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Events & Community

List of requested events

  • ATLAS Collaboration single top workshop

    2018-12-10 / 2018-12-12 - University of Minho
  • Data Science in (Astro) Particle Physics and the bridge to industry

    2018-12-14 - LIP BRAGA - University of Minho
  • Course on Physics at the LHC 2019

    2019-03-04 / 2019-06-15 - LIP-Lisboa
  • Second joint Workshop IGFAE / LIP

    2019-04-26 / 2019-04-26 - Centro ABANCA Obra Social, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
  • Wide field-of-view gamma-ray observatory in the Southern hemisphere

    2019-05-20 / 2019-05-22, Auditorio 3I’s, Lisboa
  • IWHSS 2019: International Workshop on Hadron structure and Spectroscopy + COMPASS Collaboration meeting

    2019-06-24 / 2019-06-26 - Campus of Universidade de Aveiro
  • International Workshop on BSM models in Vector Boson Scattering processes

    2019-12-04 / 2019-12-05 - LIP Lisboa
  • PANIC2020 - Particles and Nuclei International Conference

    2020-08-31 / 2020-09-04 - Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa