Association, open to all former LIP members, and update the LIP Universe mailing list, including current and former LIP members who wish to keep in touch with our activities;
4) Schedule the next LIP plenary meeting for 23 January 2024 at 10h00