Tools and hardware developed at LIP
Anger camera-type detector simulation and experimental data processing tools. 101 RPCs produced at LIP DL
The Detectors Lab at LIP-Coimbra completed the production of the 42 RPCs for MARTA. In total, this amounts to 101 sensitive volumes produced for various experiments and geographic locations.LOMaC and the ATLAS upgrade
Two thousand optical fibres for the ATLAS upgrade prepared in LOMaC have been sent to Michigan State University, were new detector modules are being assembled. They will later travel to CERN, to be installed on the ATLAS detector during 2019/2020.-
UDOCKER - Docker for users with no privileges
Udocker is a user tool to execute simple docker containers in user space, no root privileges required or sysdmin intervention.
One of the main benefits of using containers is the provisioning of highly customized and isolated environments targeted to execute very specific applications or services.