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Organized Events
Quem são as mulheres do LIP na experiência ATLAS do CERN? - um encontro de gerações|11 Feb|Auditório TTC 2025-02-11 / 2025-02-11
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Portuguese Discussion on the European Strategy for Particle Physics 20 Jan, Lisboa, LIP Lisboa Auditório TTC |20 Jan 2025|Lisboa, LIP Lisboa Auditório TTC 2025-01-20 / 2025-01-20
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LIP’s Open Day|22 NOV|Lisboa 2024-11-22 / 2024-11-22
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IBERGRID 2024|28-30 OCT|Porto 2024-10-28 / 2024-10-30
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Jornadas LIP 2024|18-19 Oct|University of Minho, Braga 2024-10-18 / 2024-10-19
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Event name 20-24 Nov, Location |16-17 Out|University of Minho, Braga 2024-10-16 / 2024-10-17
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2nd ProtoTera PhD Students Workshop|09-10 Out|Auditorium Campus Tecnológico e Nuclear - IST, Lisboa - Bobadela 2024-10-09 / 2024-10-10
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2nd Workshop of the GallaeciaPET Collaboration Network|7-8 OCT|Madrid 2024-10-07 / 2024-10-08
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(LIP at the) European Researchers Night|27 SEPT|Lisboa 2024-09-27 / 2024-09-27
2024 European School of High-Energy Physics|25 Sep - 8 Oct|UK 2024-09-25 / 2024-10-08
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16th International Symposia on Radiation Physics|1-5 SEP|Lisbon 2024-09-01 / 2024-09-05
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CompAS - Computation Atomic Structure collaboration|25-28 Jun|Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Lisboa 2024-06-25 / 2024-06-28
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SND@LHC Collaboration Week|11-14 Jun|Lisbon 2024-06-11 / 2024-06-14
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LIP into the Future: anniversary & the next decade|09 May|Lisbon 2024-05-09 / 2024-05-09
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Festival “Pint of Science” + Noite Europeia dos Investigadores|23 Apr|Braga 2024-04-23 / 2024-04-23
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LIP Advisory Committee 2024|19-20 April|LIP-Lisbon 2024-04-19 / 2024-04-20
50 Year Anniversary of the Portuguese Physics Society|April 19|FCUL 2024-04-19 / 2024-04-19
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LIP Internship Program|12Apr-12Sep|LIP 2024-04-12 / 2024-09-12
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The Standard Model of Particle Physics and Beyond 19 Mar, Gualtar Event name|2024-03-19|School of Sciences, Gualtar 2024-03-19 / 2024-03-19
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Course on Physics at the LHC|March-June 2024|LIP-Lisboa 2024-03-04 / 2024-07-13
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