Acronym |
AGN - Active Galactic Nucleus |
ALICE - LHC experiment |
AMS - Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (particle physics experiment in the ISS) |
AEEF - Alphasat Environment and Effects Facility (ESA) |
AHEAD - Integrated Activities for the High Energy Astrophysics Domain (H2020) |
AI - Artificial intelligence |
Alphasat - the largest European telecom satellite (ESA) |
AMBER - Apparatus for Meson and Baryon Experimental (CERN) |
AMEGO - All-sky Medium Energy Gamma-ray Observatory (NASA) |
ANI - National Innovation Agency (Agência Nacional de Inovação) |
ANIMEE - Associação Portuguesa das Empresas do Sector Elétrico e Eletrónico |
APPEC - Astroparticle Physics European Consortium |
ASIC - Application Specific Integrated Circuit |
AT - Advanced Training |
ATLAS - A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS (general-purpose experiment at the LHC |
Auger - Pierre Auger Observatory (Argentina) |
BEXUS - Balloon Experiments for University Students |
BIN - Brain Imaging Network | - Portuguese distributed e-infrastructure for biological data |
BioISI - Instituto de Biossistemas e Ciências Integrativas |
BTL - Barrel Timing Layer (CMS) |
BSM - Beyond the Standard Model |
CBPF - Brazilian Centre for Research in Physics (Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas) |
CC - Competence Centre |
CCMC - Monitoring and Control Competence Centre (LIP) |
CEFITEC - Centre for Physics and Technological Research, NOVA (Centro de Física e Investigação Tecnológica) |
CENTRA - Centre for Astrophysics and Gravitation |
CERN- European Laboratory for Particle Physics, Geneva, Switzerland |
CFTC - Centre for Theoretical and Computational Physics, FCUL (Centro de Física Teórica e Computacional) |
CFTP - Centre for Theoretical Particle Physics, IST (Centro de Física Teórica de Partículas) |
CHUC - Coimbra University Hospital Center (Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra) |
COMPASS - Common Muon and Proton Apparatus for Structure and spectroscopy (CERN experiment) |
CMS - Compact Muon Solenoid (general-purpose experiment at the LHC) |
CNAO - National Centre for Oncological Hadrontherapy, Italy (Centro Nazionale Adroterapia Oncologica) |
CNC - Computer Numerical Control (refers to computer controlled machine or tool) |
CNES - French Space Agency (Centre National d'Études Spatulas) |
CoastNet - Portuguese Coastal Monitoring Network |
COVID-19 - Disease caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 |
CP - Charge Parity (symmetry) |
CPCA - FCT Call for Advanced Computing Projects (2020) |
Copernicus - Satellite-based European Union's Earth Observation Programme |
CR - Cosmic Rays |
CS -Control System |
CTA - Cherenkov Telescope Array |
CTN - Nuclear Technology Campus, IST (Campus Tecnológico e Nuclear) |
CTTB - Component Technology Test Bed |
CV - Agência Ciência Viva |
DAQ - Data Acquisition System |
DCS - Detector Control System |
DBD - Double Beta Decay |
DELPHI - Detector with Electron, Photons and Hadron Identification, experiment at LEP (CERN) |
DIAS - Data and Information Access Services |
DIS - Deep Inelastic scattering |
DL - Detectors Laboratory (LIP) |
DQM - Data Quality Manager |
DUNE - Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (CERN/FermiLab) |
EC - European Council |
ECAL - Electromagnetic Calorimeter (CMS) |
ECFA - European Committee for Future Accelerators |
ECO - Education, Communication and Outreach |
ECOTOP - Ecology and Conservation of Top Predators group (MARE) |
eCRLab - Cosmic Rays Electronics Laboratory (LIP) |
EEE - Electronic and Electric Engineering |
EFACEC - Portuguese company, operating in the energy and transportation sector |
EGI - European Grid Infrastructure |
EGI-ACE - European Open Science Cloud implementation project |
EOSC - European Open Science Cloud |
EPPCN - European Particle Physics Outreach Network |
ERC - European Research Council |
ESA - European Space Agency |
ESFRI - European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures |
ESPP - European Strategy for Particle Physics |
ESPPU - European Strategy for Particle Physics Update |
ESS - European Spallation Source |
EU - European Union |
EUDAT-CDI - European Collaborative Data Infrastructure |
EURATOM - European Atomic Energy Community |
EuroCC - H2020 EU project for HPC coordination |
EuroHPC - European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking |
eV - electron-Volt (unit of energy; the energy of an electron under 1 Volt; multiples are: keV, MeV, GeV, TeV, PeV, EeV) |
EVOLEO - Portuguese company, operating in the electronic engineering sector |
FAIR - Principles for Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse of digital assets |
FAIR - Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (GSI) |
FARE - Fake News and Real People (ERC project at LIP) |
FCC - Future Circular Collider |
FAPESP - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo |
FCCN - Fundação para o Cálculo Científico Nacional (FCT) |
FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, Portugal (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) |
FCUL - Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa |
Fermilab - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Illinois, USA |
FD - Fluorescence Detector (in Auger) |
FOV - Field of View |
FPGA - Field-programmable gate array (integrated circuit) |
GBIF - Global Biodiversity Network |
GHIPOFG - Portuguese Institute of Oncology (Grupo Hospitalar Instituto Português de Oncologia Francisco Gentil) |
GEO - Geostationary orbit |
GPU - Graphics processing unit |
GRB - Gamma-Ray Burst |
GRD - Ground (electricity) |
GSI - Helmholtz Centre for heavy ion research, in Darmstadt, Germany |
GSTP - General Support Technology Programme, ESA |
HEP - High Energy Physics (or Particle Physics) |
HiRezBrainPET - Project for Brain imaging by high resolution PET (LIP participation) |
HL-LHC - High-Luminosity LHC |
Horizon 2020 - EC Framework Program for Research & Innovation 2014-2020 |
HADES - High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer (experiment at GSI) |
Horizon Europe - EC Framework Program for Research & Innovation 2021-2027 |
HPC - High Performance Computing |
HR - Human Resources |
HTC - High Throughput Computing |
HV - High Voltage |
Hyper-K - Hyper-Kamiokande (planned neutrino physics experiment in Japan) |
IBEB - Institute for Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering, FCUL |
IBERGRID - Iberian Computing Grid Infrastructure |
ICNAS - Institute for Nuclear Sciences Applied to Health (Instituto de Ciências Nucleares Aplicadas à Saúde) |
ICT - Information and Communications Technologies |
IDPASC - International Doctorate Network on Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology |
INAF - Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (Italy) |
IGC - Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência |
ILO - Industrial Liaisons Officer |
IMEM - Istituto dei Materiali per l’Elettronica e il Magnetismo (Parma, Italy) |
INCD - National Infrastructure for Distributed Computing (Infraestrutura Nacional de Computação Distribuída) |
INCoDe2030 - National Initiative for Digital Competences, Portugal, (Iniciativa Nacional de Competências Digitais) |
INESC - Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering (Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores) |
INFN - Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy) |
INTERFACE - Portuguese government programme for KT and business innovation |
IPC - Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra |
IPPOG - International Particle Physics Outreach Collaboration |
ISS - International Space Station |
IST - Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa |
IT - Information Technologies |
ITN - Innovative Training Networks, a EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie action |
ITQB - Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica (NOVA) |
JUICE - Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (ESA) |
KT - Knowledge Transfer |
LAr - Liquid argon |
LEO - Low Earth Orbit |
LEP - Large electron positron collider (past CERN accelerator) |
LCRM - Low-Cost Radiation Monitor |
LHC - Large Hadron Collider (at CERN) |
LHCb - LHC experiment |
LHCC - LHC experiments Committee |
LIP - Laboratory for Instrumentation and Particle Physics |
LNEC - Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil |
LOMaC - Laboratório de Óptica e Materiais Cintilantes (Optics and Scintillating materials lab) |
LUX - Large Underground Xenon (dark matter experiment, at SURF) |
LXe - Liquid xenon |
LZ - Dark Matter experiment at SURF (merge of LUX and ZEPLIN experiments) |
MACC - Minho Advanced Computing Centre |
MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre |
MarsREM - Mars Radiation Environment Models |
MFS - MultiFunctional Spectrometer |
MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA |
MIP - Minimum Ionizing Particle |
ML - Machine Learning |
MoU - Memorandum of Understanding |
MSc - ‘Master of Science’ (M.Sc.) degree |
MW - Mechanical Workshop (LIP) |
M&O - Maintenance and Operations |
NA38 - CERN SPS experiment |
NA50 - CERN SPS experiment |
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (USA) |
NDBD - Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay |
NEI - European Researchers Night (Noite Europeia dos Investigadores) |
NEXT - Neutrino Experiment with a Xenon TPC |
NOVA - Universidade Nova de Lisboa |
NOVA SBE - School of Business and Economics at Universidade Nova de Lisboa |
NPstrong - Nuclear Physics and strong interactions (LIP) |
NREN - National Research and Educational Network |
NP - New Physics |
NUC-RIA - Nuclear reactions and Astrophysics experimental group (LIP) |
O-PGI - Orthogonal Prompt-Gamma Imaging |
OR-imaging - Ortogonal Ray imaging |
Ortho-CT - Orthogonal Computer Tomography |
PANDA - experiment at FAIR, GSI |
PCB - Printed Circuit Board |
PERIN - Portugal-Europe R&I Network (ANI) |
PET - Positron Emission Tomography |
PhD - ‘Doctor of Philosophy’ (Ph.D.) degree |
Pheno - Phenomenology group (LIP) |
PI - Principal Investigator |
PIPS - Portuguese Interplanetary Particle Surveyor (ESA contract for Mercury mission) |
PORBIOTA - Portuguese Infrastructure for Information and Research on Biodiversity |
ProtoDUNE - Prototype of the DUNE detector, installed at CERN |
PPS - Precision Proton Spectrometer |
PQCD - Partons and QCD (LIP) |
ProtoTera - Association for Proton Therapy and Advanced Technologies for the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer |
PS - Proton Synchrotron (CERN) |
PT Space - Portuguese Space Agency |
QCD - Quantum Chromodynamics |
QED - Quantum Electrodynamics |
QGP - Quark Gluon Plasma |
R3B - Reactions with Relativistic Radioactive Beams (GSI experiment) |
RADEM - RADiation hard Electron Monitor for ESA’s JUICE mission |
RD51 - CERN collaboration of detector R&D |
RICA - Iberian Network for Advanced Computing (Rede Ibérica de Computação Avançada) |
RICH - Ring Imaging Cherenkov detector |
RIS3 - Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation |
RNCA - National Network for Advanced Computing (Rede Nacional de Computação Avançada) |
RPC - Resistive Plate Chamber (gaseous detector) |
RPC-TOF-FD - RPC TOF Forward Detector (HADES) |
R&D - Research and Development |
R&I - Research and Innovation |
SARS - Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome |
SciCom - Science Communication |
SD - Surface Detector (in Auger) |
SHiP - Search for Hidden Particles (CERN) |
SLB - Synchronization Link Board (CMS ECAL) |
SM - Standard Model (of particle physics) |
SND - Scattering and Neutrino Detector (SHiP) |
SNO+ - Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, at SNOLAB. SNO+ is the successor of SNO |
SNOLAB - Underground science laboratory, Ontario, Canada |
SPAC - Social Physics and Complexity (LIP) |
SPENVIS - Space Environment Information System (ESA) |
SPF - Portuguese Physical Society |
SPS - Super Proton Synchrotron |
STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics |
SURF - Sanford Underground Research Facility (USA) |
SWGO - Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory |
TA - Telescope Array |
TACC - Texas Advanced Computing Center |
TagusLIP - LIP laboratory at the Tagus Park business campus |
TDAQ - Trigger and Data Acquisition System |
TileCal - ATLAS Tile Calorimeter (ATLAS hadron calorimeter) |
ToF - Time-of-Flight |
TOF - Time-of-Flight |
TPC - Time Projection Chamber (detector) |
TRISTAN - name of a specific RPC-based detector |
TT - Technology transfer |
UC - Universidade de Coimbra |
ULisboa - Universidade de Lisboa |
UM - Universidade do Minho |
WLCG - Worldwide LHC Computing Grid |
WLS - Wavelength Shifter (referring to optical fibres) |
ZEPLIN - Zoned Proportional scintillation in Liquid Noble gases, series of dark matter experiments (UK) |